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The study theme is the Rural Familiar House Program (RFHP), through the Rural Familiar House of Uruará-PA city (URFH), from 2000 to 2005. It is considered as base the education offered to the field young people, in the modality of basic education by alternation methodology between the Familiar and School Times in the two first from 5th to 8th grade classrooms. From the argument about the understanding importance and need of knowledge transmission and construction to be established in the inter-section between general references of the social reality and the subjective ones. It constitutes an educative work that both values domain of knowing and the creative capacity of each pupil. Considering that the greatest aim of the education is the human being emancipation, this thematic for the development of the documentary and field research was defined with the delimitated thematic for the educative practice-proposal in alternation, choosing the Program of the RFHs as the reference to carry out an analysis which considered fruitful in the articulation between education and educative work. This study had the objective to contribute for the debate concerning the alternation and to understand presuposals and educative practice of the RFHs what its importance for the young people and its relation with the field educational policy. For this, it was used, mainly, from analytical references of authors, such as Williams, Gramsci, Adorno, Freire, Shiva, Soares, Molina, Tonet, et. all, all were also important for the construction of this work. The studied documentary sources, as well as the verbal ones the actors also interviewed had allowed, in irreplaceable way and significantly, a critical analysis on the pedagogical proposals and the articulation among school, familiar work and education, which was carried out in the formation of URFH, the sessions of alternation between Time School and Time Family. The results are scored with the chapter construction, as they had presented themselves in several sources and the reading which was made. A reading that signals for the affirmation which is possible to overtake the emphasis on technicality, mediated in the practice-theory-practice relation, still present in the alternation, and, thus, to be able to make an educative work that intends to contribute for the young people education with capacity of being, thinking and to act actually as subjects of their history


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The present study describes theoretical practical relationships between development and application of activities in Mathematics education. It s proposed a methodological approach to Mathematics in the first grade of Ensino Médio, supported by an experiment involving Irrational Numbers education by using constructive activities, applied obeying an educational sequence. Constructivism is used as an important theoretical reference in teaching learning process of Mathematics. The methodological intervention was done with two classes of students of the first grade of Ensino Médio, in two public schools, a state one and a federal one, located on the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. The development, application and testing of the activities used on this experiment led us to think more profoundly about the value of constructivism ideas and understand that the use of activities that obey an educational sequence favors the learning. It s also discussed the research results, commented on a way to contribute to the advances of the proposal and it s more constant use. The participation and testing of the students were analyzed and judged using Skemp s Instrumental Understanding and Relational Understanding concepts. The results of the research were considered good, so we believe this methodological intervention can be used more frequently in the classes of Ensino Médio and also be applied to teachers in courses of initial education and continuous formation


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Presenta un estudio acerca de las prácticas educativas en las escuelas ancladas a la utilización de los medios de comunicación y tecnologías educativas. Pretende dar a conocer, como los medios tecnológicos se constituyen en la actualidad, más precisamente en la educación. Como sujetos sociales, los niños de la investigación usan esos medios. Trata los problemas relacionados con las formas de ver el lugar de la vida de los niños, mediado por las herramientas técnicas, campos técnicos de varios idiomas. La investigación plantea una discusión de cómo podemos promover un encuentro de las prácticas escolares educativas mediados por la tecnología, aplicadas al contexto educativo y la experiencia de los estudiantes. La posible respuesta a cómo el maestro puede replantearse su papel como educador y tratar de construir, junto con el alumno, los conocimientos de manera significativa


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The networks terminology has been growing in different meanings, in which emergent structures coming from one not so recently typology aquired, in the 90 s, fluid shapes impelled by waves without borders of the New Information and Communication Technologies. Ever since, the pattern and the morphology are being multiply and strengthen. With this backdrop, this study deals with the Education for Environment Networks, as a political and social, educative and cultural alternative intervention, as an answer for some contemporary demands. But what are these networks? In wich way they organize themselves to germinate political actions? Where is the core of these actions? What are their limits or potentialities? These are some of the questions that are presented along the study proposed. Therefore, we have in view to unveil the network social and environmental pedagogic dimension, as an alternative proposal towards to the planetary cintzenship formation for persons and coletivity. The study employs the exploration reasearch as the analysis of the organizational reference basis and the dinamics of conections that support the dialogue among the groups that belong to the Education for Environment Networks. We conclude that the networks overcome themselves as a powerfull tool to articulate and moblize people. They establish a potential pedagogic act for political and social intervention, as an alternative proposal for the citizen formation and his world vision. We sinalize that the networks are sometimes limited by the poorness of knowledge that still remains on those who find themselves twisted on them, and on the decreasing optics by those who are absent.


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This research was conducted at the Post Graduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. It had the aim to understand the spatial conception associated with the pedagogical action. It promoted a historical-scientific approach to concepts of space to emphasize the spatiality from the geographical and educational theoretical referential. In it empiria situated in a university student universe, has utilized a quantitative measuring instrument as a subsidy to a qualitative dialogical analysis. It showed a synthetic framework arising from the interaction and the reflection focused into problems, challenges and potential of a pedagogical vision that considers the spatiality of teaching education. It seeks to promote delineations of paths pedagogical to a integrate approach of heterotopic space conception, as a necessary critical condition to the appropriation of social reality without doing the epistemological dichotomy, enhancing it signification to the learning academic teaching ambience; as well the scientific and teaching formation in the geography course


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The present study had the purpose of examining the disabled children s way of playing on everyday situations in the CMEIs (acronym in Portuguese for City s Early Childhood Education Center ) of Natal/RN, by watching and listening to three children and their teachers, trying to understand how the games existent in these contexts involve the different subjects of the learning process, and which contributions emerge for a valuable pedagogic work, capable of providing the children s inclusion in the Early Childhood Education. This qualitative investigation was built as a case study, collecting data through watching and interviews. Throughout the observations, it was indispensable to look into the different contexts of the school routine, to capture and analyze events that could answer to what was being studied. The accessibility conditions of the school spaces were also observed. The interviews made possible to extract from the subjects what they think and how they perceive themselves when playing. The acquired data were analyzed having as counterparts contemporary studies and theories about playing, childhood and school inclusion, and published documents from the Education and Culture Department that treat of this theme as the guiding axis of the pedagogic proposes aimed to the Early Childhood Education. The revelations of the research show that is necessary to put effort on the disabled children s playing inside the context of the Early Childhood Education, regarding the accomplishment of accessibility laws that treat of school spaces and providing of equipment and resources that respect those children s characteristics, as well as providing opportunities for initial and continued training for the teachers, under the perspective of inclusive education and playing


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To think about a school that is for everyone has been a challenge for many people connected to education worldwide demanding from researchers of each level of knowledge an association to such effort. The study presented on this paper unites itself to the voices, movements and researches of these scholars, seeking to contribute on building possibilities on which mathematics can be thought and worked on schools in order for every student to learn, whether they have some sort of deficiency, disorders, syndromes or not. This essay has the goal to investigate the possibilities of inclusive pedagogical practices mediated by math games with rules, developed and used throughout the Universal Design perspective; a qualitative research took place with a collaborative methodology that involved managers, teachers and students from a public school situated on the city of Natal/Brazil. On the investigation math games with rules were developed and made according to the Universal Design concept, starting from initial studies which articulated theoretical groundings to the reality of school and the teacher s conceptions. After that, classes using these tools were planned collectively which oriented inclusive pedagogical practices of classes from the 1st to the 4th year of elementary school. Throughout the process many instruments such as: tape recording, video footages, notes from the researcher; the teachers and the students were used for constant work evaluation and also to record the research data. In the end, the data indicated effective contributions of the mediated pedagogical practices by games with rules under the perspective of Universal Design for Inclusive Mathematics Education


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This work is the result of a set of experiences and reflections on teaching in kindergarten and, in particular, the issues raised by first experiences as a teacher and how these issues were being gradually answered from the experience in a school . Guided by these experiences and studies of Oliveira-Formosinho (2002) on the training of kindergarten teachers in the school context, among others as: Barreto, Kuhlmann Jr. (1998), Vasconcelos et. al. (2000); Nóvoa (1992, 1995), Moita (1995), Freire (1996), Tardif (2002, 2009) Kramer (2005) and Hargreaves, Fullan (2000), built as study questions: what situations become in the context of professional training at an institution of early childhood education? Which subjects who took part? How involved? From this perspective the goal of our work is a: to investigate, from the perspective of teachers a public kindergarten, situations of professional interaction that become the context of teacher education. The research took the principles of qualitative approach and an intrinsic case study (STAKE, 1998), whose locus was a Municipal Center for Early Childhood Education, so defined by their peculiarities for training faculty in the context of practice. We built the data with a group of nine teachers CMEI this by conducting a questionnaire, interviews and document analysis. Data analysis, guided by the principles of content analysis, allowed to note that beyond the initial training and personnel, the school context contributes to its fundamental training for teachers of kindergarten, whereas their specificities. We conclude by confirming that systematic and unsystematic in situations developed in the school routine, interaction with peers and other members of the school, the teachers take ownership of specific knowledge specific to teaching in kindergarten


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This paper deals with sport as a possibility of disclosing the sensible, and defends the idea that being a sportsperson equals living an aesthetic and educative experience in which one can interacts with the sensible by the athletic body s reverberation of sensations in the dimension of the experienced. We try to answer, in our work, basically three questions: what moves the athlete when practicing a sport? Which are the meanings and motivations for the practice of sports? At what measure the athlete s experience gains an educational character? Sport is debated in this work as an extension of the living, as long as it tries to understand the meanings inherent to sport itself as well as to the sportive experience as a kind of education. In support of our argument, we give a theoretic and philosophical approach to our thesis, based on thinkers like Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Walter Benjamin, Marcel Mauss and Friedrich Schiller. For this purpose, we get support on the phenomenology of the French philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Our reference is the living world of the athlete and his experience as a field of the sensible. Our point of departure is the analysis of the narratives of sport experiences, including five aesthetic elements; time and space of the body in the sports courts; the look on the sportive context; the contact with the adversary; victory and defeat; the technical gesture. Besides it, we worked out an aesthetic evaluation of the movies Olympia and Invictus , what let us discuss three thematic categories: sensibility, emotions and the play paradox. Subsequently, we point sport as an optimizer of the sensible education, present on the body s processes, like the body in movement. It was also made clear along this paper that we tried to accomplish an analysis on sports centered in the athlete s body as an outfit of the senses to things related to the sensible, whose aesthetic experience overpasses any deterministic conception that should sum up the sportive world to mercantilization, discipline practices and mechanicism. This approach franchises gateways to a Physical Education which, containing sports as one of its support, let pupils enjoy the pleasure of constructing common objectives, incorporating the capacity of replicating, re-making and playing as a field of possibilities offered by an education characterized as being moving, sensible and fitful to a body in movement


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This research has as its object of study practiced in the daily curriculum of Youth and Adults in their midst and considered discussion of the concepts of knowledge as regulation and emancipation. The camp of our research relates to the knowing / doing the teachers of this modality of education, in the Escola Centro Educacional Dr. Amorim-CEPA, the city of Assú/RN and is articulated to the emerging desire to understand how cooperating teachers have thought, organized and practiced the curriculum in order to consider the many complex situations that are present in everyday school life. Our tour was guided by the need to study the relationship between the regulated curriculum and practiced in everyday adult education, as well as to understand, from the knowing / doing of the teachers, the conceptions that guide their teaching practices and, therefore, reflect on this Reality curriculum in order to better signify then. In this sense, we turn to the fundamentals of qualitative research, adopting the procedures of documentary research, participant observation and semi-structured interview, which allowed us to enter a universe of complex dimensions, senses, and that add significant difference, because the forms of use of various practitioners are and unique, in that enroll in school life and define their brand identities. The predominance of a traditional teaching practice nature by a process of training and teaching experience, the lines of flight, volatilities and inventiveness promoted by the circumstances of everyday life are some of the conclusions we draw from the data collected. This reality, we infer that the practice of teachers varies between regulation and emancipation, being this time, many challenges to be faced, namely the process of continuing education, the conceptual understanding of the subject curriculum and the existence of relational different knowing / doing produced, used and created in/from the school routine of Youth and Adults


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This paper treats confessional printings as a non formal space for the female education. It reflects on the importance of the woman s role to the diffusion of Protestantism in general, and its Presbyterian trend in particular, besides commenting on the proliferation of printings at the First Republic and its relation with education. In this study, Brazilian Northeastern is seen as a relevant space to the diffusion of Protestantism in Brazil; especially on what concerns the relations between Rio Grande do Norte and Pernambuco. Thereby some fountains were fundamental, as the confessional printings, that is, newspapers, magazines, prospects and other materials recollected in archives located in Natal/RN and Recife/PE, and São Paulo. It was also provided a brief incursion on Portuguese confessional printings kept in Oporto, PT. New Cultural History was chosen as theoretic-methodological guide, franchising ways inside the history of book and reading with the help of concepts like Interdependence, Social Configuration (ELIAS, 1993, 1994) and Representation (CHARTIER, 1990), considering that the survey worked out culture-manufactured products that is, intentional materials. It is well known that publishing, or better, the dissemination of printed material used to be associated to Protestants missionary practices since Reform began and, as what concerns the investigated period, in Portuguese and Brazilian lands indistinctly. Printing material in general books, booklets, fragments, as well as the press itself played a central role in divulging reformed ideas, their social options and the means of being and intervening in the world. In this regard, the confessional printings established themselves as an educative, although non schooled, informal space, but, all considered, relevant, seen that they dialogue with another important demand of that social group: formal, literate education. Because it dealt with the diffusion of a printed culture supported by the written word, it required of that group a different modus operandi: formal education. The first letters schools at first, then the high schools later represented spaces established for the circulation of printing material in order that they should be read, divulged and comprehended. This survey intends at last to take a look at Protestantism which, in this context of self-affirmation, reserved a specific place to woman by working out a non formal educational proposal disseminated by printing material. Three models were highlighted in the reformed proposal: Christian education in itself, household education, whose references of motherhood and care towards the neighbor were present and, at last, education to the public space, with emphasis on the practice of teaching. This study also offers a brief dialogue between Brazil and Portugal because, when some periodic printing, book or something like that got to be published in one margin of the Atlantic Ocean, the other margin surely was affected by that feat, received it, divulged it, corroborating the argument in support of the circulation of these printings. It was not only the same language that survived in both maritime coasts; some protestant specificities also crossed out along that sea


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In order for this study to be developed, the central goal on our investigation was defined as analyzing and interpreting the aesthetical experiences meanings lived by singers-educators in the human formation. The interest for the aesthetical experience theme was built from my own experience for the last twelve years as a member of the School of Music Madrigal, the oldest group in the State Federal University, created for research and cultural extension with structural perspective which brings closer teachers, students and the outer community that comes from different social realities to face the challenge of combining the ability of singing, the corporeity involvement and the aesthetical experiences meanings. This paper points out the understanding of art as perceptive expression of human emotions, such as the creation of existential demand, the restructuring of oneself and the constructions which shape beauty. We seek a dense contribution of new challenges to the peculiar demand of human potential in terms of sensibility repertoire, of involvement, of expectation in magnifying the possibilities and the human and social competences. In the formation human process, we find a living field blooming with natural artistical possibilities, experimenting emotions and feelings shared in collective life, and bringing out impulses to unexpected ludic creation, establishing a powerful aesthetical ambience which highlights the symbolic and imaginary with the deepening of rich ludopoiese properties in several meanings. From the guiding principles of etnophenomenology we find structural and indispensable perspectives which contemplate values, desires, archtype images and ideas that impress originality and fertility to the study. On this path we understand the abundance of living moments of intense commitment, acquaintance, challenges, reunions and connections that stand out from fundamental aspects to freedom, autonomy, creativity and new discontinuities. This acknowledgement brings us closer to the enlighted fullness which makes us humans


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This text results of a research in an Education Doctorate about teachers, professional background, formation, teaching knowledge and abilities. In this text, it s described the history of a study group in mathematics education composed by teachers who teach mathematics in the 2nd cycle of Ensino Fundamental (5th year of schooling), all belonging to the same school of the municipal public schools network. It presents the trajectory of the collaborative group, in all particularities, singularities, and the constant search to become collaborative. This trajectory was marked by the stories of it s participants in the ceaseless path to constitute teachers, by the sharing of knowledge, by the process of collaboration, by the thinking about the teaching practice, and by the personal and professional improvement of the teachers that form the group. The interpretative and qualitative research had as its investigation field the study group. The data supplied by the collect instruments indicate us that the collaboration between the teachers, the access to specific knowledge of mathematics area, the reflections about the teaching practice in a given context, are paths that lead to and make possible the re-elaboration of the teaching skills by teachers that teach mathematics to the first years


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Esta disertación explora de qué forma las hibridaciones entre ser humano y ambientes naturales no urbanos contribuyen a configurar las estrategias de atención, de construcción de conocimiento y de interacción con el mundo del sujeto y cómo, recursivamente, las actitudes perceptivo-cognitivas y las maneras de acercarse a lo real, de imputar sentido a los fenómenos y de interactuar con el ambiente practicadas por el sujeto condicionan y contribuyen a definir las hibridaciones entre humanos y no humanos. Lo que guía esa exploración es el concepto de híbrido que, inspirándome en Bruno Latour (2008), concibo como una asociación entre elementos sin características inherentes, compenetrados, que se redefinen, recrean e reconfiguran recíprocamente. Utilizo como operadores cognitivos una narrativa literaria y una cinematográfica: el libro autobiográfico Dersu Uzala del escritor y explorador ruso Vladimir Klavdievich Arseniev (1872-1930), publicado por primera vez en 1923, y la película homónima del director japonés Akira Kurosawa (1910-1998), lanzada en 1975. Estas obras reconstruyen tres expediciones realizadas por Arseniev a principios del siglo XX en la región siberiana del Ussuri que tuvieron como guía al cazador nómada de etnia gold Dersu Uzala, con quien el escritor construyó una profunda amistad. La elección de hacer dialogar en el mismo plan a dos modos complementares de conocimiento, arte y ciencia, se fundamenta en la concepción de Edgar Morin (2003b) de la literatura y el cine como escuelas de vida y de complejidad humana y en la visión de Claude Lévi- Strauss (2007) del arte como modelo reducido que favorece una mirada más abarcadora sobre los fenómenos. Inicialmente, pongo en relación mi investigación con los trabajos de Silmara Lídia Marton (2008) y Samir Cristino de Souza (2009), que analizaron las estrategias de construcción de conocimiento y de interacción con el mundo de un habitante de la Laguna de Piató (Municipio de Assú, Estado de Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil), Francisco Lucas da Silva, y muestro algunas analogías entre estas y las de Dersu Uzala, ambas productos de determinadas hibridaciones con el ambiente. A continuación, exploro las implicaciones cognitivas de la amistad de Arseniev con el cazador gold, metáfora/encarnación del diálogo posible entre saberes de matrices diferentes. En un tercer momento, dialogando con pensadores que se interrogaron sobre el trinomio hombre-naturaleza-representaciones y con las narrativas de Arseniev (1997) y Kurosawa (1975), reflexiono sobre las ideas de híbrido, de humano y no humano, de vivo y no vivo, de proximidad y distancia del sujeto con respecto a otros sistemas de lectura del mundo, de relación directa y mediada con lo real, de ambientes naturales urbanos y no urbanos. A seguir, incursiono en el libro de Arseniev y en el largometraje de Kurosawa intentando identificar qué factores más contribuyeron para configurar las estrategias de conocimiento y de interacción con el ambiente manifestadas por el explorador y por el cazador gold y, recursivamente, de qué forma esas estrategias contribuyeron a definir sus hibridaciones con el ambiente siberiano. Por último, a partir de las reflexiones tejidas a lo largo del trabajo, me interrogo sobre lo que ellas pueden decirnos sobre nuestra forma de interactuar con la naturaleza no humana y sobre el diálogo entre distintas formas de percibir, conocer y relacionarse con el mundo


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This work detaches the importance of the continued formation of the educators in terms of the inclusive educational process, pointing as basic elements the continued formation of the educational professionals. In this direction, it points and it defends the dialogue in the perspective of David Bohm, with interfaces of the freireanas ideas, as a methodological resource of action that allows the organization of strategies of collective and effective pedagogical support in inclusive schools, in the same time articulates the continued formation of the professionals in education. Characterized as research in a dialogical action with collective participation and collaboration, it counted with the participation of 87 educators, between professors, pedagogical, managing coordinators and specialists of special education in two schools of the state and municipal public system of Natal/RN. The results had pointed with respect to the viability of the dialogue as articulated methodological tool of the continued formation in service, when providing the establishment of personal and professional relationship between the educators, favoring the discursive enjoyment of the lived experiences, allows the organization of strategies of collective and effective pedagogical support in the scholar environment. On the basis of these results, this work also points to some items to reflections as the reorganization of the Secretariats and the schools, in the direction to brighten up the fragmentation and the discontinuity of the pedagogical actions evidenced and to instigate a process of changes that has glimpsed the professional development of the educators through its continued formation in service and the improvement of the school in the way of the concretization of an education directed toward the acceptance, respect and attendance the diversity of its pupils, as detaches the official documents and the studies on the inclusive education