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针对一种四自由度并联机构进行了运动学分析 ,在此基础上以摄动法建立了其误差模型 ,明确了各误差源对末端位姿的影响 .在对并联机构的标定技术进行简单介绍后 ,说明了对该机构误差模型中的机构参数进行标定的两种方法 ,介绍了标定装置、标定算法及标定过程 .最后采用Matlab对基于逆解的标定方法进行了仿真 ,并对仿真结果进行了分析 .
电液伺服控制系统以其出力大、响应快、精度高而广泛地应用于国防与民用领域。但是,传统的电液伺服系统由于电液伺服阀对油液精度要求高,抗污染能力弱,从而在一定程度上限制了它更广泛的应用,随着技术的进步,出现了一种新型的电液伺服系统—直驱式容积控制电液伺服系统,它是由交流伺服电机驱动的液压泵与执行元件组成,它具有伺服电动机控制的灵活性和液压系统出力大的双重优点,具有高效节能、体积小、可靠性高等显著优点,在一定程度上弥补了传统电液伺服系统的不足,从而被认为是未来电液伺服控制系统的重要发展方向之一。本文的研究内容是以中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所与日本石川岛播磨重工业株式会社的合作项目“电液混合驱动系统(Hybrid Actuator System)研究与开发”为基础,开展原理与特性研究,主要研究内容有以下一些项目:研究直驱式容积控制电液伺服系统的工作原理、设计理论与控制方法,建立直驱式容积控制电液伺服系统的性能试验系统,进行该系统的静、动态性能仿真与分析,研制一套直驱式容积控制电液伺服系统的原理样机。 第一、直驱式容积控制电液伺服系统的原理与机械结构研究,研究直驱式容积控制电液伺服系统的工作原理与结构方案,详细分析比较与传统电液伺服系统的优缺点,研究基与双向定量泵集成阀体的一体化设计技术,进行直驱式容积控制电液伺服系统的系统设计。 第二、直驱式容积控制电液伺服系统的建模与控制算法研究,研究直驱式容积控制电液伺服系统的建模方法,建立直驱式容积控制电液伺服系统的数学模型,研究满足系统性能指标的PID控制策略,使系统在稳定的前提下具有良好的动态品质和高的稳态精度。 第三、直驱式容积控制电液伺服系统集成技术研究,该直驱式容积控制电液伺服系统是由交流伺服电动机、双作用定量泵、方向控制阀、液压缸,以及多个传感器共同组成的。研究系统模块化设计方法,研究系统集成技术,建立直驱式容积控制电液伺服系统与液压系统性能的最佳匹配方法,研究直驱式容积控制电液伺服系统的实现技术。 第四、直驱式容积控制电液伺服系统的性能仿真研究,在上述建立的伺服系统模型基础上,利用MATLAB内的动态仿真库SIMULINK,仿真分析直驱式容积控制电液伺服系统的静、动态性能,研究改善系统性能的措施方法。 第五、直驱式容积控制电液伺服系统的补油性能状态研究,详细分析系统在各种工况下的内部油液流动状态,并基于此研究补油阀体的集成设计,建立补油设备的数学模型,仿真分析该补油装备的静、动态运行性能,研究补油阀的设计技术,在上述分析基础上,设计加工满足系统运行性能状态的叠加式液控补油阀。 第六、在上述工作基础上,研制一套直驱式容积控制电液伺服系统,验证系统设计原理,控制算法,及系统集成技术、研究高性能直驱式容积控制电液伺服系统的设计方法和实现技术。 关键词 液压技术;交流伺服电动机;直驱式容积控制;动态特性;叠加液控补油阀
视觉检测技术是随着计算机视觉技术和光电技术的飞速发展,而出现的一种新的检测技术。检测被测目标时,把图像当作检测和传递信息的手段或载体,从图像中提取有用的信号,它是以现代光学为基础,融光电子学、计算机图像学、信息处理、计算机视觉等科学技术为一体的现代检测技术。现代激光自动化焊接技术是由激光、计算机、机器人、数控和精密机床等相结合的综合高新技术,此项技术已成为工业生产自动化的关键技术,拥有普通加工技术所不能比拟的优势。为了克服机器人焊接过程中各种不确定因素对焊接质量的影响,提高机器人作业的智能化水平和工作可靠性,要求焊接机器人系统不仅能实现空间焊缝的实时跟踪,而且还能实现焊接参数的在线调整和焊缝质量的实时控制,即焊接机器人焊接过程的自主化和智能化。本文的研究依托于中国科学院知识创新工程方向性项目“全自动激光拼焊成套装备生产线”,旨在探索立体视觉检测系统的实现及其在激光拼焊工程中的应用的问题。从理论和实践两个方面,对其中的若干关键技术,如视觉检测系统创新设计、数学模型、量化误差、摄像机标定、结构光条纹中心线提取、焊前特征检测、溶池边缘提取、焊后缺陷图像匹配算法、三维重建和表面孔的视觉定位等进行了研究。主要研究成果如下: 1.提出了一种可以用于焊前跟踪,焊后检测,以及焊接过程中对激光溶池进行监测的多功能激光视觉检测装置。推导了检测系统在不考虑像平面安装倾斜角度时和考虑像平面安装倾斜角度时检测点坐标的计算公式以及量化误差公式,分别针对由于数模转换量化误差、安装角度倾斜误差、安装高度误差三个方面引起的量化误差,分析其关于行,列,以及不同倾斜角度的影响分布规律。并对于各种情况进行了仿真,对于各种误差分布特征进行了分析,提出了检测奇异点的情况和数学模型的局限性。以上工作为实现焊缝三维信息的高精度提取奠定了基础。 2.对于摄像机的标定技术进行了研究,结合工程实际,利用zhang的标定法和matlab标定工具包,对于摄像机进行了标定;针对检测相机视场较小,标定采集范围不易调整和相机的畸变主要发生在视场边缘等特征,在保证要求的精度范围之内,提出一种基于标定靶的标定方法,实验证明该方法的标定与测量精度能够满足工程需要。 3.研究了现有的条纹中心提取算法过程,提出了基于OTSU阈值的多次高斯拟合平均法和基于OTSU阈值的质心平均法计算激光条纹中心坐标。该法对条纹的噪声,散斑和被测工件表面漫反射有很强的抵制作用,因此具有很强的鲁棒性。实验表明,与传统方法相比,具有更高的提取精度。同时为了适应激光条纹被工件表面调制后发生的角度变化,以及硬件安装带来的激光线型条纹倾斜,提出了一种自适应方向模板法,可以解决特殊倾斜角度时的激光条纹中心线提取问题。三个仿真试验验证了方法的可行性。 4.提出了一套在线实时进行焊前检测的图形处理算法,可以实现焊缝宽度,焊前错配和焊缝中心位置检测。通过工程实验提取了各指标的检测结果,并验证了算法的正确性。 5.提出了一种基于数学形态学的激光拼焊溶池边缘检测算法,对于激光拼焊中的溶池图像进行边缘提取,基于真实图像进行了实验研究表明,提取边缘效果可以达到单像素。 6.对焊后表面形貌检测的图像实时处理算法进行了研究。提出了一套在线实时进行焊后焊缝表面缺陷检测的图形处理算法,可以进行焊缝宽度,错配,凹度,凸度,咬边,焊接倾角,过高七种表面焊接缺陷的匹配识别;对于整个焊缝的表面形貌进行三维重建。通过等厚板焊接和不等厚板焊接两种试验,验证了算法的合理性和鲁棒性。提出了一种基于randon变换的错配和兴趣区域快速检测算法。对于表面孔的检测算法进行了探讨,主要针对孔的检测中的噪声和表面反射,研究了腐蚀膨胀对于表面孔定位和大小的检测影响。 7.研究了以普通6R机器人进行焊缝视觉检测的工作视野,即焊缝视觉检测空间,提出了一种生成焊缝视觉检测空间的解算法;以此检测视野为依托,探索了在视觉检测视野中进行焊缝视觉检测的初始位置规划问题,提出了一种初始位置规划算法;仿真结果证明了算法的正确性。
目前,随着科技水平的进步,人们对焊接质量的要求越来越高,为了保证焊接质量,通常配备焊缝自动跟踪系统。视觉传感方式由于其采集信息量大,避免了与工件直接接触,易于实现焊接跟踪智能化,在焊缝跟踪领域得到广泛的应用。由于主动光视觉与被动光视觉相比具有抗干扰能力强等诸多优点,所以本文采用基于主动光视觉的焊缝跟踪系统。 论文第一部分介绍了焊缝跟踪图像采集与处理系统。对本文中所使用的图像传感器、光路系统的结构及获取特征点的图像处理方法进行了说明。 第二部分对焊缝跟踪控制系统的硬件设计进行说明。硬件部分主要是以TMS320F2812数字信号处理器为核心进行外围电路的设计。包括电源模块、串口通信模块、CAN口通信模块、接口电路模块等。为了使跟踪系统达到所需要的精度和快速性,电机是系统组成中一个非常重要的环节,是很关键的组成部件。所以本部分最后对伺服电机的选型过程进行详细说明。 第三部分介绍控制系统的软件结构。控制器软件系统包括初始化模块、串行通信模块、CAN通信模块、指令处理模块、纠偏控制模块等。针对超前检测式跟踪机构的特点,推导出超前偏差公式,实现纠偏控制模块的功能。 最后对控制方法进行仿真研究。针对焊缝跟踪系统的特点,应用MATLAB的Simulink模块进行控制方法的仿真研究。设计了PID控制器和模糊控制器,分别进行仿真研究,并且对仿真结果进行对比分析。
直角坐标机器人作为一种常用的工业机器人广泛应用于现代工业生产线中,其运动学和动力学特性关系整个生产线性能发挥。虚拟样机技术在复杂机械系统仿真中的成功应用不仅可以提高仿真精度,而且还可以缩短产品设计周期,对于工程实际具有重要的应用价值。通过虚拟样机技术,工程师可以通过机械系统运动仿真,在产品设计阶段发现产品设计中的潜在问题,并快速进行修改,减少了对于物理样机的依赖,这样不仅可以节省成本,缩短产品开发周期,而且还可以提高产品性能,增强产品竞争力。本文结合中科院沈阳自动化研究所现代装备研究设计中心的大型项目“激光拼焊生产线”,对生产线中从国外引进的上下料机器人进行研究分析,设计出一台可以满足“激光拼焊生产线”工业要求的上下料直角坐标机器人,来实现高性能上下料机器人的国产化。以设计出的上下料直角坐标机器人为研究对象,采用虚拟样机技术,以有限元法和多体系统动力学为理论基础,进行上下料直角坐标机器人机构的运动学和动力学分析仿真研究。其中研究了三维实体建模方法以及D-H方法,探讨了利用CAD/CAE软件SOLIDWORKS, ADAMS和ANSYS进行协同虚拟样机的建模、装配、数据共享、有限元静力分析以及刚柔耦合多体动力学仿真技术,研究成果对实际工程的运用具有一定的指导作用。本文主要的研究工作及其成果如下: 1根据工业生产线要求,确定高性能上下料直角坐标机器人总体机构设计方案,设计各个直线运动单元。 2利用CAD软件SOLIDWORKS对上下料直角坐标机器人进行3维实体建模,然后利用D-H方法,建立其运动学方程,最后利用MATLAB工具对运动学进行仿真。 3以有限元方法为基础,利用有限元分析软件ANSYS对上下料直角坐标机器人核心部件Y轴横梁静力分析,最后进行横梁结构优化。 4以多体系统动力学为基础,利用有限元软件ANSYS生成刚柔耦合多体动力学仿真所需的模态中性文件(MNF),同时结合运用ANSYS和ADAMS建立了上下料直角坐标机器人刚柔性耦合多体模型,并进行了动力学分析。
车型自动识别分类在不停车收费系统中起着关键的作用,决定了不停车收费系统的可靠性和智能化程度,对提高公路交通系统的管理水平和车辆通行速度具有重要的意义。 本文对现有车型自动识别分类方法进行了分析比较,在此基础上,对采用雷达微波进行车型识别进行了探索和研究,雷达微波车型识别技术与车载电子标签有机结合起来,起到车型二次识别的作用,有效防止各种舞弊行为,控制收费损失。 本文通过MATLAB产生仿真的雷达微波信号,信号中包含了车型的特征信息。再采用小波变换的方法消除噪声,由于车型大小与信号经过小波变换后得到的各层能量分布有关,所以提取其能量分布作为分类识别的特征矢量。设计了BP神经网络的分类器,车型的能量分布特征由车型分类器进行分类,最终得到车辆的类型。 本文在对所设计的神经网络分类器进行训练的时候,对样本采用了改进的模糊C均值算法进行聚类分析,有效地避免了样本集不理想情况下对各类中心隶属度过小的情况,用隶属度作为网络输出训练,使网络容错性更强,更加符合实际分类情况,三个网络分别训练,最后综合判断,提高了分类质量。 本文首先介绍了已有车型自动识别的方法,分析讨论了存在的弊端,然后提出采用雷达微波进行识别的方法,详细介绍了对回波信号进行处理所用到的算法,分析比较各种算法,选择合适的算法用于信号的处理,最后介绍了车型识别硬件仿真平台及软件实现。
The conventional microtremor survey is based on the single point of exploration, which includes collecting field data,estimating the phase velocity, investing the dispersion curve and obtaining the S–wave velocity structure. In the case of large-scale exploration, and when making the two-dimensional velocity section, the inversion is quite time-consuming, laborious and its precision depends on the subjective interpretation, which makes the results differently from person to person. In fact,we do not need the S-wave velocity values but only need the relative variation of velocity. For these reasons, this paper is desired to calculate the apparent S-wave velocity (Vx) to replace the S-wave velocity inversion and to obtain the relative variation of the S-wave velocity. Using this method, we can decrease the analysts’ effect, shorten the data processing time and improve work efficiency. The apparent S-wave velocity is a variable of the surface wave property, which can clearly reflect the downcast columns, mined-out areas and other unusual geological bodies. In this paper, Matlab is used to establish the three-dimensional data volume of the apparent S-wave velocity, from which we can get any apparent S-wave velocity section we need. Through the application case, the designed method is proved to be reliable and effective. The downcast columns, mined-out areas and other unusual geological bodies can be clearly showed in the apparent S-wave velocity section. And from the contour of the apparent S-wave velocity, the interface shape of the major target layers can be controlled basically.
Methods for fusing two computer vision methods are discussed and several example algorithms are presented to illustrate the variational method of fusing algorithms. The example algorithms seek to determine planet topography given two images taken from two different locations with two different lighting conditions. The algorithms each employ assingle cost function that combines the computer vision methods of shape-from-shading and stereo in different ways. The algorithms are closely coupled and take into account all the constraints of the photo-topography problem. The algorithms are run on four synthetic test image sets of varying difficulty.
This paper presents a techno-economic assessment for a unique Isolated Hybrid Power System (IHPS) design for remote areas isolated from the grid which also has the capability of being operated as a smart μ-grid. The share of renewable energy sources in resource poor developing countries is low. In these countries an increase in the share of alternative energy (wind, water and sun) delivered with inexpensive operationally robust generation and delivery systems is seen to the way forward. In our design also incorporates a novel storage system to increase the effectiveness of the Isolated IHPSs previously reported in the literature. The configuration reported is a system consisting of, the wind and sun powered generation complemented with batteries, fuel cell unit and a diesel generator. The modelling design and simulations were based on Simulations conducted using MATLAB/SIMULINK, and HOMER Energy Planning and Design software tools. The design and simulation of a new storage approach incorporating Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) fuel cell (increasing the efficiency of the fuel cell from 35% to 65%) and a single board computer (Raspberry Pi) used for the energy management and control the system are the novel features of our design. The novel control strategy implemented also includes a synchronization capability that facilitates IHPS to IHPS or IHPS to Main-Grid connection. In the paper after briefly but comprehensively detailing the design and simulations we will present the results on which we conclude that smart independent systems that can utilize indigenous renewable energy with a capability of being able to synchronize with the grid or each other are the most optimal way of electrifying resource poor developing countries in a sustainable way with minimum impact on the environment and also achieve reductions in Green House Gases.
El objetivo de este proyecto fin de carrera es ajustar el perfil generado por un sistema fotovoltaico con orientación este-oeste que dispone de una batería al perfil de demanda de distintas industrias en Alemania. Se ha puesto especial énfasis a los siguientes paquetes de trabajo: • Comparación de la eficiencia de un sistema fotovoltaico este-oeste frente a los resultados obtenidos con la típica orientación sur • Simulación de una instalación fotovoltaica este-oeste con una batería en una industria, basada en el software MATLAB / Simulink • Optimización económica. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que nunca es económico instalar un campo fotovoltaico este-oeste en vez de una instalación con orientación sur, en caso de que la única ventaja esperada sea el ensanche de la curva de generación de potencia.
The thesis initially gives an overview of the wave industry and the current state of some of the leading technologies as well as the energy storage systems that are inherently part of the power take-off mechanism. The benefits of electrical energy storage systems for wave energy converters are then outlined as well as the key parameters required from them. The options for storage systems are investigated and the reasons for examining supercapacitors and lithium-ion batteries in more detail are shown. The thesis then focusses on a particular type of offshore wave energy converter in its analysis, the backward bent duct buoy employing a Wells turbine. Variable speed strategies from the research literature which make use of the energy stored in the turbine inertia are examined for this system, and based on this analysis an appropriate scheme is selected. A supercapacitor power smoothing approach is presented in conjunction with the variable speed strategy. As long component lifetime is a requirement for offshore wave energy converters, a computer-controlled test rig has been built to validate supercapacitor lifetimes to manufacturer’s specifications. The test rig is also utilised to determine the effect of temperature on supercapacitors, and determine application lifetime. Cycle testing is carried out on individual supercapacitors at room temperature, and also at rated temperature utilising a thermal chamber and equipment programmed through the general purpose interface bus by Matlab. Application testing is carried out using time-compressed scaled-power profiles from the model to allow a comparison of lifetime degradation. Further applications of supercapacitors in offshore wave energy converters are then explored. These include start-up of the non-self-starting Wells turbine, and low-voltage ride-through examined to the limits specified in the Irish grid code for wind turbines. These applications are investigated with a more complete model of the system that includes a detailed back-to-back converter coupling a permanent magnet synchronous generator to the grid. Supercapacitors have been utilised in combination with battery systems for many applications to aid with peak power requirements and have been shown to improve the performance of these energy storage systems. The design, implementation, and construction of coupling a 5 kW h lithium-ion battery to a microgrid are described. The high voltage battery employed a continuous power rating of 10 kW and was designed for the future EV market with a controller area network interface. This build gives a general insight to some of the engineering, planning, safety, and cost requirements of implementing a high power energy storage system near or on an offshore device for interface to a microgrid or grid.
The class of all Exponential-Polynomial-Trigonometric (EPT) functions is classical and equal to the Euler-d’Alembert class of solutions of linear differential equations with constant coefficients. The class of non-negative EPT functions defined on [0;1) was discussed in Hanzon and Holland (2010) of which EPT probability density functions are an important subclass. EPT functions can be represented as ceAxb, where A is a square matrix, b a column vector and c a row vector where the triple (A; b; c) is the minimal realization of the EPT function. The minimal triple is only unique up to a basis transformation. Here the class of 2-EPT probability density functions on R is defined and shown to be closed under a variety of operations. The class is also generalised to include mixtures with the pointmass at zero. This class coincides with the class of probability density functions with rational characteristic functions. It is illustrated that the Variance Gamma density is a 2-EPT density under a parameter restriction. A discrete 2-EPT process is a process which has stochastically independent 2-EPT random variables as increments. It is shown that the distribution of the minimum and maximum of such a process is an EPT density mixed with a pointmass at zero. The Laplace Transform of these distributions correspond to the discrete time Wiener-Hopf factors of the discrete time 2-EPT process. A distribution of daily log-returns, observed over the period 1931-2011 from a prominent US index, is approximated with a 2-EPT density function. Without the non-negativity condition, it is illustrated how this problem is transformed into a discrete time rational approximation problem. The rational approximation software RARL2 is used to carry out this approximation. The non-negativity constraint is then imposed via a convex optimisation procedure after the unconstrained approximation. Sufficient and necessary conditions are derived to characterise infinitely divisible EPT and 2-EPT functions. Infinitely divisible 2-EPT density functions generate 2-EPT Lévy processes. An assets log returns can be modelled as a 2-EPT Lévy process. Closed form pricing formulae are then derived for European Options with specific times to maturity. Formulae for discretely monitored Lookback Options and 2-Period Bermudan Options are also provided. Certain Greeks, including Delta and Gamma, of these options are also computed analytically. MATLAB scripts are provided for calculations involving 2-EPT functions. Numerical option pricing examples illustrate the effectiveness of the 2-EPT approach to financial modelling.