987 resultados para Citrate Oxalate


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Studies on conjugated linoleic acid ingestion and its effect on cardiac tissue are necessary for the safe utilization of this compound as supplement for weight loss. Male Wistar 24-rats were divided into four groups (n = 6):(C)given standard chow, water and 0.5 ml saline, twice a week by gavage; (C-CLA)receiving standard chow, water and 0.5 ml of conjugated linoleic acid, twice a week, by gavage; (S)given standard chow, saline by gavage, and 30% sucrose in its drinking water; (S-CLA)receiving standard chow, 30% sucrose in its drinking water and conjugated linoleic acid. After 42 days of treatment S rats had obesity with increased abdominal-circumference, dyslipidemia, oxidative stress and myocardial lower citrate synthase(CS) and higher lactate dehydrogenase(LDH) activities than C. Conjugated linoleic acid had no effects on morphometric parameters in C-CLA, as compared to C, but normalized morphometric parameters comparing S-CLA with S. There was a negative correlation between abdominal adiposity and resting metabolic rate. Conjugated linoleic acid effect, enhancing fasting-VO2/surface area, postprandial-carbohydrate oxidation and serum lipid hydroperoxide resembled to that of the S group. Conjugated linoleic acid induced cardiac oxidative stress in both fed conditions, and triacylglycerol accumulation in S-CLA rats. Conjugated linoleic acid depressed myocardial LDH comparing C-CLA with C, and beta-hydroxyacyl-coenzyme-A dehydrogenase/CS ratio, comparing S-CLA with S. In conclusion, dietary conjugated linoleic acid supplementation for weight loss can have long-term effects on cardiac health. Conjugated linoleic acid, isomers c9, t11 and t10, c12 presented undesirable pro-oxidant effect and induced metabolic changes in cardiac tissue. Nevertheless, despite its effect on abdominal adiposity in sucrose-rich diet condition, conjugated linoleic acid may be disadvantageous because it can lead to oxidative stress and dyslipidemic profile. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In order to get information about the distribution of glycogen in ameloblasts and odontoblasts, studies were made of newborn rats of sialoadenectomized dams and newborn rats of control dams. Rodent offspring were decapitated on the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th days after birth. Their heads were fixed in 10% neutral formalin solution, decalcified in sodium citrate-formic acid and embedded in paraffin, and frontal sections were prepared. Sections 6 micrometers thick were stained by specific histochemical reactions to detect glycogen. Based on the results obtained, it was concluded that the amount of glycogen was lower in the cytoplasms of ameloblasts and odontoblasts of experimental animals when compared to controls.


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Gingival mucosae of man and the adult Cebus apella monkey were fixed for 3 hr in modified Karnovsky fixative containing 2.5% glutaraldehyde, 2% formaldehyde in 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer (pH=7.4). The specimens were postfixed in 1% osmium tetroxide in 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer at 4°C for 2 hr, dehydrated in a graded alcohol series and embedded in Epon 812. Thick sections of 1-3 μm and ultrathin sections of 40-80 nm in thickness were cut with glass knives on an LKB ultramicrotome. The thick sections were stained with toluidine blue solution, and the grids were stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate and examined under a Philips EM-301 electron microscope. Our observations permitted us to conclude that: both gingival mucosae, of man and the Cebus apella monkey, have lamellar nerve endings; these corpuscles are localized in the papillar space of the epithelium and do not contact closely with the basement membrane; the nerve endings are composed of an afferent fiber which subdivides several times and forms irregular flattened or discoidal expansions; the laminae of the lamellar cells are very thin near the terminal axon and are larger and irregular in shape at the peripheral portion of the corpuscle; the terminal axon shows abundant mitochondria, myelin figures, clear vesicles, and multivesicular bodies; between the axoplasm membrane and adjacent cytoplasmic lamina and between the lamellae, small desmosome type junctions are noted; and the cytoplasmic material of the lamellae cells is characterized by the presence of numerous microfilaments, microtubules, mitochondria, rough endoplasmic reticulum, and caveolae.


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In order to determine conditions that may provide greater solubilization of insouluble phosphate, the fungus Aspergillus niger was grown in a stationary culture containing modified citrate medium supplemented with 800 mg fluorapatite per litre. Solubilization of insouluble phosphate increased with fungal growth, reaching a maximum after 11 days of culture. Soluble phosphate levels were correlated with pH of the culture medium but not with titratable acidity values, probably due to the metabolic activity of the fungus resulting from consumption of sugar in the culture medium. Fructose, glucose, xylose, and sucrose were the carbohydrates that favoured fluorapatite solubilization the most when compared with galactose and maltose. Although increasing fructose concentrations in the culture medium favoured mycelial growth, increased total acidity and a fall in pH, soluble phosphate levels were reduced, probably owing to consumption by the rapidly growing fungus. Among the nitrogen sources tested, ammonium salts favoured the production of larger amounts of soluble phosphate than organic nitrogen (peptone or urea) or nitrate, corresponding to the lowest pH and highest titratable acidity values obtained. © 1988 Springer-Verlag.


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The medullary sponge kidney is rare in children and may present it self with hematuria and nephrolithiasis. We report a case of medullary sponge kidney in a child with nephrolithiasis, hypercalciuria, hyperuricosuria and prolonged treatment which avoided the recurrence of nephrolithiasis.


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The enzyme oxalate oxidase, E.C. from Sorghum vulgare seeds (variety BR303) was used to develop a new sensor for oxalate determination without any purification. The sorghum seeds were conditioned in a 0.10 mol I-1 KCl solution. Then, these seeds were put in a stirring bar type enzymic reactor and coupled with an electrode for CO2. This device was introduced into a cell containing 10.0 ml of a 0.10 mol I-1 KCl solution saturated with oxygen. This sensor showed a linear response between 1.0 and 4.0 × 10-3 mol I-1 with a slope of 30 mV per decade of oxalate concentration at 25.0°C. The sensor was stable for one month or 200 determinations. The response time was about 60 s. The Michaelis-Menten constant determined for this enzyme was 1.5 × 10-3 mol I-1.


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The oxysulfide compounds La2O2S:Eu and Y2O2S were obtained directly from thermodecomposition of the respective oxalate compounds under argon and sulfur vapor, the obtained compounds were analyzed by infrared spectroscopy, X ray diffraction and luminescence spectroscopy. The particle size distribution and crystalline habit of the compounds were observed by scanning electron microscopy. Although the particle size of the oxysulfide was found to be 30%-40% smaller than the precursor oxalates, the initial morphology was completely maintained, which indicates the occurrence of a topochemical reaction from oxalates to oxysulfides. © Gauthier-Villars.


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Lactate dehydrogenase was partially purified from the epaxial muscle of Piaractus mesopotamicus (pacu) and its hybrid Piaractus mesopotamicus x Colossoma macropomus (tambacu). This preparation was used for kinetic studies carried out at pH 6.0 and 7.5. It was also used for the study of the inhibition properties of adenosine nucleotides = ATP, ADP, AMP =, divalent ions Ni2+, Cu2+, Co2+ and the anions oxamate and oxalate.


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The use of polymeric precursors was employed in preparing SrTiO3 thin films by dip coating using Si (111) as substrate. Crack free films were obtained after sintering at temperatures ranging from 550 to 1000°C. The microstructure, characterized by SEM, shows the development of dense polycrystalline films with smooth surface and mean grain size of 52 nm, for films sintered at 1000°C. Grazing incident angle XRD characterization of these films shows that the SrTiO3 phase crystallizes from an inorganic amorphous matrix. No intermediate crystalline phase was identified.


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Ferroelectric barium titanate thin films were produced by the polymeric precursor method. In this technique, the desired metal cations are chelated in a solution using a hydroxycarboxylic acid as the chelating agent. Barium carbonate and titanium IV isopropoxide were used as precursors for the citrate solution. Ethylene glycol and citric acid were used as polymerization/complexation agents for the process. The crystalline structure of the film annealed at 700 °C had a single perovskite phase with a tetragonal structure. The BaTiO3 film showed good P-E hysteresis loops and C-V characteristics due to the switched ferroelectric domains.


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In this study the preparation of 9.5/65/35 PLZT ceramic powders were investigated. The powders with the formula Pb0.905La0.095(Zr0.65 Ti0.35)0.976O3 + 3.5 w% PbO were prepared using Pechini process and partial oxalate method. The powder phase formation, powder morphology, and green density of PLZT were shown.