1000 resultados para Compromisso político


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Neste livro pretende-se analisar, por meio dos comentários publicados pelo jornal O Estado de S. Paulo, os rastros deixados pelos colaboradores que, durante os anos de 1938 a 1945, interpretaram os acontecimentos do campo internacional como transformadores da realidade interna. Nesse sentido, não se trata de estudar os fatos que marcaram a Segunda Guerra Mundial, mas sim de demonstrar de que modo os articulistas construíram imagens que se firmaram ao longo do tempo e que destoavam, em grande medida, das diretrizes propugnadas pelo Estado Novo.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS


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This essay discusses the theme of poetics in teaching activity, and discusses its possible ability to think about the ethical-formative sense and its possible political use to propose alternatives to the educational praxis that is restricted, in actuality, a pragmatic teaching. From the point of view of aesthetics of existence, therefore, we proposes a particular notion of poetic, fairly close to what can be understood by the dramatic that underlies the pragmatic of you last Foucault, as well as analyzes your chances to problematize the current pragmatic teaching. Thus, we look forward to assist the educator thinking both the possibility of ethics (self) transformation as the meaning of formation of another in his educational activity.


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Will be demonstrated here, the importance of preparing the Political-Pedagogical Project - PPP in a way that the school´s actors participate constantly. his participation is essential to promote both their production and the ongoing evaluation of activities, actions and educational purposes. Following the guidance of experienced researchers in this matter, we assume the defense of a school that favors the character of belonging for everyone: administrators, teachers, students and parents, the whole community. his study is conducted in two stages: a theoretical study, highlighting the main researches and thoughts at academic level, a documentary analysis of four schools and interviews with directors or vice directors and coordinators of schools. With this study and analysis, it is possible to realize the importance of their development and promote relection to guide those interested to a new vision or revision of structures already plastered. he school thus may undergo changes renovating their routine, making it fresh news and events, allowing the daily challenges foster contextualized strategies on concrete basis.


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Will be demonstrated here, the importance of preparing the Political-Pedagogical Project - PPP in a way that the school´s actors participate constantly. his participation is essential to promote both their production and the ongoing evaluation of activities, actions and educational purposes. Following the guidance of experienced researchers in this matter, we assume the defense of a school that favors the character of belonging for everyone: administrators, teachers, students and parents, the whole community. his study is conducted in two stages: a theoretical study, highlighting the main researches and thoughts at academic level, a documentary analysis of four schools and interviews with directors or vice directors and coordinators of schools. With this study and analysis, it is possible to realize the importance of their development and promote relection to guide those interested to a new vision or revision of structures already plastered. he school thus may undergo changes renovating their routine, making it fresh news and events, allowing the daily challenges foster contextualized strategies on concrete basis.


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The article describes political and legal aspects of Brazilian education, through the analysis of Brazilian Constitutions, its amendments and major educational laws and resolutions in force until 2012, highlighting those that make direct reference to rural education and country education. It intends to identify the time when the educational legislation has incorporated the term “country education”, one of the struggles of the Movement for a Country Education. The use of the term “country education” will occur only in the first decade of this century. Despite the difficulties in consolidating country education, clearly the incorporation of this issue in the draft of the new National Education Plan (2011/2020), under discussion in Brazilian Congress.


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The Policy Pedagogical Project can be understand like a guide element of education actions, that links itself to a history social project, bringing an specific way to understand the school and its function in society. The actual brazilian legislation is based on inclusive educational policy defended since 1990 by Ministry of Education. Faced this situation the present research intends verify if the schools are organized to act into this new paradigm, using analisis of the Policy Pedagogical Projects. That's why were analized the projects of 6 public schools of basic study that attend impaired students in regular classes. Those projects were analized based on a inclusive school indicators purposed by the Ministry of Education, that is based on a specific theorical reference and on determined actions that favor the impaired student learning. The data pointed that the majority of schools shows in theorical camp assumptions vinculated to Inclusive Education Policy. However, the presented actions are still shy and limited, so there is no differentiated purpose that attend the educational needs of impaired students. It concludes that the speech about inclusive education have already been assimilated by the school, however the actions are still begginers. The Pedagogical Project colectively built, could constitute an effective instrument to think about an make a quality school, an emancipatory school for all.


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Os objetivos deste trabalho são os de expor os elementos pedagógicos principais presentes nas escolas Construindo o Caminho e Instituto de Educação Josué de Castro, verificar qual a força determinante na organização da proposta educacional do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra e elucidar se essa proposta contém elementos educacionais de interesse para as classes trabalhadoras em geral, do ponto de vista democrático e popular. A investigação revelou que o modo de apropriação do excedente econômico e a luta de classes constituem-se na força determinante na organização da proposta educacional e, também, que as escolas do Movimento, estruturadas e organizadas de forma diferente daquela usualmente encontrada nas escolas oficiais, colocam em epígrafe categorias educacionais como a união do ensino com o trabalho e a gestão democrática compartilhada entre alunos, professores e funcionários.


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The Mercosul project, signed in 1991, represents the union of a political project, characterized by a democratic agreement among its members, with an economical project characterized by the trade liberalization among its regional members and among these with the global economy. So, it was constituted, with the aim to expand the national trades by the integration, to increase the economic development process with social justice. However, the Mercosul follows the historical trajectory of Latin America integration, characterized by models that aimed the economical development from the strengthening of the industry. According to that, the Mercosul politics are priority for economic issues, focused in the industrialization and trade relations, giving less priority to the social demands. In opposition to such ideas, in 2004 was created the Especialized Meeting about Family Farm (Reunião Especializada sobre Agricultura Familiar - REAF) in the Mercosul, that aim to strengthen the public policies of the sector, to promote the commercialization of the family farm products in the region. So, the family farm, a sector historically marginalized from the integration projects, it is institutionalized in the Mercosul. In that way, the aim of this research is to discuss the reasons that leaded to the family farm institutionalization, and also to analyze the advances and problems of the Especialized Meeting about Family Farm


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A Teoria dos Ciclos Político-Econômicos relata que os políticos influenciam o comportamento da economia por meio de manipulações das variáveis econômicas e de instrumentos políticos, visando à maximização de votos, por saberem que a situação econômica incide sobre as decisões eleitorais. Neste contexto, este trabalho tem como objetivo principal analisar se existem evidências de ciclos políticos no Brasil, no período de 2002 a 2010. Para isso, procederam-se análises gráficas da evolução do saldo orçamentário dos estados de São Paulo e de Minas Gerais desta época. Os resultados apontaram que em alguns períodos estes ciclos ainda estão presentes, embora eles tendam a desaparecer devido à implantação da Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal de 2000, a qual objetiva um maior controle das contas públicas