1000 resultados para Ciència-ficció nord-americana


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Solos concrecionários (Plintossolo Pétrico concrecionário) nas Regiões Central e Norte do Brasil são muito comuns, ocorrendo em áreas baixas e nas bordas das chapadas, constituindo geralmente solos distróficos,pobres em nutrientes. A ocorrência de solo concrecionário eutrófico no município de Ouro Verde de Goiás, em área de borda de chapada motivou esta pesquisa, desenvolvida com a finalidade de verificar a relação eutrofia/solo/material litológico subjacente, provável fonte das bases trocáveis. As relações pedológicas e geoquímicas do solo com as concreções e a rocha de origem foram pesquisadas por meio de determinações da constituição química total dos elementos maiores, utilizando ICP-AES (espectrometria de emissão atômica por plasma acoplado indutivamente), análise mineralógica da fração argila por DRX, análise mineralógica da fração areia, além da caracterização analítica de rotina em pedologia. Os resultados analíticos de amostras de rocha, concreções ferruginosas e TFSA, as relações moleculares Ki e Kr e bases/R2O3 e a relação Zr/Ti são abordados e discutidos. Ocorrências mais significativas quanto a alguns elementos móveis são creditadas ao conteúdo elevado de matéria orgânica no horizonte superficial do solo, ao acúmulo residual de quartzo e à contribuição de material externo nos horizontes superiores . A relação solo/material litológico subjacente indica para o perfil de origem a partir de um metatonalito, atribuindo-se ao material petroplíntico presente na porção superior do solo, origem relacionada à desagregação e arraste de materiais relacionados à Superfície de Aplanamento Sul-Americana.


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Comprend : [Planche dépliante à la fin du livre]. Le portraict des trois sauvages admenez en Angleterre, leurs habits, armes, tentes et bateaux. [Représentation des moeurs et coutumes, costumes traditionnels des habitants du Grand Nord?] [Cote : BNF C104


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Two species of Ornithogalum subg. Heliocharmos are present in North Africa: O. algeriense and O. kochii. These are often confused with O. umbellatum from Europe. Several populations covering the spread of variation of these species were studied biometrically using macromorphological characters. Multivariate analysis results suggest that O. kochii is close to the diploid cytotype of O. umbellatum. The diploid cytotypes are closer to the popyploid series of O. umbellatum than to O. algeriense. These results are discussed in relation to biogeography and evolution.


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Socrates' serene attitude before his death -although this is questioned-, as described by Xenophon in his Apologia Socratis becomes for the playwright Rodolf Sirera a useful reference in an effort to reflect boldly on the limits of theatrical fiction in another clear example of the Classical Tradition, including that derived from Baroque Tragedy. However, in this case, it is judged severely to make us more conscious of the risk of turning life into a mere theatrical performance and human beings into actors and actresses in a play they did not write.


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Chapter 21 of the Byzantine work known as The Symbolic Garden refers to an unidentified plant (the smilax) which symbolizes science. The author has taken this symbol from patristic literature (Athanasius of Alexandria and other patristic texts). On the other hand, a passage (p. 71, 17- 73, 1) unti1 now misinterpreted can be understood if confronted with severa1 texts by John Darnascenus and Nicetas Stethatos, who both voice the same opinions about science


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Sustainable use of soil, maintaining or improving its quality, is one of the goals of diversification in farmlands. From this point of view, bioindicators associated with C, N and P cycling can be used in assessments of land-use effects on soil quality. The aim of this study was to investigate chemical, microbiological and biochemical properties of soil associated with C, N and P under different land uses in a farm property with diversified activity in northern Parana, Brazil. Seven areas under different land uses were assessed: fragment of native Atlantic Forest; growing of peach-palm (Bactrys gasipaes); sugarcane ratoon (Saccharum officinarum) recently harvested, under renewal; growing of coffee (Coffea arabica) intercropped with tree species; recent reforestation (1 year) with native tree species, previously under annual crops; annual crops under no-tillage, rye (Cecale cereale); secondary forest, regenerated after abandonment (for 20 years) of an avocado (Persea americana) orchard. The soil under coffee, recent reforestation and secondary forest showed higher concentrations of organic carbon, but microbial biomass and enzyme activities were higher in soils under native forest and secondary forest, which also showed the lowest metabolic coefficient, followed by the peach-palm area. The lowest content of water-dispersible clay was found in the soil under native forest, differing from soils under sugarcane and secondary forest. Soil cover and soil use affected total organic C contents and soil enzyme and microbial activities, such that more intensive agricultural uses had deeper impacts on the indicators assessed. Calculation of the mean soil quality index showed that the secondary forest was closest to the fragment of native forest, followed by the peach-palm area, coffee-growing area, annual crop area, the area of recent reforestation and the sugarcane ratoon area.


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Panorama de la genètica, la recerca i les dones científiques a Espanya


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Panorama de la genètica, la recerca i les dones científiques a Espanya


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El grup ha analitzat l'activitat científica, acadèmica i professional de les dones i com a resultat d'aquestes anàlisis detecta una sèrie de problemes de discriminació que obliguen a adoptar polítiques de gènere en les institucions públiques i privades d'investigació idocència. Aquesta problemàtica requereix un debat social informat que defineixi les actuacions que cal seguir i les modificacions normativesque cal fer per eradicar les situacions de desigualtat.