999 resultados para Déviance (vol, délinquance, vandalisme, isolement social)
Violencia y órdenes sociales: un marco conceptual para la interpretación de la historia humana registrada
Las profesiones tienen unas imágenes y hacen parte de las representaciones sociales. Este artículo muestra los resultados de la investigación sobre el valor social de la profesión y del profesional del derecho, aplicada en población general. De los resultados se destaca la desvalorización social de temas cruciales en el ejercicio de la profesión: ética, solidaridad, honestidad y humildad, situación ambivalente pues los profesionales del derecho gozan de un gran prestigio en cuanto al éxito exaltado y el ropaje como abogados, señalados como elementos esenciales en el ejercicio profesional y que constituyen un entramado natural de significados que dan cuenta de la ostentación del poder de la profesión sobre el control de la vida de las personas. Este estudio mostró, además, la importancia de la calidad de la formación universitaria para el ejercicio de la profesión, y el reto de trabajar por una formación más eficaz y consecuente con las situaciones sociales y personales que debe enfrentar el profesional en el complejo y competido mercado laboral.
Este artículo analiza dos cuestiones que se encuentran íntimamente relacionadas. En primerlugar, desde una perspectiva crítica, se efectúa una reflexión sobre el actual modelo de relacioneslaborales español, sometido a un proceso permanente de reformas encaminadasa fomentar el empleo, aunque en la práctica se están traduciendo en un reforzamiento delpoder unilateral del empresario en el seno de las organizaciones productivas, que priva a lostrabajadores de derechos sustanciales en cuya conquista se invirtieron décadas. En segundotérmino, se aborda la incorporación de un creciente colectivo de personas expulsadas delmercado de trabajo al sistema asistencial, que también se encuentra profundamente afectado por los recortes económicos. El complejo modelo asistencial español, gestionado por las ComunidadesAutónomas, no garantiza a este colectivo la cobertura mínima de necesidades, locual está desembocando en una nada deseable regresión: paulatinamente se está retornandoa un modelo benéfico-asistencial, impropio de un Estado social y democrático de Derecho.Para ello, se explicará el modelo actual de servicios sociales, en el marco institucional delestado de bienestar y posteriormente se expondrán algunas de las dificultades actuales,consecuencia de la crisis económica, agravada por la reciente reforma laboral. Aunque lasreflexiones se centran en el ordenamiento jurídico y la realidad laboral española, son extrapolablesa otros países del entorno.
Hablar de los veinte años de la Constitución desde la perspectiva de hoy, implica necesariamente detenerse a analizar la apertura, internacionalización e inserción de la economía Colombiana con el mundo y sus efectos en la economía nacional y per se en la sociedad. El presente artículo presenta una aproximación al desarrollo de los Acuerdos de Promoción y Protección de la Inversión extranjera (APPRI) o Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) como son mundialmente conocidos, en la constitución de 1991 y la importancia dada por el estado Colombiano a estos tratados como herramientas para el desarrollo económico, tecnológico y científico. En este sentido, el artículo parte del análisis de estos tratados y su desarrollo en el ámbito internacional, para después centrarse en el estudio de los BITs en Colombia a la luz de la jurisprudencia de la Corte Constitucional sobre la materia. Del análisis se destaca el estudio de la expropiación de inversiones extranjeras en Colombia bajo la Constitución de 1991, la contradicción existente entre los BITs y la solución dada por el legislador frente a la controversia. Finalmente el artículo realiza una crítica desde un punto de vista teórico sobre la efectividad y necesidad de estos tratados para la sociedad Colombiana.
Law is often the source of social discriminations, but, at the same time, it can be thekey to delete these social discriminations. The authors try to give an example of thisphenomenon, by analyzing the impact of the Italian citizenship’s rules over the descendantsof the Italian citizens emigrated abroad and, especially, in South America.Indeed, according to the former Italian law, only fathers could transmit iure sanguinisthe citizenship to their children: moreover, women automatically lost theItalian citizenship if they get a foreign citizenship by concluding a marriage witha foreign husband.These rules hardly discriminate the Italian women emigrated abroad and, especially,their descendants who were prevented to get the Italian’s citizenship.These discriminatory rules were finally deleted by the Italian Constitutional Courtin the Seventies and in the Eighties: however, the effects of those rules still persisted,since the decision of the Constitutional Court could not overcome the temporal limit of the entry into force of the Constitution (01.01.1948) and, therefore, could not“cover” the discriminatory facts occurred before that date.Finally in 2009, the Italian Supreme Court, by extending the effects ratione temporisof the decisions of the Constitutional Court, “reopened the doors” of the Italiancitizenship to a huge number of Italian citizenship born from Italian women beforethe 01.01.1948.Therefore, the authors focus on the social impact of this decision for all the potentialItalian citizens living in South America and try to assess its juridical effects overthe Italian law.
How do we justify the practice of corrective justice for losses suffered during armed conflicts? This article seeks to show the force and relevance of this question, and to argue that, in cases of massively destructive wars, social justice should gain priority over corrective justice. Starting from a liberal Rawlsian conception of the relationship between corrective and social justice, it is argued that, paradoxically, the more destructive a war is, the less normative force corrective rights have and the higher priority policies of social justice, which guarantee basic rights to all citizens, should have.
En este artículo, se plantea el problema de si puede considerarse a la educación como un derechofundamental. Se analizan las implicaciones que ha tenido su no inclusión como tal derechoen la Constitución en el capítulo de los derechos fundamentales. Se estudian dos grandes tradicionessobre los derechos fundamentales: el neoliberalismo afirma que los derechos fundamentalesson únicamente los derechos liberales civiles y políticos. Y el liberalismo social concibe quelos derechos fundamentales son, además de los derechos liberales civiles y políticos, los económicosy sociales. En la parte final, se hace una reconstrucción del desarrollo del derechoa la educación en la jurisprudencia de la Corte Constitucional; termina con unas críticas alproyecto de reforma de la educación superior y unas sugerencias con miras a proponer a laeducación como un derecho fundamental.
This study verses on the meeting of psychology with the social policy area. The objective is to discuss how psychologists that work in the Basic Health Units and in the Social Assistance Reference Centers experience their daily practices. Using the interview and participant observation methods, we investigated the modes of action of 13 psychologists involved in these service units. The results indicate that because these contexts are adverse to the traditional forms of action, many professionals experience daily strangeness and discomfort, resulting from their encounters with limiting situations of difficult management. Furthermore, we observed practices and experiences that were marked by feelings of compassion, pity, and resentment. We consider, finally, that the encounter between psychology and social policies requires flexibility in traditional acting modes as well as the pursuit of strategies that consider cultural contexts characteristics, avoiding capture, fatigue and saturation process that stifle the worker.
The present study aimed at comparing social representations structures concerning data collection procedures: through internet forms, diffused in the WWW, and through conventional paper and pencil questionnaire methods. overall 893 individuals participated in the research, 58% of whom were female. A total of 217 questionnaires about the social representation on football (soccer) and 218 about the representation on aging were answered by Brazilian university students in classrooms. Electronic versions of the same instrument were diffused through an internet forum linked to the same university. There were 238 answers for the football questionnaire and 230 for the aging one. The instrument asked participants to indicate five words or expressions related to one of the social objects. Sample characteristics and structural analyses were carried out separately for the two data collection procedures. data indicated that internet-based research allows for higher sample diversity, but it is essential to guarantee the adoption of measures that can select only desired participants. Results also pointed out the need to take into account the nature of the social object to be investigated through internet research on representations, seeking to avoid self-selection effects, which can bias results, as it seems to have happened with the football social object.
The objectives of this study are: (a) to analyze if the relationship between parenting dimensions and children adjustment regarding coping strategies are similar in Argentinian and Spanish samples within poverty contexts; (b) to compare parental dimensions in the two groups studied, and (c) to determine the efficiency of parenting through the study of their influence in children coping strategies. The Graffar-Méndez Castellano Scale (Méndez-Castellano & Méndez, 1994), that brings a socioeconomic description of the population; an Argentinian Scale of Children Perception of Parental Relationships for 8 to 12 years of age (Richaud, 2007a), and the Argentine Questionnaire of Coping for children (Richaud, 2006) were administered to a sample of 458 Spanish and Argentinian children from 8 to 12 years old. Correlations were carried out to analyze the relationships between parenting dimensions and children coping strategies in both groups, and MANOVA, to study if there were different parental dimensions in the two groups —Argentina and Spain—, and to analyze if there were differences in children coping strategies. The results indicate that correlational pattern is similar in both groups, but parental dimensions are different for each culture, being the Argentinian parents more neglectful than Spanish parents. At the same time, Argentinian children adopt coping strategies less efficient that the Spanish children ones, involving in that way a greater emotional conflict.
This paper examines the children and young people's participation and protagonism rights based on the Conferences on Children and Adolescents Rights' experience in Brazil, based on childhood sociology. Conferences' documents were consulted on the Brazilian government websites. These study findings revealed that young people's participation has increased in the last conferences. However, it is necessary to promote a systematic and genuine participation through democratic relations construction in all development contexts where childrenand adolescent live in order to modify their life and society participative practices.