721 resultados para Clubs esportius -- Sanejament


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Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, en una muestra probabilística calculada con un universo finito de 682 pacientes; el tamaño de la muestra fue de 245; se calculó en base al 95% de confianza, actitudes buenas del 50% y 5% de error diferencia. Los datos de conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas se obtuvieron por entrevista directa; para la tabulación y análisis de los datos se utilizó el software SPSS, versión 2015. Resultados La edad fluctuó entre 40-85 años, la mediana, 67 años. El 72,25 % fueron mujeres, el 56,32 %, casados, y el 65,31%, tenían instrucción básica. El nivel de conocimientos buenos en nutrición fue del 12,65%, regulares, el 61,23% y malos, el 26,12%. Actitudes buenas, el 10,20%, regulares, el 64,90% y malas, el 24,90%. El 15,51%, tuvo buenas prácticas, regulares, el 58,78%, y malas, el 25,71%. Conclusiones La frecuencia de conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas regulares fueron superiores al 50%.


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Antecedentes De las complicaciones crónicas de la diabetes, la más destacada es la neuropatía. Esta produce disminución en la calidad de vida, ya que conlleva al paciente a tener dificultades como: dolor, parestesias, ulceraciones, e incluso alteración en la deambulación. Objetivos Determinar la prevalencia de neuropatía simétrica distal en pacientes que integran los clubes de diabéticos del distrito 01D01 y su relación con sus estilos de vida. Materiales y Métodos Es un estudio transversal con una muestra de 162 pacientes, seleccionados al azar, sobre la base del 30% de prevalencia de neuropatía, con un nivel de confianza del 95% y error de inferencia del 5%. Fueron aplicados dos cuestionarios avalados (NSS+NDS). Para el análisis, usamos el programa SPSS 15. Las variables demográficas, se analizaron por estadística descriptiva. La relación entre las variables dependientes y variables independientes se evaluó a través de la razón de prevalencia, con un intervalo de confianza del 95%, chi cuadrado y valor de p. Resultados La prevalencia de neuropatía diabética es del 54.9%, en hombres 73.7% y en mujeres 49.2%. Los factores protectores son: Recibir indicaciones sobre cuidado de los pies con 66.7% (RP 2 y valor de p 0.033), y el buen control de glucosa en sangre con el 95.9% (RP 2.3 y valor de p 0.001). Conclusiones La neuropatía diabética simétrica distal se presenta más en hombres que en mujeres. Además se encontró que el buen control de glucosa en sangre y recibir indicaciones sobre cuidado de los pies, disminuyen el riesgo de neuropatía.


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La morbilidad y mortalidad materna representa un problema de salud, social y económico. En el Ecuador unas de las principales causas de muerte materna son obstétricas directas, las cuales se pueden prevenir y controlar. OBJETIVO: Determinar los conocimientos de signos y síntomas de alarma obstétrica en una población de embarazadas de los Centros de Salud de El Valle y Ricaurte, Cuenca Enero-Abril 2016. METODOLOGIA: Se trató de un estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal con un universo de 143 mujeres embarazadas que acudieron a la Consulta Externa y a los clubes de embarazadas de los Centros de Salud de El Valle y Ricaurte. Los datos fueron recolectados en un formulario elaborado por los autores y se digitalizaron en el programa SPSS versión 20, se procedió a analizarlos mediante el uso de tablas simples junto de frecuencias relativas y porcentajes. RESULTADOS: La mayoría de las pacientes encuestadas conocían al menos un signo de alarma obstétrica en un 78.32% y un 21.68% no conocían. El 66.43% no presentaron algún signo de alarma en su embarazo actual, el 33.57% (48) si lo hicieron; refiriendo a la cefalea como síntoma predominante, el 81.48% respondió que acudiría de inmediato a un centro de salud o al Hospital en caso de presentar algún signo de alarma, el 18,52% respondió que esperaría o acudiría a una persona de confianza. La edad promedio fue de 25 años (62.94%), el 84.62% residía en áreas rurales, y el nivel de instrucción fue de mediano a alto (93%).


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Hundreds or thousands of wireless sensor nodes with limited energy resource are randomly scattered in the observation fields to extract the data messages for users. Because their energy resource cannot be recharged, energy efficiency becomes one of the most important problems. LEACH is an energy efficient protocol by grouping nodes into clusters and using cluster heads (CH) to fuse data before transmitting to the base station (BS). BCDCP improves LEACH by introducing a minimal spanning tree (MST) to connect CHs and adopting iterative cluster splitting algorithm to choose CHs or form clusters. This paper proposes another innovative cluster-based routing protocol named dynamic minimal spanning tree routing protocol (DMSTRP), which improves BCDCP by introducing MSTs instead of clubs to connect nodes in clusters. Simulation results show that DMSTRP excels LEACH and BCDCP in terms of both network lifetime and delay when the network size becomes large.


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Career development is considered integral to the success of individuals, organisations and professions. Coaches play a vital role in the success of sport, yet little is known about their career development. Despite the advances in career development for athletes, there has been very little scholarly attention, nor resources provided for coach career development, especially for coaches working outside elite and professional sport. This pilot study explored the career development facilitators and obstacles of junior development Australian football coaches. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect data on the career development of six practicing junior development Australian football coaches. These six (of only 12 employed) coaches worked in the main elite junior development league for Australian football, the Transport Accident Commission Cup. The themes that emerged from the data revealed that the career development of junior development Australian football coaches was facilitated first by their high motivation to coach because of their enjoyment of seeing young players develop and transition into the elite competition. The second facilitator was the coach’s awareness of their career development needs and their willingness to do their own career development despite limited opportunity, guidance or support. The key obstacles to Transport Accident Commission Cup coach career development included a lack of opportunity to spend time at elite clubs to observe and interact with elite coaches; a lack of time due to having a non-coaching job to financially support their coaching work and their family as well; the high demands of the coaching role had a negative impact on their work–life balance and often conflicted with time they would rather spend with their families; and finally, the lack of institutional support for coaches who were asked to work long hours for low wages and little reward despite their vital role in the elite player development pathway for the Australian Football League. This research suggests that junior development Australian football coaches have a clear understanding of their role and how it changes as their career develops; however, the coaches are limited by external forces in their career development. Junior development Australian football coaches are vital for Australian Football League development; however, there is disconnection between Australian Football League goals and their capacity to nurture elite athletes into the sport’s system due to part-time coaching roles, limited resources and few opportunities for coaches to develop their careers.


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AIMS: While recent evidence suggests that higher alcohol outlet density is associated with greater alcohol use among adolescents, influence of the four main outlet types on youth drinking within urban and regional communities is unknown. This study provides the first investigation of this relationship. DESIGN: Repeated cross-sectional surveys with random samples of secondary students clustered by school. Mixed-effects logistic regression analyses examined the association between each outlet type and the drinking outcomes, with interaction terms used to test urban/regional differences. SETTING: Australia, 2002-11. PARTICIPANTS: Respondents participating in a triennial survey (aged 12-17 years); 44 897 from urban settings, 23 311 from regional settings. MEASUREMENTS: The key outcome measures were past month alcohol use, risky drinking among all students and risky drinking among past week drinkers. For each survey year, students were assigned a postcode-level outlet density (number of licences per 1000 population) for each outlet type (general, on-premise, off-premise, clubs). FINDINGS: Interaction terms revealed a significant association between off-premises outlet density and risky drinking among all adolescents in urban (odds ratio = 1.36, 95% confidence interval CI = 1.05-1.75, P < 0.05) but not regional areas. Similarly, club density was associated with the drinking outcomes in urban communities only. General and on-premises density was associated with alcohol use and risky drinking among all adolescents. CONCLUSIONS: Higher densities of general, on- and off-premises outlets in an adolescent's immediate neighbourhood are related to increased likelihood of alcohol consumption among all adolescents. The density of licensed clubs is associated more strongly with drinking for urban than for regional adolescents.


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Cities have been substantially affected and many transformed by increasing cultural diversity resulting from waves of migration. The central role and dynamism of cultural diversity evident in retail and commercial streetscapes has dominated the debates on global and contemporary urban culture (Sandercock 2003). Architecture has been implicit as the background to these debates, but restaurants, residential, religious, institutional and community buildings, ethnic clubs and reception centres, constructed and adapted by migrant communities, provide evidence of the material change of the architecture of localities and neighbourhoods.


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In this issue...Graduates, M-Days, Sports, Clubs, Students, Faculty, Student Life, Mining Team, Intramurals


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In this issue...Engineers' Creed, Alumni Stadium, Library, Graduates, Sports, Prom, Hootenany, M Day, Clubs, Boosters, Students


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GHOST TREE SOCIAL tells a coming out story of sorts. In terms of style, many of the poems are short, imagistic lyrics, though some are extended catalogues. Specific natural images—lakes, rivers, and snow—are often contrasted with cultural markers. The imagistic poems are thinking through the work of Sylvia Plath. The catalogue poems shift between diaristic, narrative, and critical modes, responding to the poetry of Elizabeth Bishop and the essays of Edouard Glissant. Voice-driven fragments disrupt the more traditional lyric poems. The fragments fall between formal lyrics like confetti from a gay club’s rafters; or the fragments hold the lyric poems in bondage. The lyric poem then re-signifies as form through resonances with the other discursive and poetic form of the fragment. Following critical writers such as Adrienne Rich and Audre Lorde, the re-signification of lyric form reflects the need for new signs for self and community organized queerly as opposed to more typical binary categories—man or woman, living or dead, rich or poor, white or black—where the first term is privileged and the second term often denigrated.


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Thesis (Master, Kinesiology & Health Studies) -- Queen's University, 2016-10-03 07:59:09.638


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Este estudo procurou compreender o processo e os critérios considerados na avaliação de desempenho dos treinadores pertencentes a nove clubes desportivos da Região Autônoma da Madeira, Portugal. Foi utilizada uma metodologia de carácter qualitativo, com recurso à análise documental da estrutura, dos recursos humanos dos clubes e a uma entrevista semiestruturada realizada aos diretores com responsabilidades na avaliação dos treinadores. Os resultados ilustram um processo de avaliação não estruturado, baseado em informações pouco sistematizadas e rigorosas. Os critérios de avaliação mais relevantes foram os resultados desportivos dos atletas, seguidos das competências de liderança e competências pessoais e sociais do treinador.


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This paper analyses the concept of public interest in sport and the criteria that must be taken into consideration in terms of Government support to clubs and sports associations. The data was collected through semi structured interviews that were applied to nine sports directors with board responsibilities: seven of them from sport clubs and sport associations, and two of them from public administration. The directors pointed out that sport is considered to be of public interest when: it is developed in the concept of “sport for all”, provides health benefi ts and serves as a means of education and social development. Regarding advantages used with public utility status, tax benefi ts and partnerships with the sports system organizations were the most mentioned aspects. Given a better use of fi nancial resources provided by public administration to clubs and associations, sport directors believe that the Government should have a strategy focused on setting priorities and ranking fi nancing criteria for sport. If the government had that strategy, the development of sports results would be much better. The participants also suggest that the Government should conduct an assessment of the social role of sport clubs and associations, according to the public and social interest of sport. In conclusion, sport and physical activity should be considered as public interest activities, provided that: are able to ensure positive effects on health plans and wellness, provide a qualitative and sustainable sport development, improve economic and social development of a population.


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En vista de las inequidades entre mujeres y hombres como las implicaciones que éstas posan sobre la seguridad alimentaria y el desarrollo agro-rural, la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO) ha incursionado en procesos de comunicación para el desarrollo con un proyecto que innovador, integra un enfoque de género.