949 resultados para Circuit of rock platense


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O presente estudo baseou-se na análise do conteúdo orgânico de 173 amostras da Formação Pojuca, provenientes dos furos de sondagem 9-FBA-65-BA e 9-FBA-79-BA perfurados na Bacia do Recôncavo. Neste trabalho procedeu-se a um estudo integrando, resultados palinológicos, palinofaciológicos e de geoquímica orgânica com base nos dados de teores de Carbono Orgânico Total (COT) e de pirólise Rock-Eval. A associação palinoflorística identificada indica um paleoambiente dominantemente continental, composto por um sistema fluvial deltaico-lacustre, sob um clima quente e árido. Tal associação enquadra-se àquelas observadas nas bacias do Nordeste brasileiro e insere-se nas características das associações pertencentes à Província Microflorística Dicheiropollis (ex WASA). Foram identificadas 55 espécies de palinomorfos, incluindo grãos de pólen e esporos. A identificação das espécies, Dicheiropollis etruscus e Vitreisporites pallidus permitiu posicionar o intervalo analisado na Biozona Vitreisporites pallidus, considerada como de idade Aratu. Por meio de observação em microscopia óptica com luz branca transmitida e luz ultravioleta; e le-BA, caracterizando um conteúdo orgânico na janela de geração de hidrocarbonetos. Com base nos resultados de pirólise Rock-Eval, verificou-se que a Formação Pojuca, na área, é constituída vando-se em conta os tipos e o grau de preservação da matéria orgânica, foi possível individualizar três palinofácies distintas. As análises quantitativas do conteúdo orgânico mostram uma mistura de material orgânico de origem alóctone, representado por grãos de pólen, esporos e fitoclastos e autóctone dominada por material orgânico amorfo. As mais altas fluorescências são observadas nas Palinofácies 1 e 2, indicando um ambiente mais reduto r à época de sedimentação, destes estratos. Os dados de ICE apresentam valores de maturação de 5 para os sedimentos atravessados pelo poço 9-FBA-65-BA e 6,5-7 para o poço 9-FBA-79 na sua quase totalidade por matéria orgânica do tipo II, rica em hidrogênio e pobre em oxigênio, correspondendo ao um tipo de matéria orgânica propícia à geração de hidrocarbonetos líquidos e gasosos. Os níveis 3 e 4, localizados nas Palinofácies 1 e 2 do poço 9-FBA-79-BA apresentam valores de COT superiores a 1,5%, e considerando os dados de pirólise Rock-Eval, nota-se que estes intervalos são os que oferecem um maior potencial gerador, já que os valores de S2 excedem a 5,0 mg HC/g de rocha, além de valores de IH superiores a 200 e atingindo 600.


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O estudo geoquímico detalhado em dois poços (A e B) na porção oeste da Bacia do Amazonas visou o entendimento da quantidade, fonte e evolução térmica da matéria orgânica presente nas Formações Ererê, Barreirinha e Curiri. Foram efetuadas análises de Carbono Orgânico Total (COT), pirólise Rock-Eval e biomarcadores. Os teores de carbono orgânico total da Formação Barreirinha (Membro Abacaxis) que variam de 1,43% a 8,39%, indicaram que este intervalo possui quantidade de matéria orgânica necessária para ser considerado potencialmente gerador de óleo e gás. As outras unidades litoestratigráficas apresentaram teores de COT pouco significativos. Com base nos dados de pirólise, identificou-se que o intervalo com o melhor potencial gerador corresponde ao Membro Abacaxis. Esta seção no poço A possui índice de hidrogênio (IH) ligeiramente superior a 200 mg HC/gCOT e um potencial gerador (S2)variando de 4 a 17,76 mg de HC/g de rocha, indicando um bom à excelente potencial adequado à geração de gás e condensado. Já no poço B, em decorrência do aumento da evolução térmica, os valores de S2 e IH são mais baixos(variando de 5 a 10 mgHC/g de rocha e com valores entre 50 e 150 mg HC/gCOT, respectivamente), apenas indicando um bom potencial à geração de gás. Segundo diagrama tipo Van Krevlen, a matéria orgânica deste intervalo é heterogênea e se comporta como querogênio tipo II e III no poço A e do tipo III e IV no poço B. As características dos biomarcadores encontrados no Membro Abacaxis indicam uma origem algal e ambiente marinho. O Membro Urariá e a Formação Curiri apresentam indicadores sugestivos de aporte de matéria orgânica de origem terrestre, sendo que o Membro Urariá ainda mostra algumas assinaturas semelhantes com o Membro Abacaxis. Devido a baixa concentração dos biomarcadores cíclicos nas amostras do Poço B, não foi possível realizar uma caracterização da fonte da matéria orgânica da Formação Ererê. A avaliação dos parâmetros utilizados para a interpretação da evolução térmica, como Tmax, taxa de transformação (TT), índice de produção (IP), reflectância da vitrinita calculada (Roc) e razões entre alcanos lineares e ramificados (P/nC17 e F/nC18), indicaram que no intervalo gerador do Poço A houve geração de hidrocarbonetos, mas ainda não correu a migração. No caso do Poço B, os dados mostram que neste intervalo já houve geração e migração de hidrocarbonetos.


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O trabalho aqui apresentado teve como objetivo, avaliar o método de Eaton (1975) aplicado ao cálculo de pressão de poros das formações rochosas em subsuperfície, utilizando dados de perfis de poços no que diz respeito a porosidade, tais como, o Tempo de Transito da onda compressional, Resistividade, Densidade e Neutrão. Posteriormente foi avaliado o resultado alcançado por esta técnica e confrontado com o dado obtido pelo registro de pressão real da formação, adquirido pela ferramenta de perfilagem MDT. Distribuídos em 6 poços perfurados na porção sul da Bacia de Campos, o intervalo cronoestratigráfico estudado está compreendido no período geológico Terciário, e os registros de pressão real da formação foram adquiridos nos reservatórios turbidíticos da Formação Carapebus (Eoceno). Apesar de existir um mecanismo causador de anomalia de pressão na bacia (Desequilíbrio de Compactação Difícil migração dos fluidos ao longo do tempo geológico) devido ao forte aporte sedimentar sustentado pelo soerguimento da Serra do Mar no Eoceno, os resultados encontrados não apontaram qualquer tipo de alteração nas respostas dos perfis utilizados, onde a referência foi a assinatura do perfil sônico em um trend normal de compactação compreendido por rochas argilosas dentro do intervalo cronoestratigráfico estudado. O presente trabalho atesta que a boa calibração do trend de ompactação normal em rochas argilosas, juntamente com a similaridade entre o resultado obtido pelo cálculo da pressão de poros a partir do perfil sônico, e os valores reais registrados diretamente na formação, pela ferramenta de registro de pressões (MDT), comprovam a aplicabilidade do método de Eaton (1975) para o cálculo de geopressões a partir de um conjunto básico de perfis de poços tais como: Raios Gama, Resistividade, Velocidade Acústica, Densidade e Neutrão


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Molar-tooth carbonate refers to a sort of rock that has ptygmatical folded structure comparable to the ivory. This kind of carbonate exists in a special time range (from Middle to Neoproterozoic). Its origin and the possibility to use it in stratigraphic correlation of the paleocontinent is the key task of the IGCP447, a project on Proterozoic molar tooth carbonates and the evolution of the earth (2001-2005). The importance lies in that the molar-tooth structure is the key to solving problems related to Precambrian biological and global geochemical events. The molar-tooth structure is associated with microorganisms. Development and recession of such carbonates have relations with the evolution process of early lives and abrupt changes in sea carbonate geochemistry. In recent years, based on researches on petrology, geochemistry and Sr isotope of molar-tooth carbonate in the Jilin-Liaoning and Xuzhou-Huaiyang area, the authors hold that it can be used as a marker for stratigraphic sequence and sedimentary facies analyses.


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We have developed a novel InP-based, ridge-waveguide photonic integrated circuit (PIC), which consists of a 1.1-um wavelength Y-branch optical waveguide with low loss and improved far field pattern and a 1.3-um wavelength strained InGaAsP-InP multiple quantum-well superluminescent diode, with bundle integrated guide (BIG) as the scheme for monolithic integration. The simulations of BIG and Y-branches show low losses and improved far-field patterns, based on the beam propagation method (BPM). The amplified spontaneous emission of the device is up to 10 mW at 120 mA with no threshold and saturation. Spectral characteristics of about 30 nm width and less than I dB modulation are achieved using the built-in anti-lasing ability of Y-branch. The beam divergence angles in horizontal and vertical directions are optimized to as small as 12 degrees x8 degrees, resulting in good fiber coupling. The compactness, simplicity in fabrication, good superluminescent performance, low transmission loss and estimated low coupling loss prove the BIG and Y-branch method to be a feasible way for integration and make the photonic integrated circuit of Y-branch and superluminescent diode an promising candidate for transmitter and transceiver used in fiber optic gyroscope.


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为探明碎石存在于田间土壤中如何改变土壤水分运移通道、影响土壤水分运动,揭示田间含碎石土壤水分运动的复杂过程,采用便携式针头降雨器在铜川崾岘梁修建的临时小区进行模拟降雨实验,测定含碎石浅层土体的入渗和水分再分布过程,采用土壤水分运动通量法计算浅层土体不同深度各截面面积的水量在雨后不同时间段的变化,分析含碎石土壤再分布特征及碎石含量对浅层土体入渗和水分再分布的影响。结果表明:碎石有利于田间浅层土壤入渗和蓄存;室内较田间测定的含碎石土壤入渗率小一个数量级以上;降雨后较短时段,碎石含量相对高的林地小区的浅层土体水分在降雨停止后呈增加趋势,表现了蓄水过程,碎石含量较低的撂荒地则表现了释水过程;降雨后较长时段,多数小区浅层土体(0-30 cm)水量变化呈现了"排水-存储交换-排水"过程,少数小区仅呈现了"排水"过程;雨后16 h左右的土体各截面面积的水量与碎石含量呈现了以直线y=0.4873为轴对称的递增和递减的指数为1/2的幂函数关系,说明碎石对黄土区典型土石区土体水分运动具有促进和阻滞双面影响。本文的研究结果可为含碎石土壤的水分利用及水分循环提供参考。


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Molar-tooth carbonate refers to a sort of rock that has ptygmatical folded structure comparable to the ivory. This kind of carbonate exists in a special time range (from Middle to Neoproterozoic). Its origin and the possibility to use it in stratigraphic correlation of the paleocontinent is the key task of the IGCP447, a project on Proterozoic molar tooth carbonates and the evolution of the earth (2001-2005). The importance lies in that the molar-tooth structure is the key to solving problems related to Precambrian biological and global geochemical events. The molar-tooth structure is associated with microorganisms. Development and recession of such carbonates have relations with the evolution process of early lives and abrupt changes in sea carbonate geochemistry. In recent years, based on researches on petrology, geochemistry and Sr isotope of molar-tooth carbonate in the Jilin-Liaoning and Xuzhou-Huaiyang area, the authors hold that it can be used as a marker for stratigraphic sequence and sedimentary facies analyses.


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     Over the past two decades, magnetoclimatological studies of loess-paleosol sequences in the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP) have made outstanding achievements, which greatly promote the understanding of East Asian paleomonsoon evolution, inland aridification of Asia, and past global climate changes. Loess magnetic properties of the CLP have been well studied. In contrast, loess magnetic properties from outside the CLP in China have not been fully understood. We have little knowledge about the magnetic properties of loess in the Ili Basin, an intermontane depression of the Tianshan (or Tien Shan) Mountains. Here, we present the results of rock magnetic measurements of the Ili loess including mass magnetic susceptibility (χ) and anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM), high/low temperature dependence of susceptibility (TDS) and hysteresis, as well as X-ray diffraction (XRD) for mineral analysis. Based on the comparison with loess-paleosol sequences in the CLP (hereafter referred to as the Chinese loess), we discuss the possible magnetic susceptibility enhancement mechanism of the Ili loess. The results show that 1) the total magnetic mineral concentration of the Ili loess is far lower than that of the Chinese loess, though they have similar magnetic mineral compositions. The ferrimagnetic minerals in the Ili loess are magnetite and maghemite, and the antiferromagnetic mineral is hematite; XRD analysis also identifies the presence of ilmenite. The ratio of maghemite is lower in the Ili loess than in the Chinese loess, but the ratios of magnetite and hematite are higher in the Ili loess than in the Chinese loess. 2) The granularity of magnetic minerals in the Ili loess, dominated by pseudo-single domain (PSD) and multi-domain (MD) grains, is generally much coarser than that of the Chinese loess. Ultrafine pedogenically-produced magnetic grains have a very limited contribution to the susceptibility enhancement. Rather, PSD and MD particles of magnetite and maghemite are the main contributors to the enhancement of susceptibility in the Ili loess. 3) The susceptibility enhancement mechanism for the Ili loess is complicated and superimposes both a wind velocity/vigor model (Alaskan or Siberian model) and the in situ ultrafine grain pedogenic model; the former might play an important role in the Ili loess. 4) Magnetic susceptibility enhancements of the Ili loess are related not only to the eolian input of the source area, but also to the local climate, landform, and geological background. Therefore, great care should be taken when reconstructing paleoclimate using magnetic susceptibility data from the Ili loess.


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Cumulative infiltration; Wetting front; Content of rock fragments; Size of rock fragments; 【摘要】 由于成土原因或人类活动,一些土壤中含有不同含量及大小的碎石。碎石的存在改变了土壤的某些物理特性,入渗过程也因此受到影响。本研究采用定水头入渗试验装置,对7种不同碎石含量(0%,10%,20%,30%,40%,50%,60%)及4种不同碎石直径(0.2~0.5cm,0.5~1.0 cm,1.0~3.0 cm,3.0~4.0 cm)的土壤水分入渗过程进行室内研究,旨在分析碎石含量及直径对土壤入渗过程的影响及其原因,为土石混合介质的研究提供一些理论基础。


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By introducing the flexible 1,1'-(1,4-butanediyl)bis(imidazole) (bbi) ligand into the polyoxovanadate system, five novel polyoxoanion-templated architectures based on [As8V14O42](4-) and [V16O38Cl](6-) building blocks were obtained: [M(bbi)(2)](2)[As8V14O42(H2O)] [M = Co (1), Ni (2), and Zn (3)], [Cu(bbi)](4)[As8V14O42(H2O)] (4), and [Cu(bbi)](6)[V16O38Cl] (5). Compounds 1-3 are isostructural, and they exhibit a binodal (4,6)-connected 2D structure with Schlafli symbol (3(4)center dot 4(2))(3(4)center dot 4(4)center dot 5(4)center dot 6(3))(2), in which the polyoxoanion induces a closed four-membered circuit of M-4(bbi)(4). Compound 4 exhibits an interesting 3D framework constructed from tetradentate [As8V14O42](4-) cluster anions and cationic ladderlike double chains. There exists a bigger M-8(bbi)(6)O-2 circuit in 4. The 3D extended structure of 5 is composed of heptadentate [V16O38Cl](6-) anions and flexural cationic chains; the latter consists of six Cu(bbi) segments arranged alternately. It presents the largest 24-membered circuit of M-24(bbi)(24) so far observed made of bbi molecules and transition-metal cations. Investigation of their structural relations shows the important template role of the polyoxoanions and the synergetic interactions among the polyoxoanions, transition-metal ions, and flexible ligand in the assembly process.


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In this paper, in view of characteristics and appraisal difficulty of complicate fault block reservoir, based on the theory of reservoir geology, tectonic geology, sequence stratigraphy, logging geology and sedimentology, according to related multidisciplinary data, such as geological, geophysical, logging and testing, taking 3D seismic acquisition processing, delicate structure interpretation, fine reservoir prediction, reservoir engineering and logging evaluation as research methods, on the basis of comprehensive geologic research, innovative appraisal thinking of complicate fault block reservoir is probed into, reservoir evaluation technology series of different reservoirs were created, and appraisal circuit of complicate fault block reservoir was proposed. According to the research on main controlling factors of hydrocarbon and concentration and concealing laws of Dagang exploration area, family assemble patterns of complicate fault block reservoir were proposed firstly, such as twinning, juxtaposed, overlying, concurrent, connected in series and so on, so theory basement was provided to reservoir evaluation. Taking into account of difficulties of low signal to noise ratio and border identification of lithologic trap of complicate fault block reservoir, in the middle of seismic data acquisition, double focusing layout and optimization technology were adopted, geophysical model was set up, and best observation system was ascertained. During object processing, matching processing technology of removing time difference, phase difference, energy difference and frequency spectrum difference generated by different blazing and receiving elements was studied. Imagery, low amplitude structure and identification of subtle lithologic reservoir was interpreted reasonably. On the basis of characteristics and technical description analysis of structural, structural--lithologic and lithologic reservoirs, innovative appraisal thinking of these reservoirs was formatted, appraisal circuit of complicate fault block reservoir was proposed, and this method could be used in other similar oilfields


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With the example of Damintun Depression, Liaohe Oilfield, different methods to study fracture distribution were propsosed, i.e. combined crop, core, log, with seismic attribute and paleo-stress field to predict fractural reservoir. The following conclusions are drawn: 1. Secondary fracture and dissolution pore are the main reservoir space of fractured reservoir in Damintun buried hills through observing more than 270 meters core in 27 wells. Among them, structural fracture is the main reservoir spcace in Archaean metamorphism whose main mineral are silicates, while dissolution pore and structural fracture are the main reservoir space in Protozoic carbonate which has been proved with high dissolution. Structural fracture is not only the main reservoir space but also the influent path. 2. Actual core observation and log identification proved that the formation of buried hills have the following zone: weathering crust, fracturaed zone and compact zone, among which the weathering crust and fractured zone are the main reservoir. 3. The mineralogical component of rock is the inner factor and the tectonization is the outer factor, which control the development of structural fracture. The content of brittle material in rock influences the development of structural fracture. Dissolution, chemical eluviations, weathering and fill-up affect the development of structural fracture. 4. Basement faults control the distribution of structural fracture in Damintun Depression. The trend of fracture is consistent with that of faults and there is often large-scale fractural zone around faults. 5. Based on log response, the fracture is identified with core observation, imaging well log and ANN, which can provide geological basis for optimized perforation. 6. The methods for predicting fracture with structure restoration, seismic inversion and paleo-stress simulation aiming at different types of buried-hills reservoir, and then the spatial distribution of the fracture and density is obtained, which can provide geological basis for well site adjustment.


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In practice,many fracture reservoir was found,which has giant potential for exporation. For example,in limestone fracture reservoir,igneous rock fracture reservoir and shale fracture reservoir ,there are high yield oil wells found. The fracture reservoir has strong anisotropy and is very difficult to explore and produce.Since 1990’s,the techniques that use structure information and P-WAVE seismic attributes to detect fracture developed very rapidly,include stress and strain analysis,using amplitude,interval velocity,time-difference,azimuthal AVO analysis etc. Based on research and develop these advanced techniques of fracture detect,this paper selected two typical fracture reservoir as target area,according to the characters of research area,selected different techniques to pridect the fracture azimuth and density of target,and at last ,confirmed the favored area. This paper includes six parts:the first chapter mainly addresses the domestic and international research actuality about the fracture prediction and the evolement in ShengLi oil field,then according to the temporal exploration requirement,a research route was established; Based on the close relationship between structural fracture and the geotectonic movement and the procedure of rock distortion,the second chapter research the structural fracture predicting technique which is realized by computing the strain in every geotectonic movement ,which is by use of the forward and inversion of the growing history of structure; The third chapter discussed many kind of traditional techniques for fracture reservoir prediction,and point out their disadvantages.then research and develop the coherence volume computing technique which can distinguish from faults,the seismic wave absorbing technique,and other fracture predicting technique which is by use of seismic attributes ,such as azimuthal AVO FVO etc; The fourth chapter first establish the geological and petrophysical model by use of the existed log and drill well information, then research the variation of amplitude and seismic wave which is caused by fractures.based on it , the fracture predicting technique which is by use of variation of azimuthal impedance is researched;The fifth chapter is a case study,it selects shale fracture reservoir in LuoJia area as target,selects several kind of techniques to apply ,at last ,the fracture distribution of target reservoir and favored area were gotten;the sixth chapter is another case study,it selects limestone fracture reservoir in BoShen6 buried hill as target,selects several kind of techniques to apply,similarly favored area were gotten. Based on deeply research and development of the new techniques for fracture reservoir exploration, This paper selects two fracture reservoirs the most typical in ShengLi as targets to be applied ,good results show up a good application way ,which can be used for reference for future fracture exploration,and it can bring materially economic and social benefit.