895 resultados para Competitive season


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We consider a mathematical model for the spatio-temporal evolution of two biological species in a competitive situation. Besides diffusing, both species move toward higher concentrations of a chemical substance which is produced by themselves. The resulting system consists of two parabolic equations with Lotka–Volterra-type kinetic terms and chemotactic cross-diffusion, along with an elliptic equation describing the behavior of the chemical. We study the question in how far the phenomenon of competitive exclusion occurs in such a context. We identify parameter regimes for which indeed one of the species dies out asymptotically, whereas the other reaches its carrying capacity in the large time limit.


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In this paper, we study a system of partial differential equations describing the evolution of a population under chemotactic effects with non-local reaction terms. We consider an external application of chemoattractant in the system and study the cases of one and two populations in competition. By introducing global competitive/cooperative factors in terms of the total mass of the populations, weobtain, forarangeofparameters, thatanysolutionwithpositive and bounded initial data converges to a spatially homogeneous state with positive components. The proofs rely on the maximum principle for spatially homogeneous sub- and super-solutions.


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OBJETIVO: Esta tesis doctoral pretende analizar el rendimiento en fútbol desde un punto de vista físico de los jugadores de un equipo de excelencia (EE). Se entiende como EE a un equipo que presenta un prolongado bagaje de éxitos nacionales e internacionales a lo largo de varios años. MÉTODO: Se utilizó el sistema de registro (AMISCO) de la actividad del jugador de fútbol en competición (distancia total recorrida, distancias a distintas velocidades, y número de sprints) analizando a lo largo de seis temporadas continuada la actividad de jugadores de élite (N=2082), siendo 1051 pertenecientes al EE y 1031 a jugadores de los equipos rivales (ER). RSULTADO: El perfil de actividad (distancia total, distancia en distintas velocidades y nº de sprints) de los jugadores del EE muestran valores inferiores al de los jugadores de los ER. De igual forma ocurre en cada una de las partes del partido, el puesto específico de juego de los jugadores en las distintas temporadas analizadas y en los distintos meses de la temporada. El EE registra una mayor actividad (distancia total recorrida en el partido, distancia recorrida en velocidades altas V>17 km/h y nº de Sprints) cuando juega de local a cuando lo hace como visitante. Asimismo EE muestra demandas superiores de exigencia física en la competición europea (Champions League) frente a la Liga en la distancia total recorrida en el partido y a velocidades bajas (V<17 km/h), mientras que apenas muestra diferencias en los indicadores de exigencia física cuando se enfrenta a los equipos rivales de distinto nivel de rendimiento, exceptuando en la distancia recorrida andando (V=01-11 km/h) con diferencias significativas superiores cuando el nivel del oponente es de Máxima dificultad frente a Elevada dificultad (p<.01) o Media dificultad (p<.01). En función del estilo de juego se registran diferencias en la distancia total recorrida en el partido, en velocidades bajas (V<17 km/h) y en el nº de Sprints (V>24 km/h). Por último, el perfil de actividad del EE no se ve influenciado por el efecto de estar sometido a una alta densidad competitiva (jugar un partido entre semana). Se constata como un jugador de un EE está supeditado no sólo a las exigencias del puesto específico sino también está sujeta a las características propias del jugador al desempeñar el rol o función táctica encomendada. Esta influencia es más evidente en jugadores que ocupan puestos específicos avanzados. CONCLUSION: La presente investigación aporta la caracterización de la actividad de los jugadores de un EE frente al perfil de actividad de sus rivales, mostrando un nivel de respuesta específica y diferente, más estable frente a determinadas variables contextuales y donde la exigencia física en el puesto específico se ve condicionada por las características individuales del jugador, todos estos aspectos pueden ayudar a la hora de planificar el entrenamiento en este tipo de equipos. ABSTRACT OBJETIVE: This doctoral thesis aims to analyze the performance in football from a physical point of view on a team of excellence. METHOD: The registration system (AMISCO) activity soccer player in competition (total distance traveled distances at different speeds, and number of sprints) was used to analyze over six seasons continued activity elite players (N = 2082), with 1051 belonging to Team Excellence (EE) and 1031 players from rival teams (ER). RESULT: The competitive physical response of the US players are analyzed and compared with that of ER. The activity profile (total distance, distance at different speeds and number of sprints) of EE players shown below players ER values. The same occurs in each of the parts of the game, the specific game since players analyzed in different seasons and in different months of the season. The EE recorded increased activity (total distance traveled in the match, distance at high speeds V> 17 km / h and sprints number) when playing a local when it does on the road. EE also shows higher demands physical demands in European competition (Champions League) against the League in the total distance traveled in the party and at low speeds (V <17 km / h), while just shows differences in indicators of demand physics when the opposing teams with different levels of performance faces, except in the distance walked (V = 01-11 km / h) with significant differences when higher level Maximum opponent is facing difficulty High difficulty (p < .01) or Medium difficulty (p <.01). Depending on the style of play differences are recognized in the total distance traveled in the party, at low speeds (V <17 km / h) and the number of Sprints (V> 24 km / h). Finally, the activity profile of EE is not influenced by the effect of being subjected to a high competitive density (play a game during the week). It is found as a player on a team of Excellence is subject not only to the requirements of the specific position but is also subject to the characteristics of the player to play the role or function entrusted tactics. This influence is most evident in advanced players who occupy specific positions. CONCLUSION: This research provides the characterization of the activity of EE players versus activity profile of its rivals, showing a level of response specific and different, more stable against certain contextual variables and where the physical demands on the specific position is conditioned by the individual characteristics of the player, all these aspects can help in planning training in this type of equipment.


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El concepto tradicional de reglas de ensamblaje refleja la idea de que las especies no co-ocurren al azar sino que están restringidos en su co-ocurrencia por la competencia interespecífica o por un filtrado ambiental. En está tesis abordé la importancia de los procesos que determinan el ensamble de la comunidad en la estructuración de los Bosques Secos en el Sur del Ecuador. Este estudio se realizó en la región biogeográfica Tumbesina, donde se encuentra la mayor concentración de bosques secos tropicales bien conservados del sur de Ecuador, y que constituyen una de las áreas de endemismo más importantes del mundo. El clima se caracteriza por una estación seca que va desde mayo a diciembre y una estación lluviosa de enero a abril, su temperatura anual varía entre 20°C y 26°C y una precipitación promedio anual entre 300 y 700 mm. Mi primer tema fue orientado a evaluar si la distribución de los rasgos funcionales a nivel comunitario es compatible con la existencia de un filtro ambiental (filtrado del hábitat) o con la existencia de un proceso de limitación de la semejanza funcional impuesta por la competencia inter-específica entre 58 especies de plantas leñosas repartidas en 109 parcelas (10x50m). Para ello, se analizó la distribución de los valores de cinco rasgos funcionales (altura máxima, densidad de la madera, área foliar específica, tamaño de la hoja y de masa de la semilla), resumida mediante varios estadísticos (rango, varianza, kurtosis y la desviación estándar de la distribución de distancias funcionales a la especies más próxima) y se comparó con la distribución esperada bajo un modelo nulo con ausencia de competencia. Los resultados obtenidos apoyan que tanto el filtrado ambiental como la limitación a la semejanza afectan el ensamble de las comunidades vegetales de los bosques secos Tumbesinos. Un segundo tema fue identificar si la diversidad funcional está condicionada por los gradientes ambientales, y en concreto si disminuye en los ambientes más estresantes a causa del filtrado ambiental, y si por el contrario aumenta en los ambientes más benignos donde la competencia se vuelve más importante, teniendo en cuenta las posibles modificaciones a este patrón general a causa de las interacciones de facilitación. Para abordar este estudio analizamos tanto las variaciones en la diversidad funcional (respecto a los de los cinco rasgos funcionales empleados en el primer capítulo de la tesis) como las variaciones de diversidad filogenética a lo largo de un gradiente de estrés climático en los bosques tumbesinos, y se contrastaron frente a las diversidades esperadas bajo un modelo de ensamblaje completamente aleatorio de la comunidad. Los análisis mostraron que tan sólo la diversidad de tamaños foliares siguió el patrón de variación esperado, disminuyendo a medida que aumentó el estrés abiótico mientras que ni el resto de rasgos funcionales ni la diversidad funcional multivariada ni la diversidad filogenética mostraron una variación significativa a lo largo del gradiente ambiental. Un tercer tema fue evaluar si los procesos que organizan la estructura funcional de la comunidad operan a diferentes escalas espaciales. Para ello cartografié todos los árboles y arbustos de más de 5 cm de diámetro en una parcela de 9 Ha de bosque seco y caractericé funcionalmente todas las especies. Dicha parcela fue dividida en subparcelas de diferente tamaño, obteniéndose subparcelas a seis escalas espaciales distintas. Los resultados muestran agregación de estrategias funcionales semejantes a escalas pequeñas, lo que sugiere la existencia bien de filtros ambientales actuando a escala fina o bien de procesos competitivos que igualan la estrategia óptima a dichas escalas. Finalmente con la misma información de la parcela permanente de 9 Ha. Nos propusimos evaluar el efecto y comportamiento de las especies respecto a la organización de la diversidad taxonómica, funcional y filogenética. Para ello utilicé tres funciones sumario espaciales: ISAR- para el nivel taxonómico, IFDAR para el nivel funcional y IPSVAR para el nivel filogenética y las contrastamos frente a modelos nulos que describen la distribución espacial de las especies individuales. Los resultados mostraron que en todas las escalas espaciales consideradas para ISAR, IFDAR y IPSVAR, la mayoría de las especies se comportaron como neutras, es decir, que están rodeados por la riqueza de diversidad semejante a la esperada. Sin embargo, algunas especies aparecieron como acumuladoras de diversidad funcional y filogenética, lo que sugiere su implicación en procesos competitivos de limitación de la semejanza. Una pequeña proporción de las especies apareció como repelente de la diversidad funcional y filogenética, lo que sugiere su implicación en un proceso de filtrado de hábitat. En este estudio pone de relieve cómo el análisis de las dimensiones alternativas de la biodiversidad, como la diversidad funcional y filogenética, puede ayudarnos a entender la co-ocurrencia de especies en diversos ensambles de comunidad. Todos los resultados de este estudio aportan nuevas evidencias de los procesos de ensamblaje de la comunidad de los Bosques Estacionalmente secos y como las variables ambientales y la competencia juegan un papel importante en la estructuración de la comunidad. ABSTRACT The traditional concept of the rules assembly for species communities reflects the idea that species do not co-occur at random but are restricted in their co-occurrence by interspecific competition or an environmental filter. In this thesis, I addressed the importance of the se processes in the assembly of plant communities in the dry forests of southern Ecuador. This study was conducted in the biogeographic region of Tumbesina has the largest concentration of well-conserved tropical dry forests of southern Ecuador, and is recognized as one of the most important areas of endemism in the world. The climate is characterized by a dry season from May to December and a rainy season from January to April. The annual temperature varies between 20 ° C and 26 ° C and an average annual rainfall between 300 and 700 mm. I first assessed whether the distribution of functional traits at the level of the community is compatible with the existence of an environmental filter (imposed by habitat) or the existence of a limitation on functional similarity imposed by interspecific competition. This analysis was conducted for 58 species of woody plants spread over 109 plots of 10 x 50 m. Specifically, I compared the distribution of values of five functional traits (maximum height, wood density, specific leaf area, leaf size and mass of the seed), via selected statistical properties (range, variance, kurtosis and analyzed the standard deviation of the distribution of the closest functional species) distances and compared with a expected distribution under a null model of no competition. The results support that both environmental filtering and a limitation on trait similarity affect the assembly of plant communities in dry forests Tumbesina. My second chapter evaluated whether variation in functional diversity is conditioned by environmental gradients. In particular, I tested whether it decreases in the most stressful environments because of environmental filters, or if, on the contrary, functional diversity is greater in more benign environments where competition becomes more important (notwithstanding possible changes to this general pattern due to facilitation). To address this theme I analyzed changes in both the functional diversity (maximum height, wood density, specific leaf area, leaf size and mass of the seed) and the phylogenetic diversity, along a gradient of climatic stress in Tumbes forests. The observed patterns of variation were contrasted against the diversity expected under a completely random null model of community assembly. Only the diversity of leaf sizes followed the hypothesis decreasing in as trait variation abiotic stress increased, while the other functional traits multivariate functional diversity and phylogenetic diversity no showed significant variation along the environmental gradient. The third theme assess whether the processes that organize the functional structure of the community operate at different spatial scales. To do this I mapped all the trees and shrubs of more than 5 cm in diameter within a plot of 9 hectares of dry forest and functionally classified each species. The plot was divided into subplots of different sizes, obtaining subplots of six different spatial scales. I found aggregation of similar functional strategies at small scales, which may indicate the existence of environmental filters or competitive processes that correspond to the optimal strategy for these fine scales. Finally, with the same information from the permanent plot of 9 ha, I evaluated the effect and behavior of individual species on the organization of the taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversity. The analysis comprised three spatial summary functions: ISAR- for taxonomic level analysis, IFDAR for functional level analysis, and IPSVAR for phylogenetic level analysis, in each case the pattern of diversity was contrasted against null models that randomly reallocate describe the spatial distribution of individual species and their traits. For all spatial scales considering ISAR, IFDAR and IPSVAR, most species behaved as neutral, i.e. they are surrounded by the diversity of other traits similar to that expected under a null model. However, some species appeared as accumulator of functional and phylogenetic diversity, suggesting that they may play a role in competitive processes that limiting similarity. A small proportion of the species appeared as repellent of functional and phylogenetic diversity, suggesting their involvement in a process of habitat filtering. These analysis highlights that the analysis of alternative dimensions of biodiversity, such as functional and phylogenetic diversity, can help us understand the co-occurrence of species in the assembly of biotic communities. All results of this study provide further evidence of the processes of assembly of the community of the seasonally dry forests as environmental variables and competition play an important role in structuring the community.


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Se han realizado muchos estudios relacionados con el fútbol, pero pocos con jugadores profesionales evaluándolos en un periodo de dos temporadas consecutivas. El objetivo de este trabajo fue investigar las variaciones que sufren parámetros relacionados con la composición corporal, la velocidad, la fuerza y la resistencia de futbolistas profesionales de alto y medio nivel en el periodo de una temporada. Material y métodos: 20 jugadores de categoría alta (CA) y 21 jugadores de categoría media (CM) fueron evaluados a lo largo de una temporada en tres ocasiones, la primera a mitad de pretemporada (M1), la segunda a mitad del periodo competitivo (M2) y la última al final de la temporada (M3). Algunos de ellos, 16 de CA y 8 de CM participaron durante dos temporadas seguidas realizando un total de seis evaluaciones. En cada evaluación se midió la talla (TA), peso corporal (PC), sumatorio de pliegues grasos (ZP), el índice de masa corporal (IMC), el tiempo en 5 (T5) y 20 (T20) metros, el salto en contra movimiento (CMJ), Abalakov (ABA), la velocidad del umbral anaeróbico (VUAN), el peso de potencia media (PPM) y la potencia media (PMW) en el ejercicio de media sentadilla. Resultados: Hubo diferencias significativas en el ZP en el grupo de CA entre la M1 (45,28±8,98) y la M2 (40,57±5,89) al igual que en la VUAN entre la M1 (12,49±0,67) con respecto a la M2 (12,93±0,62) y la M3 (12,93±0,44). Además, se encontraron diferencias significativas en el grupo CA en la (T5) entre la M1 (1,04±0,06) y la M2 (0,99±0,04) y la M3 (1,00±0,04) y en el grupo CM sólo entre la M1 (1,05±0,05) y la M3 (1,01±0,04). El PPM fue superior en la M2 (94±13,74) con respecto a la M1 (82±13,64) de forma significativa, así como la PMW, M1 (1642,87±207,05) frente a M2 (1735,07±168,01) en el grupo de CA y también hubo diferencias significativas en el PPM entre la M1 (70,67±10,74) y la M2 (80,50±13,20) en el grupo de CM, así como en la PMW en la M1 (1574,90±205,66) con la M2 (1642,87±207,05). Conclusiones: Hubo parámetros condicionales que sufrieron variaciones a lo largo de la temporada. Los cambios más importantes se produjeron desde la mitad del periodo preparatorio hasta la mitad del periodo competitivo, no apreciándose cambios desde la mitad del periodo competitivo hasta el final del mismo. ABSTRACT They have been many studies on soccer, but few with professional players evaluating them during two consecutive seasons. The purpose of this study was to investigate seasonal variations in fitness parameters as body composition, speed, strength and stamina in top and medium class professional soccer players during a hole season. Methods: 20 Top Class male (CA) and 21 Medium Class male (CM) soccer players were evaluated during a season in three different periods. The first one at half preseason (M1), second one at the middle of the competitive period (M2) and last one at the end of the season (M3). 16 players from group CA and 8 from group CM were registered from two seasons in a row, doing a total of 6 evaluation periods. In each evaluation period was measured body height (TA), body mass (PC), skinfolds sum (ZP), body mass index (IMC), acceleration on 5 (T5) y 20 (T20) meters, countermovement jump (CMJ), free arms countermovement jump (ABA), anaerobic threshold speed (VUAN), average power strength weight (PPM) and average power (PMW) on half squat. Results: significant decrease on ZP were found in group CA from M1 (45,28±8,98) to M2 (40,57±5,89) and a significant increase on VUAN from M1 (12,49±0,67) to M2 (12,93±0,62) and M3 (12,93±0,44). Also a significant decrease was found in group CA on (T5) from M1 (1,04±0,06) to M2 (0,99±0,04) and M3 (1,00±0,04). PPM was significantly higher from M2 (94±13,74) to M1 (82±13,64) as PMW from M1 (1642,87±207,05) to M2 (1735,07±168,01) in CA group and also was found a significant increase in group CM on PPM from M1 (70,67±10,74) to M2 (80,50±13,20) and on PMW from M1 (1574,90±205,66) to M2 (1642,87±207,05). Conclusions: Some of the fitness parameters did suffer seasonal variations. The most important changes took place from the middle of the preseason period until middle of the competitive period, remaining unchanged from middle of the competitive period until the end of the season.


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El minuto final de un partido ajustado de baloncesto es un momento crítico que está sujeto a multitud de factores que influyen en su desarrollo. Así, el porcentaje de acierto en los tiros libres durante ese periodo de tiempo va a determinar, en muchas ocasiones, el resultado final del partido. La disminución de rendimiento (drop) en esta faceta de juego en condiciones de presión, puede estar relacionada con múltiples variables propias del contexto deportivo estudiado, como por ejemplo: los segundos restantes de posesión, la situación en el marcador (ir ganando, empatando o perdiendo), la localización del partido (jugar en casa o fuera), la fase de competición (fase regular o eliminatorias) o el nivel del equipo (mejores/peores equipos). Además, las características del jugador que realiza los lanzamientos tienen una gran importancia respecto a su edad y años de experiencia para afrontar los momentos críticos, así como el puesto de juego que ocupa en el equipo. En este sentido, la combinación de factores del contexto y del jugador, permiten interactuar en el rendimiento del lanzador en los momentos finales de partido durante sus lanzamientos de tiro libre. El presente trabajo de tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo encontrar aquellas variables más relacionadas con la disminución de rendimiento del jugador en los tiros libres durante el último minuto de juego, y la última serie de tiros libres en los partidos ajustados de baloncesto. Para alcanzar el objetivo del estudio se analizaron 124 partidos ajustados (diferencias iguales o inferiores a 2 puntos) de todas las competiciones (fase regular, playoff y copa del Rey) de la liga ACB durante las temporadas 2011-2012 a 2014-2015. Para el registro de variables se analizó el porcentaje de acierto en los tiros libres del lanzador en la liga regular, partido completo, último minuto y última serie. De este modo se trató de analizar qué variables del contexto y del jugador permitían explicar el rendimiento en los tiros libres durante el último minuto, y la última serie de tiros libres del partido. Por otro lado, se trató de conocer el grado de asociación entre el descenso del rendimiento (drop) en los momentos finales de partido, y las variables estudiadas del jugador: puesto de juego, edad, y años de experiencia profesional; mientras que las variables situacionales consideradas fueron: fase de competición, localización, clasificación, tiempo restante, y diferencia parcial en el marcador. Para el análisis de los datos se realizaron dos modelos estadísticos: 1º) un modelo de regresión lineal múltiple para conocer el efecto de las variables independientes en el porcentaje de aciertos del lanzador en el último minuto, y en la última serie de tiros libres del partido; y 2º) un análisis de regresión logística binomial para analizar la relación existente entre la probabilidad de tener un drop (disminución del rendimiento) y las características del lanzador, y las variables situacionales. Los resultados del modelo de regresión lineal múltiple mostraron efectos negativos significativos en el porcentaje de acierto en los tiros libres durante el último minuto, cuando los lanzadores son los pívots (-19,45%). Por otro lado, los resultados durante la última serie mostraron el efecto negativo significativo sobre la posición de pívot (- 19,30%) y la diferencia parcial en el marcador (-3,33%, para cada punto de diferencia en el marcador) en el porcentaje de acierto en los tiros libres. Las variables independientes edad, experiencia profesional, clasificación en la liga regular, fase de competición, localización, y tiempo restante, no revelaron efectos significativos en los modelos de regresión lineal. Los resultados de la regresión logística binomial revelaron que las variables experiencia profesional entre 13 y 18 años (OR = 4,63), jugar de alero (OR = 23,01), y jugar de base (OR = 10,68) están relacionadas con una baja probabilidad de disminuir el rendimiento durante el último minuto del partido; mientras que ir ganando, aumenta esta probabilidad (OR = 0,06). Además, los resultados de la última serie mostraron una menor disminución del rendimiento del jugador cuando tiene entre 13 y 18 años de experiencia (OR = 4,28), y juega de alero (OR = 8,06) o base (OR = 6,34). Por el contrario, las variables situacionales relacionadas con esa disminución del rendimiento del jugador son las fases eliminatorias (OR = 0,22) e ir ganando (OR = 0,04). Los resultados principales del estudio mostraron que existe una disminución del rendimiento del jugador en su porcentaje de acierto en los tiros libres durante el último minuto y en la última serie de lanzamientos del partido, y que está relacionada significativamente con la edad, experiencia profesional, puesto de juego del jugador, y diferencia parcial en el marcador. Encontrando relación también con la fase de competición, durante la última serie de tiros libres del partido. Esta información supone una valiosa información para el entrenador, y su aplicación en el ámbito competitivo real. En este sentido, la creación de simulaciones en el apartado de aplicaciones prácticas, permite predecir el porcentaje de acierto en los tiros libres de un jugador durante los momentos de mayor presión del partido, en base a su perfil de rendimiento. Lo que puede servir para realizar una toma de decisiones más idónea, con el objetivo de lograr el mejor resultado. Del mismo modo, orienta el tipo de proceso de entrenamiento que se ha de seguir, en relación a los jugadores más tendentes al drop, con el objetivo de minimizar el efecto de la presión sobre su capacidad para rendir adecuadamente en la ejecución de los tiros libres, y lograr de esta manera un rendimiento más homogéneo en todos los jugadores del equipo en esta faceta del juego, durante el momento crítico del final de partido. ABSTRACT. The final minute of a close game in basketball is a critical moment which is subject to many factors that influence its development. Thus, the success rate in free-throws during that period will determine, in many cases, the outcome of the game. Decrease of performance (drop) in this facet of play under pressure conditions, may be related to studied own multiple sports context variables, such as the remaining seconds of possession, the situation in the score (to be winning, drawing, or losing) the location of the match (playing at home or away), the competition phase (regular season or playoffs) or team level (best/worst teams). In addition, the characteristics of the player are very important related to his age and years of experience to face the critical moments, as well as his playing position into team. In this sense, the combination of factors in context and player, allows interact about performance of shooter in the final moments of the game during his free-throw shooting. The aim of this present doctoral thesis was find the most related variables to player´s drop in free throws in the last minute of the game and the last row of free-throws in closed games of basketball. To achieve the objective of the study, 124 closed games (less or equal than 2 points difference) were analyzed in every copetition in ACB league (regular season, playoff and cup) from 2011-2012 to 2014-2015 seasons. To record the variables, the percentage of success of the shooter in regular season, full game, last minute, and last row were analyzed. This way, it is tried to analyze which player and context variables explain the free-throw performance in last minute and last row of the game. On the other hand, it is tried to determine the degree of association between decrease of performance (drop) of the player in the final moments, and studied player variables: playing position, age, and years of professional experience; while considered situational variables considered were: competition phase, location, classification, remaining time, and score-line. For data analysis were performed two statistical models: 1) A multiple linear regression model to determine the effect of the independent variables in the succsess percentage of shooter at the last minute, and in the last row of free-throws in the game; and 2) A binomial logistic regression analysis to analyze the relationship between the probability of a drop (lower performance) and the characteristics of the shooter and situational variables. The results of multiple linear regression model showed significant negative effects on the free-throw percentage during last minute, when shooters are centers (-19.45%). On the other hand, results in the last series showed the significant negative effect on the center position (-19.30%) and score-line (-3.33% for each point difference in the score) in the free-throw percentage. The independent variables age, professional experience, ranking in the regular season, competition phase, location, and remaining time, revealed no significant effects on linear regression models. The results of the binomial logistic regression showed that the variables professional experience between 13 and 18 years (OR = 4.63), playing forward (OR = 23.01) and playing guard (OR = 10.68) are related to reduce the probability to decrease the performance during the last minute of the game. While wining, increases it (OR = 0.06). Furthermore, the results of the last row showed a reduction in performance degradation when player is between 13 and 18 years of experience (OR = 4.28), and playing forward (OR = 8.06) or guard (OR = 6.34). By contrast, the variables related to the decrease in performance of the player are the knockout phases (OR = 0.22) and wining (OR = 0.04). The main results of the study showed that there is a decrease in performance of the player in the percentage of success in free-throws in the last minute and last row of the game, and it is significantly associated with age, professional experience, and player position. Finding relationship with the competition phase, during last row of free-throws of the game too. This information is a valuable information for the coach, for applying in real competitive environment. In this sense, create simulations in the section of practical applications allows to predict the success rate of free-throw of a player during the most pressing moments of the game, based on their performance profile. What can be used to take more appropriate decisions in order to achieve the best result. Similarly, guides the type of training process must be followed in relation to the most favorable players to drop, in order to minimize the effect of pressure on their ability to perform properly in the execution of the free-throws. And to achieve, in this way, a more consistent performance in all team players in this facet of the game, during the critical moment in the final of the game.


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BACKGROUND: The effect of regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) on the phytoprostane (PhytoP) content in extra virgin olive (Olea europaea L., cv. Cornicabra) oil (EVOO) was studied. During the 2012 and 2013 seasons, T0 plants were irrigated at 100% ETc, while T1 and T2 plants were irrigated avoiding water deficit during phases I and III of fruit growth and saving water during the non-critical phenological period of pit hardening (phase II), developing amore severewater deficit in T2 plants. In 2013, a fourth treatment (T3) was also performed, which was similar to T2 except that water saving was from the beginning of phase II to 15 days after the end of phase II. RESULTS: 9-F1t-PhytoP, 9-epi-9-F1t-PhytoP, 9-epi-9-D1t-PhytoP, 9-D1t-PhytoP, 16-B1-PhytoP and 9-L1-PhytoP were present in Cornicabra EVOO, and their contents increased in the EVOO fromRDI plants. CONCLUSION: Deficit irrigation during pit hardening or for a further period of 2 weeks thereafter to increase irrigation water saving is clearly critical for EVOO composition because of the enhancement of free PhytoPs, which have potential beneficial effects on human health. The response of individual free PhytoPs to changes in plant water status was not as perceptible as expected, preventing their use as biomarkers of water stress.


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A colonization mutant of the efficient root-colonizing biocontrol strain Pseudomonas fluorescens WCS365 is described that is impaired in competitive root-tip colonization of gnotobiotically grown potato, radish, wheat, and tomato, indicating a broad host range mutation. The colonization of the mutant is also impaired when studied in potting soil, suggesting that the defective gene also plays a role under more natural conditions. A DNA fragment that is able to complement the mutation for colonization revealed a multicistronic transcription unit composed of at least six ORFs with similarity to lppL, lysA, dapF, orf235/233, xerC/sss, and the largely incomplete orf238. The transposon insertion in PCL1233 appeared to be present in the orf235/233 homologue, designated orf240. Introduction of a mutation in the xerC/sss homologue revealed that the xerC/sss gene homologue rather than orf240 is crucial for colonization. xerC in Escherichia coli and sss in Pseudomonas aeruginosa encode proteins that belong to the λ integrase family of site-specific recombinases, which play a role in phase variation caused by DNA rearrangements. The function of the xerC/sss homologue in colonization is discussed in terms of genetic rearrangements involved in the generation of different phenotypes, thereby allowing a bacterial population to occupy various habitats. Mutant PCL1233 is assumed to be locked in a phenotype that is not well suited to compete for colonization in the rhizosphere. Thus we show the importance of phase variation in microbe–plant interactions.


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Most secretory and membrane proteins are sorted by signal sequences to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane early during their synthesis. Targeting of the ribosome-nascent chain complex (RNC) involves the binding of the signal sequence to the signal recognition particle (SRP), followed by an interaction of ribosome-bound SRP with the SRP receptor. However, ribosomes can also independently bind to the ER translocation channel formed by the Sec61p complex. To explain the specificity of membrane targeting, it has therefore been proposed that nascent polypeptide-associated complex functions as a cytosolic inhibitor of signal sequence- and SRP-independent ribosome binding to the ER membrane. We report here that SRP-independent binding of RNCs to the ER membrane can occur in the presence of all cytosolic factors, including nascent polypeptide-associated complex. Nontranslating ribosomes competitively inhibit SRP-independent membrane binding of RNCs but have no effect when SRP is bound to the RNCs. The protective effect of SRP against ribosome competition depends on a functional signal sequence in the nascent chain and is also observed with reconstituted proteoliposomes containing only the Sec61p complex and the SRP receptor. We conclude that cytosolic factors do not prevent the membrane binding of ribosomes. Instead, specific ribosome targeting to the Sec61p complex is provided by the binding of SRP to RNCs, followed by an interaction with the SRP receptor, which gives RNC–SRP complexes a selective advantage in membrane targeting over nontranslating ribosomes.


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A finely tuned Ca2+ signaling system is essential for cells to transduce extracellular stimuli, to regulate growth, and to differentiate. We have recently cloned CaT-like (CaT-L), a highly selective Ca2+ channel closely related to the epithelial calcium channels (ECaC) and the calcium transport protein CaT1. CaT-L is expressed in selected exocrine tissues, and its expression also strikingly correlates with the malignancy of prostate cancer. The expression pattern and selective Ca2+ permeation properties suggest an important function in Ca2+ uptake and a role in tumor progression, but not much is known about the regulation of this subfamily of ion channels. We now demonstrate a biochemical and functional mechanism by which cells can control CaT-L activity. CaT-L is regulated by means of a unique calmodulin binding site, which, at the same time, is a target for protein kinase C-dependent phosphorylation. We show that Ca2+-dependent calmodulin binding to CaT-L, which facilitates channel inactivation, can be counteracted by protein kinase C-mediated phosphorylation of the calmodulin binding site.


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While the interactions of cells with polymeric substrata are widely studied, the influence of cell–cell cohesivity on tissue spreading has not been rigorously investigated. Here we demonstrate that the rate of tissue spreading over a two-dimensional substratum reflects a competition or “tug-of-war” between cell–cell and cell–substratum adhesions. We have generated both a “library” of structurally related copolymeric substrata varying in their adhesivity to cells and a library of genetically engineered cell populations varying only in cohesivity. Cell–substratum adhesivity was varied through the poly(ethylene glycol) content of a series of copolymeric substrata, whereas cell–cell cohesivity was varied through the expression of the homophilic cohesion molecules N- and R-cadherin by otherwise noncohesive L929 cells. In the key experiment, multicellular aggregates containing about 600 cells were allowed to spread onto copolymeric surfaces. We compared the spreading behavior of aggregates having different levels of cell–cell cohesivity on a series of copolymeric substrata having different levels of cell–substratum adhesivity. In these experiments, cell–cell cohesivity was measured by tissue surface tensiometry, and cell–substratum adhesivity was assessed by a distractive method. Tissue spreading was assayed by confocal microscopy as the rate of cell emigration from similar-sized, fluorescence-labeled, multicellular aggregates deposited on each of the substrata. We demonstrate that either decreasing substratum adhesivity or increasing cell–cell cohesivity dramatically slowed the spreading rate of cell aggregates.


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A chromosomal locus required for copper resistance and competitive fitness was cloned from a strain of Pseudomonas fluorescens isolated from copper-contaminated agricultural soil. Sequence analysis of this locus revealed six open reading frames with homology to genes involved in cytochrome c biogenesis in other bacteria, helC, cycJ, cycK, tipB, cycL, and cycH, with the closest similarity being to the aeg-46.5(yej) region of the Escherichia coli chromosome. The proposed functions of these genes in other bacteria include the binding, transport, and coupling of heme to apocytochrome c in the periplasm of these Gram-negative bacteria. Putative heme-binding motifs were present in the predicted products of cycK and cycL, and TipB contained a putative disulfide oxidoreductase active site proposed to maintain the heme-binding site of the apocytochrome in a reduced state for ligation of heme. Tn3-gus mutagenesis showed that expression of the genes was constitutive but enhanced by copper, and confirmed that the genes function both in copper resistance and production of active cytochrome c. However, two mutants in cycH were copper-sensitive and oxidase-positive, suggesting that the functions of these genes, rather than cytochrome c oxidase itself, were required for resistance to copper.


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The presumed advantages of genetic recombinations are difficult to demonstrate directly. To investigate the effects of recombination and background heterozygosity on competitive ability, we have performed serial-transfer competition experiments between isogenic sexual and asexual strains of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The members of these diploid pairs of strains differed only in being heterozygous (sexual) or homozygous (asexual) at the mating type or MAT locus. Competing pairs had either a completely homozygous or a heterozygous genetic background, the latter being heterozygous at many different loci throughout the genome. A round of meiotic recombination (automixis) conferred a large and statistically significant enhancement of competitive ability on sexual strains with a heterozygous genetic background. By contrast, in homozygous background competitions, meiosis decreased the sexual strains' initial relative competitive ability. In all cases, however, the sexual strains outcompeted their isogenic asexual counterparts, whether meiotic recombination had occurred or not. In some genetic backgrounds, this was due in part to an overdominance effect on competitive advantage of heterozygosity at the MAT locus. The advantage of the sexual strains also increased significantly during the course of the homozygous background competitions, particularly when meiosis had occurred. This latter effect either did not occur or was very weak in heterozygous background competitions. Overall, sexual strains with heterozygous genetic backgrounds had a significantly higher initial relative competitive ability than those with homozygous backgrounds. The advantage of mating type heterozygosity in this organism extends far beyond the ability to recombine meiotically.


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A class of bicuculline-insensitive gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors, GABAC, has been identified in retina. Several lines of evidence indicate that GABAC receptors are formed partially or wholly of GABA rho subunits. These receptors generate a Cl- current in response to GABA but differ from GABAA receptors in a number of ways. Picrotoxin, widely accepted as a noncompetitive antagonist of GABAA receptors, displays competitive and noncompetitive antagonism of GABAC receptors in perch and bovine retina and GABA rho 1 receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes. The aim of this study was to identify the molecular basis of the two components of picrotoxin inhibition of GABA rho 1 receptors. By using a domain-swapping and mutagenesis strategy, a difference in picrotoxin sensitivity between rho 1 and rho 2 receptors was localized to a single amino acid in the putative second transmembrane domain. Substitution of this amino acid with residues found in the analogous position in highly picrotoxin-sensitive glycine alpha and GABAA subunits increased the sensitivity of rho 1 mutants 10- to 500-fold. Importantly, the competitive component of picrotoxin inhibition of the rho 1 mutant receptors was almost eliminated. These findings demonstrate that an amino acid in the putative channel domain of GABA rho 1 receptors influences picrotoxin sensitivity and mediates agonist binding by an allosteric mechanism.