997 resultados para D.C.
Echicetin, a heterodimeric snake C-type lectin from Echis carinatus, is known to bind specifically to platelet glycoprotein (GP)Ib. We now show that, in addition, it agglutinates platelets in plasma and induces platelet signal transduction. The agglutination is caused by binding to a specific protein in plasma. The protein was isolated from plasma and shown to cause platelet agglutination when added to washed platelets in the presence of echicetin. It was identified as immunoglobulin Mkappa (IgMkappa) by peptide sequencing and dot blotting with specific heavy and light chain anti-immunoglobulin reagents. Platelet agglutination by clustering echicetin with IgMkappa induced P-selectin expression and activation of GPIIb/IIIa as well as tyrosine phosphorylation of several signal transduction molecules, including p53/56(LYN), p64, p72(SYK), p70 to p90, and p120. However, neither ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid nor specific inhibition of GPIIb/IIIa affected platelet agglutination or activation by echicetin. Platelet agglutination and induction of signal transduction could also be produced by cross-linking biotinylated echicetin with avidin. These data indicate that clustering of GPIb alone is sufficient to activate platelets. In vivo, echicetin probably activates platelets rather than inhibits platelet activation, as previously proposed, accounting for the observed induction of thrombocytopenia.
Tenascin-C (TNC) is a mechano-regulated, morphogenic, extracellular matrix protein that is associated with tissue remodeling. The physiological role of TNC remains unclear because transgenic mice engineered for a TNC deficiency, via a defect in TNC secretion, show no major pathologies. We hypothesized that TNC-deficient mice would demonstrate defects in the repair of damaged leg muscles, which would be of functional significance because this tissue is subjected to frequent cycles of mechanical damage and regeneration. TNC-deficient mice demonstrated a blunted expression of the large TNC isoform and a selective atrophy of fast-muscle fibers associated with a defective, fast myogenic expression response to a damaging mechanical challenge. Transcript profiling mapped a set of de-adhesion, angiogenesis, and wound healing regulators as TNC expression targets in striated muscle. Expression of these regulators correlated with the residual expression of a damage-related 200-kDa protein, which resembled the small TNC isoform. Somatic knockin of TNC in fast-muscle fibers confirmed the activation of a complex expression program of interstitial and slow myofiber repair by myofiber-derived TNC. The results presented here show that a TNC-orchestrated molecular pathway integrates muscle repair into the load-dependent control of the striated muscle phenotype.
To study whether protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms can interact with protein-tyrosine-phosphatases (PTPs) which are connected to the insulin signaling pathway, we co-overexpressed PKC isoforms together with insulin receptor, docking proteins, and the PTPs SHP1 and SHP2 in human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells. After phorbol ester induced activation of PKC isoforms alpha, beta 1, beta 2, and eta, we could show a defined gel mobility shift of SHP2, indicating phosphorylation on serine/threonine residues. This phosphorylation was not dependent on insulin receptor or insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) overexpression and did not occur for the closely related phosphatase SHP1. Furthermore, PKC phosphorylation of SHP2 was completely blocked by the PKC inhibitor bisindolylmaleimide and was not detectable when SHP2 was co-overexpressed with kinase negative mutants of PKC beta 1 and -beta 2. The phosphorylation also occurred on endogenous SHP2 in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells stably overexpressing PKC beta 2. Using point mutants of SHP2, we identified serine residues 576 and 591 as phosphorylation sites for PKC. However, no change of phosphatase activity by TPA treatment was detected in an in vitro assay. In summary, SHP2 is phosphorylated on serine residues 576 and 591 by PKC isoforms alpha, beta 1, beta 2, and eta.
Objetivo de esta comunicación es presentar los resultados sobre un análisis realizado en torno a lo que podemos denominar el «paisaje lingüístico hispano virtual» en Washington D.F. Los estudios sobre paisaje lingüístico han experimentado en el último tiempo un verdadero boom, sobre todo como reflejo de la convivencia de diferentes culturas con sus respectivas lenguas y variedades en las urbes del siglo XXI. En efecto: el paisaje lingüístico multilingüe es uno de los aspectos más explotados en trabajos en esta línea teórica. En este estudio el centro de atención no es el paisaje "real", documentado in situ y captado motu propio en instantáneas por nuestros aparatos fotográficos, sino el paisaje lingüístico mediatizado por el ordenador y difundido mediante la World Wide Web. En este sentido, lo que nos interesa es si se ve reflejada y qué manera la hispanidad en Washington D.F. a través del paisaje urbano que nos ofrecen programas especializados como Google Earth y Google Street View. Con este objetivo proponemos un paseo virtual por Washington D.F. y sus diferentes barrios para analizar mediante un estudio de naturaleza cuantitativa y cualitativa, apoyándonos en las herramientas teóricas y metodológicas que ofrecen los estudios de paisaje lingüístico y de la Comunicación Mediada por Ordenadores, de qué manera lo hispano constituye un engranaje del paisaje lingüístico de esta ciudad.
Fil: Garay, Diego. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
Fil: Fernández, Claudia Nélida. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
Rómulo Betancourt y Juan D. Perón lideraron movimientos políticos considerados génesis de la democracia de masas en sus respectivos países, jalonada por sendos mítines populares del 17 de octubre de 1945 en Caracas y Buenos Aires, cuyo significado fue realzado como causa del proceso político ulterior. Pese a las diferencias, se destacan algunas semejanzas, tales como el contenido popular de ambos movimientos y cierta base de sustentación castrense. Se incluye un marco explicativo del proceso político venezolano precedente pero, en lo sustancial, el análisis se centra en el breve periodo transcurrido entre finales de la Segunda Guerra y el inicio de la Guerra Fría, cuando se produjeron cambios políticos en Argentina y Venezuela con un gran protagonismo de ambos dirigentes en sus respectivos países y en las recíprocas intromisiones que llevaron a cabo, enfatizando la oposición expresa de Betancourt hacia Perón desde el golpe de Estado del 4 de junio de 1943.