845 resultados para Cardiorespiratory Fitness
The startling increase in the occurrence of rifampicin (Rif) resistance in the clinical isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis worldwide is posing a serious concern to tuberculosis management. The majority of Rif resistance in bacteria arises from mutations in the RpoB subunit of the RNA polymerase. We isolated M. smegmatis strains harbouring either an insertion (6 aa) or a deletion (10 aa) in their RpoB proteins. Although these strains showed a compromised fitness for growth in 7H9 Middlebrook medium, their resistance to Rif was remarkably high. The attenuated growth of the strains correlated with decreased specific activities of the RNA polymerases from the mutants. While the RNA polymerases from the parent or a mutant strain (harbouring a frequently occurring mutation, H442Y, in RpoB) were susceptible to Rif-mediated inhibition of transcription from calf thymus DNA, those from the insertion and deletion mutants were essentially refractory to such inhibition. Three-dimensional structure modelling revealed that the RpoB amino acids that interact with Rif are either deleted or unable to interact with Rif due to their unsuitable spatial positioning in these mutants. We discuss possible uses of the RpoB mutants in studying transcriptional regulation in mycobacteria and as potential targets for drug design.
When there is a variation in the quality of males in a population, multiple mating can lead to an increase in the genetic fitness of a female by reducing the variance of the progeny number. The extent of selective advantage obtainable by this process is investigated for a population subdivided into structured demes. It is seen that for a wide range of model parameters (deme size, distribution of male quality, local resource level), multiple mating leads to a considerable increase in the fitness. Frequency-dependent selection or a stable coexistence between polyandry and monandry can also result when the possible costs involved in multiple mating are taken into account.
Ecology and evolutionary biology is the study of life on this planet. One of the many methods applied to answering the great diversity of questions regarding the lives and characteristics of individual organisms, is the utilization of mathematical models. Such models are used in a wide variety of ways. Some help us to reason, functioning as aids to, or substitutes for, our own fallible logic, thus making argumentation and thinking clearer. Models which help our reasoning can lead to conceptual clarification; by expressing ideas in algebraic terms, the relationship between different concepts become clearer. Other mathematical models are used to better understand yet more complicated models, or to develop mathematical tools for their analysis. Though helping us to reason and being used as tools in the craftmanship of science, many models do not tell us much about the real biological phenomena we are, at least initially, interested in. The main reason for this is that any mathematical model is a simplification of the real world, reducing the complexity and variety of interactions and idiosynchracies of individual organisms. What such models can tell us, however, both is and has been very valuable throughout the history of ecology and evolution. Minimally, a model simplifying the complex world can tell us that in principle, the patterns produced in a model could also be produced in the real world. We can never know how different a simplified mathematical representation is from the real world, but the similarity models do strive for, gives us confidence that their results could apply. This thesis deals with a variety of different models, used for different purposes. One model deals with how one can measure and analyse invasions; the expanding phase of invasive species. Earlier analyses claims to have shown that such invasions can be a regulated phenomena, that higher invasion speeds at a given point in time will lead to a reduction in speed. Two simple mathematical models show that analysis on this particular measure of invasion speed need not be evidence of regulation. In the context of dispersal evolution, two models acting as proof-of-principle are presented. Parent-offspring conflict emerges when there are different evolutionary optima for adaptive behavior for parents and offspring. We show that the evolution of dispersal distances can entail such a conflict, and that under parental control of dispersal (as, for example, in higher plants) wider dispersal kernels are optimal. We also show that dispersal homeostasis can be optimal; in a setting where dispersal decisions (to leave or stay in a natal patch) are made, strategies that divide their seeds or eggs into fractions that disperse or not, as opposed to randomized for each seed, can prevail. We also present a model of the evolution of bet-hedging strategies; evolutionary adaptations that occur despite their fitness, on average, being lower than a competing strategy. Such strategies can win in the long run because they have a reduced variance in fitness coupled with a reduction in mean fitness, and fitness is of a multiplicative nature across generations, and therefore sensitive to variability. This model is used for conceptual clarification; by developing a population genetical model with uncertain fitness and expressing genotypic variance in fitness as a product between individual level variance and correlations between individuals of a genotype. We arrive at expressions that intuitively reflect two of the main categorizations of bet-hedging strategies; conservative vs diversifying and within- vs between-generation bet hedging. In addition, this model shows that these divisions in fact are false dichotomies.
Ihmisille ympäri maailmaa on tyypillistä valita tiettyjä ruokia suuremmasta valikoimasta syömäkelpoista ruokaa ja luoda mieltymyksiä sekä kieltoja joitakin ruokia kohtaan. Näitä ilmiöitä kutsutaan ruokauskomuksiksi ja ne ovat tärkeä osa kulttuuria. Niiden taustalla on usein terveydelliset perustelut tai sosiaalinen arvostus yhteisössä. Afrikassa on todettu olevan paljon erilaisia ruokauskomuksia, jotka kohdistuvat usein raskaana oleviin ja imettäviin naisiin sekä lapsiin, ryhmään, joka on fysiologisesti erityisen herkässä elämänvaiheessa. Ravitsemustilan tai ruokaturvan ollessa heikko, mahdollisilla ruokauskomuksilla voi olla merkittävät seuraukset erityisesti tämän väestönosan terveydentilaan. Aliravitsemus ja virheravitsemus ovat edelleen suuria ongelmia Afrikassa ja muissa kehittyvissä maissa. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli tutkia laadullisin menetelmin, onko erityisesti raskaana olevilla ja imettävillä naisilla Keski-Mosambikin maaseudulla, Zambézian maakunnassa, ruokauskomuksia, mitä ne mahdollisesti ovat, sekä arvioida voiko ruokauskomuksilla olla ravitsemuksellista merkitystä. Menetelminä oli 5 ryhmähaastattelua kolmessa kylässä ja 10 yksilöhaastattelua kahdessa kylässä. Tutkittavat olivat 12–78-vuotiaita naisia ja heitä oli yhteensä 27. Tulkkaus, tutkimusaiheen sensitiivisyys ja haastattelijan kokemattomuus aiheuttivat haasteita haastatteluiden toteutukseen. Tämän vuoksi menetelmää muokattiin ja se vaihdettiin ryhmähaastattelusta yksilöhaastatteluun tutkimuksen aikana. Ruokauskomukset vaihtelivat sekä kylien välillä että kylien sisällä, joskin niistä löytyi samantyyppisiä pääpiirteitä. Työssä todettiin, että raskaana oleviin ja imettäviin naisiin kohdistui tutkimusalueella ruokauskomuksia. Raskauden aikana tuli välttää pääasiassa proteiinipitoisia ruokia, kuten lihaa ja kalaa ja puolestaan suosia kasvisten, hedelmien ja viljatuotteiden käyttöä. Linnun munien syöntiä sekä suositeltiin että kehotettiin välttämään raskauden aikana. Raskauden aikana ilmeni lisäksi tietoinen tapa vähentää kassavapuuron tai ruuan syömistä kokonaisuudessaan. Imetyksen aikana ei vältetty juuri mitään ruokia, vaan suositeltiin kookosta ja kasviksia. Suurin osa perusteluista liittyi äidin ja lapsen terveyteen. Perustelut voitiin jakaa seuraaviin ryhmiin: lisää äidinmaidon tuotantoa; aiheuttaa vatsakipua äidillä; pitää yllä kuntoa ja estää vatsan kasvua; äidistä tulee vahva, terve ja hän saa vitamiineja; lapsen ulkonäkö muuttuu; lapsesta tulee terve ja vahva; lapsen käyttäytyminen muuttuu; aiheuttaa keskenmenon; aiheuttaa vaikean tai helpon synnytyksen. Ruokauskomukset ja terveysviranomaisilta tullut valistus oli osittain sekoittunut keskenään. Lähes kaikki naiset kertoivat noudattavansa näitä ruokauskomuksia. Muutamat naiset kertoivat suositeltavien ruokien kohdalla, että ruokien saatavuus tekee noudattamisen joskus vaikeaksi. Proteiinipitoisten ruokien välttäminen voi lisätä proteiinialiravitsemuksen riskiä ja syömisen vähentäminen saattaa lisätä riskiä saada riittämättömästi energiaa raskauden aikana. Suositeltavat ruuat todennäköisesti edistävät terveyttä. Tutkielman perusteella voitiin todeta, että vieraassa kulttuurissa tutkiminen vaatii tutkimusmenetelmältä paljon. Tärkeää on menetelmän joustavuus, jotta sitä voi muuttaa tutkimuskentällä toimivampaan ja luotettavampaan muotoon. Johtopäätöksenä todettiin, että suositeltavin menetelmä tutkittaessa ruokauskomuksia tällä tutkimusalueella olisi ollut yksilöhaastattelut, jossa olisi ollut mahdollisimman vähän osallistujia ja osallistujat olisivat olleet samaa sukupuolta ja saman ikäisiä. Terveyden ja ravitsemuksen kannalta on tärkeää, että ruokauskomuksista ollaan tietoisia ja väestön ruokauskomuksia tutkitaan alueittain, koska ne voivat vaihdella merkittävästi jopa kylien tai ihmisryhmien sisällä.
Nevirapine forms the mainstay of our efforts to curtail the pediatric AIDS epidemic through prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV-1. A key limitation, however, is the rapid selection of HIV-1 strains resistant to nevirapine following the administration of a single dose. This rapid selection of resistance suggests that nevirapine-resistant strains preexist in HIV-1 patients and may adversely affect outcomes of treatment. The frequencies of nevirapine-resistant strains in vivo, however, remain poorly estimated, possibly because they exist as a minority below current assay detection limits. Here, we employ stochastic simulations and a mathematical model to estimate the frequencies of strains carrying different combinations of the common nevirapine resistance mutations K103N, V106A, Y181C, Y188C, and G190A in chronically infected HIV-1 patients naive to nevirapine. We estimate the relative fitness of mutant strains from an independent analysis of previous competitive growth assays. We predict that single mutants are likely to preexist in patients at frequencies (similar to 0.01% to 0.001%) near or below current assay detection limits (>0.01%), emphasizing the need for more-sensitive assays. The existence of double mutants is subject to large stochastic variations. Triple and higher mutants are predicted not to exist. Our estimates are robust to variations in the recombination rate, cellular superinfection frequency, and the effective population size. Thus, with 10(7) to 10(8) infected cells in HIV-1 patients, even when undetected, nevirapine-resistant genomes may exist in substantial numbers and compromise efforts to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV-1, accelerate the failure of subsequent antiretroviral treatments, and facilitate the transmission of drug resistance.
Altruism is defined as any behaviour that lowers the Darwinian fitness of the actor while increasing that of the recipient. Such altruism (especially in the form of lifetime sterility exhibited by sterile workers in eusocial insects such as ants, bees, wasps and termites) has long been considered a major difficulty for the theory of natural selection. In the 1960s W. D. Hamilton potentially solved this problem by defining a new measure of fitness that he called inclusive fitness, which also included the effect of an individual's action on the fitness of genetic relatives. This has come to be known as inclusive fitness theory, Hamilton's rule or kin selection. E. O. Wilson almost single-handedly popularized this new approach in the 1970s and thus helped create a large body of new empirical research and a large community of behavioural ecologists and kin selectionists. Adding thrill and drama to our otherwise sombre lives, Wilson is now leading a frontal attack on Hamilton's approach, claiming that the inclusive fitness theory is not as mathematically general as the standard natural selection theory, has led to no additional biological insights and should therefore be abandoned. The world cannot but sit up and take notice.
Physical inactivity has become a major threat to public health worldwide. The Finnish health and welfare policies emphasize that the working population should maintain good health and functioning until their normal retirement age and remain in good health and independence later in life. Health behaviours like physical activity potentially play an important role in reaching this target as physical activity contributes to better physical fitness and to reduced risk of major chronic diseases. The aim of this study was to examine first whether the volume and intensity of leisure-time physical activity impacts on subsequent physical health functioning, sickness absence and disability retirement. The second aim was to examine changes in leisure-time physical activity of moderate and vigorous intensity after transition to retirement. This study is part of the ongoing Helsinki Health Study. The baseline data were collected by questionnaires in 2000 - 02 among the employees of the City of Helsinki aged 40 to 60. The follow-up survey data were collected in 2007. Data on sickness absence were obtained from the employer s (City of Helsinki) sickness absence registers and pension data were obtained from the Finnish Centre for Pensions. Leisure-time physical activity was measured in four grades of intensity and classified according to physical activity recommendations considering both the volume and intensity of physical activity. Statistical techniques including analysis of covariance, logistic regression, Cox proportional hazards models and Poisson regression were used. Employees who were vigorously active during leisure time especially had better physical health functioning than those physically inactive. High physical activity in particular contributed to the maintenance of good physical health functioning. High physical activity also reduced the risk of subsequent sickness absences as well as the risk of all-cause disability retirement and retirement due to musculoskeletal and mental causes. Among those transferred to old-age retirement moderate-intensity leisure-time physical activity increased on average by more than half an hour per week and in addition the occurrence of physical inactivity reduced. Such changes were not observed among those remained employed and those transferred to disability retirement. This prospective cohort study provided novel results on the effects of leisure-time physical activity on health related functioning and changes in leisure-time physical activity after retirement. Although the benefits of moderate-intensity physical activity for health are well known these results suggest the importance of vigorous physical activity for subsequent health related functioning. Thus vigorous physical activity to enhance fitness should be given more emphasis from a public health perspective. In addition, physical activity should be encouraged among those who are about to retire.
For a population made up of individuals capable of sexual as well as asexual modes of reproduction, conditions for the spread of a transposable element are explored using a one-locus, two-haplotype model. The analysis is then extended to include the possibility that the transposable element can modulate the probability of sexual reproduction, thus casting Hickey’s (1982,Genetics 101: 519–531) suggestion in a population genetics framework. The model explicitly includes the cost of sexual reproduction, fitness disadvantage to the transposable element, probability of transposition, and the predisposition for sexual reproduction in the presence and absence of the transposable element. The model predicts several kinds of outcome, including initial frequency dependence and stable polymorphism. More importantly, it is seen that for a wide range of parameter values, the transposable element can go to fixation. Therefore it is able to convert the population from a predominantly asexual to a predominantly sexual mode of reproduction. Viewed in conjunction with recent results implicating short stretches of apparently non-coding DNA in sex determination (McCoubreyet al. 1988,Science 242: 1146–1151), the model hints at the important role this mechanism could have played in the evolution of sexuality.
We explore three possible pathways for the evolution of genomic imprinting. (1) Imprinting may be advantageous in itself when imprinted and unimprinted alleles of a locus confer different phenotypes. If a segment of DNA is imprinted in the gametes of one sex but not in those of the other, it might lead to effects correlated with sexual dimorphism. More fundamentally, in certain organisms, sex determination might have evolved because of imprinting. When imprinting leads to chromosome elimination or inactivation and occurs in some embryos but not in others, two classes of embryos, differing in the number of functional gene copies, would result. A model for sex determination based on inequality in the actual or effective copy-number of particular noncoding, regulatory sequences of DNA has been proposed (Chandra, Proc. natn. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 82. 1165–1169 and 6947–6949, 1985). Maternal control of offspring sex is another possible consequence of imprinting; this would indicate a potential role for imprinting in sex ratio evolution. (2) Genes responsible for imprinting may have pleiotropic effects and they may have been selected for reasons other than their imprinting ability. Lack of evidence precludes further consideration of this possibility. (3) Imprinting could have co-evolved with other traits. For instance, gamete-specific imprinting could lead to a lowered fitness of androgenetic or gynogenetic diploids relative to the fitness of ‘normal’ diploids. This in turn would reinforce the evolution of anisogamy. The reversibility of imprinting raises the possibility of occasional incomplete or improper erasure. If the site of imprinting is the egg – as appears to be the case with the human X (Chandra and Brown, Nature 253. 165–168, 1975) – either improper imprinting or improper erasure could lead to unusual patterns of inheritance (as in the fragile-X syndrome) or fitness effects skipping generations.
The ability of a population to shift from one adaptive peak to another was examined for a two-locus model with different degrees of assortative mating, selection, and linkage. As expected, if the proportion of the population that mates assortatively increases, so does its ability to shift to a new peak. Assortative mating affects this process by allowing the mean fitness of a population to increase monotonically as it passes through intermediate gene frequencies on the way to a new, higher, homozygotic peak. Similarly, if the height of the new peak increases or selection against intermediates becomes less severe, the population becomes more likely to shift to a new peak. Close linkage also helps the shift to a new adaptive peak and acts similarly to assortative mating, but it is not necessary for such a shift as was previously thought. When a population shifts to a new peak, the number of generations required is significantly less than that needed to return to the original peak when that happens. The short period of time required may be an explanation for rapid changes in the geological record. Under extremely high degrees of assortative mating, the shift takes longer, presumably because of the difficulty of breaking up less favored allelic combinations.
1. Habitat selection is a universal aspect of animal ecology that has important fitness consequences and may drive patterns of spatial organisation in ecological communities. 2. Measurements of habitat selection have mostly been carried out on single species and at the landscape level. Quantitative studies examining microhabitat selection at the community level are scarce, especially in insects. 3. In this study, microhabitat selection in a natural assemblage of cricket species was examined for the first time using resource selection functions (RSF), an approach more commonly applied in studies of macrohabitat selection. 4. The availability and differential use of six microhabitats by 13 species of crickets inhabiting a tropical evergreen forest in southern India was examined. The six available microhabitats included leaf litter-covered ground, tree trunks, dead logs, brambles, understorey and canopy foliage. The area offered by the six microhabitats was estimated using standard methods of forest structure measurement. Of the six microhabitats, the understorey and canopy accounted for approximately 70% of the total available area. 5. The use of different microhabitats by the 13 species was investigated using acoustic sampling of crickets to locate calling individuals. Using RSF, it was found that of 13 cricket species examined, 10 showed 100% selection for a specific microhabitat. Of these, two species showed fairly high selection for brambles and dead logs, which were rare microhabitats, highlighting the importance of preserving all components of forest structure.
Competition between seeds within a fruit for parental resources is described using one-locus-two-allele models. While a �normal� allele leads to an equitable distribution of resources between seeds (a situation which also corresponds to the parental optimum), the �selfish� allele is assumed to cause the seed carrying it to usurp a higher proportion of the resources. The outcome of competition between �selfish� alleles is also assumed to lead to an asymmetric distribution of resources, the �winner� being chosen randomly. Conditions for the spread of an initially rare selfish allele and the optimal resource allocation corresponding to the evolutionarily stable strategy, derived for species with n-seeded fruits, are in accordance with expectations based on Hamilton�s inclusive fitness criteria. Competition between seeds is seen to be most intense when there are only two seeds, and decreases with increasing number of seeds, suggesting that two-seeded fruits would be rarer than one-seeded or many-seeded ones. Available data from a large number of plant species are consistent with this prediction of the model.
For a one-locus selection model, Svirezhev introduced an integral variational principle by defining a Lagrangian which remained stationary on the trajectory followed by the population undergoing selection. It is shown here (i) that this principle can be extended to multiple loci in some simple cases and (ii) that the Lagrangian is defined by a straightforward generalization of the one-locus case, but (iii) that in two-locus or more general models there is no straightforward extension of this principle if linkage and epistasis are present. The population trajectories can be constructed as trajectories of steepest ascent in a Riemannian metric space. A general method is formulated to find the metric tensor and the surface-in the metric space on which the trajectories, which characterize the variations in the gene structure of the population, lie. The local optimality principle holds good in such a space. In the special case when all possible linkage disequilibria are zero, the phase point of the n-locus genetic system moves on the surface of the product space of n higher dimensional unit spheres in a certain Riemannian metric space of gene frequencies so that the rate of change of mean fitness is maximum along the trajectory. In the two-locus case the corresponding surface is a hyper-torus.
Inspired by the demonstration that tool-use variants among wild chimpanzees and orangutans qualify as traditions (or cultures), we developed a formal model to predict the incidence of these acquired specializations among wild primates and to examine the evolution of their underlying abilities. We assumed that the acquisition of the skill by an individual in a social unit is crucially controlled by three main factors, namely probability of innovation, probability of socially biased learning, and the prevailing social conditions (sociability, or number of potential experts at close proximity). The model reconfirms the restriction of customary tool use in wild primates to the most intelligent radiation, great apes; the greater incidence of tool use in more sociable populations of orangutans and chimpanzees; and tendencies toward tool manufacture among the most sociable monkeys. However, it also indicates that sociable gregariousness is far more likely to produce the maintenance of invented skills in a population than solitary life, where the mother is the only accessible expert. We therefore used the model to explore the evolution of the three key parameters. The most likely evolutionary scenario is that where complex skills contribute to fitness, sociability and/or the capacity for socially biased learning increase, whereas innovative abilities (i.e., intelligence) follow indirectly. We suggest that the evolution of high intelligence will often be a byproduct of selection on abilities for socially biased learning that are needed to acquire important skills, and hence that high intelligence should be most common in sociable rather than solitary organisms. Evidence for increased sociability during hominin evolution is consistent with this new hypothesis. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Infection of the skin or throat by Streptococcus dysgalactiae subspecies equisimilis (SDSE) may result in a number of human diseases. To understand mechanisms that give rise to new genetic variants in this species, we used multi-locus sequence typing (MLST) to characterise relationships in the SDSE population from India, a country where streptococcal disease is endemic. The study revealed Indian SDSE isolates have sequence types (STs) predominantly different to those reported from other regions of the world. Emm-ST combinations in India are also largely unique. Split decomposition analysis, the presence of emm-types in unrelated clonal complexes, and analysis of phylogenetic trees based on concatenated sequences all reveal an extensive history of recombination within the population. The ratio of recombination to mutation (r/m) events (11:1) and per site r/m ratio (41:1) in this population is twice as high as reported for SDSE from non-endemic regions. Recombination involving the emm-gene is also more frequent than recombination involving housekeeping genes, consistent with diversification of M proteins offering selective advantages to the pathogen. Our data demonstrate that genetic recombination in endemic regions is more frequent than non-endemic regions, and gives rise to novel local SDSE variants, some of which may have increased fitness or pathogenic potential.