959 resultados para Diphtheria toxin
Shiga toxin producing Escherichia coli (STEC) strains are foodborne pathogens whose ability to produce Shiga toxin (Stx) is due to the integration of Stx-encoding lambdoid bacteriophage (Stx phage). Circulating, infective Stx phages are very difficult to isolate, purify and propagate such that there is no information on their genetic composition and properties. Here we describe a novel approach that exploits the phage's ability to infect their host and form a lysogen, thus enabling purification of Stx phages by a series of sequential lysogen isolation and induction steps. A total of 15 Stx phages were rigorously purified from water samples in this way, classified by TEM and genotyped using a PCR-based multi-loci characterisation system. Each phage possessed only one variant of each target gene type, thus confirming its purity, with 9 of the 15 phages possessing a short tail-spike gene and identified by TEM as Podoviridae. The remaining 6 phages possessed long tails, four of which appeared to be contractile in nature (Myoviridae) and two of which were morphologically very similar to bacteriophage lambda (Siphoviridae).
Escherichia coli O86:K61 has long been associated with outbreaks of infantile diarrhea in humans and with diarrheal disease in many animal species. Studies in the late 1990s identified E. coli 086:K61 as the cause of mortality in a variety of wild birds, and in this study, 34 E. coli 086:K61 isolates were examined. All of the isolates were nonmotile, but most elaborated at least two morphologically distinct surface appendages that were confirmed to be type I and curli fimbriae. Thirty-three isolates were positive for the eaeA gene encoding a gamma type of intimin. No phenotypic or genotypic evidence was obtained for elaboration of Shiga-like toxins, but most isolates possessed the gene coding for the cytolethal distending toxin. Five isolates were selected for adherence assays performed with tissue explants and HEp-2 cells, and four of these strains produced attaching and effacing lesions on HEp-2 cells and invaded the cells, as determined by transmission electron microscopy. Two of the five isolates were inoculated orally into 1-day-old specific-pathogen-free chicks, and both of these isolates colonized, invaded, and persisted well in this model. Neither isolate produced attaching and effacing lesions in chicks, although some pathology was evident in the alimentary tract. No deaths were recorded in inoculated chicks. These findings are discussed in light of the possibility that wild birds are potential zoonotic reservoirs of attaching and effacing E. coli.
Shiga-toxigenic Escherichia coli O157:H7 (STEC O157:H7) is associated with potentially fatal human disease, and a persistent reservoir of the organism is present in some farm animal species, especially cattle and sheep. The mechanisms of persistent colonisation of the ruminant intestine by STEC O157:H7 are poorly understood but may be associated with intimate adherence to eukaryotic cells. Intimate adherence, as evidenced by induction of attaching-effacing (AE) lesions by STEC O157, has been observed in 6-day-old conventional lambs after deliberate oral infection but not in older animals. Thus, the present study used a ligated intestinal loop technique to investigate whether STEC O157:H7 and other attaching-effacing E. coli may adhere intimately to the sheep large intestinal mucosa. To do this, four STEC O157:H7 strains, one STEC 026:K60:H11 and one Shiga toxin-negative E. coli O157:H7 strain, suspended in either phosphate-buffered saline or Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium, were inoculated into ligated spiral colon loops of each of two lambs. The loops were removed 6 h after inoculation, fixed and examined by light and electron microscopy. AE lesions on the intestinal mucosa were produced by all the inoculated strains. However, the lesions were sparse and small, typically comprising bacterial cells intimately adhered to a single enterocyte, or a few adjacent enterocytes. There was little correlation between the extent of intimate adherence in this model and the bacterial cell density, pre-inoculation growth conditions of the bacteria or the strain tested.
Ruminants are regarded as a primary reservoir for Escherichia coli O157:H7, an important human pathogen. Intimin, encoded by the Locus of Enterocyte Effacement by E. coli O157:H7 organisms, has been cited as one bacterial mechanism of colonisation of the gastrointestinal tract. To confirm this and to test whether a non-toxigenic E. coli O157:H7 strain would colonise and persist in a sheep model, E. coli O157:H7 strain NCTC12900, that lacks Shiga toxin (stx) genes, was evaluated for use in a sheep model of persistence. Following oral inoculation of six-week-old sheep, persistent excretion of NCTC12900 was observed for up to 48 days. E. coli O157-associated attaching-effacing (AE) lesions were detected in the caecum and rectum of one six-week-old lamb, one day after inoculation. This is the first recorded observation of AE lesions in orally inoculated weaned sheep. Also, mean faecal excretion scores of NCTC12900 and an isogenic intimin (eae)-deficient mutant were determined from twenty-four six-week-old orally inoculated sheep. The eae mutant was cleared within 20 days and had lower mean excretion scores at all time points after day one post inoculation compared with the parental strain that was still being excreted at 48 days. Tissues were collected post mortem from animals selected at random from the study groups over the time course of the experiment. The eae mutant was detected in only 1/43 samples but the parental strain was recovered from 64/140 samples primarily from the large bowel although rumen, duodenum, jejunum, and ileum were culture positive especially from animals that were still excreting at and beyond 27 days after inoculation.
A small group of phytoplankton species that produce toxic or allelopathic chemicals has a significant effect on plankton dynamics in marine ecosystems. The species of non-toxic phytoplankton, which are large in number, are affected by the toxin-allelopathy of those species. By analysis of the abundance data of marine phytoplankton collected from the North-West coast of the Bay of Bengal, an empirical relationship between the abundance of the potential toxin-producing species and the species diversity of the non-toxic phytoplankton is formulated. A change-point analysis demonstrates that the diversity of non-toxic phytoplankton increases with the increase of toxic species up to a certain level. However, for a massive increase of the toxin-producing species the diversity of phytoplankton at species level reduces gradually. Following the results, a deterministic relationship between the abundance of toxic phytoplankton and the diversity of non-toxic phytoplankton is developed. The abundance–diversity relationship develops a unimodal pathway through which the abundance of toxic species regulates the diversity of phytoplankton. These results contribute to the current understanding of the coexistence and biodiversity of phytoplankton, the top-down vs. bottom-up debate, and to that of abundance–diversity relationship in marine ecosystems.
Without the top-down effects and the external/physical forcing, a stable coexistence of two phytoplankton species under a single resource is impossible — a result well known from the principle of competitive exclusion. Here I demonstrate by analysis of a mathematical model that such a stable coexistence in a homogeneous media without any external factor would be possible, at least theoretically, provided (i) one of the two species is toxin producing thereby has an allelopathic effect on the other, and (ii) the allelopathic effect exceeds a critical level. The threshold level of allelopathy required for the coexistence has been derived analytically in terms of the parameters associated with the resource competition and the nutrient recycling. That the extra mortality of a competitor driven by allelopathy of a toxic species gives a positive feed back to the algal growth process through the recycling is explained. And that this positive feed back plays a pivotal role in reducing competition pressures and helping species succession in the two-species model is demonstrated. Based on these specific coexistence results, I introduce and explain theoretically the allelopathic effect of a toxic species as a ‘pseudo-mixotrophy’—a mechanism of ‘if you cannot beat them or eat them, just kill them by chemical weapons’. The impact of this mechanism of species succession by pseudo-mixotrophy in the form of alleopathy is discussed in the context of current understanding on straight mixotrophy and resource-species relationship among phytoplankton species.
In homogeneous environments, by overturning the possibility of competitive exclusion among phytoplankton species, and by regulating the dynamics of overall plankton population, toxin-producing phytoplankton (TPP) potentially help in maintaining plankton diversity—a result shown recently. Here, I explore the competitive effects of TPP on phytoplankton and zooplankton species undergoing spatial movements in the subsurface water. The spatial interactions among the species are represented in the form of reaction-diffusion equations. Suitable parametric conditions under which Turing patterns may or may not evolve are investigated. Spatiotemporal distributions of species biomass are simulated using the diffusivity assumptions realistic for natural planktonic systems. The study demonstrates that spatial movements of planktonic systems in the presence of TPP generate and maintain inhomogeneous biomass distribution of competing phytoplankton, as well as grazer zooplankton, thereby ensuring the persistence of multiple species in space and time. The overall results may potentially explain the sustainability of biodiversity and the spatiotemporal emergence of phytoplankton and zooplankton species under the influence of TPP combined with their physical movement in the subsurface water.
The inhibitory effects of toxin-producing phytoplankton (TPP) on zooplankton modulate the dynamics of marine plankton. In this article, we employ simple mathematical models to compare theoretically the dynamics of phytoplankton–zooplankton interaction in situations where the TPP are present with those where TPP are absent. We consider two sets of three-component interaction models: one that does not include the effect of TPP and the other that does. The negative effects of TPP on zooplankton is described by a non-linear interaction term. Extensive theoretical analyses of the models have been performed to understand the qualitative behaviour of the model systems around every possible equilibria. The results of local-stability analysis and numerical simulations demonstrate that the two model-systems differ qualitatively with regard to oscillations and stability. The model system that does not include TPP is asymptotically stable around the coexisting equilibria, whereas, the system that includes TPP oscillates for a range of parametric values associated with toxin-inhibition rate and competition coefficients. Our analysis suggests that the qualitative dynamics of the plankton–zooplankton interactions are very likely to alter due to the presence of TPP species, and therefore the effects of TPP should be considered carefully while modelling plankton dynamics.
Sub-lethal carbon monoxide (CO) exposure is frequently associated with myocardial arrhythmias and our recent studies have demonstrated that these may be attributable to modulation of cardiac Na+ channels, causing an increase in the late current and an inhibition of the peak current. Using a recombinant expression system, we demonstrate that CO inhibits peak human Nav1.5 current amplitude without activation of the late Na+ current observed in native tissue. Inhibition was associated with a hyperpolarizing shift in the steady-state inactivation properties of the channels and was unaffected by modification of channel gating induced by anemone toxin (rATX-II). Systematic pharmacological assessment indicated that no recognised CO-sensitive intracellular signalling pathways appeared to mediate CO inhibition of Nav1.5. Inhibition was, however, markedly suppressed by inhibition of nitric oxide (NO) formation, but NO donors did not mimic or occlude channel inhibition by CO, indicating that NO alone did not account for the actions of CO. Exposure of cells to dithiothreitol immediately before CO exposure also dramatically reduced the magnitude of current inhibition. Similarly, L-cysteine and N-ethylmaleimide significantly attenuated the inhibition caused by CO. In the presence of DTT and the NO inhibitor L-NAME, the ability of CO to inhibit Nav1.5 was almost fully prevented. Our data indicate that inhibition of peak Na+ current (which can lead to Brugada-syndrome like arrhythmias) occurs via a mechanism distinct from induction of the late current, requires NO formation and is dependent on channel redox state.
Carbon monoxide is firmly established as an important, physiological signalling molecule as well as a potent toxin. Through its ability to bind metal-containing proteins it is known to interfere with a number of intracellular signalling pathways, and such actions can account for its physiological and pathological effects. In particular, CO can modulate the intracellular production of reactive oxygen species, nitric oxide and cGMP levels, as well as regulate MAP kinase signalling. In this review, we consider ion channels as more recently discovered effectors of CO signalling. CO is now known to regulate a growing number of different ion channel types, and detailed studies of the underlying mechanisms of action are revealing unexpected findings. For example, there are clear areas of contention surrounding its ability to increase the activity of high conductance, Ca2+ -sensitive K+ channels. More recent studies have revealed the ability of CO to inhibit T-type Ca2+ channels and have unveiled a novel signalling pathway underlying tonic regulation of this channel. It is clear that the investigation of ion channels as effectors of CO signalling is in its infancy, and much more work is required to fully understand both the physiological and the toxic actions of this gas. Only then can its emerging use as a therapeutic tool be fully and safely exploited.
Migratory grazing of zooplankton between non-toxic phytoplankton (NTP) and toxic phytoplankton (TPP) is a realistic phenomena unexplored so far. The present article is a first step in this direction. A mathematical model of NTP–TPP-zooplankton with constant and variable zooplankton migration is proposed and analyzed. The asymptotic dynamics of the model system around the biologically feasible equilibria is explored through local stability analysis. The dynamics of the proposed system is explored and displayed for different combination of migratory parameters and toxin inhibition parameters. Our analysis suggests that the migratory grazing of zooplankton has a significant role in determining the dynamic stability and oscillation of phytoplankton zooplankton systems.
In plankton ecology, it is a fundamental question as to how a large number of competing phytoplankton species coexist in marine ecosystems under a seemingly-limited variety of resources. This ever-green question was first proposed by Hutchinson [Hutchinson, G.E., 1961. The paradox of the plankton. Am. Nat. 95, 137–145] as ‘the paradox of the plankton’. Starting from Hutchinson [Hutchinson, G.E., 1961. The paradox of the plankton. Am. Nat. 95, 137–145], over more than four decades several investigators have put forward varieties of mechanisms for the extreme diversity of phytoplankton species. In this article, within the boundary of our knowledge, we review the literature of the proposed solutions and give a brief overview of the mechanisms proposed so far. The proposed mechanisms that we discuss mainly include spatial and temporal heterogeneity in physical and biological environment, externally imposed or self-generated spatial segregation, horizontal mesoscale turbulence of ocean characterized by coherent vortices, oscillation and chaos generated by several internal and external causes, stable coexistence and compensatory dynamics under fluctuating temperature in resource competition, and finally the role of toxin-producing phytoplankton in maintaining the coexistence and biodiversity of the overall plankton population that we have proposed recently. We find that, although the different mechanisms proposed so far is potentially applicable to specific ecosystems, a universally accepted theory for explaining plankton diversity in natural waters is still an unachieved goal.
We explore the mutual dependencies and interactions among different groups of species of the plankton population, based on an analysis of the long-term field observations carried out by our group in the North–West coast of the Bay of Bengal. The plankton community is structured into three groups of species, namely, non-toxic phytoplankton (NTP), toxic phytoplankton (TPP) and zooplankton. To find the pair-wise dependencies among the three groups of plankton, Pearson and partial correlation coefficients are calculated. To explore the simultaneous interaction among all the three groups, a time series analysis is performed. Following an Expectation Maximization (E-M) algorithm, those data points which are missing due to irregularities in sampling are estimated, and with the completed data set a Vector Auto-Regressive (VAR) model is analyzed. The overall analysis demonstrates that toxin-producing phytoplankton play two distinct roles: the inhibition on consumption of toxic substances reduces the abundance of zooplankton, and the toxic materials released by TPP significantly compensate for the competitive disadvantages among phytoplankton species. Our study suggests that the presence of TPP might be a possible cause for the generation of a complex interaction among the large number of phytoplankton and zooplankton species that might be responsible for the prolonged coexistence of the plankton species in a fluctuating biomass.
Carbon monoxide (CO) is firmly established as an important, physiological signalling molecule as well as a potent toxin. Through its ability to bind metal-containing proteins, it is known to interfere with a number of intracellular signalling pathways, and such actions can account for its physiological and pathological effects. In particular, CO can modulate the intracellular production of reactive oxygen species, NO and cGMP levels, as well as regulate MAPK signalling. In this review, we consider ion channels as more recently discovered effectors of CO signalling. CO is now known to regulate a growing number of different ion channel types, and detailed studies of the underlying mechanisms of action are revealing unexpected findings. For example, there are clear areas of contention surrounding its ability to increase the activity of high conductance, Ca2+ -sensitive K+ channels. More recent studies have revealed the ability of CO to inhibit T-type Ca2+ channels and have unveiled a novel signalling pathway underlying tonic regulation of this channel. It is clear that the investigation of ion channels as effectors of CO signalling is in its infancy, and much more work is required to fully understand both the physiological and the toxic actions of this gas. Only then can its emerging use as a therapeutic tool be fully and safely exploited.
Novel probiotics and prebiotics designed to manipulate the gut microbiota for improving health outcomes are in demand as the importance of the gut microbiota in human health is revealed. The regulations governing introduction of novel probiotics and prebiotics vary by geographical region. Novel foods and foods with health claims fall under specific regulations in several countries. The paper reviews the main requirements of the regulations in the EU, USA, Canada and Japan. We propose a number of areas that need to be addressed in any safety assessment of novel probiotics and prebiotics. These include publication of the genomic sequence, antibiotic resistance profiling, selection of appropriate in vivo model, toxicological studies (including toxin production) and definition of target population.