944 resultados para Cutover lands
An abstract of title for multiple lots in Peter H. Hamilton’s survey, south of Hunter Street, in the City of Hamilton. The lots involved range from lots 93-203 (non-inclusive). The document is dated November 10, 1865. The entries are dated from 1798 to 1865 and include the grantor, grantee, lands and instrument. The name Geo. S. Papps, Esq. appears centred at the top of the page. The document is signed at the bottom by John H. Greer, Registrar. A note on the reverse side of the document reads “Re Angus Abstract”.
A by-law begins: "It was then moved by R.S. Kinner and Seconded by George Barnes that by Law No. 12 be read. Whereas by Identure bearing date thirteenth day of August A.D. 1873 made between one George Barnes of the first part thereof and Andrew S. Kinner and Charles Robert Murray of the second part thereof which said Identure was duly registered in the Registry Office for Lands for the said County of Lincoln on the 14th day of August A.D. 1880 in Book 4 for the Township of Louth as No. 1534 the said George Barnes granted and conveyed the Lands and premises therein described to the said Andrew S. Kinner and Charles Robert Murray and their heirs and assigns as joint tenants and not as tenants as common upon the trusts and for the purposes therein expressed. And Whereas the said Andrew S. Kinner died on about the 13th day of June 1877 A.D. without having made any appointment under the provisions of the said in part recited Identure.."
Indenture of assignment of mortgage between Jacob Thomas Nottle, land agent of Hamilton and George Steel of the Village of Romoka in the County of Middlesex regarding a parcel of land in the village of Romoka composed of Lot no. 17 in Block U. Robert Telfer granted to Ira Spalding these lands and premises subject to payment of principal money and interest (2 copies), June 18, 1874.
Indenture of agreement for sale of land between Samuel D. Woodruff of St. Catharines and Terrance Johnson of St. Catharines for purchase of lot no. 20 in the 5th Concession in the Township of Grantham. This is accompanied by a printed letter which states the S.D. Woodruff is to make a conveyance of the lands to Edward McArdle. The letter is signed by T. Johnson, February 19, 1877.
Indenture of Release of Dower between Julia Cleveland Woodruff of St. Catharines (widow of Hamilton K. Woodruff) and Margaret Julia Band of Toronto (wife of Percy K. Band). On Jan.28, 1926 Hamilton K. Woodruff granted and conveyed to Margaret Julia Band 1 acre in the Township of Sherbourne composed of Woodruff Island in St. Nora’s Lake opposite lot no.2 in the 1st concession of Sherborne, except the pine trees on the island. There were also 75 acres in the town of Sherborne composed of St. Margaret’s Island in St. Nora’s Lake. Julia Cleveland did not join in the execution of this conveyance but has agreed to execute this indenture in order to release her dower in said lands. Margaret Julia Band paid $1 to Julia Cleveland Woodruff to complete this transaction, Dec. 1947.
Statement signed by Hume Blake of Toronto (2 ½ pages) who has read the will of Joseph Clement dated May 14, 1810 and has also read the will of Mary M. Clement dated Sept. 10, 1842. He states that the devise to James D. Clement and Joseph Clement is void. “The executor therefore take the personal estate … and the lands devised to James and Joseph Clement descend unencumbered to the heir of the testator Joseph Clement.” This document is slightly burned on the edges but text is not affected. The outer page says “Mr. Hume Blake for Brock Woodruff, May 9, 1845.
Letter to Mr. Lee who was clerk of the Heir Devisee Committee in Toronto from Samuel D. Woodruff. [The Heir and Devisee Committee was formed to clarify the titles to land of heirs of people who had been assigned Crown lands before 1795. Many of the original grantees had not taken out patents to confirm their legal right to the land.] This letter confirms that steps have been taken to issue the patent, July 19, 1847.
Letter to H.K. Woodruff of St. Catharines from Mr. J. G. Cadham of the Office of the Fourth Division Court in the County of Welland regarding an agreement between him and Mrs. Cudney for the purchase of some lands near Montrose, Dec. 6, 1901.
Crown timber regulations which include: 2 double-sided printed pages issued by the Department of Crown Lands (2 copies). Included with this are 3 printed slips of paper. 2 of these are Order and Regulations by S. Richards, Commissioner of Crown Lands, dated May 28, 1869 and 1 is a notice of sale of timber berths dated Aug.1, 1872 by Richard Wm. Scott, commissioner, 1869, 1872.
Letter from Thomas H. Johnson, Assistant Commissioner of the Department of Crown Lands to Samuel D. Woodruff acknowledging receipt of payment for lumber lands no. 192 and 198, Oct. 16, 1872.
Letter to S.D. Woodruff from the Office of F. W. Gilchrist, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Norway and White Pine Lumber Timber Lath and Shingles, Alpena, Michigan. F. W. Gilchrist would like to be informed of the offer and terms of payment for berth 192. He says that they own lands on that river, but are desirous of owning more, Feb. 5, 1881.
Article of agreement between Alexander Cook, contractor of Humberstone and the Provisional Municipal Council of the county of Welland to construct and build the main drain through the marsh lands tract commencing in lot no. 27 in the 4th concession in the township of Humberstone in a southerly direction (6 pages, handwritten). This is signed by John Frazer, Provisional Warden, Dexter Deverardo and Alexander Cook. (2 copies), Dec. 30, 1854.
Letter to Dexter Deverardo, clerk of Fonthill from the Welland Canal Office of St. Catharines in order to see that the work is done in a satisfactory manner. This letter is signed in pencil by S.D. Woodruff (4 pages, handwritten), Jan. 8, 1855.
Letter to S.D. Woodruff from Fred Holmes stating that Mr. Holmes has run the line through the centre of the lots in the 4th concession of Humberstone. He would like to know if the centre of the lots is to be the centre of the road or the side of the road, Jan. 27, 1855.
Letter to S.D. Woodruff from Dexter Deverardo in which he says the warden has been absent from home until this morning. Enclosed is 30 pounds, Feb. 7, 1855.