1000 resultados para Bovino de leite
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Sebastião Uchoa Leite's work is circumscribed in a field of tension with tradition, which makes impossible is delimitation to anyone who seeks to draw his poetic profile. The undeniable identification with the modernist masters does not mean the enhancement of such standards; on the contrary, they are contaminated by the crossing of the most diverse references. The ambiguity comes from the fact that the poet neither puts limits in a temporal-spaced territory, nor sets defined directions. His is a hybrid textual project, as in a crossing, which the nomad route places, side by side, the referring speeches from tradition and from the contemporary world.
Objective: This research was performed with the objective of investigating the renal effects on premature newborn infants of fortifying banked donor human milk. Methods: Clinical intervention trial, of the before-and-after type, involving 28 premature newborn infants split into two groups by postconceptional age at the start of the study: GI < 34 weeks (n = 14) and GII ≥ 34 weeks (n = 14), and assessed at three sample points: S1, on unfortified donor human milk, S2, after 3 days, and S3, after 10-13 days on fortified donor human milk. Nutrient intake, weight gain, fractional sodium excretion, urinary osmolality and specific density were compared with two-way ANOVA for repeated measures. Results: Fluids, energy and sodium intakes were similar for both groups, and weight gain was satisfactory. Among the preterms with < 34 weeks postconceptional age, serum sodium was lower at the end of the study and the fractional sodium excretion was elevated at the start and at the end of the study (S1 = 2.11±1.05; S2 = 1.25±0.64; S3 = 1.62±0.88), with a significant difference in relation to GII (S1 = 1.34±0.94; S2 = 0.90±0.54; S3 = 0.91±0.82). Osmolality and urinary specific density were normal, with no differences between groups or collection dates. Conclusions: No adverse effects on the renal function of these preterms were detected as a result of being fed fortified donor human milk. Copyright © 2006 by Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria.
Milk goats are indicated as an economic alternative for small farmers and cheese making could improve their profits. Goat's milk has a seasonal production characteristic and shows periods of abundance and others of scarcity. The use of frozen milk or frozen curd to make cheese can be used to solve the problem. The aim of this work was to evaluate the preparation of cheese made from mixed curd and ripened by Penicillium candidum mould using slow frozen milk (in a domestic freezer) or fast frozen milk (by liquid nitrogen). The slow frozen curd and fast frozen curd without whey were used. It was observed that the cheese from the slow and fast frozen milk and from the slow and fast frozen curd did not differ from the control cheese for the yield, chemicophysical characteristics, chemical composition, extention ripened rate, depth ripened rate and microbiological aspects, even when it was expressed as a dry matter content of cheeses.
This study was performed in order to evaluate the detection limit of PCR with fluorescent capillary electrophoresis for Leptospira pomona diagnosis in bovine semen. Negative bovine semen samples were artificially contaminated with Leptospira pomona (10 0 to 10 7 bacteria/ ml) and DNA was extracted by phenol/chloroform protocol. DNA fragments visualization was done by three electrophoresis methods: under UV light in 2 % agarose gel, silver staining 8% polyacrylamide gel and fluorescent capillary electrophoresis. The detection limit of capillary electrophoresis for Leptospira pomona was 10 2bacteria/ml. Under UV light, in 2 % agarose gel, the detection limit was of 10 4 bacteria/ ml while for silver stained 8 % polyacrylamide gel it was 10 2 bacteria/ ml. PCR with fluorescent capillary electrophoresis is an efficient and rapid diagnostic test for DNA detection of Leptospira in bovine semen and this can be an important tool for herd and semen sanitary control in artificial insemination centers.
Twelve cases of viral meningoencephalitis in Brazilian cattle were submitted to immunohistochemical analysis for inflammatory response description. All the cases showed severe neurological signs followed by death. Mild to moderate histological inflammatory changes in the brain and cerebellum characterized the neurological infection showing meningitis, mononuclear perivascular cuffing, gliosis, haemorrhage, and macrophages (gitter cells) accompanying great areas of malacia. None of the cases showed intranuclear inclusion bodies. However, in five of them it was possible to isolate the BoHV-5. In order to collect data to allow the description of the inflammatory response in these cases, brain samples from all of the cases were analyzed by immunohistochemistry using polyclonal antibodies against CD3 to detect T cells, and against GFAP to detect astrocytes. On the other hand, monoclonal antibodies were used against BLA to detect B cells and, against MAC 387 to detect macrophages. The results indicate different degrees of prominent astrocytic response, and at the same time, T lymphocytes constituted a high percentage of the mononuclear cells which characterized the inflammatory response.
Lesion of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in the knee is a problem that affects animals as well as humans and may evolve with joint instability that is often symptomatic and incapacitating. The main option for ligament substitution is the autologous tendon graft. The graft undergoes tensioning during ACL reconstructive surgery to reestablish the normal laxity of the ACL- deficient knee. Although graft tensioning plays a fundamental role in postoperative clinical evolution, ideal tensioning levels have not been established in the literature. Therefore, graft elongation that may occur over time is still one of the main reasons for ligament reconstruction failure. In this study, ten bovine calcaneus tendons underwent two successive assays of physiological tensioning for a maximum deformation of 2.5% of the initial tendon length, maintained for 600s with force (N) values recorded at zero time (initial), 300s and 600s. At the end of the first assay, the tendon returned to its initial length and was maintained at rest for 300s and then the next tensioning assay was initiated, repeating the previous procedure. Statistical analysis revealed that tendon elongation is more pronounced during the initial 300s, reflecting a more accentuated decline in the tension values of the graft. Therefore, 300s after tensioning and fixing the graft, the surgeon can assess with more precision if the tensioning level was adequate.
This work aimed to evaluate the effect of cattle manure levels in the phase of implementation Corymbia citriodora (Hook.) K. D. Hill & L. A. S. Johnson (Eucalyptus citriodora) seedlings in field, produced from seeds collected from four mother trees. The experiment was carried out in green house, in pots filled with 5 dm 3 of Oxisol. Five cattle manure levels were applied 0, 10, 20, 30, and 40 t ha -1 (0, 25, 50, 75, and 100 g pot -1). All treatments received lime levels which were calculated to increase the base saturation degree to 50%. The soil fertility was evaluated after 30 days of soil incubation with manure and lime. The seeds were collected from mother trees called 2, 8, 20 and 29. Sowing was performed directly in rigid plastic containers of 50 cm 3 and seedlings were transplanted when they were around 17 cm height. The experimental design was entirely randomized, in a factorial 5 × 4 (five doses of cattle manure and seeds of four mother trees) scheme and four repetitions. Each parcel was a pot with two plants. At 90 days the height, foliar area, stalk diameter, shoot and root dry matter. The plants responded positively to application of manure, but differently for each evaluated growth characteristic linearly or quadratically. The manure levels had linear effects on growth characteristics and dry matter production of the plants from mother trees 2 and 20 moreover these plants require more cattle manure levels than ones from mother trees 8 and 29. The cattle manure promoted the best development of plants from mother trees 8 and 29, in relationship with dry matter production of shoot components was approximately 27 t ha-1, equivalent to 67.5 g pot.
An experiment was carried out to evaluate the performance of piglets fed rations containing fermented milk and zinc and copper amino acid complex. Sixty four piglets, littermates, were used. The experimental design was based on random block with two dietary treatments. One of these contained a basal diet (DB) with ZnO e CuSO 4 and the other one with the DB, but without CuSO 4 and with the addition of fermented milk and zinc and copper amino acid complex (SLF Lact +ZnCuAA). There were eight replicate pens per treatment, and pigs were grouped at 4 per pen. The SLF Lact + ZnCuAA didn't not affect (p>0.05) final live weight of the piglets. However, live weight was different (p<0.01) between males and females (24.3 vs. 24.0 kg) at end of experiment. The feed intake of animals feed with SLF Lact+ZnCuAA was higher (p<0.01) in 8% in the first 14 days (0.261 vs. 0.239 kg/d), 15% from 15 to 28 days (0.756 vs. 0.675 kg/ d) and 12% from 29 to 42 days (1.091 vs. 0.962 kg/ d) compared to control group. Daily average feed intake in the experimental period was 11% higher (p<0.01) for the animals fed with the diet contained SLF Lact+ZnCuAA. Weight gain of the treatment with SLFL act+ZnCuAA was higher (p<0.01) by 14% from 0 to 14 days (0.176 vs. 0.152 kg/d), 11% from 15 to 28 days (0.564 vs. 0.500 kg/d) and 12% from 29 to 42 days (0,572 vs. 0,501 kg/d). Average daily weight gain of 42 days of trial of treatment with SLF Lact +ZnCuAA was 12% higher (p<0.01) compared to control group (0.437 vs. 0.384 kg/d). Feed conversion ratio was 8% lower (p<0.01) for treatment with SLF Lact+ZnCuAA in the first 14 days (1.487 vs. 1.614). Supplementation with fermented milk and zinc and copper amino acid complex in diets containing zinc oxide improved growth performance of weanling piglets.
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of propolis extracts diluted in different solvents against bacteria from Staphylococcus genus. The study was performed in the Immunology and Microbiology Laboratory from Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco. The propolis extracts were prepared using brown propolis diluted in different solvents such as chloroform, methanol, ethyl acetate and grain alcohol. In order to determine the antimicrobial potential of extracts, agar well diffusion method was used, with controls for each diluent. After that, Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) methods were used. All tests were performed in triplicate. In the agar well diffusion test, the measurements of the inhibition zone for propolis extract were as follows: grain alcohol and propolis (2.88mm), methanol and propolis (2.41mm), chloroform and propolis (2.40mm) and ethyl acetate and propolis (0.83mm). The MBC of propolis extracts in different solvents were 93.75 μg/mL for grain alcohol, 375 μg/mL for chloroform and methanol and 3,000 μg/ml for ethyl acetate. Statistically significant differences were achieved comparing the inhibition zones of propolis diluted in grain alcohol and ethyl acetate (2.88 and 0.83 mm, respectively). Considering the low cost of therapy and the activity of the propolis against caprine mastitis pathogens, other studies regarding in vivo activity and chemical characterization are necessary, in addition to evaluation of the toxicological aspects of propolis extracts.
The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse from May 1 to July 31, 2008, in Areia county, Paraiba State, PB, Brazil, in order to evaluate the effects of irrigation water salinity on initial growth of the passionfruit seedlings in non-saline substrate with and without bovine biofertilizer. The treatments were distributed in a completely randomized design, with three replications and twelve plants per plots, in a factorial arrangement 5 × 2 × 2, corresponding the former to the levels of salinity in the irrigation water: 0.5; 1.0; 2.0; 3.0 and 4.0 dS m-1, in soils with and without bovine biofertilizer applied at two moments (25 and 65 days after seedling emergence). The growth of the seedlings and the soil electrical conductivity were evaluated at the end of the experiment. The biofertilizer was diluted in a low saline water at a 1:1 ratio and was applied once two days before sowing, corresponding to 10% of the substrates volume. The increase in water salinity inhibited the growth in height of plants, leaf area and root length, but always to a lesser extent in the treatments with bovine biofertilizer. The increase in electrical conductivity of the irrigation water elevated the soil salinity, independently of the addition of biofertilizer.
Glycomacropeptide is a glycosilated fraction of bovine kappa-casein that remains soluble when milk is clotted by rennin. Determinations of milk sialic acid content are useful because its concentration reflects the amount of free GMP of milk. In normal milk these amounts are very low, 12 to 16 times lower than in sweet whey. Therefore, its determination may be applied to verify possible frauds with whey addictions, since it works as a fingerprint. With the description of a new spectrophotometric method for determination of free GMP (ANSM) occurred a simplification of procedures, being faster than others (HPLC method), without loss of accuracy. However, due to variations of glycosilation in kappa-casein between animals, during the lactation period, due to mastitis and yet due to proteolysis on milk, it was necessary to know these variations to interpret correctly the analytical results. It was analyzed 1,703 samples of producer's raw milk and 1,189 samples of processed milk (HTST and UHT). The results showed that normal milk from herd (producer's milk) have only small amounts of free GMP, with A470nm = 0.232±0.088 or 3.89±1.25 mg of sialic acid/L. The upper limit of this distribution was A = 0.496; thus every bigger value may represent a problem, being outside of normal distribution.
The effectiveness of a new management tool for screening refrigerated raw milk quality in a dairy industry is provided. Three hundred and seventy-four samples of raw milk from individual producers and 125 samples from bulk milk carriers from the same producers were analyzed. Producers' samples underwent a fast tube reduction test, or Tetra-Test, to estimate total bacteriological charge and their predominant microbiota. Bulk milk samples underwent standard plate count (SPC) as reference method. Tetra-test was effective in screening and assessing the microbiological quality of refrigerated raw milk, since 82.4% of samples with more than 106UFC/mL were readily detected (5 minutes to 2h). The test may be employed as a management tool either in screening or in interventions on the detected problem. In fact, its results provided complementary information on the characteristics of dominant microbiota. Most samples failed in compliance to IN 51 requirements. Further, 211 samples (56.4%) showed high microbial charge and, consequently, poor quality raw milk. Psychrotrophic groups were not yet the main degrading factors of cooled raw milk, albeit present in 76.8% of samples.
Bovine mastitis is still a costly issue in dairy farms, besides public health aspects considering the pathogen transmission to humans. Its multiple etiology with a high number of pathogens involved, demands a rigorous control program for monitoring and milk quality control, based on diagnostic actions and epidemiological vigilance regarding parameters which indirectly are associated with the occurrence of mastitis in dairy herds, as the California Mastitis Test (CMT) and Somatic Cell Count (SCC/mL of milk), of individual milk samples obtained from each cow, and from bulk tank which also allows the Total Bacteria Count (TBC), usually related to the incidence of mastitis, especially in subclinical cases. It is important to reinforce the microbiological milk exam, also to stress the importance of the milking process as a critical point, and to determine risk factors for mastitis. Based on these aspects, this review is presented with the aim to obtain high quality milk products, compromising the personal enrolled in milk production to be conscious that milk quality depends on all, inclusive the consumers which are the final element in the milk production chain.
The present study was undertaken the protein composition in 2D-electrophoretic pattern (2DE) of the seminal plasma (SP) can interfere in the semen bull freezability, and if we can use that for predicting semen bull freezability. Samples were obtained of 20 bulls (different breeds) with a minimum of 3 years history semen production in commercial semen collection Center. All animals ranged between 2 - 7 years of age. The semen freezability was calculated by # of thawed and approved ejaculates / # of ejaculates submitted to cryopreservation (after semen evaluation and approved to submitted to freeze). The bulls were divided in 3 groups: HIGH (=>80% ejaculates approved); MEDIUM (>60% and <79% ejaculates approved); LOW (=<59% ejaculates approved); the pattern and criteria were the same used in the routine of the commercial semen Center. 68 gels were carried through by 2DE of SP samples indicated 225 detected spots with protein different amount (VION) comparing. Comparing bull ́s semen freezability and VION of each spot found difference among 2 spots from High and Low, even considering just spots with % of detection frequency bigger than 75%. The taurine bulls demonstrated more homogeneous profile when comparing with zebu bulls, considering number and frequency of appearance of spots. The results showed that proteomics can be a useful tool to predict the semen freezability, but we ́ll need to study better the interactions between sperm membrane, seminal plasma and extender to comprehend better which proteome phenotype interfere positive or negatively in the semen freezability.