902 resultados para Complex systems


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This research published in the foremost international journal in information theory and shows interplay between complex random matrix and multiantenna information theory. Dr T. Ratnarajah is leader in this area of research and his work has been contributed in the development of graduate curricula (course reader) in Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA, By Professor Alan Edelman. The course name is "The Mathematics and Applications of Random Matrices", see http://web.mit.edu/18.338/www/projects.html


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This paper derives a general procedure for the numerical solution of the Lindblad equations that govern the coherences arising from multicoloured light interacting with a multilevel system. A systematic approach to finding the conservative and dissipative terms is derived and applied to the laser cooling of p-block elements. An improved numerical method is developed to solve the time-dependent master equation and results are presented for transient cooling processes. The method is significantly more robust, efficient and accurate than the standard method and can be applied to a broad range of atomic and molecular systems. Radiation pressure forces and the formation of dynamic dark states are studied in the gallium isotope 66Ga.


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Title: Boundary-setting as a core activity in complex public systems
Authors: Joanne Murphy & Mary Lee Rhodes

The definition of the boundary of a system is at the core of any systems approach (Midgley 2000; 2003). By defining boundaries we enable – and delimit – the range of outcomes sought and the actions and resources that can be brought to bear. In complex adaptive systems (CAS) analysis, the conceptualisaion and definition of boundaries is particularly challenging as they are constantly undergoing redefinition through agent action, interaction and entry/exit. (Rhodes et al 2011). The concept of ‘boundaries’ appears regularly in a wide range of literature around public management, administration, geopolitics, regeneration and organisational development. Discussions around boundaries focus on many things from concrete physical manifestations and barriers, to virtual interfaces between one organisational unit and another, or even entirely theoretical demarcations between different schools of thought (Kaboolian, 1998, Levi-Faur, 2004, Agranoff & McGuire, 2004).

However, managing ‘beyond’ such boundaries is a routinely recurring aspiration that transcends sectors and local concerns. Unsurprisingly then, there is an increasing understanding of the need to acknowledge and manage such boundaries (whether they be physical, social or organisational) within public management as a discipline (Currie et al 2007, Fitzsimmons and White, 1997, Murtagh, 2002). This paper explores the impact of boundaries on public management strategic decision-making in the sectors of urban regeneration and healthcare. In particular, it focuses on demarcations to physical space, communal identity and within professional relationships in these sectors.

The first section describes the research that gave rise to the paper and the cases examined. Next we briefly define what we mean by boundaries. We explore issues that have emerged from our analysis of urban regeneration and health care singularly, before looking at how the concept of boundaries is a recurrent concern across the sectors. The main contribution of the paper is an exploration of how a CAS lens can bring a new insight into the concept of boundaries and decision-making in the two sets of case studies. This discussion will concentrate on initial conditions, bifurcation and adaptation as key CAS factors in relation to boundaries. We conclude with a brief discussion on the benefits of a CAS lens to an analysis of boundaries in public management decision-making.

Agranoff, R. and McGuire, M. (2003) Collaborative Public Management: Strategies for Local Government. Washington, DC: Georgetown Univ. Press.

Currie, G., Lockett, A. (2007) “A critique of transformational leadership: moral, professional & contingent dimensions of leadership within public services organizations”. Human Relations 60: 341-370.

Fitzsimmons and White, (1997) "Crossing boundaries: communication between professional groups", Journal of Management in Medicine, Vol. 11 Iss: 2, pp.96 – 101

Kaboolian, L. (1998) “The New Public Management: Challenging the Boundaries of the Management vs. Administration Debate” Public Administration Review Vol. 58, No. 3 pp.189-193

Levi-Faur D. and Vigoda-Gadot Eran (eds) (2004) International Public Policy and Management: Policy Learning Beyond Regional, Cultural and Political Boundaries, Marcel Dekker,
Midgley, G. (ed) (2003) Systems Thinking. London: Sage Publications

Midgley, G. (2000) Systemic Intervention: Philosophy, Methodology and Practice. New York, NY: Kluwer.

Murtagh, B. (2002). The Politics of Territory: Policy and Segregation in Northern Ireland. Basingstoke, Palgrave.

Rhodes, ML, Joanne Murphy, Jenny Muir, John Murray (2011) Public Management & Complexity Theory: Richer Decision Making in Irish Public Services, UK: Routledge


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The hybrid test method is a relatively recently developed dynamic testing technique that uses numerical modelling combined with simultaneous physical testing. The concept of substructuring allows the critical or highly nonlinear part of the structure that is difficult to numerically model with accuracy to be physically tested whilst the remainder of the structure, that has a more predictable response, is numerically modelled. In this paper, a substructured soft-real time hybrid test is evaluated as an accurate means of performing seismic tests of complex structures. The structure analysed is a three-storey, two-by-one bay concentrically braced frame (CBF) steel structure subjected to seismic excitation. A ground storey braced frame substructure whose response is critical to the overall response of the structure is tested, whilst the remainder of the structure is numerically modelled. OpenSees is used for numerical modelling and OpenFresco is used for the communication between the test equipment and numerical model. A novel approach using OpenFresco to define the complex numerical substructure of an X-braced frame within a hybrid test is also presented. The results of the hybrid tests are compared to purely numerical models using OpenSees and a simulated test using a combination of OpenSees and OpenFresco. The comparative results indicate that the test method provides an accurate and cost effective procedure for performing
full scale seismic tests of complex structural systems.


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Scalability and efficiency of on-chip communication of emerging Multiprocessor System-on-Chip (MPSoC) are critical design considerations. Conventional bus based interconnection schemes no longer fit for MPSoC with a large number of cores. Networks-on-Chip (NoC) is widely accepted as the next generation interconnection scheme for large scale MPSoC. The increase of MPSoC complexity requires fast and accurate system-level modeling techniques for rapid modeling and veri-fication of emerging MPSoCs. However, the existing modeling methods are limited in delivering the essentials of timing accuracy and simulation speed. This paper proposes a novel system-level Networks-on-Chip (NoC) modeling method, which is based on SystemC and TLM2.0 and capable of delivering timing accuracy close to cycle accurate modeling techniques at a significantly lower simulation cost. Experimental results are presented to demonstrate the proposed method. ©2010 IEEE.


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The nature and challenges of public sector leadership and management are examined in four case studies of project management in complex metropolitan environments. The cases selected by the authors as representative of contextual factors affecting decision-making processes and project outcomes. Drawing on recent theoretical work on complex leadership approaches (Uhl-Bein et al 2007, Hazy 2008, Lichtenstein & Plowman 2009), the authors assess leadership practices enacted and the circumstances that influence these practices. Leadership types theorized by Uhl-Bein et al (2007) are identified operating at different levels and across networks, with contextual factors outlined. The article concludes with a framework for leadership practice and management identifying network facilitation and complexity friendly tools as a practice within complex public sector systems.


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Les micelles polyioniques ont émergé comme des systèmes prometteurs de relargage de médicaments hydrophiles ioniques. Le but de cette étude était le développement des micelles polyioniques à base de dextrane pour la relargage de médicaments hydrophiles cationiques utilisant une nouvelle famille de copolymères bloc carboxymethyldextran-poly(éthylène glycol) (CMD-PEG). Quatre copolymères CMD-PEG ont été préparés dont deux copolymères identiques en termes de longueurs des blocs de CMD et de PEG mais différent en termes de densité de charges du bloc CMD; et deux autres copolymères dans lesquels les blocs chargés sont les mêmes mais dont les blocs de PEG sont différents. Les propriétés d’encapsulation des micelles CMD-PEG ont été évaluées avec différentes molécules cationiques: le diminazène (DIM), un médicament cationique modèle, le chlorhydrate de minocycline (MH), un analogue semi-synthétique de la tétracycline avec des propriétés neuro-protectives prometteuses et différents antibiotiques aminoglycosidiques. La cytotoxicité des copolymères CMD-PEG a été évaluée sur différentes lignées cellulaires en utilisant le test MTT et le test du Bleu Alamar. La formation de micelles des copolymères de CMD-PEG a été caractérisée par différentes techniques telles que la spectroscopie RMN 1H, la diffusion de la lumière dynamique (DLS) et la titration calorimétrique isotherme (ITC). Le taux de relargage des médicaments et l’activité pharmacologique des micelles contenant des médicaments ont aussi été évalués. Les copolymères CMD-PEG n'ont induit aucune cytotoxicité dans les hépatocytes humains et dans les cellules microgliales murines (N9) après 24 h incubation pour des concentrations allant jusqu’à 15 mg/mL. Les interactions électrostatiques entre les copolymères de CMD-PEG et les différentes drogues cationiques ont amorcé la formation de micelles polyioniques avec un coeur composé du complexe CMD-médicaments cationiques et une couronne composée de PEG. Les propriétés des micelles DIM/CMDPEG ont été fortement dépendantes du degré de carboxyméthylation du bloc CMD. Les micelles de CMD-PEG de degré de carboxyméthylation du bloc CMD ≥ 60 %, ont incorporé jusqu'à 64 % en poids de DIM et ont résisté à la désintégration induite par les sels et ceci jusqu'à 400 mM NaCl. Par contre, les micelles de CMD-PEG de degré de carboxyméthylation ~ 30% avaient une plus faible teneur en médicament (~ 40 % en poids de DIM) et se désagrégeaient à des concentrations en sel inférieures (∼ 100 mM NaCl). Le copolymère de CMD-PEG qui a montré les propriétés micellaires les plus satisfaisantes a été sélectionné comme système de livraison potentiel de chlorhydrate de minocycline (MH) et d’antibiotiques aminoglycosidiques. Les micelles CMD-PEG encapsulantes de MH ou d’aminoglycosides ont une petite taille (< 200 nm de diamètre), une forte capacité de chargement (≥ 50% en poids de médicaments) et une plus longue période de relargage de médicament. Ces micelles furent stables en solution aqueuse pendant un mois; après lyophilisation et en présence d'albumine sérique bovine. De plus, les micelles ont protégé MH contre sa dégradation en solutions aqueuses. Les micelles encapsulant les drogues ont maintenu les activités pharmacologiques de ces dernières. En outre, les micelles MH réduisent l’inflammation induite par les lipopolysaccharides dans les cellules microgliales murines (N9). Les micelles aminoglycosides ont été quant à elles capable de tuer une culture bactérienne test. Toutefois les micelles aminoglycosides/CMDPEG furent instables dans les conditions physiologiques. Les propriétés des micelles ont été considérablement améliorées par des modifications hydrophobiques de CMD-PEG. Ainsi, les micelles aminoglycosides/dodecyl-CMD-PEG ont montré une taille plus petite et une meilleure stabilité aux conditions physiologiques. Les résultats obtenus dans le cadre de cette étude montrent que CMD-PEG copolymères sont des systèmes prometteurs de relargage de médicaments cationiques.


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Cette thèse présente une revue des réflexions récentes et plus traditionnelles provenant de la théorie des systèmes, de la créativité en emploi, des théories d’organisation du travail et de la motivation afin de proposer une perspective psychologique de la régulation des actions des individus au sein d’environnements de travail complexes et incertains. Des composantes de la Théorie de la Régulation de l’Action (Frese & Zapf, 1994) ainsi que de la Théorie de l’Auto-Détermination (Deci & Ryan, 2000) sont mises en relation afin d’évaluer un modèle définissant certains schémas cognitifs clés associés aux tâches individuelles et collectives en emploi. Nous proposons que ces schémas cognitifs, organisés de manière hiérarchique, jouent un rôle central dans la régulation d’une action efficace au sein d’un système social adaptatif. Nos mesures de ces schémas cognitifs sont basées sur des échelles de mesure proposées dans le cadre des recherches sur l’ambiguïté de rôle (eg. Sawyer, 1992; Breaugh & Colihan, 1994) et sont mis en relation avec des mesures de satisfaction des besoins psychologiques (Van den Broeck, Vansteenkiste, De Witte, Soenens & Lens, 2009) et du bien-être psychologique (Goldberg, 1972). Des données provenant de 153 employés à temps plein d’une compagnie de jeu vidéo ont été récoltées à travers deux temps de mesure. Les résultats révèlent que différents types de schémas cognitifs associés aux tâches individuelles et collectives sont liés à la satisfaction de différents types de besoin psychologiques et que ces derniers sont eux-mêmes liés au bien-être psychologique. Les résultats supportent également l’hypothèse d’une organisation hiérarchique des schémas cognitifs sur la base de leur niveau d’abstraction et de leur proximité avec l’exécution concrète de l’action. Ces résultats permettent de fournir une explication initiale au processus par lequel les différents types de schémas cognitifs développés en emplois et influencé par l’environnement de travail sont associés à l’attitude des employés et à leur bien-être psychologique. Les implications pratiques et théoriques pour la motivation, l’apprentissage, l’habilitation, le bien-être psychologique et l’organisation du travail dans les environnements de travail complexes et incertains sont discutés.


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A fully automated procedure to extract and to image local fibre orientation in biological tissues from scanning X-ray diffraction is presented. The preferred chitin fibre orientation in the flow sensing system of crickets is determined with high spatial resolution by applying synchrotron radiation based X-ray microbeam diffraction in conjunction with advanced sample sectioning using a UV micro-laser. The data analysis is based on an automated detection of azimuthal diffraction maxima after 2D convolution filtering (smoothing) of the 2D diffraction patterns. Under the assumption of crystallographic fibre symmetry around the morphological fibre axis, the evaluation method allows mapping the three-dimensional orientation of the fibre axes in space. The resulting two-dimensional maps of the local fibre orientations - together with the complex shape of the flow sensing system - may be useful for a better understanding of the mechanical optimization of such tissues.


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It is argued that the truth status of emergent properties of complex adaptive systems models should be based on an epistemology of proof by constructive verification and therefore on the ontological axioms of a non-realist logical system such as constructivism or intuitionism. ‘Emergent’ properties of complex adaptive systems (CAS) models create particular epistemological and ontological challenges. These challenges bear directly on current debates in the philosophy of mathematics and in theoretical computer science. CAS research, with its emphasis on computer simulation, is heavily reliant on models which explore the entailments of Formal Axiomatic Systems (FAS). The incompleteness results of Gödel, the incomputability results of Turing, and the Algorithmic Information Theory results of Chaitin, undermine a realist (platonic) truth model of emergent properties. These same findings support the hegemony of epistemology over ontology and point to alternative truth models such as intuitionism, constructivism and quasi-empiricism.


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Requirements analysis focuses on stakeholders concerns and their influence towards e-government systems. Some characteristics of stakeholders concerns clearly show the complexity and conflicts. This imposes a number of questions in the requirements analysis, such as how are they relevant to stakeholders? What are their needs? How conflicts among the different stakeholders can be resolved? And what coherent requirements can be methodologically produced? This paper describes the problem articulation method in organizational semiotics which can be used to conduct such complex requirements analysis. The outcomes of the analysis enable e-government systems development and management to meet userspsila needs. A case study of Yantai Citizen Card is chosen to illustrate a process of analysing stakeholders in the lifecycle of requirements analysis.