997 resultados para Continuidade


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The present work reports a theoretical study of the vortex nucleation in elliptical nanoelements of iron with the dimensions of the principal and secondary axes in the range of hundreds of nanometers. It will be divided into three steps: first of all, a general panorama and a justification for the interest of the study of nanosystems and their applications. Second, a explanation about the computational simulations applied for the calculations of the remanent states after the saturation in a external field which value is grater then the exchange field of the material for nanoelements coupled or not to a antiferromagnetic substrate. Systems with that range of axes dimensions and height in the range of a few dozens of nanometers have a natural tendency to nucleate closed magnetic ux, like vortex. Third, we will emphasize the nucleation of double vortex, the main types and the dimensions in which they occur (phase diagram) and the factors that may in uence in the nucleation and control of the remanent state. We shown that we can control specially the distance between the vortex cores changing the value of the interface field. Finally, we present a expectative of continuity of this work with objectives and applications


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Baixo Vermelho area, situated on the northern portion of Umbuzeiro Graben (onshore Potiguar Basin), represents a typical example of a rift basin, characterized, in subsurface, by the sedimentary rift sequence, correlated to Pendência Formation (Valanginian-Barremian), and by the Carnaubais fault system. In this context, two main goals, the stratigraphic and the structural analysis, had guided the research. For this purpose, it was used the 3D seismic volume and eight wells located in the study area and adjacencies. The stratigraphic analysis of the Valanginian-Barremian interval was carried through in two distinct phases, 1D and 2D, in which the basic concepts of the sequence stratigraphy had been adapted. In these phases, the individual analysis of each well and the correlation between them, allowed to recognize the main lithofacies, to interpret the effective depositional systems and to identify the genetic units and key-surfaces of chronostratigraphic character. The analyzed lithofacies are represented predominantly by conglomerates, sandstones, siltites and shales, with carbonate rocks and marls occurring subordinately. According to these lithofacies associations, it is possible to interpret the following depositional systems: alluvial fan, fluvio-deltaic and lacustrine depositional systems. The alluvial fan system is mainly composed by conglomerates deposits, which had developed, preferentially in the south portion of the area, being directly associated to Carnaubais fault system. The fluvial-deltaic system, in turn, was mainly developed in the northwest portion of the area, at the flexural edge, being characterized by coarse sandstones with shales and siltites intercalated. On the other hand, the lacustrine system, the most dominant one in the study area, is formed mainly by shales that could occur intercalated with thin layers of fine to very fine sandstones, interpreted as turbidite deposits. The recognized sequence stratigraphy units in the wells are represented by parasequence sets, systems tracts and depositional sequences. The parasequence sets, which are progradational or retrogradational, had been grouped and related to the systems tracts. The predominance of the progradation parasequence sets (general trend with coarsening-upward) characterizes the Regressive Systems Tract, while the occurrence, more frequently, of the retrogradation parasequence sets (general trend with finning-upward) represents the Transgressive System Tract. In the seismic stratigraphic analysis, the lithofacies described in the wells had been related to chaotic, progradational and parallel/subparallel seismic facies, which are associated, frequently, to the alluvial fans, fluvial-deltaic and lacustrine depositional systems, respectively. In this analysis, it was possible to recognize fifteen seismic horizons that correspond to sequence boundaries and to maximum flooding surfaces, which separates Transgressive to Regressive systems tracts. The recognition of transgressive-regressive cycles allowed to identify nine, possibly, 3a order deposicional sequences, related to the tectonic-sedimentary cycles. The structural analysis, in turn, was done at Baixo Vermelho seismic volume, which shows, clearly, the structural complexity printed in the area, mainly related to Carnaubais fault system, acting as an important fault system of the rift edge. This fault system is characterized by a main arrangement of normal faults with trend NE-SO, where Carnaubais Fault represents the maximum expression of these lineations. Carnaubais Fault corresponds to a fault with typically listric geometry, with general trend N70°E, dipping to northwest. It is observed, throughout all the seismic volume, with variations in its surface, which had conditioned, in its evolutive stages, the formation of innumerable structural features that normally are identified in Pendencia Formation. In this unit, part of these features is related to the formation of longitudinal foldings (rollover structures and distentional folding associated), originated by the displacement of the main fault plan, propitiating variations in geometry and thickness of the adjacent layers, which had been deposited at the same time. Other structural features are related to the secondary faultings, which could be synthetic or antithetic to Carnaubais Fault. In a general way, these faults have limited lateral continuity, with listric planar format and, apparently, they play the role of the accomodation of the distentional deformation printed in the area. Thus, the interaction between the stratigraphic and structural analysis, based on an excellent quality of the used data, allowed to get one better agreement on the tectonicsedimentary evolution of the Valanginian-Barremian interval (Pendência Formation) in the studied area


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Geological and geophysical studies (resistivity, self potential and VLF) were undertaken in the Tararaca and Santa Rita farms, respectively close to the Santo Antônio and Santa Cruz villages, eastern Rio Grande do Norte State, NE Brazil. Their aim was to characterize water acummulation structures in crystalline rocks. Based on geological and geophysical data, two models were characterized, the fracture-stream and the eluvio-alluvial through, in part already described in the literature. In the Tararaca Farm, a water well was located in a NW-trending streamlet; surrounding outcrops display fractures with the same orientation. Apparent resistivity sections, accross the stream channel, confirm fracturing at depth. The VLF profiles systematically display an alignment of equivalent current density anomalies, coinciding with the stream. Based on such data, the classical fracture-stream model seems to be well characterized at this place. In the Santa Rita Farm, a NE-trending stream display a metric-thick eluvioregolith-alluvial cover. The outcropping bedrock do not present fractures paralell to the stream direction, although the latter coincides with the trend of the gneiss foliation, which dips to the south. Geophysical data confirm the absence of a fracture zone at this place, but delineate the borders of a through-shaped structure filled with sediments (alluvium and regolith). The southern border of this structure dips steeper compared to the northern one. This water acummulation structure corresponds to an alternative model as regards to the classical fracture-stream, being named as the eluvio-alluvial trough. Its local controls are the drainage and relief, coupled with the bedrock weathering preferentially following foliation planes, generating the asymmetry of the through


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This thesis presents diagenetic and provenance studies of sandstones belonging to the Rift Tectonosequence of the Rio do Peixe and Araripe basins. These basins are located in the interior of Northeast Brazil aligned along the Trend-Cariri Potiguar. Their origin is related to the Early Cretaceous rifting event. In terms of lithostratigraphy, the studied section corresponds to the Antenor Navarro, Sousa and Rio Piranhas formations of the Rio do Peixe Basin, and the Missão Velha and Abaiara formations of the Araripe Basin, outcropping in the central-west Cariri Valley. A facies analysis was performed and identified nine distinct sedimentary facies for the Rio de Peixe Basin and ten sedimentary facies for the Araripe Basin, individualized according to the different rock types and their sedimentary structures. These facies associations to led paleoenvironments interpretations and their vertical succession allowed understanding the evolution of the depositional setting during the cronostratigraphic interval studied in these basins. Based on petrographic and diagenetic studies it was possible to characterize the texture and mineralogy of these sandstones, identifying their diagenetic stage and the grain framework provenance. The petrographic study allowed to classify the lithotypes studied in both basins as quartzarenites. Such quartzarenites, in general, are rich in quartz, feldspar and lithic fragment grains, and at accessory levels tourmaline, sphene, zircon, epidote and other mineralogy. The diagenetic history of the studied rocks proved to be very complex, being characterized by a variety mineral of phases that succeeded each other during the eo, meso and telodiagenetic stages. According to the studied formation and the textural and compositional aspects of the rocks, some processes were more or less active, while others were even absent. The eodiagenetic stage is marked by mechanical infiltration of clays and early mechanical compactional processes. The mesodiagenetic phase is characterized by continuity of the mechanical compaction and the beggining of chemical compaction, with quartz and feldspar overgrowths, precipitation of kaolinite, alteration of framework grains to chlorite and illite, and finally, precipitation of opaque minerals. The telodiagenetic stage is represented by the oxidation of some grains, matrix and cements. For the provenance analysis of the studied sandstones were used ternary diagrams whose vertices correspond to the percentage of quartz, feldspar and lithic fragments. This study allowed identifies the source area of these rocks as continental blocks. It was also possible, based on the chemical stability and mineralogical maturity of the rocks, recognize that the Antenor Navarro Formation of the Rio do Peixe Basin, and the upper section of the Missão Velha Formation of Araripe Basin have less maturity and stability when compared with the other studied formations


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The main objective of the present thesis was the seismic interpretation and seismic attribute analysis of the 3D seismic data from the Siririzinho high, located in the Sergipe Sub-basin (southern portion of Sergipe-Alagoas Basin). This study has enabled a better understanding of the stratigraphy and structure that the Siririzinho high experienced during its development. In a first analysis, we used two types of filters: the dip-steered median filter, was used to remove random noise and increase the lateral continuity of reflections, and fault-enhancement filter was applied to enhance the reflection discontinuities. After this filtering step similarity and curvature attributes were applied in order to identify and enhance the distribution of faults and fractures. The use of attributes and filtering greatly contributed to the identification and enhancement of continuity of faults. Besides the application of typical attributes (similarity and curvature) neural network and fingerprint techniques were also used, which generate meta-attributes, also aiming to highlight the faults; however, the results were not satisfactory. In a subsequent step, well log and seismic data analysis were performed, which allowed the understanding of the distribution and arrangement of sequences that occur in the Siririzinho high, as well as an understanding of how these units are affected by main structures in the region. The Siririzinho high comprises an elongated structure elongated in the NS direction, capped by four seismo-sequences (informally named, from bottom to top, the sequences I to IV, plus the top of the basement). It was possible to recognize the main NS-oriented faults, which especially affect the sequences I and II, and faults oriented NE-SW, that reach the younger sequences, III and IV. Finally, with the interpretation of seismic horizons corresponding to each of these sequences, it was possible to define a better understanding of geometry, deposition and structural relations in the area.


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Created on 3 december 1997, the REMPLAC (Program for Assessment of Mineral Potencial of the Continental Shelf), this porgram aimed to make the basic survey, systematic geological and geophysical continental shelf, detail, at an appropriate scale, sites geo-economic, and perform the analysis and evaluation of mineral deposits. The REMPLAC should continue the efforts of Global Recognition Program of the Brazilian Continental Margin REMAC closed in 1978, the operations Geophysical Sea (GEOMAR) developed by the Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation and the various initiatives of the Program of Marine Geology and Geophysics (PGGM). Despite the high interest on the Amazon platform, there is little information o their morphology and sediment characterization, and in order to fill this gap, the present work samples sedimentological point followed by seismic acquisition. And the studies were to characterize the possible area of interest as being directly influence by tides, which sediments are reworked throughout the platform featuring grain angle with sharp corners, and the carbonate content increases as it approaches the breakdown the platform, and the bodies found outside the foraminifera and mollusks. However, diverging with organic matter that reduces its concentration as it moves away from the coast. The seismic profiles do not get satisfactory results because of low visibility, however, to correlate with the spot samples, of sediment were possible morphological characterization of the area.


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Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo que utiliza, como referencial teórico, o Interacionismo Simbólico e, como referencial metodológico, a Grounded Theory, visando a: compreender a experiência interacional voluntário-idoso dependente em um Centro-Dia e elaborar um modelo teórico representativo dessa experiência. A estratégia para a obtenção dos dados foi a entrevista não diretiva. Dos resultados, emergiram dois fenômenos: responsabilizando-se pela continuidade do exercício do voluntariado, junto a idosos dependentes, amparado na expectativa reparadora de ex-cuidadores familiares perante uma sociedade com consciência solidária em declínio, e assumindo o papel de voluntário. A experiência nos permitiu ampliar o conhecimento referente ao movimento que eles empreenderam na vivência denominada: entre o fortalecimento e o declínio do vínculo voluntário-idoso dependente em um centro-dia mediado por (des) motivação.


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INTRODUÇÃO: O grupo das doenças cardiovasculares tem sido apontado como a principal causa de óbito no Brasil desde os anos 70, sendo a hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS) o fator de risco mais importante para esse grupo. Entre os trabalhadores observa-se correlação negativa entre o status ocupacional e a pressão arterial. Tais fatos ressaltam a importância do conhecimento da distribuição da pressão arterial sistêmica entre os distintos grupos profissionais. Assim, foi realizado estudo para descrever o status pressórico de uma população homogênea e estável de trabalhadores do setor secundário da economia, pouco especializados e que ganham baixos salários, estabelecendo a prevalência da HAS nesse grupo específico, relacionando-a com algumas covariáveis biológicas e socioeconômicas, e comparando-a com a prevalência de HAS em outros grupos profissionais no Brasil. MÉTODO: Foram estudados 73 trabalhadores regularmente empregados em julho de 1993 em um curtume situado no Município de Botucatu, cidade de médio porte da região Centro-Oeste do Estado de São Paulo, os quais foram submetidos a exame antropométrico, aferição de pressão arterial, anamnese e exame clínico. Os resultados foram comparados com os obtidos em estudos semelhantes, controlando-se o confundimento da idade por intermédio de diferentes técnicas. RESULTADOS: A prevalência bruta da HAS encontrada foi de 56,1%, sendo 15,8% a prevalência de hipertensão sistólica isolada. Ambas se associaram ao etilismo e ao tabagismo na população estudada. DISCUSSÃO: A prevalência da hipertensão foi consideravelmente alta e significativamente maior do que a encontrada em outros grupos de trabalhadores estudados no Brasil. Tal achado ressalta a necessidade da continuidade da investigação, objetivando o isolamento dos fatores implicados na elevação pressórica do grupo estudado.


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A proposta deste trabalho é mostrar uma nova interpretação do meristema de espessamento primário em monocotiledôneas. Anatomia dos órgãos vegetativos das seguintes espécies foi examinada: Cephalostemon riedelianus (Rapataceae), Cyperus papyrus (Cyperaceae), Lagenocarpus rigidus, L. Junciformis (Cyperaceae), Echinodorus paniculatus (Alismataceae) and Zingiberofficinale (Zingiberaceae). A atividade meristemática da endoderme foi observada nas raizes de todas as espécies, no caule de Cyperus, Cephalostemum e Lagenocarpus rigidus, e no traço foliar de Cyperus e folha de Echinodorus. Considerando a continuidade dos tecidos através da raiz, caule e folha, as autoras concluem que no caule o periciclo permanece ativo durante a vida da planta, como um gerador de tecidos vasculares. O Meristema de Espessamento Primário é o periciclo em fase meristemática, juntamente com a endoderme e suas derivadas (ou apenas o periciclo). Próximo ao ápice caulinar, esses tecidos se assemelham a um único meristema, dando origem ao córtex interno e aos tecidos vasculares.


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O presente artigo representa uma continuidade dos resultados apresentados em Camargo e Nardi (Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física 29, 117 (2007)). Encontra-se inserido dentro de um estudo que busca compreender as principais barreiras para a inclusão de alunos com deficiência visual no contexto do ensino de física. Focalizando aulas de óptica, analisa as dificuldades comunicacionais entre licenciandos e discentes com deficiência visual. Para tal, enfatiza as estruturas empírica e semântico-sensorial das linguagens utilizadas, indicando fatores geradores de dificuldades de acessibilidade nas informações veiculadas. Recomenda, ainda, alternativas que visam dar condições à participação efetiva do discente com deficiência visual no processo comunicativo, das quais destacam-se: a identificação da estrutura semântico-sensorial dos significados veiculados, o conhecimento da história visual do aluno, a destituição da estrutura empírica audiovisual interdependente e a exploração das potencialidades comunicacionais das linguagens constituídas de estruturas empíricas de acesso visualmente independente. Conclui afirmando que a comunicação representa a principal barreira à participação efetiva de alunos com deficiência visual em aulas de óptica e enfatiza a importância da criação de canais comunicacionais adequados como condição básica à inclusão desses alunos.


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Este texto apresenta um estudo sobre a política curricular implementada no Estado de São Paulo nas décadas de 1980 e 1990 para as primeiras séries do ensino fundamental. Examina o currículo prescrito cotejando-o com os contextos práticos de desenvolvimento do currículo. A pesquisa revela que a política curricular desse período articulou-se fortemente com a produção acadêmica em educação. Ressalta ainda a continuidade na política de produção de materiais de orientação curricular nos últimos 20 anos, buscando difundir e tornar hegemônico um pensamento pedagógico inovador. Também verifica que esses materiais circularam de diferentes formas na rede de ensino e foram apropriados de maneira seletiva pelos professores que adotaram, sobretudo, as indicações práticas.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O presente artigo trata de avaliar em perspectiva histórica, algumas falhas na condução da política de Defesa no Brasil, fulcrais para se compreender a continuidade de um quadro de indevida participação militar e de ausência de controle civil na elaboração e implementação da mencionada pasta, incompatíveis com um contexto de governabilidade democrática. A despeito de algumas iniciativas no sentido de regulamentar os limites de atuação das Forças Armadas para que as mesmas não extrapolem suas funções e missões essenciais, e para que a política de Defesa seja revestida de um verniz público e civil - a exemplo da criação do Ministério da Defesa e da publicação da Estratégia Nacional de Defesa -, prevalece uma situação de fragilidade institucional e de vazio de poder público propícios para que a vontade militar permaneça conferindo o tom da Defesa nacional.