1000 resultados para Crise de asma
Depuis 2011, la crise syrienne et ses conséquences sur la population des quelque 500 000 réfugiés palestiniens qui y résident a fait rejaillir la vulnérabilité de cette population dans l’ensemble des pays du Moyen-Orient depuis son exode de 1948. Loin des discriminations sociales et économiques dont ils ont été les victimes dans certains pays voisins, comme au Liban, les réfugiés palestiniens se sont vus assurer en Syrie un accès sans entraves particulières à tous les secteurs de l’instruction publique ainsi qu’au marché du travail local. Mais la rébellion syrienne et la guerre civile qui s’en est suivie depuis 2011 les a ramenés à leur condition première : un peuple apatride, otage du conflit en cours, dépourvu d’une réelle protection étatique et exclu du système universel de protection des réfugiés mis en place par les Nations unies au début des années 1950.
Un coup d’œil dans le rétroviseur, la conscience du temps qui passe, l’émergence de doutes, une envie de renouveau… L’entrée dans la quarantaine questionne, remue et secoue parfois jusqu’à la crise existentielle. Qu’est-ce qui se joue au mitan de la vie? Les réponses de Pasqualina Perrig-Chiello, professeure de psychologie à l'Université de Berne et cheffe de projet au Pôle de recherche national LIVES.
El asma es una entidad clínica caracterizada por la combinación de tres factores: obstrucción de la vía aérea con reversibilidad espontánea y/o farmacológica, hiperrreactividad bronquial e inflamación local. Existen numerosas alternativas farmacológicas para el tratamiento de esta enfermedad. En el presente trabajo se compararon parámetros de evaluación del estado asmático moderado, los episodios de exacerbación de etiología bacteriana y la colonización bucal por hongos en dos grupos de pacientes; 15 tratados con ciclesonida en dosis alta y salbutamol a demanda y 13 con salmeterol fluticasona en dosis fija durante 300 días de tratamiento. Hasta el momento se observó que ambas alternativas terapéuticas son válidas para el control de la enfermedad, ya que a pesar de la presencia en esputo, de bacterias potencialmente capaces de producir exacerbaciones, estas no ocurrieron durante el tiempo del estudio. La colonización por hongos de la cavidad oral se presentó en ambos grupos. Los parámetros de función pulmonar fueron comparables.
El asma bronquial es la enfermedad cronica infantil mas frecuente, la misma afecta a millones de personas en el mundo. Se considera como un desorden cronico inflamatorio de las vias aereas a la que se asocia intensa respuesta bronquial frente a estimulos diversos causando episodios de crisis recurrentes, reversibles y espontaneas. El paciente asmatico con o sin tratamiento presenta alteraciones en su cavidad oral y mayor incidencia de caries. En estudios revisados de la literatura relacionada con el tema, obtuve informacion acerca de 10s efectos a nivel bucal en nirios que padecen esta patologia, las causas que originan estos efectos y las medidas a llevar a cabo para prevenirlos.
This article presents an historical overview of the processes of genesis, development, crisis and reforms in public agricultural extension throughout the 1990s, offering an overview of its main determinants, based on the literature on the subject. In this way, we analyzed the process of constitution of institutional apparatuses for the offering of extension services and linking policies technical modernization of agriculture worldwide during the postwar period, weaving considerations on the Brazilian case. The article also examines the aspects that determined the emergence of a crisis of public extension occurred during the 1980s, amid intensifying criticism of the Green Revolution model of agriculture. Finally, the article seeks to highlight the connections between the crisis and the reforms of privatization of public extension occurred in several countries during the 1990s guided the redesign of its institutional forms, forms of financing, its goals, its target audience, the working methodologies and technological matrix advocated
This article presents an historical overview of the processes of genesis, development, crisis and reforms in public agricultural extension throughout the 1990s, offering an overview of its main determinants, based on the literature on the subject. In this way, we analyzed the process of constitution of institutional apparatuses for the offering of extension services and linking policies technical modernization of agriculture worldwide during the postwar period, weaving considerations on the Brazilian case. The article also examines the aspects that determined the emergence of a crisis of public extension occurred during the 1980s, amid intensifying criticism of the Green Revolution model of agriculture. Finally, the article seeks to highlight the connections between the crisis and the reforms of privatization of public extension occurred in several countries during the 1990s guided the redesign of its institutional forms, forms of financing, its goals, its target audience, the working methodologies and technological matrix advocated
This article presents an historical overview of the processes of genesis, development, crisis and reforms in public agricultural extension throughout the 1990s, offering an overview of its main determinants, based on the literature on the subject. In this way, we analyzed the process of constitution of institutional apparatuses for the offering of extension services and linking policies technical modernization of agriculture worldwide during the postwar period, weaving considerations on the Brazilian case. The article also examines the aspects that determined the emergence of a crisis of public extension occurred during the 1980s, amid intensifying criticism of the Green Revolution model of agriculture. Finally, the article seeks to highlight the connections between the crisis and the reforms of privatization of public extension occurred in several countries during the 1990s guided the redesign of its institutional forms, forms of financing, its goals, its target audience, the working methodologies and technological matrix advocated