966 resultados para CONSULTATION-LIAISON
Objective: To assess the appropriateness of ipratropium bromide prescribing in two tertiary referral hospitals. Method: Criteria for optimal use were developed based on current literature and modified after consultation with respiratory physicians and clinical pharmacists. A prospective review of prescribing was performed over a 2-month period to assess conformity to these criteria. Results: Information was collected from 84 patients; 5% were receiving inhalers and 96% nebuliser therapy (one patient used both). 77% of patients (n = 65) had a principal diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 14% (n = 12) asthma and 8% (n = 7) had neither diagnosis. 75% of patients were using ipratropium outside the guidelines. The major areas where the guidelines were not met were a lack of therapeutic justification, use of inappropriate doses, and use of an inappropriate delivery device. Feedback and educational interventions were designed and delivered based on the data obtained. Conclusions: There was widespread use of ipratropium outside the developed guidelines. Interventions in specific areas could lead to significant improvements in the use of this high cost drug
This study evaluated the effectiveness of a teacher-implemented intervention package designed to replace prelinguistic behaviors with functional communication. Four young children with autism participated in a multiple-probe design across three communicative functions. Initially, three existing communication functions were selected for each child. Next, the existing prelinguistic behaviors that the children used to achieve these functions were identified. Replacement forms that were considered more recognizable and symbolic were defined to achieve these same functions. After a baseline phase, teachers received inservice training, consultation, and feedback on how to encourage, acknowledge, and respond to the replacement forms. During intervention, the replacement forms increased and prelinguistic behaviors decreased in most cases. The results suggested that the teacher-implemented intervention was effective in replacing prelinguistic behaviors with alternative forms of functional communication.
There is a surprising lack of published experience on the use of videoconferencing in clinical genetics. Patients were randomly allocated to either a telegenetic (cases) or face-to-face (control) conventional clinic. The telegenetic consultation was done by videoconferencing, using ISDN lines at 384 kbit/s. Evaluation by the doctor and counsellor took place immediately after each appointment. The patient was asked to evaluate the appointment by telephone questionnaire about four weeks after the event. Forty-two patients were invited to participate and 33 (79%) returned their consent forms. Four patients declined to participate and were seen in ordinary face-to-face clinics. Preliminary results showed that the assessment of the telegenetics consultations by doctors, counsellors and patients was very favourable, and they responded positively when asked if they would be happy to use telemedicine in the future. For use in selected consultations, videoconferencing does appear to fulfil a useful role in clinical genetics.
We developed a general model to assess patient activity within the primary and secondary health-care sectors following a dermatology outpatient consultation. Based on observed variables from the UK teledermatology trial, the model showed that up to 11 doctor-patient interactions occurred before a patient was ultimately discharged from care. In a cohort of 1000 patients, the average number of health-care visits was 2.4 (range 1-11). Simulation analysis suggested that the most important parameter affecting the total number of doctor-patient Interactions is patient discharge from care following the initial consultation. This implies that resources should be concentrated in this area. The introduction of teledermatology (either realtime or store and forward) changes the values of the model parameters. The model provides a quantitative tool for planning the future provision of dermatology health-care.
A randomized controlled trial was carried out to measure the societal costs of realtime teledermatology compared with those of conventional hospital care in New Zealand. Two rural health centres were linked to a specialist hospital via ISDN at 128 kbit/s. Over 10 months, 203 patients were referred for a specialist dermatological consultation and 26 were followed up, giving a total of 229 consultations. Fifty-four per cent were randomized to the teledermatology consultation and 46% to the conventional hospital consultation. A cost-minimization analysis was used to calculate the total costs of both types of dermatological consultation. The total cost of the 123 teledermatology consultations was NZ$34,346 and the total cost of the 106 conventional hospital consultations was NZ$30,081. The average societal cost of the teledermatology consultation was therefore NZ$279.23 compared with NZ$283.79 for the conventional hospital consultation. The marginal cost of seeing an additional patient was NZ$135 via teledermatology and NZ$284 via conventional hospital appointment. From a societal viewpoint, and assuming an equal outcome, teledermatology was a more cost-efficient use of resources than conventional hospital care.
A randomized controlled trial was carried out to measure the cost-effectiveness of realtime teledermatology compared with conventional outpatient dermatology care for patients from urban and rural areas. One urban and one rural health centre were linked to a regional hospital in Northern Ireland by ISDN at 128 kbit/s. Over two years, 274 patients required a hospital outpatient dermatology referral -126 patients (46%) were randomized to a telemedicine consultation and 148 (54%) to a conventional hospital outpatient consultation. Of those seen by telemedicine, 61% were registered with an urban practice, compared with 71% of those seen conventionally. The clinical outcomes of the two types of consultation were similar - almost half the patients were managed after a single consultation with the dermatologist. The observed marginal cost per patient of the initial realtime teledermatology consultation was f52.85 for those in urban areas and f59.93 per patient for those from rural areas. The observed marginal cost of the initial conventional consultation was f47.13 for urban patients and f48.77 for rural patients. The total observed costs of teledermatology were higher than the costs of conventional care in both urban and rural areas, mainly because of the fixed equipment costs. Sensitivity analysis using a real-world scenario showed that in urban areas the average costs of the telemedicine and conventional consultations were about equal, while in rural areas the average cost of the telemedicine consultation was less than that of the conventional consultation.
Objective-To test the hypothesis that telemedicine for new patient referrals to neurological outpatients is as efficient and acceptable as conventional face to face consultation. Methods-A randomised controlled trial between two groups: face to face (FF) and telemedicine (TM). This study was carried out between a neurological centre and outlying clinics at two distant hospitals linked by identical medium cost commercial interactive video conferencing equipment with ISDN lines transmitting information at 384 kbits/s. The same two neurologists carried out both arms of the study. Of the 168 patients who were suitable for the study, 86 were randomised into the telemedicine group and 82 into the face to face group. Outcome measures were (I) consultation process: (a) number of investigations; (b) number of drugs prescribed; (c) number of patient reviews and (2) patient satisfaction: (a) confidence in consultation; (b) technical aspects of consultation; (c) aspects surrounding confidentiality. Diagnostic categories were also measured to check equivalence between the groups: these were structural neurological, structural non-neurological, nonstructural, and uncertain. Results-Diagnostic categories were similar (p>0.5) between the two groups. Patients in the telemedicine group had significantly more investigations (p=0.001). There was no difference in the number of drugs prescribed (p>0.5). Patients were generally satisfied with both types of consultation process except for concerns about confidentiality and embarrassment in the telemedicine group (p=0.017 and p=0.005 respectively). Conclusion-Telemedicine for new neurological outpatients is possible and feasible but generates more investigations and is less well accepted than face to face examination.
A randomized controlled trial was conducted to compare the costs of realtime teleneurology with the cost of conventional neurological care. Two district hospitals in Northern Ireland were equipped with videoconferencing units and were connected to the regional neurological centre by ISDN at 384 kbit/s. Of 168 patients randomized to the study, 141 kept their appointments (76 male, 65 female). Sixty-five patients were randomized to a conventional consultation while 76 were randomized to a teleconsultation. The average age was 44 years of those seen conventionally and 42 years of those seen by telemedicine. The groups had similar diagnoses. The telemedicine group required more investigations and reviews than the conventional group. The average cost of the conventional consultation was pound 49 compared with pound 72 for the teleconsultation. Realtime teleneurology was not as cost-effective as conventional care.
A feasibility study was carried out to test the hypothesis that, for an effective telehealth service, a full-time coordinator is required to act as a single point of contact for consultation requests. By shifting the responsibility for telepaediatrics from the referrer to the provider, the telehealth process becomes equally (or more) attractive as the conventional alternative. Preliminary results showed that, within six months, telepaediatric activity increased to an average of 8 h per month. Not only did certain health services become more accessible to children and their families in remote areas of Queensland, but significant savings were also made. At least 12 patient transfers were avoided to and from the tertiary facility, with an estimated minimum saving of $18,000 to the health-care provider.
A national survey of mental health telemedicine programmes was conducted and data collected on their catchment areas, organizational structure, equipment, clinical and non-clinical activity, and use by populations who traditionally have been poorly served by mental health services in Australia. Of 25 programmes surveyed, information was obtained for 23. Sixteen programmes had dealt with a total of 526 clients during the preceding three months. Of these, 397 (75%) were resident in rural or remote locations at the time of consultation. Thirty-seven (7%) were Aboriginals or Torres Strait Islanders. Only 19 (4%) were migrants from non-English-speaking backgrounds. The programmes provided both direct clinical and secondary support services. Overall, the number of videoconferencing sessions devoted to clinical activity was low, the average being 123 sessions of direct clinical care per programme per year. Videoconferencing was also used for professional education, peer support., professional supervision, administration and linking families. The results of the study suggest that telehealth can increase access to mental health services for people in rural and remote areas, particularly those who have hitherto been poorly served by mental health services in Australia.
In July 1999, the Swinfen Charitable Trust in the UK established a telemedicine link in Bangladesh, between the Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed (CRP) in Dhaka and medical consultants abroad. This low-cost telemedicine system used a digital camera to capture still images, which were then transmitted by email. During the first 12 months, 27 telemedicine referrals were made. The following specialties were consulted: neurology (44%), orthopaedics (40%), rheumatology (8%), nephrology (4%) and paediatrics (4%). Initial email replies were received at the CRP within a day of referral in 70% of cases and within thee days in 100%, which shows that store-and-forward telemedicine can be both fast and reliable. Telemedicine consultation was complete within three days in 14 cases (52%) and within three weeks in 24 cases (89%). Referral was judged to be beneficial in 24 cases (89%), the benefits including establishment of the diagnosis, the provision of reassurance to the patient and referring doctor, and a change of management. Four patients (15% of the total) and their families were spared the considerable expense and unnecessary stress of travelling abroad for a second opinion, and the savings from this alone outweighed the set-up and running costs in Bangladesh. The latter are limited to an email account with an Internet service provider and the local-rate telephone call charges from the CRP. This successful telemedicine system is a model for further telemedicine projects in the developing world.
Background: An orthopaedic management/patient-focused care unit (OMPFCU) involving a dedicated orthopaedic-geriatrics liaison team was established at the Royal Brisbane Hospital in 1994 in an effort to safely accelerate rehabilitation of patients with proximal femoral fractures. Methods: The surgical outcomes of the patients were monitored in order to determine whether accelerated rehabilitation had any significant adverse effects on the surgical outcomes, measured by mortality, readmission to hospital, deep wound infection, fracture union delay, mobility and the revision surgery rate. Results: No significant difference was recorded in mortality and morbidity, deep wound infection and revision surgery rates between patients in the Royal Brisbane Hospital OMPFCU and those in standard care in the orthopaedic surgery wards. Conclusion: Accelerated rehabilitation for patients with a proximal femoral fracture in a major teaching hospital can be accomplished safely.
The financial and personal burden of chronic cardiac disease is high. Costs are likely to increase over the next few decades. Promising applications of telehealth have appeared in the diagnosis and management of cardiac disease and there are indications that telehealth services can improve the management of chronic cardiac disease as well as extend services to remote and rural populations. Telehealth has been applied to the capture of symptoms of cardiac disease with electrocardiography and echocardiography, to the management and rehabilitation of recently discharged patients, and in peer-to-peer consultation where remote expertise can facilitate diagnosis. Telehealth promises cost reductions in service delivery, although there is a need for properly controlled cost-effectiveness trials to underpin telehealth with a firm evidence base.
If the Internet could be used as a method of transmitting ultrasound images taken in the field quickly and effectively, it would bring tertiary consultation to even extremely remote centres. The aim of the study was to evaluate the maximum degree of compression of fetal ultrasound video-recordings that would not compromise signal quality. A digital fetal ultrasound videorecording of 90 s was produced, resulting in a file size of 512 MByte. The file was compressed to 2, 5 and 10 MByte. The recordings were viewed by a panel of four experienced observers who were blinded to the compression ratio used. Using a simple seven-point scoring system, the observers rated the quality of the clip on 17 items. The maximum compression ratio that was considered clinically acceptable was found to be 1:50-1:100. This produced final file sizes of 5-10 MByte, corresponding to a screen size of 320 x 240 pixels, running at 15 frames/s. This study expands the possibilities for providing tertiary perinatal services to the wider community.
We have established a realtime fetal tele-ultrasound consultation service in Queensland, which has been integrated into our routine clinical practice, The service, which uses ISDN transmission at 384 kbit/s, allows patients in Townsville to be examined by subspecialists in Brisbane, 1500 km away. For the 90 tele-ultrasound consultations performed for the first 71 patients, 90% of the babies have been delivered, and outcome data have been received on all the pregnancies. All significant anomalies and diagnoses have been confirmed. The referring clinicians would have physically referred 24 of the 71 patients to Brisbane in the absence of telemedicine. A crude cost-benefit calculation suggests that the tele-ultrasound service resulted in a net saving of A$6340, and at the same time enabled almost four times the number of consultations to be carried out.