887 resultados para Col·lapse gravitacional
Clay mineral analysis contributed to the mineralogical characterization and stratigraphic setting of continental Cenozoic deposits of central-eastern portion of São Paulo State, southeastern Brazil. These deposits, often thin and discontinuous, comprise the Itaqueri Formation (Cretaceous-Paleogene), Rio Claro Formation (Pliocene) and associated Neocenozoic deposits. X-ray diffractometry provided mineralogical and semiquantitative constitution of clays, while scanning electron microscopy (SEM) provided details about mineralogical constitution, packing of microscopic grains and nature (detrital or diagenetic) of clays. These results supported interpretations about paleoenvironmental conditions during sedimentation, revealing possible links between changing climates (dry or humid) and correlative Cenozoic deposits in southeastern Brazil. In addition, SEM images showed microstructures which influence on geotechnical behaviour (erosion and collapse phenomena) of sedimentary materials.
Calcium chloride concentrations from 0.0 to 12.12 mM were added to the culture medium and calcium content in calluses were determined directly by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, a non-destructive method, allowing the processing of the same tissue for histological analysis. A multivariate statistical analysis (PCA - Principal Components Analysis) grouped the treatments into 5 blocks and indicated the most responsive group. Lack of calcium supply caused a complete absence of a morphogenic process and tissue collapse. An increase in calcium concentration gave higher total protein and sugar contents, an increase in peroxidase specific activity and changes in the histological characteristics. It was possible to verify that calcium stimulated globular somatic embryo formation at concentration of 6.62 mM.
We reinvestigate the dynamics of the grow and collapse of Bose-Einstein condensates in a system of trapped ultracold atoms with negative scattering lengths, and found a new behavior in the long time scale evolution: the number of atoms can go far beyond the static stability limit. The condensed state is described by the solution of the time-dependent nonlinear Schrödinger equation, in a model that includes atomic feeding and three-body dissipation. Our results for the model show that, by changing the feeding parameter and when a substantial depletion of the ground-state exists, a chaotic behavior is found. We consider a criterion proposed by Deissler and Kaneko [Phys. Lett. A 119, 397 (1987)] to diagnose spatiotemporal chaos. ©2000 The American Physical Society.
In three-dimensional trapped Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC), described by the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii-Ginzburg equation, we study the effect of initial conditions on stability using a Gaussian variational approach and exact numerical simulations. We also discuss the validity of the criterion for stability suggested by Vakhitov and Kolokolov. The maximum initial chirp (initial focusing defocusing of cloud) that can lead a stable condensate to collapse even before the number of atoms reaches its critical limit is obtained for several specific cases. When we consider two- and three-body nonlinear terms, with negative cubic and positive quintic terms, we have the conditions for the existence of two phases in the condensate. In this case, the magnitude of the oscillations between the two phases are studied considering sufficient large initial chirps. The occurrence of collapse in a BEC with repulsive two-body interaction is also shown to be possible.
Bose-Einstein condensates with attractive interatomic interactions undergo collective collapse beyond a critical number. We show theoretically that if the low-lying collective modes of the condensate are excited, the radial breathing mode further destabilizes the condensate. Remarkably, excitation of the quadrupolar surface mode causes the condensate to become more stable, imparting quasiangular momentum to it. A significantly larger number of atoms may then occupy the condensate. Efforts are under way for the experimental realization of these effects. ©2001 The American Physical Society.
We perform a systematic numerical study, based on the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation, of jet formation in collapsing and exploding Bose-Einstein condensates as in the experiment by Donley et al (2001 Nature 412 295). In the actual experiment, via a Feshbach resonance, the scattering length of atomic interaction was suddenly changed from positive to negative on a pre-formed condensate. Consequently, the condensate collapsed and ejected atoms via explosion. On disruption of the collapse by suddenly changing the scattering length to zero, a radial jet of atoms was formed in the experiment. We present a satisfactory account of jet formation under the experimental conditions and also make predictions beyond experimental conditions which can be verified in future experiments.
Four perylene derivatives (PTCD) have been used as transducing materials in taste sensors fabricated with nanostructured Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films deposited onto interdigitated gold electrodes. The Langmuir monolayers of PTCDs display considerable collapse pressures, with areas per molecule indicative of an edge-on or head-on arrangement for the molecules at the air/water interface. The sensing units for the electronic tongue were produced from 5-layer LB films of the four PTCDs, whose electrical response was characterized with impedance spectroscopy. The distinct responses of the PTCDs, attributed to differences in their molecular structures, allowed one to obtain a finger printing system that was able to distinguish tastes (salty, sweet, bitter and sour) at 1 μM concentrations, which, in some cases, are three orders of magnitude below the human threshold. Using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) data analysis, the electronic tongue also detected trace amounts of a pesticide and could distinguish among samples of ultrapure, distilled and tap water, and two brands of mineral water. © 2004 by American Scientific Publishers. All rights reserved.
This paper describes the ultramorphology and histology of the venom reservoir in 14-day old workers of Apis mellifera, immediately before and after the application of electrical shocks with the object of causing venom elimination and reservoir collapse. The external epithelial surface of the reservoir was differentiated according to its morphological aspects into posterior, median, and proximal or duct regions at the ventral surface and into anterior and posterior regions at the dorsal surface. While the epithelium of the proximal region forms a ventral infolding, a dorsal salience is formed at this region. These structures and the epithelial regions persist both in full and empty reservoirs. The reservoir appeared full and distended before the electrical shocks were applied and became empty and withered afterwards due to the elimination of the secretion, without any reductions in length. Nevertheless, some secretion was kept inside the lumen, thus suggesting a possible role for the reservoir in the modification of the secretion.
Large volume parenteral solutions (LVPS) are widely used as vehicles for intravenous administration of drugs and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) flexible bags are, nowadays, the plastic containers most commonly used to pack and drip-feed LVPS. An advantage of using bags is that they collapse flat and thus reduce the risk of airborne contamination and embolism caused by air in the bloodstream. They are mainly used in hospitals. This review deals with some important aspects of the PVC packaging containing the plasticizer DEHP, generally used to pack LVPS. The interaction between drug and package is discussed, with an emphasis on the migration of DEHP from the PVC bag to LVPS containing the immunosuppressant cyclosporin, and toxicological aspects are considered.
The known diversity of dart-poison frog species has grown from 70 in the 1960s to 247 at present, with no sign that the discovery of new species will wane in the foreseeable future. Although this growth in knowledge of the diversity of this group has been accompanied by detailed investigations of many aspects of the biology of dendrobatids, their phylogenetic relationships remain poorly understood. This study was designed to test hypotheses of dendrobatid diversification by combining new and prior genotypic and phenotypic evidence in a total evidence analysis. DNA sequences were sampled for five mitochondrial and six nuclear loci (approximately 6,100 base pairs [bp]; x=3,740 bp per terminal; total dataset composed of approximately 1.55 million bp), and 174 phenotypic characters were scored from adult and larval morphology, alkaloid profiles, and behavior. These data were combined with relevant published DNA sequences. Ingroup sampling targeted several previously unsampled species, including Aromobates nocturnus, which was hypothesized previously to be the sister of all other dendrobatids. Undescribed and problematic species were sampled from multiple localities when possible. The final dataset consisted of 414 terminals: 367 ingroup terminals of 156 species and 47 outgroup terminals of 46 species. Direct optimization parsimony analysis of the equally weighted evidence resulted in 25,872 optimal trees. Forty nodes collapse in the strict consensus, with all conflict restricted to conspecific terminals. Dendrobatids were recovered as monophyletic, and their sister group consisted of Crossodactylus, Hylodes, and Megaelosia, recognized herein as Hylodidae. Among outgroup taxa, Centrolenidae was found to be the sister group of all athesphatanurans except Hylidae, Leptodactyidae was polyphyletic, Thoropa was nested within Cycloramphidae, and Ceratophryinae was paraphyletic with respect to Telmatobiinae. Among dendrobatids, the monophyly and content of Mannophryne and Phyllobates were corroborated. Aromobates nocturnus and Colostethus saltuensis were found to be nested within Nephelobates, and Minyobates was paraphyletic and nested within Dendrobates. Colostethus was shown to be rampantly nonmonophyletic, with most species falling into two unrelated cis- and trans-Andean clades. A morphologically and behaviorally diverse clade of median lingual process-possessing species was discovered. In light of these findings and the growth in knowledge of the diversity of this large clade over the past 40 years, we propose a new, monophyletic taxonomy for dendrobatids, recognizing the inclusive clade as a superfamily (Dendrobatoidea) composed of two families (one of which is new), six subfamilies (three new), and 16 genera (four new). Although poisonous frogs did not form a monophyletic group, the three poisonous lineages are all confined to the revised family Dendrobatidae, in keeping with the traditional application of this name. We also propose changes to achieve a monophyletic higher-level taxonomy for the athesphatanuran outgroup taxa. Analysis of character evolution revealed multiple origins of phytotelm-breeding, parental provisioning of nutritive oocytes for larval consumption (larval oophagy), and endotrophy. Available evidence indicates that transport of tadpoles on the dorsum of parent nurse frogs-a dendrobatid synapomorphy-is carried out primitively by male nurse frogs, with three independent origins of female transport and five independent origins of biparental transport. Reproductive amplexus is optimally explained as having been lost in the most recent common ancestor of Dendrobatoidea, with cephalic amplexus arising independently three times. © American Museum of Natural History 2006.
Cuttings return analysis is an important tool to detect and prevent problems during the petroleum well drilling process. Several measurements and tools have been developed for drilling problems detection, including mud logging, PWD and downhole torque information. Cuttings flow meters were developed in the past to provide information regarding cuttings return at the shale shakers. Their use, however, significantly impact the operation including rig space issues, interferences in geological analysis besides, additional personel required. This article proposes a non intrusive system to analyze the cuttings concentration at the shale shakers, which can indicate problems during drilling process, such as landslide, the collapse of the well borehole walls. Cuttings images are acquired by a high definition camera installed above the shakers and sent to a computer coupled with a data analysis system which aims the quantification and closure of a cuttings material balance in the well surface system domain. No additional people at the rigsite are required to operate the system. Modern Artificial intelligence techniques are used for pattern recognition and data analysis. Techniques include the Optimum-Path Forest (OPF), Artificial Neural Network using Multilayer Perceptrons (ANN-MLP), Support Vector Machines (SVM) and a Bayesian Classifier (BC). Field test results conducted on offshore floating vessels are presented. Results show the robustness of the proposed system, which can be also integrated with other data to improve the efficiency of drilling problems detection. Copyright 2010, IADC/SPE Drilling Conference and Exhibition.
Includes bibliography
Automatic inspection of petroleum well drilling has became paramount in the last years, mainly because of the crucial importance of saving time and operations during the drilling process in order to avoid some problems, such as the collapse of the well borehole walls. In this paper, we extended another work by proposing a fast petroleum well drilling monitoring through a modified version of the Optimum-Path Forest classifier. Given that the cutting's volume at the vibrating shale shaker can provide several information about drilling, we used computer vision techniques to extract texture informations from cutting images acquired by a digital camera. A collection of supervised classifiers were applied in order to allow comparisons about their accuracy and effciency. We used the Optimum-Path Forest (OPF), EOPF (Efficient OPF), Artificial Neural Network using Multilayer Perceptrons (ANN-MLP) Support Vector Machines (SVM), and a Bayesian Classifier (BC) to assess the robustness of our proposed schema for petroleum well drilling monitoring through cutting image analysis.
Includes bibliography
Background: Early trauma care is dependent on subjective assessments and sporadic vital sign assessments. We hypothesized that near-infrared spectroscopy-measured cerebral oxygenation (regional oxygen saturation [rSO 2]) would provide a tool to detect cardiovascular compromise during active hemorrhage. We compared rSO 2 with invasively measured mixed venous oxygen saturation (SvO2), mean arterial pressure (MAP), cardiac output, heart rate, and calculated pulse pressure. Methods: Six propofol-anesthetized instrumented swine were subjected to a fixed-rate hemorrhage until cardiovascular collapse. rSO 2 was monitored with noninvasively measured cerebral oximetry; SvO2 was measured with a fiber optic pulmonary arterial catheter. As an assessment of the time responsiveness of each variable, we recorded minutes from start of the hemorrhage for each variable achieving a 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% change compared with baseline. Results: Mean time to cardiovascular collapse was 35 minutes ± 11 minutes (54 ± 17% total blood volume). Cerebral rSO 2 began a steady decline at an average MAP of 78 mm Hg ± 17 mm Hg, well above the expected autoregulatory threshold of cerebral blood flow. The 5%, 10%, and 15% decreases in rSO 2 during hemorrhage occurred at a similar times to SvO2, but rSO 2 lagged 6 minutes behind the equivalent percentage decreases in MAP. There was a higher correlation between rSO 2 versus MAP (R =0.72) than SvO2 versus MAP (R =0.55). Conclusions: Near-infrared spectroscopy- measured rSO 2 provided reproducible decreases during hemorrhage that were similar in time course to invasively measured cardiac output and SvO2 but delayed 5 to 9 minutes compared with MAP and pulse pressure. rSO 2 may provide an earlier warning of worsening hemorrhagic shock for prompt interventions in patients with trauma when continuous arterial BP measurements are unavailable. © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.