789 resultados para Davidson


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Sucesso profissional está relacionado à satisfação do indivíduo com a sua carreira em longo prazo. Essa satisfação deriva de aspectos intrínsecos e extrínsecos, referentes a uma dimensão objetiva - aspectos mais visíveis do sucesso na carreira - que inclui: salários, progressão profissional, status e oportunidades de desenvolvimento de carreira, como promoção; e outra subjetiva, que se refere à interpretação pessoal do que seja sucesso, em especial na carreira: satisfação com o trabalho, orgulho, sentimentos de autorrealização, dentre outros. A percepção do sucesso com a carreira pode estar associada a características individuais como, por exemplo, a resiliência, que representa o processo dinâmico de adaptação positiva frente às adversidades. Na literatura, não foram localizados estudos que relacionem ambas as variáveis, isto é, sobre o quanto a resiliência pessoal pode contribuir para a percepção de sucesso na carreira. A fim de investigar essa influência, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo principal identificar se resiliência pessoal de administradores prediz sua percepção de sucesso na carreira. Participaram 137 administradores, formados em diversas instituições, sendo 56,1% do sexo feminino e 43,7% do sexo masculino, com idade média de 33 anos, divididos entre casados ou solteiros (44,5% para ambos). Os dados foram coletados por meio de um questionário sociodemográfico, baseado na Escala de Percepção de Sucesso na Carreira e da Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC). As respostas compuseram um banco eletrônico de dados e foram analisados por meio do Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Resultados de análises de regressão hierárquica revelaram que resiliência prediz 5,5% da percepção do sucesso na carreira objetiva e 9% da percepção de sucesso na carreira subjetiva. Ao acrescentar a interação entre idade e tempo de trabalho, o poder de predição de ambos os modelos, tanto para sucesso objetivo, quanto para o subjetivo, elevou-se substancialmente, chegando ao dobro. Resiliência contribui para que os participantes percebam sucesso na carreira em ambas as dimensões, objetiva e subjetiva, e a predição é potencializada pela interação entre idade e tempo de trabalho. Os achados deste estudo confirmaram a hipótese levantada. O estudo trouxe contribuições para a área, mas também foram reconhecidas limitações, em função das quais foi proposta uma agenda de pesquisa para estudos futuros.


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Resiliência representa o processo dinâmico envolvendo a adaptação positiva no contexto de adversidade significativa. Estudos sobre o conceito têm aumentado com o advento da Psicologia Positiva, pelos potenciais efeitos na saúde e no desempenho dos trabalhadores. Outros conceitos importantes para a saúde circunscritos no escopo da Psicologia Positiva no contexto de trabalho são os de auto-eficácia, definida como crenças das pessoas sobre suas capacidades e/ou seu exercício de controle sobre os eventos que afetam sua vida e o de suporte social no trabalho, que compreende a percepção do quanto o contexto laborativo oferece apoio aos trabalhadores. Pouca literatura existe sobre resiliência no contexto de trabalho e nenhum estudo envolvendo os três construtos foi encontrado. Por isto, esta investigação analisou o impacto da auto-eficácia e da percepção de suporte social no trabalho sobre a resiliência de trabalhadores. Participaram 243 universitários trabalhadores da região metropolitana de São Paulo, com idade média de 23 anos (DP=6,2 anos), em sua maioria do sexo feminino (69,5%), cristãos (católicos=51,5%; protestantes=18,1%), atuantes em cargos de apoio administrativo e técnico (49,1%), oriundos de organizações de diversos ramos. Foi aplicado um questionário para coletar dados sócio-demográficos dos participantes e três escalas brasileiras válidas para medir a percepção de suporte social no trabalho (Escala de Percepção de Suporte Social no Trabalho EPSST), as crenças de auto-eficácia (Escala de Auto-eficácia Geral Percebida) e nível de resiliência (Escala de Resiliência de Connor-Davidson CD-RISC-10). Foram realizadas análises estatísticas exploratórias e descritivas, análises de regressão stepwise, análises de variância (ANOVA) e teste t para descrever participantes, variáveis e testar o modelo. Os dados revelaram que os universitários trabalhadores apresentam níveis de resiliência e auto-eficácia acima da média e de suporte social no trabalho, na média. Auto-eficácia se confirmou como preditor significativo de resiliência ao contrário dos três tipos de percepção de suporte social no trabalho (informacional, emocional e instrumental). Os achados indicaram a necessidade de aprofundamento sobre o tema e foi apontada a necessidade de novos estudos que auxiliem na compreensão dos resultados desta investigação.


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In recent years, technologically advanced methodologies such as Translog have gained a lot of ground in translation process research. However, in this paper it will be argued that quantitative research methods can be supplemented by ethnographic qualitative ones so as to enhance our understanding of what underlies the translation process. Although translation studies scholars have sometimes applied an ethnographic approach to the study of translation, this paper offers a different perspective and considers the potential of ethnographic research methods for tapping cognitive and behavioural aspects of the translation process. A number of ethnographic principles are discussed and it is argued that process researchers aiming to understand translators’ perspectives and intentions, how these shape their behaviours, as well as how translators reflect on the situations they face and how they see themselves, would undoubtedly benefit from adopting an ethnographic framework for their studies on translation processes.


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The conformational characteristics of poly(dimethylsilmethylene), poly(dimethylsilethene), poly(dimethylsilethane) and a related material, poly(2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-1-oxa-2,5-disilapentane), have been investigated using the method of molecular mechanics. In this method, a quantitative analysis of the factors affecting the nature and magnitude of the bond rotation potentials governing their conformational behaviour has been undertaken. Along with their structural data, the results obtained were employed to calculate a variety of conformationally-dependent properties for these polymers, including the characteristic ratio, the dipole moment ratio and the mean-square radius of gyration. In addition, the dielectric relaxation behaviour of two samples of poly(2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-1-oxa-2,5-disilapentane) with molar masses Mw = 28000 and Mw = 46000 respectively, have been studied as a function of temperature (179K-205K) and frequency (100-105Hz). Activation energies for the α-relaxation process and Davidson-Cole empirical distribution factors have been calculated.


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The dielectric relaxation behaviour of a series of cyclic and linear poly(dimethylsiloxanes) with overline nn in the range 28 to 99 has been studied, as a function of temperature (142.0K-157.5K) and frequency (12-105Hz). Activation energies for the -relaxation process, Davidson-Cole empirical distribution factors, , and mean-square dipole moments per repeat unit, < 2> , have been calculated. Differences in values of H_act reflected restricted dipolar rotation for the cyclic structures, compared to the linear structures, over the range of molecular weights studied. The dielectric relaxation behaviour of a series of linear oligomers of methyl phenyl siloxane, with n in the range 4 to 10, a series of linear fractions of poly(methyl phenyl siloxane), with overline n_n in the range 31 to 1370, and a cyclic oligomer of mehyl phenyl siloxane, with n = 10, has been studied as a function of temperature (155.5K-264.0K) and frequency (12-105Hz). Activation energies for the -relaxation process, Davidson-Cole and Cole-Cole empirical distribution factors, and , respectively, and mean-square dipole moments per repeat unit have been calculated. The reduced flexibility of short methyl phenyl siloxane chains, compared to dimethyl siloxane chains, was apparent from a comparison of dipole moment ratios. The dilectric relaxation behaviour of poly(methyl hydrogen siloxane) and poly(n-hexyl methyl siloxane) has been studied as a function of temperature and frequency. A polysiloxane liquid crystal has been synthesised and its dielectric relaxation behaviour has been studied, as a function of temperature and frequency, in the liquid crystalline phase and below T_g. Poly(p-phenylene vinylene) and related oligomers have been synthesised and characterised by a variety of experimental techniques. The Kerr effect of two oligomeric fractions, in solution in PPG 2025, has been measured. The electrical conductivities of the undoped and I_2-doped polymer and oligomers have been measured.


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Using panel data for twenty-seven post-communist economies between 1987-2003, we examine the nexus of relationships between inequality, fiscal capacity (defined as the ability to raise taxes efficiently) and the political regime. Investigating the impact of political reform we find that full political freedom is associated with lower levels of income inequality. Under more oligarchic (authoritarian) regimes, the level of inequality is conditioned by the state’s fiscal capacity. Specifically, oligarchic regimes with more developed fiscal systems are able to defend the prevailing vested interests at a lower cost in terms of social injustice. This empirical finding is consistent with the model developed by Acemoglu (2006). We also find that transition countries undertaking early macroeconomic stabilisation now enjoy lower levels of inequality; we confirm that education fosters equality and the suggestion of Commander et al (1999) that larger countries are prone to higher levels of inequality.


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Does entrepreneurial optimism affect business performance? Using a unique data set based on repeated survey design, we investigate this relationship empirically. Our measures of ëoptimismí and ërealismí are derived from comparing the turnover growth expectations of ...133 owners-managers with the actual outcomes one year later. Our results indicate that entrepreneurial optimists perform significantly better in terms of profits than pessimists. Moreover, it is the optimist-realist combination that performs best. We interpret our results using regulatory focus theory.


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Does entrepreneurial optimism affect business performance? Using a unique data set based on repeated survey design, we investigate this relationship empirically. Our measures of ‘optimism’ and ‘realism’ are derived from comparing the turnover growth expectations of 133 owners-managers with the actual outcomes one year later. Our results indicate that entrepreneurial optimists perform significantly better in terms of profits than pessimists. Moreover, it is the optimist-realist combination that performs best. We interpret our results using regulatory focus theory.


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Theoretical and empirical studies show that deindustrialisation, broadly observed in developed countries, is an inherent part of the economic development pattern. However, post-communist countries, while being only middle-income economies, have also experienced deindustrialisation. Building on the model developed by Rowthorn and Wells (1987) we explain this phenomenon and show that there is a strong negative relationship between the magnitude of deindustrialisation and the efficiency and consistency of market reforms. We also demonstrate that reforms of the agricultural sector play a significant role in placing a transition country on a development path that guarantees convergence to EU employment structures.


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The aim of this paper is to model the evolution of employment structure in post-communist economies in the broader context of deindustrialisation. The paper builds on the model of structural change developed by Rowthorn and Wells (1987). We show that the starting point of high industry sector share in total employment and its direct fall when productivity of sectors changes in favour of services can be explained in terms of this framework. Moreover, the model can also describe the phenomenon of a further expansion of the agriculture, observed in countries classified as "less consistent" in the reforms implementation. Hence, we distinguish two development paths, the efficient one, called "horizontal", and the inefficient one called "vertical". We illustrate it with empirical data, using alternative measures of structural change and patterns of structural evolutions during transition. Finally, we discuss the link between the EBRD indicators of reforms and structural change. We show that the "quality" of reforms, not the initial GDP level determines a country's development path.


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Metformin may play in important role in the future in helping to prevent the development of diabetes: it is a strong candidate therapy for delaying the onset of the disease and potentially as part of a treatment programme to correct features of the metabolic syndrome. This book celebrates 50 years of research into metformin and its use in the treatment of diabetes. Metformin is still the drug of choice for managing patients with type 2 diabetes and all new drugs are tested in comparison with this, the gold standard. Comprising seven sections, addressing different aspects of research on metformin and its applications, this book is edited by a world class team of expert diabetologists and beautifully presented in two colour throughout. It also includes a bibliography of all papers published on metformin and a complete list of all authors on those papers.


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Book reviewed: The Brain and Emotion by E. Rolls (2000). ix + 367 pp., ISBN 0-19-852463-3, Price £17.99, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Anxiety, Depression and Emotion by R.D. Davidson (Ed.). (2000). ISBN 0-19-513358-7, New York: Oxford University Press.