927 resultados para Controladores PID
To evaluate the biodistribution of sodium pertecnetate (Na99mTcO4) in organs and tissues, the morphometry of remnant intestinal mucosa and ponderal evolution in rats subjected to massive resection of the small intestine. Methods: Twenty-one Wistar rats were randomly divided into three groups of 7 animals each. The short bowel (SB) group was subjected to massive resection of the small intestine; the control group (C) rats were not operated on, and soft intestinal handling was performed in sham rats. The animals were weighed weekly. On the 30th postoperative day, 0.l mL of Na99mTcO4, with mean activity of 0.66 MBq was injected intravenously into the orbital plexus. After 30 minutes, the rats were killed with an overdose of anesthetic, and fragments of the liver, spleen, pancreas, stomach, duodenum, small intestine, thyroid, lung, heart, kidney, bladder, muscle, femur and brain were harvested. The biopsies were washed with 0.9% NaCl.,The radioactivity was counted using Gama Counter WizardTM 1470, PerkinElmer. The percentage of radioactivity per gram of tissue (%ATI-g) was calculated. Biopsies of the remaining jejunum were analysed by HE staining to obtain mucosal thickness. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the Tukey test for multiple comparisons were used, considering p<0.05 as signifi cant. Results: There were no signifi cant differences in %ATI-g of the Na99mTcO4 in the organs of the groups studied (p>0.05). An increase in the weight of the SB rats was observed after the second postoperative week. The jejunal mucosal thickness of the SB rats was signifi cantly greater than that of C and sham rats (p<0.05). Conclusion: In rats with experimentally-produced short bowel syndrome, an adaptive response by the intestinal mucosa reduced weight loss. The biodistribution of Na99mTcO4 was not affected by massive intestinal resection, suggesting that short bowel syndrome is not the cause of misleading interpretation, if an examination using this radiopharmaceutical is indicated
To investigate the role of β-(1-3)-D-glucan on 99mTc labelled Escherichia coli translocation and cytokines secretion in rats submitted to small bowel ischemia/reperfusion injury. Methods: Five groups (n=10 each) of Wistar rats were subjected to control(C), sham(S), group IR subjected to 45 min of bowel ischemia/60 min of reperfusion(I/R), and group I/R+glucan subjected to 45 min of bowel ischemia/60 min of reperfusion(I/R) and injected with 2mg/Kg intramuscular. Translocation of labelled bacteria to mesenteric lymph nodes, liver, spleen, lung and serum was determined using radioactivity/count and colony forming units/g(CFU/g). Serum TNFα, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-10 were measured by ELISA. Results: CFU/g and radioactivity/count were higher in I/R than in I/R+glucan rats. In C, S and S+glucan groups, bacteria and radioactivity/count were rarely detected. The I/R+glucan rats had enhancement of IL-10 and suppressed production of serum TNFα, IL-1β and, IL-6, compared to I/R untreated animals. Conclusion: The β-(1-3)-D-glucan modulated the production of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines during bowel ischemia/reperfusion, and attenuated translocation of labelled bacteria
LACERDA, Alan Daniel Freire de. Ação coletiva e cooperação intermunicipal em duas metrópoles. Cad. CRH, Salvador, v. 24, n. 61, Abr. 2011. Disponível em:
This study is about the institutional self-evaluation in Dimension 4, "Communication with Society", from the National System of Higher Education Evaluation SINAES, mandatory for all universities in Brazil. A multiple cases study was conducted with three institutions from Rio Grande do Norte, and the goal was to know how this evaluation is made, describing the concept for the evaluation of communication proposed by them, identifying controllers or emancipator aspects, categorizing methodological procedures and discussing the difficulties reported in the communication evaluation process. Coordinators of the institutions Evaluating Committees were interviewed and data categorized by means of qualitative content analysis. It was noted characteristics of the current controller, emancipator and hybrid designs in the three institutions for evaluation of communication, revealing the lack of a theoretical corpus that transits in accordance with the systemic perspective and epistemology of complexity from SINAES. It was found that the most frequently reported difficulties in the evaluation processes of communication are in the preparation stage, especially in the definition of indicators and tools and awareness work. The weakness in planning makes their own activities in the sector of communication become targets of assessment, forming goals poorly related with broader organizational goals. It was also concluded that the technical evaluation cannot override the issues associated with the broader issue of the complexity surrounding the assessment paradigm proposed by SINAES because contradictions and imperfections are part of the evaluation process and several references are current in the literature to support this view. Finally, it is said that objectives such as transparency and behavioral changes can rely on methodologies and techniques for research on the question of the construction of meaning
The primary cementing is an important step in the oilwell drilling process, ensuring the mechanical stability of the well and the hydraulic isolation between casing and formation. For slurries to meet the requirements for application in a certain well, some care in the project should be taken into account to obtain a cement paste with the proper composition. In most cases, it is necessary to add chemicals to the cement to modify its properties, according to the operation conditions and thus obtain slurries that can move inside the jacket providing a good displacement to the interest area. New technologies of preparation and use of chemicals and modernization of technological standards in the construction industry have resulted in the development of new chemical additives for optimizing the properties of building materials. Products such as polycarboxylate superplasticizers provide improved fluidity and cohesion of the cement grains, in addition to improving the dispersion with respect to slurries without additives. This study aimed at adapting chemical additives used in civil construction to be used use in oilwell cement slurries systems, using Portland cement CPP-Special Class as the hydraulic binder. The chemical additives classified as defoamer, dispersant, fluid loss controller and retarder were characterized by infrared absorption spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analyses and technological tests set by the API (American Petroleum Institute). These additives showed satisfactory results for its application in cement slurries systems for oil wells. The silicone-based defoamer promoted the reduction of air bubbles incorporated during the stirring of the slurries. The dispersant significantly reduced the rheological parameters of the systems studied. The tests performed with the fluid loss controller and the retarder also resulted in suitable properties for application as chemical additives in cement slurries
Among the different types of pollutants typically attributed to human activities, the petroleum products are one of the most important because of its toxic potential. This toxicity is attributed to the presence of substances such as benzene and its derivatives are very toxic to the central nervous system of man, with chronic toxicity, even in small concentrations. The area chosen for study was the city of Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte, where samples were collected in six different areas in the city, comprising 10 wells located in the urban area, being carried out in three distinct periods March/2009, December / June/2010 and 2009, and were evaluated for contamination by volatile hydrocarbons (BTEX - benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes), so this work aimed to assess the quality of groundwater wells that supply funding for public supply and trade in the urban area of the city of Natal, in Rio Grande do Norte, contributing to the environmental assessment of the municipality. The analysis of BTEX in water was performed according to EPA Method 8021b. Was used the technique of headspace (TriPlus TP100) coupled to high resolution gas chromatography with selective photoionization detector (PID) and flame ionization (FID) - model Trace GC Ultra, Thermo Electron Corporation brand. The procedure adopted allowed the detection of concentrations of the order of μg.L-1. Data analysis with respect to BTEX in groundwater in the area monitored so far, shows that water quality is still preserved, because it exceeds the limits imposed by the potability Resolution CONAMA Nº. 396, April 2008
The retail fuel stations are partially or potentially polluters and generators of environmental accidents, potentially causing contamination of underground and surface water bodies, soil and air. Leaks in fuel retail stations´ underground storage systems are often detected in Brazil and around the world. Monoaromatic hydrocarbons, BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are an indication of the presence of contamination due to its high toxicity. This paper presents a case study of contamination in a Fuel Retail Station by petroleum derivative products in the city of Natal. For identification and quantification of the hydrocarbons, EPA analytical methods were used. The values of benzene quantified by EPA method 8021b CG-PID/FID, ranged from 1.164 to 4.503 mg.Kg-1 in soil samples, and from 12.10 to 27,639 μg.L-1 in underground water samples. Among the PAHs, naphthalene and anthracene showed the most significant results in soil samples, 0.420 to 15.46 mg.Kg-1 and 0.110 to 0,970 mg.Kg-1, respectively. In underground water samples, the results for Naphthalene varied between 0.759 and 614.7 μg.L-1. PAHs were quantified by EPA Method 8270 for GCMS. All of the results for the chemical analysis were compared with the values for the CONAMA 420/2009 resolution. The results for benzene (27,639 μg.L-1) showed levels highly above the recommended by the CONAMA 420 resolution, wherein the maximum permissible for underground water is 5 μg.L-1. This is a worrying factor, since underground water makes up 70% of the city of Natal´s water supply
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the efficiency of the process of biodigestion of the protein concentrate resulting from the ultrafiltration of the effluent from a slaughterhouse freezer of Nile tilapia. Bench digesters were used with excrements and water (control) in comparison with a mixture of cattle manure and effluent from the stages of filleting and bleeding of tilapias. The effluent obtained in the continuous process (bleeding + filleting) was the one with highest accumulated population from the 37th day, as well as greatest daily production. Gases composition did not differ between the protein concentrates, but the gas obtained with the use of the effluent from the filleting stage presented highest methane gas average (78.05%) in comparison with those obtained in the bleeding stage (69.95%) and in the continuous process (70.02%) or by the control method (68.59%).
A melancia é uma espécie tradicionalmente conduzida em campo no sistema rasteiro. As cultivares de frutos pequenos (1 a 3 kg), que adquirem melhores preços de mercado, vêm sendo cultivadas também em ambiente protegido, onde são conduzidas no sistema vertical, com poda de ramos e raleio de frutos. Essas práticas possibilitam aumentar o adensamento das plantas, a qualidade e a produtividade de frutos em comparação ao sistema rasteiro. Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a influência de três alturas de condução (1,7; 2,2 e 2,7 m) e duas densidades de plantas (3,17 e 4,76 plantas m-2) sobre as características produtivas e qualitativas da mini melancia Smile cultivada em ambiente protegido. A poda da haste principal foi realizada aos 43, 55 e 66 dias após o transplante (DAT) para as alturas de condução de 1,7; 2,2 e 2,7 m, respectivamente. A massa seca dos ramos, dos pecíolos, das folhas e total foram afetados pela altura de condução, cujos maiores valores foram obtidos para as plantas conduzidas a 2,2 e 2,7 m de altura. A área foliar, a área foliar específica e o índice de área foliar não foram influenciados pela altura de condução das plantas. A altura de condução de 2,7 m elevou a produtividade total. Entretanto, a produtividade comercial, a massa média dos frutos e todas as características qualitativas não foram significativamente diferentes das obtidos pela altura de poda de 2,2 m. em relação à densidade de plantas, a melhor opção foi a de 4,76 plantas m-2, pois elevou a produtividade comercial em 37,4% sem reduzir a massa média dos frutos.
Estudos em animais de laboratório sugerem um efeito antiulcerogênico do extrato de Casearia sylvestris. Esse extrato ainda não foi estudado para a profilaxia e/ou o tratamento de úlceras gástricas em equinos. Para avaliar a influência do extrato de C. sylvestris na permeabilidade gástrica à sacarose, seis equinos adultos foram submetidos a modelo de indução de úlceras gástricas. Os animais foram submetidos ao teste de permeabilidade à sacarose antes e ao término do protocolo de restrição alimentar intermitente, para detecção de ulceração gástrica. Durante os sete dias da indução, os animais foram submetidos a tratamentos diários via sondagem nasogástrica com extrato de C. sylvestris (9mg kg-1 de peso corpóreo) ou veículo (ágar). Após intervalo de 32 dias em piquete, para permitir a cicatrização das úlceras induzidas, cada animal foi submetido novamente ao protocolo de indução de úlcera gástrica, e os tratamentos foram alternados. Dessa forma, cada animal foi submetido a ambos os tratamentos em períodos distintos. A concentração de sacarose na urina foi determinada para cada amostra obtida, por cromatografia líquida de alto desempenho e detecção amperométrica pulsátil. Não foram observadas alterações nos exames clínicos e hemogramas. O tratamento com o extrato de C. sylvestris evitou o aumento da concentração de sacarose urinária (P<0,05) quando comparado ao veículo, sugerindo um efeito antiulcerogênico gástrico em equinos. Estudos mais amplos incluindo gastroscopia são necessários para avaliar a possibilidade de usar o extrato para a profilaxia e/ou o tratamento das úlceras gástricas em equinos.
Os transtornos da pele e dos pelos são parte importante na prática clínica de pequenos animais. Numerosos fatores nutricionais afetam a homeostase, a qualidade e o aspecto da pelagem. As vitaminas do complexo B incluem compostos hidrossolúveis necessários como coenzimas em diversas funções celulares envolvidas no metabolismo energético e na síntese tecidual. A biotina, em especial, é necessária nas reações de carboxilação, participando da síntese de ácidos graxos, aminoácidos e purinas pelo tecido epitelial. Uma cadela com quadro de cistite recorrente e tumor venéreo transmissível foi tratada com antibioticoterapia prolongada e quimioterapia. Após alguns meses de tratamento, foram observadas lesões no plano nasal e nos coxins plantar e palmar, caracterizadas por hiperceratose, espessamento, fissuras, sangramento e inflamação. O paciente recebeu suplementação de 15mg de biotina por via oral (equivalente a 1,4mg kg-1 de peso corporal), uma vez por dia, durante 60 dias, havendo importante regressão das lesões. Sugere-se que, sob antibioticoterapia e doença, a síntese intestinal de biotina possa não ter sido suficiente, sendo necessária sua suplementação.