947 resultados para Business information services. Queensland Brisbane
A duplicate print of this image is located in Bentley Historical Library record group, Box 10, folder: Daybook, Image #30. Note on back of duplicate print states that "Original image was a slide acquired from Roger Sutton of UM News & Information Services."
Built in 1856. First chemical laboratory at a state university. Building served medical students and others as both laboratory and classroom. Situated just west and south of the original medical building. Additions made to the one-story building in 1861, 1866, 1868, 1874. In 1880 a two-story addition was added with subsequent additions in 1889 and 1901. Became Economics Building in 1908. Pharmacology occupied north wing 1908-1981. Destroyed by fire Christmas Eve 1981. On verso: M.U. Information Services #1182 July 1959.
Built in 1856. First chemical laboratory at a state university. Building served medical students and others as both laboratory and classroom. Situated just west and south of the original medical building. Additions made to the one-story building in 1861, 1866, 1868, 1874. In 1880 a two-story addition was added with subsequent additions in 1889 and 1901. Became Economics Building in 1908. On verso: M.U. Information Services. Econ 3. April 1952.
l-r John P. Vajda, James A. Lovell grad students
l-r Philip Converse, asst. study director, Warren E. Miller research associate, Angus Campbell, dir.
1-r Philip Converse, asst. study director, Warren E. Miller research associate, Angus Campbell, dir.
l-r: Philip Converse, asst. study director, Warren E. Miller research associate, Angus Campbell, dir.
l-r; Philip Converse, asst. study director, Warren E. Miller research associate, Angus Campbell, dir.
IBM704 Computer printer transcribes computer's results from tape onto paper; background units contain tapes to be transcribed. Working l-r Alex Veliko, computer operator; Bruce Arden, research associate; Bernard Galler asst. professor of math seated
[no students in photo]