858 resultados para Defect tracking


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There is strong converging evidence that the intermediate and medial part of the hyperstriatum ventrale of the chick brain is a memory store for information acquired through the learning process of imprinting. Neurons in this memory system come, through imprinting, to respond selectively to the imprinting stimulus (IS) neurons and so possess the properties of a memory trace. Therefore, the responses of the intermediate and medial part of the hyperstriatum ventrale neurons to a visual imprinting stimulus were determined before, during, and after training. Of the total recorded population, the proportions of IS neurons shortly after each of two 1-h training sessions were significantly higher (approximately 2 times) than the pretraining proportion. However, ≈4.5 h later this proportion had fallen significantly and did not differ significantly from the pretraining proportion. Nevertheless, ≈21.5 h after the end of training, the proportion of IS neurons was at its highest (approximately 3 times the pretraining level). No significant fluctuations occurred in the proportions of neurons responding to the alternative stimulus. In addition, nonmonotonic changes were found commonly in the activity of 230 of the neurons tracked individually from before training to shortly after the end of training. Thus the pattern of change in responsiveness both at the population level and at the level of individual neurons was highly nonmonotonic. Such a pattern of change is not consistent with simple models of memory based on synaptic strengthening to asymptote. A model is proposed that accounts for the changes in the population responses to the imprinting stimulus in terms of changes in the responses of individual neurons.


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Estrogens (E) and progestins regulate synaptogenesis in the CA1 region of the dorsal hippocampus during the estrous cycle of the female rat, and the functional consequences include changes in neurotransmission and memory. Synapse formation has been demonstrated by using the Golgi technique, dye filling of cells, electron microscopy, and radioimmunocytochemistry. N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor activation is required, and inhibitory interneurons play a pivotal role as they express nuclear estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) and show E-induced decreases of GABAergic activity. Although global decreases in inhibitory tone may be important, a more local role for E in CA1 neurons seems likely. The rat hippocampus expresses both ERα and ERβ mRNA. At the light microscopic level, autoradiography shows cell nuclear [3H]estrogen and [125I]estrogen uptake according to a distribution that primarily reflects the localization of ERα-immunoreactive interneurons in the hippocampus. However, recent ultrastructural studies have revealed extranuclear ERα immunoreactivity (IR) within select dendritic spines on hippocampal principal cells, axon terminals, and glial processes, localizations that would not be detectable by using standard light microscopic methods. Based on recent studies showing that both types of ER are expressed in a form that activates second messenger systems, these findings support a testable model in which local, non-genomic regulation by estrogen participates along with genomic actions of estrogens in the regulation of synapse formation.


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Swimming fish leave wakes containing hydrodynamic and chemical traces. These traces mark their swim paths and could guide predators. We now show that nocturnal European catfish (Silurus glanis) locate a piscine prey (guppy, Poecilia reticulata) by accurately tracking its three-dimensional swim path before an attack in the absence of visible light. Wakes that were up to 10 s old were followed over distances up to 55 prey-body lengths in our setup. These results demonstrate that prey wakes remain sufficiently identifiable to guide predators, and to extend considerably the area in which prey is detectable. Moreover, wakes elicit rear attacks, which may be more difficult to detect by prey. Wake tracking may be a common strategy among aquatic predators.


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The green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mutant 76–5EN lacks photosynthesis because of a nuclear-gene mutation that specifically inhibits expression of the chloroplast gene encoding the large subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco; EC Photosynthesis-competent revertants were selected from mutant 76–5EN to explore the possibility of increasing Rubisco expression. Genetic analysis of 10 revertants revealed that most arose from suppressor mutations in nuclear genes distinct from the original 76–5EN mutant gene. The revertant strains have regained various levels of Rubisco holoenzyme, but none of the suppressor mutations increased Rubisco expression above the wild-type level in either the presence or absence of the 76–5EN mutation. One suppressor mutation, S107–4B, caused a temperature-conditional, photosynthesis-deficient phenotype in the absence of the original 76–5EN mutation. The S107–4B strain was unable to grow photosynthetically at 35°C, but it expressed a substantial level of Rubisco holoenzyme. Whereas the 76–5EN gene encodes a nuclear factor that appears to be required for the transcription of the Rubisco large-subunit gene, the S107–4B nuclear gene may be required for the expression of other chloroplast genes.


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Ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes (E2 or Ubc) constitute a family of conserved proteins that play a key role in ubiquitin-dependent degradation of proteins in eukaryotes. We describe here a transgenic mouse strain where retrovirus integration into an Ubc gene, designated UbcM4, results in a recessive-lethal mutation. UbcM4 is the mouse homologue of the previously described human UbcH7 that is involved in the in vitro ubiquitination of several proteins including the tumor suppressor protein p53. The provirus is located in the first intron of the gene. When both alleles are mutated the level of steady-state mRNA is reduced by about 70%. About a third of homozygous mutant embryos die around day 11.5 of gestation. Embryos that survive that stage are growth retarded and die perinatally. The lethal phenotype is most likely caused by impairment of placenta development as this is the only organ that consistently showed pathological defects. The placental labyrinth is drastically reduced in size and vascularization is disturbed. The UbcM4 mouse mutant represents the first example in mammals of a mutation in a gene involved in ubiquitin conjugation. Its recessive-lethal phenotype demonstrates that the ubiquitin system plays an essential role during mouse development.


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To examine the hypothesis that surface P-selectin-positive (degranulated) platelets are rapidly cleared from the circulation, we developed novel methods for tracking of platelets and measurement of platelet function in vivo. Washed platelets prepared from nonhuman primates (baboons) were labeled with PKH2 (a lipophilic fluorescent dye), thrombin-activated, washed, and reinfused into the same baboons. Three-color whole blood flow cytometry was used to simultaneously (i) identify platelets with a mAb directed against glycoprotein (GP)IIb-IIIa (integrin alpha 11b beta 3), (ii) distinguish infused platelets by their PKH2 fluorescence, and (iii) analyze platelet function with mAbs. Two hours after infusion of autologous thrombin-activated platelets (P-selectin-positive, PKH2-labeled), 95 +/- 1% (mean +/- SEM, n = 5) of the circulating PKH2-labeled platelets had become P-selectin-negative. Compared with platelets not activated with thrombin preinfusion, the recovery of these circulating PKH2-labeled, P-selectin-negative platelets was similar 24 h after infusion and only slightly less 48 h after infusion. The loss of platelet surface P-selectin was fully accounted for by a 67.1 +/- 16.7 ng/ml increase in the plasma concentration of soluble P-selectin. The circulating PKH2-labeled, P-selectin-negative platelets were still able to function in vivo, as determined by their (i) participation in platelet aggregates emerging from a bleeding time wound, (ii) binding to Dacron in an arteriovenous shunt, (iii) binding of mAb PAC1 (directed against the fibrinogen binding site on GPIIb-IIIa), and (iv) generation of procoagulant platelet-derived microparticles. In summary, (i) circulating degranulated platelets rapidly lose surface P-selectin to the plasma pool, but continue to circulate and function; and (ii) we have developed novel three-color whole blood flow cytometric methods for tracking of platelets and measurement of platelet function in vivo.


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Palmitoyl-protein thioesterase is a lysosomal long-chain fatty acyl hydrolase that removes fatty acyl groups from modified cysteine residues in proteins. Mutations in palmitoyl-protein thioesterase were recently found to cause the neurodegenerative disorder infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, a disease characterized by accumulation of amorphous granular deposits in cortical neurons, leading to blindness, seizures, and brain death by the age of three. In the current study, we demonstrate that [35S]cysteine-labeled lipid thioesters accumulate in immortalized lymphoblasts of patients with infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis. The accumulation in cultured cells is reversed by the addition of recombinant palmitoyl-protein thioesterase that is competent for lysosomal uptake through the mannose-6-phosphate receptor. The [35S]cysteine-labeled lipids are substrates for palmitoyl-protein thioesterase in vitro, and their formation requires prior protein synthesis. These data support a role for palmitoyl-protein thioesterase in the lysosomal degradation of S-acylated proteins and define a major new pathway for the catabolism of acylated proteins in the lysosome.


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The final step in the pathway that provides for glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchoring of cell-surface proteins occurs in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum and consists of a transamidation reaction in which fully assembled GPI anchor donors are substituted for specific COOH-terminal signal peptide sequences contained in nascent polypeptides. In previous studies we described a human K562 cell mutant line, designated class K, which assembles all the known intermediates of the GPI pathway but fails to display GPI-anchored proteins on its surface membrane. In the present study, we used mRNA encoding miniPLAP, a truncated form of placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP), in in vitro assays with rough microsomal membranes (RM) of mutant K cells to further characterize the biosynthetic defect in this line. We found that RM from mutant K cells supported NH2-terminal processing of the nascent translational product, preprominiPLAP, but failed to show any detectable COOH-terminal processing of the resulting prominiPLAP to GPI-anchored miniPLAP. Proteinase K protection assays verified that NH2-terminal processed prominiPLAP was appropriately translocated into the endoplasmic reticulum lumen. The addition of hydrazine or hydroxylamine, which can substitute for GPI donors, to RM from wild-type or mutant cells defective in various intermediate biosynthetic steps in the GPI pathway produced large amounts of the hydrazide or hydroxamate of miniPLAP. In contrast, the addition of these nucleophiles to RM of class K cells yielded neither of these products. These data, taken together, lead us to conclude that mutant K cells are defective in part of the GPI transamidase machinery.


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V(D)J rearrangement is the molecular mechanism by which an almost infinite array of specific immune receptors are generated. Defects in this process result in profound immunodeficiency as is the case in the C.B-17 SCID mouse or in RAG-1 (recombination-activating gene 1) or RAG-2 deficient mice. It has recently become clear that the V(D)J recombinase most likely consists of both lymphoid-specific factors and ubiquitously expressed components of the DNA double-strand break repair pathway. The deficit in SCID mice is in a factor that is required for both of these pathways. In this report, we show that the factor defective in the autosomal recessive severe combined immunodeficiency of Arabian foals is required for (i) V(D)J recombination, (ii) resistance to ionizing radiation, and (iii) DNA-dependent protein kinase activity.


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The survival of cultured mouse hippocampal neurons was found to be greatly enhanced by micromolar concentrations of the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate. Blockade of kainate/AMPA (alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid) glutamate receptors increased the rate of neuron death, suggesting that endogenous glutamate in the cultures promotes survival. Addition of glutamate (0.5-1 microM) further increased neuron survival, whereas glutamate in excess of 20 microM resulted in increased death. Thus, the survival vs. glutamate dose-response relation is bell-shaped with an optimal glutamate concentration near 1 microM. We found that hippocampal neurons from mice with the genetic defect trisomy 16 (Ts16) died 2-3 times faster than normal (euploid) neurons. Moreover, glutamate, at all concentrations tested, failed to increase survival of Ts16 neurons. In contrast, the neurotrophic polypeptide basic fibroblast growth factor did increase the survival of Ts16 and euploid neurons. Ts16 is a naturally occurring mouse genetic abnormality, the human analog of which (Down syndrome) leads to altered brain development and Alzheimer disease. These results demonstrate that the Ts16 genotype confers a defect in the glutamate-mediated survival response of hippocampal neurons and that this defect can contribute to their accelerated death.


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If deprived of wild-type p53 function, the body loses a guardian that protects against cancer. Restoration of p53 function has, therefore, been proposed as a means of counteracting oncogenesis. This concept of therapy requires prior knowledge with regard to proper balance of p53 function in a given target tissue. We have addressed this problem by targeting expression of the wild-type human p53 gene to the lens, a tissue entirely composed of epithelial cells that differentiate into elongated fiber cells. Transgenic mice expressing wild-type human p53 develop microphthalmia as a result of a defect in fiber formation that sets in shortly after birth. We see apoptotic cells that fail to undergo proper differentiation. In an effort to directly link the observed lens phenotype to the activity of the wild-type human p53 transgene, we also generated mice expressing a mutant human p53 allele that lacks wild-type function. A normal lens phenotype is restored in double transgenic animals that carry both wild-type and mutant human p53 alleles. Our study highlights the difficulties that can arise if p53 levels are improperly balanced in a differentiating tissue.


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Knowing how motile bacteria move near and along a solid surface is crucial to understanding such diverse phenomena as the migration of infectious bacteria along a catheter, biofilm growth, and the movement of bacteria through the pore spaces of saturated soil, a critical step in the in situ bioremediation of contaminated aquifers. In this study, a tracking microscope is used to record the three-dimensional motion of Escherichia coli near a planar glass surface. Data from the tracking microscope are analyzed to quantify the effects of bacteria-surface interactions on the swimming behavior of bacteria. The speed of cells approaching the surface is found to decrease in agreement with the mathematical model of Ramia et al. [Ramia, M., Tullock, D. L. & Phan-Tien, N. (1993) Biophys J. 65,755-778], which represents the bacteria as spheres with a single polar flagellum rotating at a constant rate. The tendency of cells to swim adjacent to the surface is shown in computer-generated reproductions of cell traces. The attractive interaction potential between the cells and the solid surface is offered as one of several possible explanations for this tendency.


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Previous biochemical studies have suggested a role for bacterial DNA topoisomerase (TOPO) I in the suppression of R-loop formation during transcription. In this report, we present several pieces of genetic evidence to support a model in which R-loop formation is dynamically regulated during transcription by activities of multiple DNA TOPOs and RNase H. In addition, our results suggest that events leading to the serious growth problems in the absence of DNA TOPO I are linked to R-loop formation. We show that the overexpression of RNase H, an enzyme that degrades the RNA moiety of an R loop, can partially compensate for the absence of DNA TOPO I. We also note that a defect in DNA gyrase can correct several phenotypes associated with a mutation in the rnhA gene, which encodes the major RNase H activity. In addition, we found that a combination of topA and rnhA mutations is lethal.


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Objetivo: O principal propósito do estudo foi pesquisar a disfunção ventricular esquerda subclínica em pacientes com lúpus eritematoso sistêmico juvenil (LESJ) através da técnica de speckle-tracking bidimensional. Foi investigada ainda uma possível correlação entre o comprometimento da deformação miocárdica e o SLEDAI-2K (Systemic Lupus Erithematosus Disease Activity Index 2000), bem como a presença de fatores de risco cardiovascular, tanto tradicionais como ligados à doença. Métodos: 50 pacientes assintomáticos do ponto de vista cardiovascular e 50 controles saudáveis (14,74 vs. 14,82 anos, p=0.83) foram avaliados pelo ecocardiograma convencional e pelo speckle-tracking bidimensional. Resultados: Apesar da fração de ejeção normal, os pacientes apresentaram redução de todos os parâmetros de deformação miocárdica longitudinal e radial, quando comparados aos controles: strain de pico sistólico longitudinal [-20,3 (-11 a -26) vs. -22 (-17,8 a -30.4) %, p < 0,0001], strain rate de pico sistólico longitudinal [-1,19 ± 0,21 vs. -1,3 ± 0,25 s-1, p=0,0005], strain rate longitudinal na diástole precoce [1,7 (0,99 a 2,95) vs. 2 (1,08 a 3,00) s-1 , p=0,0034], strain de pico sistólico radial [33,09 ± 8,6 vs. 44,36 ± 8,72%, p < 0,0001], strain rate de pico sistólico radial [1,98 ± 0,53 vs. 2,49 ± 0,68 s-1, p < 0,0001] e strain rate radial na diástole precoce [-2,31 ± 0,88 vs. -2,75 ± 0,97 s-1, p=0,02]. O strain de pico sistólico circunferencial [-23,67 ± 3,46 vs. - 24,6 ± 2,86%, p=0,43] e o strain rate circunferencial na diástole precoce [2 (0,88 a 3,4) vs. 1,99 (1,19 a 3,7) s-1, p=0,88] foram semelhantes em pacientes e controles. Apenas o strain rate de pico sistólico circunferencial [-1,5 ± 0,3 vs. -1,6 ± 0,3 s-1, p=0,036] mostrou-se reduzido no LESJ. Uma correlação negativa foi identificada entre o strain de pico sistólico longitudinal e o SLEDAI-2K (r = - 0,52; p < 0,0001) e também o número de fatores de risco cardiovascular por paciente (r = -0,32, p=0,024). Conclusões: Foi evidenciada disfunção sistólica e diastólica subclínica de ventrículo esquerdo no LESJ através da técnica de speckle-tracking bidimensional. A atividade da doença e a exposição aos fatores de risco cardiovascular provavelmente contribuíram para o comprometimento da deformação miocárdica nesses pacientes


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The very purpose of a recruiting software program is to help the management of organizations, primarily the HR department to keep track of the job applications. An applicant tracking system can reduce an organization's overall recruitment cost, increase productivity, and raise the level of satisfaction due to faster and better completion of transactions and services. This project analyzes four software providers to discover an applicant tracking system which best suits an organization's recruiting needs. The capstone also highlights that great success an organization can be achieved by significantly improving the delivery of its recruiting services to employees, managers and applicants. The adoption of a well managed applicant tracking system can support this goal.