853 resultados para Cationic Liposomes Enhance
Les stérosomes, des vésicules artificielles composées d’amphiphiles monoalkylés et d’un grand pourcentage de stérols, sont prometteurs dans plusieurs domaines comme les industries pharmaceutiques et alimentaires. Il existe des stérosomes chargés négativement, positivement et neutres. Dans ce mémoire, nous avons approfondi nos connaissances sur les propriétés physico-chimiques des stérosomes chargés : acide palmitique (PA)/stérol et stéarylamine (SA)/cholestérol (Chol). Premièrement, afin de mesurer la diffusion latérale de PA dans les membranes PA/stérol (30/70 mol/mol) par RMN à gradients pulsés, nous avons tenté de former des bicouches liquide-ordonnées (lo) orientées magnétiquement avec ce mélange. En s'inspirant de l’idée que l’ajout de 1,2-dihexanoyl-sn-glycéro-3-phosphocholine (DHPC), un lipide à courtes chaînes, dans le système 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycéro-3-phosphocholine (DMPC) mène à la formation de bicouches orientées, nous avons étudié la formulation PA perdeutéré/acide hexanoïque (HA)/Chol avec une proportion molaire de 25/18/57 à plusieurs températures; aucune formation de bicouches orientées n’a été observée. Ce résultat pourrait être expliqué par la solubilisation partielle de HA en milieu aqueux. Alors, une quantité insuffisante serait insérée dans la bicouche pour induire son orientation. La formulation PA perdeutéré/DHPC/Chol n’a pas conduit, elle non plus, à des bicouches orientées magnétiquement à des températures et concentrations lipidiques variées. En étudiant le mélange DMPC/DHPC/Chol (67/17/14), nous avons remarqué que la présence de Chol inhibait l'orientation magnétique des bicouches. Tandis que le mélange DMPC/DHPC/stigmastérol (SS) avec les proportions molaires 67/19/14 et 72/21/7 conduisait à des bicouches orientées avec leur normale (n) perpendiculaire au champ magnétique à 40 °C et 50 °C. Ces résultats suggèrent que le mélange PA/SS avec une proportion de lipide à courtes chaînes, HA et DHPC, pourrait mener à des bicouches orientées magnétiquement. Le mélange PA/Chol avec un lipide à courtes chaînes pourrait aussi être étudié en présence des lanthanides. Deuxièmement, nous avons examiné la possibilité de moduler la libération de matériel encapsulé dans des liposomes essentiellement composés de PA et d’un stérol. Il est connu que le mélange PA/Chol (30/70) à pH ≥ 7,5 forme des liposomes très peu perméables. Il est avantageux de pouvoir moduler la perméabilité pour avoir un contrôle sur le temps de libération de leur contenu, qui est un paramètre de grande importance pour les formulations liposomales de médicaments. D’abord, il a été montré que l’acide oléique (OA)/Chol (30/70) est capable de former des vésicules, ce qui n’avait jamais été prouvé auparavant. Par contre, les bicouches OA/Chol (30/70) ne sont pas plus perméables que les bicouches PA/Chol (30/70). L’ajout de 1-palmitoyl-2-oléoyl-sn-glycéro-3-phosphatidylcholine (POPC) dans le mélange PA/Chol n’augmente pas plus la perméabilité. En effet, les cinétiques de relargage de calcéine des vésicules PA/POPC/Chol (15/27.5/57.5), POPC/Chol (40/60) et POPC étaient très semblables à celle de PA/Chol (30/70). Il a été remarqué que les études littéraires se contredisent à propos de la perméabilité à la calcéine des bicouches de phosphatidylcholine (PC). L’explication de ces divergences est inconnue pour le moment. En remplaçant la moitié de la proportion molaire de Chol par le cholate de sodium (SC) dans le mélange PA/Chol (30/70), la membrane n’était pas plus apte à libérer son contenu. Il se pourrait que le SC se retrouvant dans la bicouche n’induit pas une diminution d’empilement. Il est aussi possible que le SC ne s'insère pas dans la membrane à cause de son hydrophilie considérable et il pourrait alors former seul des micelles. En remplaçant complètement le Chol par le sulfate de cholestérol (SChol), un stérol chargé négativement, et en préparant les vésicules à un bas pH, la formulation PA/SChol (30/70) mène à une très grande perméabilité à pH 7.5; le relargage est provoqué par un saut de pH. Nos travaux suggèrent qu'il serait possible de moduler la perméabilité des liposomes en les préparant avec le mélange PA/SChol/Chol en variant les proportions entre 30/63/7 à 30/70/0. Le diagramme pH-composition du mélange PA/SChol/Chol indique que ces proportions conduisent, à pH 7.4, à la coexistence de phases solide et lo en différentes proportions, ce qui pourrait moduler la perméabilité membranaire. Troisièmement, les résultats de perméabilité obtenus avec la calcéine et les difficultés survenues lors de l’extrusion des vésicules encapsulant cette sonde nous ont amené à nous demander si la calcéine interagit avec les bicouches chargées. L’impact de certains anions, dont la calcéine, a été examiné sur les bicouches chargées positivement SA/Chol (50/50). La calorimétrie différentielle à balayage (DSC, de l’anglais differential scanning calorimetry), indique qu’il n’y a aucune transition entre 25 et 90 °C pour les liposomes SA/Chol (50/50) à pH = 7.4. L’ajout de chlorure de sodim (375 mM) n’a pas mené à la formation d’agrégats et aucune transition n’a été observée sur le thermogramme. La formation d’agrégats macroscopiques instantanément après l’ajout d’hydrogénophosphate de sodium (125 mM), de sulfate de sodium (125 mM) et de calcéine (3 mM) a été observée. Une transition a été observée sur les thermogrammes en présence de ces sels. Les agrégats observés pourraient être associés à la transition de phase. L’effet des anions sur la température et l’enthalpie de transition suivent le même ordre que la série d’Hofmeister : sulfate > hydrogénophosphate > chlorure (pas de pic). La calcéine avait l’impact le plus prononcé sur l’agrégation; ceci illustre que la calcéine n’est pas une sonde fluorescente inerte avec le mélange SA/Chol. Elle pourrait être un chaotrope volumineux. De plus, les interactions SA-calcéine plus fortes, menant à l’agrégation des vésicules, que les interactions PC-calcéine pourraient s’expliquer par le fait que la SA est chargée positivement.
Recent findings indicate that bimodal-redundant stimulation promotes perceptual learning and recruits attention to amodal properties in non-human as well as human infants. However it is not clear if bimodal-redundant stimulation can also facilitate memory during the postnatal period. Moreover, most animal and human studies have employed an operant paradigm to study memory, but have not compared the effectiveness of contingent versus passive presentation of information on memory. The current study investigated the role of unimodal versus bimodal presentation and, the role of a contingent versus passive exposure in memory retention in the bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus). Results revealed that contingently trained chicks demonstrated a preference for the familiarized call under both unimodal and bimodal conditions. Between-group analyses revealed that the contingent-bimodal group preferred the familiarized call as compared to the passive-bimodal group. These results indicate that the contingency paradigm accompanied with the bimodal stimulus type facilitated memory during early development.
Despite the substantial body of research investigating the use of liposomes, niosomes and other bilayer vesicles for drug delivery, the translation of these systems into licensed products remains limited. Indeed, recent shortages in the supply of liposomal products demonstrate the need for new scalable production methods for liposomes. Therefore, the aim of our research has been to consider the application of microfluidics in the manufacture of liposomes containing either or both a water soluble and a lipid soluble drug to promote co-delivery of drugs. For the first time, we demonstrate the entrapment of a hydrophilic and a lipophilic drug (metformin and glipizide respectively) both individually, and in combination, using a scalable microfluidics manufacturing system. In terms of the operating parameters, the choice of solvents, lipid concentration and aqueous:solvent ratio all impact on liposome size with vesicle diameter ranging from ∼90 to 300 nm. In terms of drug loading, microfluidics production promoted high loading within ∼100 nm vesicles for both the water soluble drug (20–25% of initial amount added) and the bilayer embedded drug (40–42% of initial amount added) with co-loading of the drugs making no impact on entrapment efficacy. However, co-loading of glipizide and metformin within the same liposome formulation did impact on the drug release profiles; in both instances the presence of both drugs in the one formulation promoted faster (up to 2 fold) release compared to liposomes containing a single drug alone. Overall, these results demonstrate the application of microfluidics to prepare liposomal systems incorporating either or both an aqueous soluble drug and a bilayer loaded drug.
A novel approach to the determination of steroid entrapment in the bilayers of aerosolised liposomes has been introduced using high-sensitivity differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Proliposomes were dispersed in water within an air-jet nebuliser and the energy produced during atomisation was used to hydrate the proliposomes and generate liposome aerosols. Proliposomes that included the steroid beclometasone dipropionate (BDP) produced lower aerosol and lipid outputs than steroid-free proliposomes. Size analysis and transmission electron microscopy showed an evidence of liposome formation within the nebuliser, which was followed by deaggregation and size reduction of multilamellar liposomes on nebulisation to a two-stage impinger. For each formulation, no difference in thermal transitions was observed between delivered liposomes and those remaining in the nebuliser. However, steroid (5 mole%) lowered the onset temperature and the enthalpy of the pretransition, and produced a similar onset temperature and larger enthalpy of the main transition, with broadened pretransition and main transitions. This indicates that BDP was entrapped and exhibited an interaction with the liposome phospholipid membranes. Since the pretransition was depressed but not completely removed and no phase separation occurred, it is suggested that the bilayers of the multilamellar liposomes can entrap more than 5 mole% BDP. Overall, liposomes were generated from proliposomes and DSC investigations indicated that the steroid was entrapped in the bilayers of aerosolised multilamellar vesicles.
Les stérosomes, des vésicules artificielles composées d’amphiphiles monoalkylés et d’un grand pourcentage de stérols, sont prometteurs dans plusieurs domaines comme les industries pharmaceutiques et alimentaires. Il existe des stérosomes chargés négativement, positivement et neutres. Dans ce mémoire, nous avons approfondi nos connaissances sur les propriétés physico-chimiques des stérosomes chargés : acide palmitique (PA)/stérol et stéarylamine (SA)/cholestérol (Chol). Premièrement, afin de mesurer la diffusion latérale de PA dans les membranes PA/stérol (30/70 mol/mol) par RMN à gradients pulsés, nous avons tenté de former des bicouches liquide-ordonnées (lo) orientées magnétiquement avec ce mélange. En s'inspirant de l’idée que l’ajout de 1,2-dihexanoyl-sn-glycéro-3-phosphocholine (DHPC), un lipide à courtes chaînes, dans le système 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycéro-3-phosphocholine (DMPC) mène à la formation de bicouches orientées, nous avons étudié la formulation PA perdeutéré/acide hexanoïque (HA)/Chol avec une proportion molaire de 25/18/57 à plusieurs températures; aucune formation de bicouches orientées n’a été observée. Ce résultat pourrait être expliqué par la solubilisation partielle de HA en milieu aqueux. Alors, une quantité insuffisante serait insérée dans la bicouche pour induire son orientation. La formulation PA perdeutéré/DHPC/Chol n’a pas conduit, elle non plus, à des bicouches orientées magnétiquement à des températures et concentrations lipidiques variées. En étudiant le mélange DMPC/DHPC/Chol (67/17/14), nous avons remarqué que la présence de Chol inhibait l'orientation magnétique des bicouches. Tandis que le mélange DMPC/DHPC/stigmastérol (SS) avec les proportions molaires 67/19/14 et 72/21/7 conduisait à des bicouches orientées avec leur normale (n) perpendiculaire au champ magnétique à 40 °C et 50 °C. Ces résultats suggèrent que le mélange PA/SS avec une proportion de lipide à courtes chaînes, HA et DHPC, pourrait mener à des bicouches orientées magnétiquement. Le mélange PA/Chol avec un lipide à courtes chaînes pourrait aussi être étudié en présence des lanthanides. Deuxièmement, nous avons examiné la possibilité de moduler la libération de matériel encapsulé dans des liposomes essentiellement composés de PA et d’un stérol. Il est connu que le mélange PA/Chol (30/70) à pH ≥ 7,5 forme des liposomes très peu perméables. Il est avantageux de pouvoir moduler la perméabilité pour avoir un contrôle sur le temps de libération de leur contenu, qui est un paramètre de grande importance pour les formulations liposomales de médicaments. D’abord, il a été montré que l’acide oléique (OA)/Chol (30/70) est capable de former des vésicules, ce qui n’avait jamais été prouvé auparavant. Par contre, les bicouches OA/Chol (30/70) ne sont pas plus perméables que les bicouches PA/Chol (30/70). L’ajout de 1-palmitoyl-2-oléoyl-sn-glycéro-3-phosphatidylcholine (POPC) dans le mélange PA/Chol n’augmente pas plus la perméabilité. En effet, les cinétiques de relargage de calcéine des vésicules PA/POPC/Chol (15/27.5/57.5), POPC/Chol (40/60) et POPC étaient très semblables à celle de PA/Chol (30/70). Il a été remarqué que les études littéraires se contredisent à propos de la perméabilité à la calcéine des bicouches de phosphatidylcholine (PC). L’explication de ces divergences est inconnue pour le moment. En remplaçant la moitié de la proportion molaire de Chol par le cholate de sodium (SC) dans le mélange PA/Chol (30/70), la membrane n’était pas plus apte à libérer son contenu. Il se pourrait que le SC se retrouvant dans la bicouche n’induit pas une diminution d’empilement. Il est aussi possible que le SC ne s'insère pas dans la membrane à cause de son hydrophilie considérable et il pourrait alors former seul des micelles. En remplaçant complètement le Chol par le sulfate de cholestérol (SChol), un stérol chargé négativement, et en préparant les vésicules à un bas pH, la formulation PA/SChol (30/70) mène à une très grande perméabilité à pH 7.5; le relargage est provoqué par un saut de pH. Nos travaux suggèrent qu'il serait possible de moduler la perméabilité des liposomes en les préparant avec le mélange PA/SChol/Chol en variant les proportions entre 30/63/7 à 30/70/0. Le diagramme pH-composition du mélange PA/SChol/Chol indique que ces proportions conduisent, à pH 7.4, à la coexistence de phases solide et lo en différentes proportions, ce qui pourrait moduler la perméabilité membranaire. Troisièmement, les résultats de perméabilité obtenus avec la calcéine et les difficultés survenues lors de l’extrusion des vésicules encapsulant cette sonde nous ont amené à nous demander si la calcéine interagit avec les bicouches chargées. L’impact de certains anions, dont la calcéine, a été examiné sur les bicouches chargées positivement SA/Chol (50/50). La calorimétrie différentielle à balayage (DSC, de l’anglais differential scanning calorimetry), indique qu’il n’y a aucune transition entre 25 et 90 °C pour les liposomes SA/Chol (50/50) à pH = 7.4. L’ajout de chlorure de sodim (375 mM) n’a pas mené à la formation d’agrégats et aucune transition n’a été observée sur le thermogramme. La formation d’agrégats macroscopiques instantanément après l’ajout d’hydrogénophosphate de sodium (125 mM), de sulfate de sodium (125 mM) et de calcéine (3 mM) a été observée. Une transition a été observée sur les thermogrammes en présence de ces sels. Les agrégats observés pourraient être associés à la transition de phase. L’effet des anions sur la température et l’enthalpie de transition suivent le même ordre que la série d’Hofmeister : sulfate > hydrogénophosphate > chlorure (pas de pic). La calcéine avait l’impact le plus prononcé sur l’agrégation; ceci illustre que la calcéine n’est pas une sonde fluorescente inerte avec le mélange SA/Chol. Elle pourrait être un chaotrope volumineux. De plus, les interactions SA-calcéine plus fortes, menant à l’agrégation des vésicules, que les interactions PC-calcéine pourraient s’expliquer par le fait que la SA est chargée positivement.
School of Technology and Management of Lamego develops since 2009 a project to reinforce its connections to the real needs of labour market. in this way, we developed until now three areas: multidisciplinarity volunteering work teams, collaborative training of students and the cooperation with several organizations to improve their sutainability through strategic methodologies.with those methodologies we tried to improve our students' employability, as well as to dialogue permanently with companies and other organizations to understand what they need from their human resources to be more competitive. wuth this article we intend to present the results accomplished until now and to present the project for the next e years, as well as to find out other higher education institutions of different regions or coutries that are interested in this project.
The very nature of computer science with its constant changes forces those who wish to follow to adapt and react quickly. Large companies invest in being up to date in order to generate revenue and stay active on the market. Universities, on the other hand, need to imply same practices of staying up to date with industry needs in order to produce industry ready engineers. By interviewing former students, now engineers in the industry, and current university staff this thesis aims to learn if there is space for enhancing the education through different lecturing approaches and/or curriculum adaptation and development. In order to address these concerns a qualitative research has been conducted, focusing on data collection obtained through semi-structured live world interviews. The method used follows the seven stages of research interviewing introduced by Kvale and focuses on collecting and preparing relevant data for analysis. The collected data is transcribed, refined, and further on analyzed in the “Findings and analysis” chapter. The focus of analyzing was answering the three research questions; learning how higher education impacts a Computer Science and Informatics Engineers’ job, how to better undergo the transition from studies to working in the industry and how to develop a curriculum that helps support the previous two. Unaltered quoted extracts are presented and individually analyzed. To paint a better picture a theme-wise analysis is presented summing valuable themes that were repeated throughout the interviewing phase. The findings obtained imply that there are several factors directly influencing the quality of education. From the student side, it mostly concerns expectation and dedication involving studies, and from the university side it is commitment to the curriculum development process. Due to the time and resource limitations this research provides findings conducted on a narrowed scope, although it can serve as a great foundation for further development; possibly as a PhD research.
Developers strive to create innovative Artificial Intelligence (AI) behaviour in their games as a key selling point. Machine Learning is an area of AI that looks at how applications and agents can be programmed to learn their own behaviour without the need to manually design and implement each aspect of it. Machine learning methods have been utilised infrequently within games and are usually trained to learn offline before the game is released to the players. In order to investigate new ways AI could be applied innovatively to games it is wise to explore how machine learning methods could be utilised in real-time as the game is played, so as to allow AI agents to learn directly from the player or their environment. Two machine learning methods were implemented into a simple 2D Fighter test game to allow the agents to fully showcase their learned behaviour as the game is played. The methods chosen were: Q-Learning and an NGram based system. It was found that N-Grams and QLearning could significantly benefit game developers as they facilitate fast, realistic learning at run-time.
In recent decades the importance of structuring sciences such as botany or phytosociology faced a declining attention from the scientific community. This was accompanied by a growing interest in theoretical ecology. For such scenario greatly contributed an hypothetical exhaustion of research topics in these areas, but especially the introduction of new technologies that have provided powerful tools for data analysis. This allowed, for example, to make predictions about the impacts of climate change on species and plant communities and the consequent recognition of theoretical ecology, as one of the most prestigious pieces of current biological sciences. However, theoretical ecology has been facing serious knoledge gaps that greatly compromise their results, putting again the spotligth on structuring sciences. For example there are enourmous gaps in knowledge and data on dispersal, species and communities chorology and abundace, as well as in biological interactions. These data is essential, since they will determine ecological behavior of species. Its omission always limits the understanding and proper execution of the models generated by theoretical ecology. In this conference we will present a review on the gaps in knowledge and data in flora and vegetation fields in order to identify situations where geobotanical knowledge can make their major contribution. Furthermore, we will emphasize the need to reformulate objectives in geobotanical sciences in order to give it the deserved scientific recognition, considering the relationship between different scientific knowledges.
In Brazil, off-season rainfed maize is usually affected by limited water due to irregularities in rainfall. Alternatives to mitigate these effects include ground cover to reduce evaporation losses and the use of cultivars with a deeper rooting system. We conducted a study in Goias, Brazil, to evaluate the influence of different crop management strategies to mitigate the effect of limited water in maize yield. Modeling was used to simulate scenarios that consisted of 0, 3.5 and 5.0 t ha-1 of soybean residue left on the soil surface combined with cultivar ideotypes with 0.30 m, 0.50 m 0.70 m deep rooting system grown with 60 and 340 kg ha-1of nitrogen. The results showed that maintaining residue in the soil surface in combination with the use of cultivars with deeper rooting systems favored higher yields of off-season maize. Our results also indicated that a cultivar with rooting system in the top 0.50 m of the soil fertilized with a high nitrogen rate tended to be more efficient in the use of the soil available water
CDKL5 (cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5) deficiency disorder (CDD) is a severe X-linked neurodevelopmental disease caused by mutations in the CDKL5 gene, characterized by early-onset epileptic seizures, intellectual disability, motor and visual impairment and respiratory dysregulation. Although pharmacological treatments are used to control seizures, there is currently no cure to ameliorate symptoms for CDD. Albeit delivery of a wild-type copy of the mutated gene to cells represents the most curative approach for a monogenic disease, proof-of-concept studies highlight significant efficacy caveats for brain gene therapy. The major one regards the low efficiency of gene delivery to the CNS by viral vectors. We used a secretable Igk-TATk-CDKL5 protein to enhance the efficiency of a gene therapy for CDD. In view of the properties of the Igk-chain leader sequence, the TATk-CDKL5 protein produced by infected cells is secreted via constitutive secretory pathways. Importantly, due to the transduction property of the TATk peptide, the secreted CDKL5 protein is internalized by cells. We compared the effects of a CDKL5 gene therapy with an IgK-TATk-CDKL5 gene therapy in a Cdkl5 KO mouse model to validate whether the Igk-TATk-CDKL5 approach significantly improve the therapeutic efficacy. We found that, although AAVPHP.B_Igk-TATk-CDKL5 and AAVPHP.B_CDKL5 vectors had similar brain infection efficiency, the AAVPHP.B_Igk-TATk-CDKL5 vector led to a higher CDKL5 protein replacement and Cdkl5 KO mice treated with the AAVPHP.B_Igk-TATk-CDKL5 vector showed a behavioral and neuroanatomical improvement in comparison with Cdkl5 KO mice treated with the AAVPHP.B_CDKL5 vector.
Direct Visualization Of The Action Of Triton X-100 On Giant Vesicles Of Erythrocyte Membrane Lipids.
The raft hypothesis proposes that microdomains enriched in sphingolipids, cholesterol, and specific proteins are transiently formed to accomplish important cellular tasks. Equivocally, detergent-resistant membranes were initially assumed to be identical to membrane rafts, because of similarities between their compositions. In fact, the impact of detergents in membrane organization is still controversial. Here, we use phase contrast and fluorescence microscopy to observe giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) made of erythrocyte membrane lipids (erythro-GUVs) when exposed to the detergent Triton X-100 (TX-100). We clearly show that TX-100 has a restructuring action on biomembranes. Contact with TX-100 readily induces domain formation on the previously homogeneous membrane of erythro-GUVs at physiological and room temperatures. The shape and dynamics of the formed domains point to liquid-ordered/liquid-disordered (Lo/Ld) phase separation, typically found in raft-like ternary lipid mixtures. The Ld domains are then separated from the original vesicle and completely solubilized by TX-100. The insoluble vesicle left, in the Lo phase, represents around 2/3 of the original vesicle surface at room temperature and decreases to almost 1/2 at physiological temperature. This chain of events could be entirely reproduced with biomimetic GUVs of a simple ternary lipid mixture, 2:1:2 POPC/SM/chol (phosphatidylcholine/sphyngomyelin/cholesterol), showing that this behavior will arise because of fundamental physicochemical properties of simple lipid mixtures. This work provides direct visualization of TX-100-induced domain formation followed by selective (Ld phase) solubilization in a model system with a complex biological lipid composition.
Presynaptic Neuromuscular Action Of A Methanolic Extract From The Venom Of Rhinella Schneideri Toad.
Rhinella schneideri, previously known as Bufo paracnemis, is a common toad in many regions of Brazil. Its venom exerts important cardiovascular effects on humans and other animals. Although this toad venom has been the subject of intense investigations, little is known about its neuromuscular activity. The neurotoxicity of a methanolic extract of R. schneideri venom was tested on mouse phrenic nerve-diaphragm (PND) preparations mounted for conventional twitch tension recording - in response to indirect stimulation - and for electrophysiological measurements. Venom extract (50 μg/mL) increased the muscle twitch tension in PND preparations but did not significantly alter the resting membrane potential values. Electrophysiological evaluations showed that the extract (50 μg/mL) significantly augmented the frequency of miniature end-plate potential (from 38 ± 3.5 to 88 ± 15 after 60 minutes; n = 5; p < 0.05) and quantal content (from 128 ± 13 to 272 ± 34 after five minutes; n = 5; p < 0.05). Pretreatment with ouabain (1 μg/mL) for five minutes prevented the increase in quantal content (117 ± 18 and 154 ± 33 after five and 60 minutes, respectively). These results indicate that the methanolic extract of R. schneideri venom acts primarily presynaptically to enhance neurotransmitter release in mouse phrenic-diaphragm preparations.
Spider venoms contain neurotoxic peptides aimed at paralyzing prey or for defense against predators; that is why they represent valuable tools for studies in neuroscience field. The present study aimed at identifying the process of internalization that occurs during the increased trafficking of vesicles caused by Phoneutria nigriventer spider venom (PNV)-induced blood-brain barrier (BBB) breakdown. Herein, we found that caveolin-1α is up-regulated in the cerebellar capillaries and Purkinje neurons of PNV-administered P14 (neonate) and 8- to 10-week-old (adult) rats. The white matter and granular layers were regions where caveolin-1α showed major upregulation. The variable age played a role in this effect. Caveolin-1 is the central protein that controls caveolae formation. Caveolar-specialized cholesterol- and sphingolipid-rich membrane sub-domains are involved in endocytosis, transcytosis, mechano-sensing, synapse formation and stabilization, signal transduction, intercellular communication, apoptosis, and various signaling events, including those related to calcium handling. PNV is extremely rich in neurotoxic peptides that affect glutamate handling and interferes with ion channels physiology. We suggest that the PNV-induced BBB opening is associated with a high expression of caveolae frame-forming caveolin-1α, and therefore in the process of internalization and enhanced transcytosis. Caveolin-1α up-regulation in Purkinje neurons could be related to a way of neurons to preserve, restore, and enhance function following PNV-induced excitotoxicity. The findings disclose interesting perspectives for further molecular studies of the interaction between PNV and caveolar specialized membrane domains. It proves PNV to be excellent tool for studies of transcytosis, the most common form of BBB-enhanced permeability.