817 resultados para Design theory


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A l’heure actuelle, les biocarburants renouvelables et qui ne nuit pas à l'environnement sont à l'étude intensive en raison de l'augmentation des problèmes de santé et de la diminution des combustibles fossiles. H2 est l'un des candidats les plus prometteurs en raison de ses caractéristiques uniques, telles que la densité d'énergie élevée et la génération faible ou inexistante de polluants. Une façon attrayante pour produire la H2 est par les bactéries photosynthétiques qui peuvent capter l'énergie lumineuse pour actionner la production H2 avec leur système de nitrogénase. L'objectif principal de cette étude était d'améliorer le rendement de H2 des bactéries photosynthétiques pourpres non sulfureuses utilisant une combinaison de génie métabolique et le plan des expériences. Une hypothèse est que le rendement en H2 pourrait être améliorée par la redirection de flux de cycle du Calvin-Benson-Bassham envers du système de nitrogénase qui catalyse la réduction des protons en H2. Ainsi, un PRK, phosphoribulose kinase, mutant « knock-out » de Rhodobacter capsulatus JP91 a été créé. L’analyse de la croissance sur des différentes sources de carbone a montré que ce mutant ne peut croître qu’avec l’acétate, sans toutefois produire d' H2. Un mutant spontané, YL1, a été récupéré qui a retenu l'cbbP (codant pour PRK) mutation d'origine, mais qui avait acquis la capacité de se développer sur le glucose et produire H2. Une étude de la production H2 sous différents niveaux d'éclairage a montré que le rendement d’YL1 était de 20-40% supérieure à la souche type sauvage JP91. Cependant, il n'y avait pas d'amélioration notable du taux de production de H2. Une étude cinétique a montré que la croissance et la production d'hydrogène sont fortement liées avec des électrons à partir du glucose principalement dirigés vers la production de H2 et la formation de la biomasse. Sous des intensités lumineuses faibles à intermédiaires, la production d'acides organiques est importante, ce qui suggère une nouvelle amélioration additionnel du rendement H2 pourrait être possible grâce à l'optimisation des processus. Dans une série d'expériences associées, un autre mutant spontané, YL2, qui a un phénotype similaire à YL1, a été testé pour la croissance dans un milieu contenant de l'ammonium. Les résultats ont montré que YL2 ne peut croître que avec de l'acétate comme source de carbone, encore une fois, sans produire de H2. Une incubation prolongée dans les milieux qui ne supportent pas la croissance de YL2 a permis l'isolement de deux mutants spontanés secondaires intéressants, YL3 et YL4. L'analyse par empreint du pied Western a montré que les deux souches ont, dans une gamme de concentrations d'ammonium, l'expression constitutive de la nitrogénase. Les génomes d’YL2, YL3 et YL4 ont été séquencés afin de trouver les mutations responsables de ce phénomène. Fait intéressant, les mutations de nifA1 et nifA2 ont été trouvés dans les deux YL3 et YL4. Il est probable qu'un changement conformationnel de NifA modifie l'interaction protéine-protéine entre NifA et PII protéines (telles que GlnB ou GlnK), lui permettant d'échapper à la régulation par l'ammonium, et donc d'être capable d'activer la transcription de la nitrogénase en présence d'ammonium. On ignore comment le nitrogénase synthétisé est capable de maintenir son activité parce qu’en théorie, il devrait également être soumis à une régulation post-traductionnelle par ammonium. Une autre preuve pourrait être obtenue par l'étude du transcriptome d’YL3 et YL4. Une première étude sur la production d’ H2 par YL3 et YL4 ont montré qu'ils sont capables d’une beaucoup plus grande production d'hydrogène que JP91 en milieu d'ammonium, qui ouvre la porte pour les études futures avec ces souches en utilisant des déchets contenant de l'ammonium en tant que substrats. Enfin, le reformage biologique de l'éthanol à H2 avec la bactérie photosynthétique, Rhodopseudomonas palustris CGA009 a été examiné. La production d'éthanol avec fermentation utilisant des ressources renouvelables microbiennes a été traitée comme une technique mature. Cependant, la plupart des études du reformage de l'éthanol à H2 se sont concentrés sur le reformage chimique à la vapeur, ce qui nécessite généralement une haute charge énergetique et résultats dans les émissions de gaz toxiques. Ainsi le reformage biologique de l'éthanol à H2 avec des bactéries photosynthétiques, qui peuvent capturer la lumière pour répondre aux besoins énergétiques de cette réaction, semble d’être plus prometteuse. Une étude précédente a démontré la production d'hydrogène à partir d'éthanol, toutefois, le rendement ou la durée de cette réaction n'a pas été examiné. Une analyse RSM (méthode de surface de réponse) a été réalisée dans laquelle les concentrations de trois facteurs principaux, l'intensité lumineuse, de l'éthanol et du glutamate ont été variés. Nos résultats ont montré que près de 2 moles de H2 peuvent être obtenus à partir d'une mole d'éthanol, 33% de ce qui est théoriquement possible.


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The complexity of issues surrounding continence management, have been investigated by a UK multi-disciplinary research team working under the project title Tackling Ageing Continence through Theory Tools and Technology (TACT3). The team comprising engineers, chemists, health researchers, designers and social anthropologists is funded by the New Dynamics of Ageing Programme, ‘a seven year multidisciplinary research initiative with the ultimate aim of improving quality of life of older people. The programme is a unique collaboration between five UK Research Councils , and is the largest and most ambitious research programme on ageing ever mounted in the UK’ (www.newdynamics.group.shef.ac.uk). The TACT3 project comprises four work packages that are individually managed by members of the research team. One work package focuses solely on knowledge transfer of the research outputs and the management of the overall project. Another work package, entitled ‘Challenging Environmental Barriers’ has focused on the barriers in the built environment that prevent older people with continence concerns from participating in wider social life, namely access to publicly available toilet facilities. We also have a work package entitled ‘Improving Continence Interventions and Services’ which is exploring patient, carer and service providers experiences in receiving and delivering National Health Service (NHS) continence management treatments. The fourth workpackage ‘Developing Assistive Technologies’ has worked with users to develop devices that promote confidence, improve health and therefore may facilitate greater social interaction for older people with continence management concerns.


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Developing a theoretical framework for pervasive information environments is an enormous goal. This paper aims to provide a small step towards such a goal. The following pages report on our initial investigations to devise a framework that will continue to support locative, experiential and evaluative data from ‘user feedback’ in an increasingly pervasive information environment. We loosely attempt to outline this framework by developing a methodology capable of moving from rapid-deployment of software and hardware technologies, towards a goal of realistic immersive experience of pervasive information. We propose various technical solutions and address a range of problems such as; information capture through a novel model of sensing, processing, visualization and cognition.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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Le dimensionnement basé sur la performance (DBP), dans une approche déterministe, caractérise les objectifs de performance par rapport aux niveaux de performance souhaités. Les objectifs de performance sont alors associés à l'état d'endommagement et au niveau de risque sismique établis. Malgré cette approche rationnelle, son application est encore difficile. De ce fait, des outils fiables pour la capture de l'évolution, de la distribution et de la quantification de l'endommagement sont nécessaires. De plus, tous les phénomènes liés à la non-linéarité (matériaux et déformations) doivent également être pris en considération. Ainsi, cette recherche montre comment la mécanique de l'endommagement pourrait contribuer à résoudre cette problématique avec une adaptation de la théorie du champ de compression modifiée et d'autres théories complémentaires. La formulation proposée adaptée pour des charges monotones, cycliques et de type pushover permet de considérer les effets non linéaires liés au cisaillement couplé avec les mécanismes de flexion et de charge axiale. Cette formulation est spécialement appliquée à l'analyse non linéaire des éléments structuraux en béton soumis aux effets de cisaillement non égligeables. Cette nouvelle approche mise en œuvre dans EfiCoS (programme d'éléments finis basé sur la mécanique de l'endommagement), y compris les critères de modélisation, sont également présentés ici. Des calibrations de cette nouvelle approche en comparant les prédictions avec des données expérimentales ont été réalisées pour les murs de refend en béton armé ainsi que pour des poutres et des piliers de pont où les effets de cisaillement doivent être pris en considération. Cette nouvelle version améliorée du logiciel EFiCoS a démontrée être capable d'évaluer avec précision les paramètres associés à la performance globale tels que les déplacements, la résistance du système, les effets liés à la réponse cyclique et la quantification, l'évolution et la distribution de l'endommagement. Des résultats remarquables ont également été obtenus en référence à la détection appropriée des états limites d'ingénierie tels que la fissuration, les déformations unitaires, l'éclatement de l'enrobage, l'écrasement du noyau, la plastification locale des barres d'armature et la dégradation du système, entre autres. Comme un outil pratique d'application du DBP, des relations entre les indices d'endommagement prédits et les niveaux de performance ont été obtenus et exprimés sous forme de graphiques et de tableaux. Ces graphiques ont été développés en fonction du déplacement relatif et de la ductilité de déplacement. Un tableau particulier a été développé pour relier les états limites d'ingénierie, l'endommagement, le déplacement relatif et les niveaux de performance traditionnels. Les résultats ont démontré une excellente correspondance avec les données expérimentales, faisant de la formulation proposée et de la nouvelle version d'EfiCoS des outils puissants pour l'application de la méthodologie du DBP, dans une approche déterministe.


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Purpose: There is a need for theory development within the field of humanitarian logistics to understand logistics needs in different stages of a crisis and how to meet these. This paper aims to discuss three dimensions identified in logistics and organization theories and how they relate to three different cases of humanitarian logistics operations - the regional concept of the International Federation of Red Cross Red Crescent Societies, the development and working of the United Nations Joint Logistics Centre and coordination challenges of military logistics in UN mandated peacekeeping operations. The purpose is to build a framework to be used in further studies. Design/methodology/approach: A framework for the study of humanitarian logistics along three dimensions is developed, followed by a discussion of the chosen cases in relation to these dimensions. The framework will be used as basis for the case studies to be undertaken for the purpose of understanding and identification of new questions and needs for other or revised concepts from theory. Findings: The paper shows the relevance of a wide literature to the issues pertinent to humanitarian logistics. There is considerable promise in extant literature on logistics, SCM and coordination, but this needs to be confronted with the particular issues seen in the humanitarian logistics setting to achieve further theory development. Originality/value: The major contribution of the paper lies in its breadth of theoretical perspectives presented and combined in a preliminary theoretical framework. This is applied more specifically in the three case studies described in the paper.


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Purpose – The paper aims to conceptualise cosmopolitanism drivers from the third-level power perspective by drawing on Lukes’ (1974; 2005) theory of power. In addition, the paper aims to investigate the relationship between entrepreneurs’ cosmopolitan dispositions and habitus, i.e. a pattern of an individual’s demeanour, as understood by Bourdieu. Design/methodology/approach – This conceptual paper makes use of Bourdieu’s framework (habitus) by extending it to the urban cosmopolitan environment and linking habitus to the three-dimensional theory of power and, importantly, to the power’s third dimension – preference-shaping. Findings – Once cosmopolitanism is embedded in the urban area’s values, this creates multiple endless rounds of mutual influence (by power holders onto entrepreneurs via political and business elites, and by entrepreneurs onto power holders via the same channels), with mutual benefit. Therefore, mutually beneficial influence that transpires in continuous support of a cosmopolitan city’s environment may be viewed as one of the factors that enhances cosmopolitan cities’ resilience to changes in macroeconomic conditions. Originality/value – The paper offers a theoretical model that enriches the understanding of the power-cosmopolitanism-entrepreneurship link, by emphasising the preference-shaping capacity of power, which leads to the embedment of cosmopolitanism in societal values. As a value shared by political and business elites, cosmopolitanism is also actively promoted by entrepreneurs through their disposition and habitus. This ensures not only their willing compliance with power and the environment, but also their enhancement of favourable business conditions. Entrepreneurs depart from mere acquiescence (to power and its explicit dominance), and instead practice their cosmopolitan influence by active preference-shaping.


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2016 is the outbreak year of the virtual reality industry. In the field of virtual reality, 3D surveying plays an important role. Nowadays, 3D surveying technology has received increasing attention. This project aims to establish and optimize a WebGL three-dimensional broadcast platform combined with streaming media technology. It takes streaming media server and panoramic video broadcast in browser as the application background. Simultaneously, it discusses about the architecture from streaming media server to panoramic media player and analyzing relevant theory problem. This paper focuses on the debugging of streaming media platform, the structure of WebGL player environment, different types of ball model analysis, and the 3D mapping technology. The main work contains the following points: Initially, relay on Easy Darwin open source streaming media server, built a streaming service platform. It can realize the transmission from RTSP stream to streaming media server, and forwards HLS slice video to clients; Then, wrote a WebGL panoramic video player based on Three.js lib with JQuery browser playback controls. Set up a HTML5 panoramic video player; Next, analyzed the latitude and longitude sphere model which from Three.js library according to WebGL rendering method. Pointed out the drawbacks of this model and the breakthrough point of improvement; After that, on the basis of Schneider transform principle, established the Schneider sphere projection model, and converted the output OBJ file to JS file for media player reading. Finally implemented real time panoramic video high precision playing without plugin; At last, I summarized the whole project. Put forward the direction of future optimization and extensible market.


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Design is being performed on an ever-increasing spectrum of complex practices arising in response to emerging markets and technologies, co-design, digital interaction, service design and cultures of innovation. This emerging notion of design has led to an expansive array of collaborative and facilitation skills to demonstrate and share how such methods can shape innovation. The meaning of these design things in practice can't be taken for granted as matters of fact, which raises a key challenge for design to represent its role through the contradictory nature of matters of concern. This paper explores an innovative, object-oriented approach within the field of design research, visually combining an actor-network theory framework with situational analysis, to report on the role of design for fledgling companies in Scotland, established and funded through the knowledge exchange hub Design in Action (DiA). Key findings and visual maps are presented from reflective discussions with actors from a selection of the businesses within DiA's portfolio. The suggestion is that any notions of strategic value, of engendering meaningful change, of sharing the vision of design, through design things, should be grounded in the reflexive interpretations of matters of concern that emerge.


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This thesis introduces the L1 Adaptive Control Toolbox, a set of tools implemented in Matlab that aid in the design process of an L1 adaptive controller and enable the user to construct simulations of the closed-loop system to verify its performance. Following a brief review of the existing theory on L1 adaptive controllers, the interface of the toolbox is presented, including a description of the functions accessible to the user. Two novel algorithms for determining the required sampling period of a piecewise constant adaptive law are presented and their implementation in the toolbox is discussed. The detailed description of the structure of the toolbox is provided as well as a discussion of the implementation of the creation of simulations. Finally, the graphical user interface is presented and described in detail, including the graphical design tools provided for the development of the filter C(s). The thesis closes with suggestions for further improvement of the toolbox.


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Aims and objectives. To explore the psychosocial needs of patients discharged from intensive care, the extent to which they are captured using existing theory on transitions in care and the potential role development of critical care outreach, follow-up and liaison services. Background. Intensive care patients are at an increased risk of adverse events, deterioration or death following ward transfer. Nurse-led critical care outreach, follow-up or liaison services have been adopted internationally to prevent these potentially avoidable sequelae. The need to provide patients with psychosocial support during the transition to ward-based care has also been identified, but the evidence base for role development is currently limited. Design and methods. Twenty participants were invited to discuss their experiences of ward-based care as part of a broader study on recovery following prolonged critical illness. Psychosocial distress was a prominent feature of their accounts, prompting secondary data analysis using Meleis et al.’s mid-range theory on experiencing transitions. Results. Participants described a sense of disconnection in relation to profound debilitation and dependency and were often distressed by a perceived lack of understanding, indifference or insensitivity among ward staff to their basic care needs. Negotiating the transition between dependence and independence was identified as a significant source of distress following ward transfer. Participants varied in the extent to which they were able to express their needs and negotiate recovery within professionally mediated boundaries. Conclusion. These data provide new insights into the putative origins of the psychosocial distress that patients experience following ward transfer. Relevance to clinical practice. Meleis et al.’s work has resonance in terms of explicating intensive care patients’ experiences of psychosocial distress throughout the transition to general ward–based care, such that the future role development of critical care outreach, follow-up and liaison services may be more theoretically informed.


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Chapter 1: Under the average common value function, we select almost uniquely the mechanism that gives the seller the largest portion of the true value in the worst situation among all the direct mechanisms that are feasible, ex-post implementable and individually rational. Chapter 2: Strategy-proof, budget balanced, anonymous, envy-free linear mechanisms assign p identical objects to n agents. The efficiency loss is the largest ratio of surplus loss to efficient surplus, over all profiles of non-negative valuations. The smallest efficiency loss is uniquely achieved by the following simple allocation rule: assigns one object to each of the p−1 agents with the highest valuation, a large probability to the agent with the pth highest valuation, and the remaining probability to the agent with the (p+1)th highest valuation. When “envy freeness” is replaced by the weaker condition “voluntary participation”, the optimal mechanism differs only when p is much less than n. Chapter 3: One group is to be selected among a set of agents. Agents have preferences over the size of the group if they are selected; and preferences over size as well as the “stand-outside” option are single-peaked. We take a mechanism design approach and search for group selection mechanisms that are efficient, strategy-proof and individually rational. Two classes of such mechanisms are presented. The proposing mechanism allows agents to either maintain or shrink the group size following a fixed priority, and is characterized by group strategy-proofness. The voting mechanism enlarges the group size in each voting round, and achieves at least half of the maximum group size compatible with individual rationality.


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This work aims to investigate the historical narratives in which the graphic designer Alexandre Wollner assembled about the development of its own profession in Brazil, focusing the ways in which his discourse points relations among design (with greater emphasis in graphic design) and visual arts, the industrial development and notions about technology. Firstly, the theoretical setup searched for dialogues with design historians, with Mikhail Bakhtin, specially his concepts about “ideology” and “discourse’, and the theory of Field Autonomy by Pierre Bourdieu applied in the artistic practice. Following, the relation between Wollner’s own journey and the Brazilian industrial development is shown, and, at last, three of his historical texts are studied, which are written in different moments (1964; 1983; 1998), being those in which the analyzed author wished to point out the origens, events and names that are more remarkable. Throughout the work, it is pointed the importance of Wollner’s contact with the modernist european ideologies that share an abstract and rationalist matrix found at Hochschule für Gestaltung Ulm (HfG Ulm), the german design school from the city of Ulm, in the 1950s. Such modernist discourse understood the practice of design as a method with scientific character, being then different of some other more recurring artistic professional practices in some productive sectors. Wollner aimed to apply such ideals in his professional practice, being the foundation of the paulista office forminform, in 1958, one of his first expressions of such posture, and in his academic practice, helping the foundation of the Escola Superior de Desenho Industrial (ESDI), in Rio de Janeiro, in 1963. Such modernist ideals went along with moments of the Brazilian industrial development during the government of Juscelino Kubitschek (1956–1961) and the “Economical Miracle” from the military government (1968–1973). Wollner argued about the need for the development of national design as a technological and productive differential that would help the growth of national industry, based on Ulm’s project model concept. It is defended that Wollner’s professional and intelectual path, in his efforts of thinking a history of Brazilian design through the choice of pioneers in the area, was founded on an “ideal model” of design, leaving aside the modernist experiences from the 1950s. Such posture would indicate a search for validation of his own profession that was beginning to become more evident in Brazilian productive means, aiming the creation of a differential space in comparison with pre-established practices, usually link to graphic artists from the time.