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A method for the prediction of gas permeabilities (P) through polymers from their chemical structure has been developed on the basis of the ratio of molar free volume to molar cohesive energy, V(f)/E(coh). The permeation of small gas molecules through polymer membranes is dependent on the chain packing density measured by V(f) and segmental motion of polymer chains measured by E(coh). But no simple relationship between P and V(f) or E(coh) alone was found. The permeability data of more than 60 polymers covering 7 orders of magnitude for six gases have been treated with linear regression analysis. All plots of log P vs. V(f)/E(coh) gave good straight lines. It is also found that a linear relationship holds when plotting both the intercepts and slopes of log P vs. V(f)/E(coh) lines against square of the diameters of gas molecules. Therefore, the permeabilities of all the non-swelling gases through a great variety of polymers can be estimated using two correlations above. Moreover, this method is more accurate than others in the literature and may found useful for the selection of gas separation or barrier membrane materials.


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The complexes named in the title (eta-5-C9H7)3Ln.OC4H8 (Ln = Nd, Gd, Er) were synthesized by the reaction of anhydrous lanthanide trichlorides with indenyl potassium and cyclooctadienyl potassium (1:2:1 molar ratio) in THF. The complexes were characterized by elemental analysis, infrared and H-1-NMR spectroscopy, and mass spectrometry. In addition, the crystal structures of (eta-5-C9H7)3Nd.OC4H8 (1) and (eta-5-C9H7)3Gd.OC4H8 (2) were determined by an X-ray diffraction study. Complexes 1 and 2 belong to hexagonal space group P6(3) with unit cell parameters a = b = 11.843(3), c = 10.304(4) angstrom, V = 1251.7(9) angstrom-3, D(c) = 1.49 g.cm-3, Z = 2 for 1, and a = b = 11.805(2), c = 10.236(2) angstrom, V = 1235.4(6) angstrom-3 D(c) = 1.54 g.cm-3, Z = 2 for 2. The structures were solved by Patterson and Fourier techniques and refined by least-squares to final discrepancy indices of R = 0.049, R(w) = 0.053 using 925 independent reflections with I greater-than-or-equal-to 3-sigma(I) for 1, and R = 0.023, R(w) = 0.025 using 1327 independent reflections with I greater-than-or-equal-to 3-sigma(I) for 2. Coordination numbers for Nd3+ and Gd3+ are 10; the average bond lengths Nd-O and Gd-O are 2.557(21) and 2.459(13) angstrom, respectively. The structural studies showed the complexes to have 3-fold symmetry, but the THF molecule has no such symmetry; consequently the arrangement of carbon atoms in the THF molecule are disordered.


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An acidic polysaccharide (PY3) was isolated from the hot water extract of the red algae Porphyra yezoensis by successive column chromatographies over DEAE-cellulose and Sephadex G-200. PY3 with an average molecular weight of 1.8x10(5) was demonstrated to be composed of galactose (Gal), 3,6-anhydrogalactose (3,6-AnGal), 6-OSO3-galactose (6-OSO3-Gal) and xylose (Xyl) in an approximate molar ratio of 25 : 15, 10, 1. In view of Smith degradation and methylation and on the basis of spectral evidence including those of IR, GC, GC-MS, and H-1 and C-13 NMR, the most probable repeating unit of PY3 could be proposed as [(1-->3)beta -D-Gal(1 --> 4)alpha -L-3,6-AnGal](3)-[(1 --> 3)beta -D-Gal(1 --> 4)alpha -L-6-OSO3-Gal](2) with a xylose moiety at the C-6 of one of every twenty-five beta -D-Gal residues. To our knowledge, PY3 was shown to be the first porphyran possessing occasional xylose branches.


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Serine proteinase inhibitors (SPIs) play important roles in host physiological and immunological processes in all multicellular organisms. A novel Kazal-type SPI gene was cloned from the Zhikong scallop Chlamys farreri (designated as CfKZSPI) by expressed sequence tag (EST) and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) approaches. The full-length cDNA of CfKZSPI was of 1788 nucleotides with a canonical polyadenylation signal sequence AATAAA and a polyA tail, and an open reading frame (ORF) encoding a polypeptide of 509 amino acids with a putative signal peptide of 22 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence of CfKZSPI contained 12 tandem Kazal domains with high similarity to other Kazal-type SPIs. The temporal expression of CfKZSPI in hemocytes after Vibrio anguillorum challenge was recorded by quantitative real-time RT-PCR. The relative mRNA expression level of CfKZSPI was up-regulated and reached 43.6-fold at 3 h post-challenge. After a decrease at 6 h, the expression Level increased again and reached 207.8-fold at 12 h post-challenge. The 12th Kazal domain of CfKZSPI was recombined into pET-32a(+) and expressed in Escherichia coli Rosetta-gami (DE3) to investigate its inhibitory activity. The purified recombinant protein (rCf KZSPI-1 2) showed significant inhibitory activity against trypsin but no activity against thrombin. When the molar ratio of inhibitor to trypsin reached 1:1, almost 90% of the enzyme activity could be inhibited, which suggested that one molecule of rCfKZSPI-12 was able to inhibit one molecule of trypsin. Kinetics analysis with Dixon plot showed that the inhibition constant (K-i) of rCfKZSPI-12 to trypsin was 173 nmol L-1. These results indicated that CfKZSPI was a novel Kazal-type SPI with significant inhibitory activity against trypsin, and was suspected to be involved in scallop immune response. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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N, P and SiO3-Si in the Changjiang mainstream and its major tributaries and lakes were investigated in the dry season from November to December, 1997, and in the flood season in August and October, 1998. An even distribution of SiO3-Si was found along the Changjiang River. However, the concentrations of total nitrogen, total dissolved nitrogen, dissolved inorganic nitrogen, nitrate and total phosphorus, total particulate phosphorus increased notably in the upper reaches, which reflected an increasing impact from human activities. Those concentrations in the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang River were relatively constant. Dissolved N was the major form of N and the particulate P was the major form of P in the Changjiang River. The molar ratio of dissolved N to dissolved P was extremely high (192.5-317.5), while that of the particulate form was low (5.6-37.7). High N/P ratio reflected a significant input of anthropogenic N such as N from precipitation and N lost from water and soil etc. Dissolved N and P was in a quasi-equilibrium state in the process from precipitate to the river. In the turbid river water, light limitation, rather than P limitation, seemed more likely to be a controlling factor for the growth of phytoplankton. A positive linear correlationship between the concentration of dissolved N and the river's runoff was found, mainly in the upper reaches, which was related to the non-point sources of N. Over the past decades, N concentration has greatly increased, but the change of P concentration was not as significant as N. The nutrient fluxes of the Changjiang mainstream and tributaries were estimated, and the result showed that the nutrient fluxes were mainly controlled by the runoff, of which more than a half came from the tributaries. These investigations carried out before water storage of the Three Gorges Dam will supply a scientific base for studying the influences of the Three Gorges Dam on the ecology and environment of the Changjiang River and its estuary.


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Carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, silicon composition of cultured two different sized phytoplankton common species of Thalassiosira rotula and Skeletonema costatum from the Jiaozhou Bay were measured. Carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, silicon contents in cell were. obvious higher in T. rotula than in S. costatum, but the percents of nitrogen, phosphorus, silicon contents in cell dry mass in T. rotula were lower than those in S. costatum. The dry mass concentrations of nitrogen,phosphorus,silicon in S. costatum were much higher than those in T. rotula, particularly silicon, the former was 6.4 times of the latter, showing that S. costatum could more assimilate these elements. Especially, S. costatum had competitive dominance for assimilating silicon, which is beneficial to its becoming a major dominant species in relative short silicon of the Jiaozhou Bay. There were some differences in numerical value of nutrient ratios both laboratory-cultured phytoplankton and different sized suspended particulates (mainly phytoplankton) in the Jiaozhou Bay, which was caused by the changes of environment. High contents of carbon, nitrogon and relative low phosporus,silicon, high molar ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus (far higher than Redfield value) and low ratio of silicon to phosphorus and silicon to nitrogen (far lower than Redfield values) in the two diatoms and different sized suspended particulates were consistent with those in the seawater. Relative short silicon in the seawater and phytoplankton showed that silicon was possibly affectting phytoplankton growth in the Jiaozhou Bay.


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Chitosan (CS) and chitosan sulfates (CSS) with different molecular weight (Mw) were reacted with 4-acetamidobenzene sulfonyl chloride to obtain sulfanilamide derivatives of chitosan and chitosan sulfates (LSACS, HSACS, LSACSS, HSACSS). The preparation conditions such as different reaction time, temperature, solvent, and the molar ratio of reaction materials are discussed in this paper. Their structures were characterized by FTIR spectroscopy and elemental analyses. The antioxidant activities of the derivatives were investigated employing various established in vitro systems, such as hydroxyl-radical (OH) superoxide anion (O-2(center dot-)) scavenging and reducing power. All kinds of the compounds (HCS, LCS, HCSS, LCSS, HSACS, LSACS, HSACSS, LSACSS) showed stronger scavenging activity on hydroxyl radical than ascorbic acid (Vc). The inhibitory activities of the derivatives toward superoxide radical by the PMS-NADH system were obvious. The experiment showed that the superoxide radical scavenging effect of sulfanilamide derivatives of chitosan and chitosan sulfates was stronger than that of original CS and CSS. All of the derivatives were efficient in the reducing power. The results indicated that the sulfanilamide group were grafted on CS and CSS increased the reducing power of them obviously. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A low molecular weight fucogalactan, obtained from the brown seaweed Laminaria japonica, was separated into three fractions (LF1, LF2 and LF3) by DEAE-Sepharose FF column chromatography. All three fractions contained predominantly fucose, sulfate group and galactose. The results showed that the main fraction LF2 consisted of L-fucose, D-galactose and sulfate at a molar ratio 6:1:9. Structural study on the LF2 was carried out by NMR spectroscopy. The backbone of LF2 was primarily (1 -> 3)-linked alpha-L-fucopyranose residues (75%) and a few (1 -> 4)-alpha-L-fucopyranose linkages (25%). The branch points were at C-4 of 3-linked alpha-L-fucopyranose residues by beta-D-galactopyranose unites (35%, molar ratio) or at C-2 of 3-linked alpha-L-fucopyranose residues by non-reducing terminal fucose unites (65%, molar ratio). Sulfate groups occupied at position C-4 or C-2, sometimes C-2, 4 to fucose residues, and C-3 and/or C-4 to galactose residues. The structure of LF2 was supposed as following: [GRAPHICS] (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the present paper, ascorbate and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) were used to degrade porphyran. It was found that porphyran could be degraded by free radical that was generated by ascorbate and H2O2 in combination. It was possible to prepare desired porphyran products with different molecular weight by adjusting ascorbate to H,02 proportions and their concentrations. The molar ratio of I was demonstrated more effective than in other ratios. Higher concentrations accelerated the degradation. Moreover, results of chemical analysis and FT-IR spectra suggested that the main structure of degraded products still remained although some changes happened. The degraded and natural porphyrans possessed scavenging 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH)-radical activity and reducing power. Higher antioxidant activities were found in both systems when the molecular weight was reduced. The results indicated that the antioxidant activities were closely related to the molecular weight. The degraded porphyrans are potential antioxidant in vitro. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A novel labeling reagent 1-(2-naphthyl)-3-methyl-5-pyrazolone (NMP) coupled with capillary electrophoresis (CE) with DAD detection for the determination of carbohydrates has been developed. The chromophore in the 1-phenyl-3-methyl-5-pyrazolone (PMP) reagent is replaced by naphthyl functional group, which results in a reagent with very high molar absorptivity (epsilon(251nm) = 5.58 x 10(4) L mol(-1) cm(-1)). This pen-nits NMP-labeled carbohydrates to be detected with UV absorbance in standard 50-mu m-i.d. fused silica capillaries by zone electrophoresis. in this mode, nanomolar concentrations of detection limits are obtained. The method for the derivatization. of carbohydrates with NMP is simplified. The derivatization reaction is rapid and mild in the presence of ammonia catalyst without further transfer steps. Nine monosaccharide derivatives such as mannose, galacturonic acid, glucuronic acid, rhamnose, glucose, galactose, xylose, arabinose and fucose can successfully be detected in CE mode. Good reproducibility can be obtained with relative standard deviation (R.S.D.) values of the migration times and peak area, respectively, from 0.44 to 0.48 and from 3.2 to 4.8. Furthermore, the developed method has been successfully applied to the analysis of carbohydrates in the hydrolyzed rape bee pollen samples. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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A pre-column derivatization method for sensitive determination of oligopeptides, using the tagging reagent 2-(9-carbazole)ethyl chloroformate (CEOC-Cl) followed by capillary electrophoresis (CE) with diode-array detection, has been developed. Maximum yield close to 100% were observed when a three to fourfold molar excess of reagent was used at pH 9.0-10.0. Excess reagent was extracted with n-hexane-ethyl acetate 9:1-10:1 (v/v); this enabled direct analysis using CE with no significant disturbance from the major fluorescent reagent degradation by-products. The effects on the results of buffer pH and of SDS and organic modifier concentrations were examined. Good baseline resolution in the separation of five CEOC-peptides was achieved with a 48.5-cm total length (effective length 40 cm) 50-mu m inner diameter capillary column.


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A pre-column derivatization method for the sensitive determination of aliphatic amines using the labeling reagent 1,2-benzo-3,4-dihydrocarbazole-9-ethyl chloroformate (BCEOC) followed by HPLC with fluorescence detection and APCI/NIS identification in positive-ion mode has been developed. The chromophore of 2-(9-carbazole)-ethyl chloroformate (CEOC) reagent was replaced by the 1,2-benzo-3,4-dihydrocarbazole functional group, which resulted in a sensitive fluorescence derivatizing reagent, BCEOC, that could easily and quickly label amines. Derivatives were stable enough to be efficiently analyzed by HPLC and showed an intense protonated molecular ion corresponding m/z [M + H](+) with APCI/MS in positive-ion mode. The collision induced dissociation of the protonated molecular ion formed characteristic fragment ions at m/z 264.1, m/z 246.0 and m/z 218.1, corresponding to the cleavages of CH2CH2O-CO, CH2CH2-OCO, and N-CH2CH2O bonds. Studies on derivatization conditions demonstrated that excellent derivatization yields close to 100% were observed with a 3 to 4-fold molar reagent excess in acetonitrile solvent, in the presence of borate buffer (pH 9.0) at 40 degrees C for 10 min. In addition, the detection responses for BCEOC derivatives were compared with those obtained with CEOC and FMOC as labeling reagents. The ratios I-BCEOC/I-CEOC and I-BCEOC/I-FMOC were, respectively, 1.40-2.76 and 1.36-2.92 for fluorescence responses (here, I was the relative fluorescence intensity). Separation of the amine derivatives had been optimized on an Eclipse XDB-C-8 column. Detection limits calculated from an 0.10 pmol injection, at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3, were 18.65-38.82 fmol (injection volume 10 mu L for fluorescence detection. The relative standard deviations for intraday determination (n = 6) of standard amine derivatives (50 pmol) were 0.0063-0.037% for retention times and 3.36-6.93% for peak areas. The mean intra-and inter-assay precision for all amines were <5.4% and 5.8%, respectively. The recoveries of amines ranged from 96 to 113%. Excellent linear responses were observed with correlation coefficients of >0.9994. The established method provided a simple and highly sensitive technique for the quantitative analysis of trace amounts of aliphatic amines from biological and natural environmental samples.


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A pre-column derivatization method for the sensitive determination of amines using a labeling reagent 2-(11H-benzo[a]-carbazol-11-yl) ethyl chloroformate (BCEC-Cl) followed by high-performance, liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection has been developed. Identification of derivatives was carried out by LC/APCI/MS in positive-ion mode. The chromophore of 1,2-benzo-3,4-dihydrocarbazole-9-ethyl chloroformate (BCEOC-Cl) reagent was replaced by 2-(11H-benzo[a]-carbazol-11-yl) ethyl functional group, which resulted in a sensitive fluorescence derivatizing reagent BCEC-Cl. BCEC-Cl could easily and quickly label amines. Derivatives were stable enough to be efficiently analyzed by HPLC and showed an intense protonated molecular ion corresponding m/z [M+ H](+) under APCI/MS in positive-ion mode. The collision-induced dissociation of the protonated molecular ion formed characteristic fragment ions at m/z 261.8 and m/z 243.8 corresponding to the cleavages of CH2O-CO and CH2-OCO bonds. Studies on derivatization demonstrated excellent derivative yields over the pH 9.0-10.0. Maximal yields close to 100% were observed with three- to four-fold molar reagent excess. In addition, the detection responses for BCEC-derivatives were compared to those obtained using 1,2-benzo-3,4-dihydrocarbazole-9-ethyl chloroformate (BCEOC-Cl) and 9-fluorenyl methylchloroformate, (FMOC-Cl) as labeling reagents. The ratios I-BCEC/I-BCEOC = 1.94-2.17 and I-BCEC/I-FMOC = 1.04-2.19 for fluorescent (FL) responses (here, I was relative fluorescence intensity). Separation of the derivatized amines had been optimized on reversed-phase Eclipse XDB-C-8 column. Detection limits calculated from 0.50 pmol injection, at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3, were 1.77-14.4 fmol. The relative standard deviations for within-day determination (n = 11) were 1.84-2.89% for the tested amines. The mean intra- and inter-assay precision for all amines levels were < 3.64% and 2.52%, respectively. The mean recoveries ranged from 96.6% to 107.1% with their standard deviations in the range of 0.8-2.7. Excellent linear responses were observed with coefficients of > 0.9996. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A sensitive method for the determination of 30 kinds of free fatty acids (FFAs, C-1-C-30) with 1-[2-(p-toluenesulfonate)-ethyl]-2-phenylimidazole-[4,5-f] 9,10-phenan- threne (TSPP) as labeling reagent and using high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection and identification by online postcolumn mass spectrometry with atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) source in positive-ion mode (HPLC/MS/APCI) has been developed. TSPP could easily and quickly label FFAs in the presence of K2CO3 catalyst at 90 degrees C for 30 min in N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) solvent, and maximal labeling yields close to 100% were observed with a 5-fold excess of molar reagent. Derivatives were stable enough to be efficiently analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography. TSPP was introduced into fatty acid molecules and effectively augmented MS ionization of fatty acid derivatives and led to regular MS and MS/MS information. The collision induced cleavage of protonated molecular ions formed specific fragment ions at m/z [MH](+)(molecular ion), m/z [M'+CH2CH2](+)(M' was molecular mass of the corresponding FFA) and m/z 295.0 (the, mass of protonated molecular core structure of TSPP). Fatty acid derivatives were separated on a reversed-phase Eclipse XDB-C-8 column (4.6 x 150 mm, 5 mu m, Agilent) with a good baseline resolution in combination with a gradient elution. Linear ranges of 30 FFAs are 2.441 x 10(-3) to 20 mu mol/L, detection limits are 3.24 similar to 36.97 fmol (injection volume 10 mu L, at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3, S/N 3:1). The mean interday precision ranged from 93.4 to 106.2% with the largest mean coefficients of variation (R.S.D.) < 7,5%. The mean intraday precision for all standards was < 6.4% of the expected concentration. Excellent linear responses were observed with correlation coefficients of > 0.9991. Good compositional data could be obtained from the analysis of extracted fatty acids from as little as 200 mg of bryophyte plant samples.Therefore, the facile TSPP derivatization coupled with HPLC/MS/APCI analysis allowed the development of a highly sensitive method for the quantitation of trace levels of short and long chain fatty acids from biological and natural environmental samples.


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A sensitive method for the determination of long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs) (>C20) using 1-[2-(p-toluenesulfonate)-ethyl]-2-phenylimidazole-[4.5-f]-9,10-phenanthrene (TSPP) as tagging reagent with fluorescence detection and identification with post-column APCI/MS has been developed. The LCFAs in bryophyte plant samples were obtained based on distillation extraction with 1: 1 (v/v) chloroform/methanol as extracting solvent. TSPP could easily and quickly label LCFAs at 90 degrees C in the presence of K2CO3 catalyst in DMF. Eleven free LCFAs from the extracts of bryophyte plants were sensitively determined. Maximal labeling yields close to 100% were observed with a five-fold excess of molar reagent. Separation of the derivatized fatty acids exhibited a good baseline resolution in combination with a gradient elution on a reversed-phase Eclipse XDB-C-8 column. Calculated detection limits from 1.0 pmol injection, at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3, were 26.19-76.67 fmol. Excellent linear responses were observed with coefficients of >0.9996. Good compositional data were obtained from the analysis of the extracted LCFAs containing as little as 0.2 g of bryophyte plant samples. Therefore, the facile TSPP derivatization coupled with HPLC/APCI/MS analysis allowed the development of a highly sensitive method for the quantitation of trace levels of LCFAs from biological and natural environmental samples. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.