924 resultados para Bottom Fauna
Máster en Medio Ambiente Litoral y Marino
[ES] El rastreo es la habilidad humana más ancestral, donde el arte y la ciencia se confunden. La búsqueda de información fue determinante para la evolución de nuestra especie. Mediante esta charla queremos contribuir humildemente a conservar parte de este patrimonio atávico: El rastreo en la evolución humana, Inmersión y re-alfabetización en las señales de la naturaleza, Señales de fauna básicas y grados de dificultad de lectura, Tipos de rastreo y niveles, Captura y coleccionismo de las señales del medio, Aplicaciones para el disfrute y profesionalización del rastreo (certificados europeos), Ecoturismo, educación ambiental, cinegético, investigación, táctico…
[EN] Sediment materials play an important role on the dynamic response of large structures where fluid-soil-structure interaction is relevant and materials of that kind are present. Dam-reservoir systems and harbor structures are examples of civil engineering constructions where those effects are significant.
[ES] Erbanense es el nombre de los depósitos marinos canarios posteriores a la glaciación última europea y proviene de Erbania antiguo nombre de Fuerteventura. En La Jaqueta, al sur de la isla, aparecen los restos pedregosos de dos pulsaciones del mar. La última de ellas ocurrió hacia el año 600 de nuestra era según dataciones radiocarbónicas. La isla por entonces ya estaba habitada por sus primeros pobladores de probable origen paleobereber y hay un antiguo poblado en las proximidades de la playa. El antiguo cordón litoral está cuatro metros más alto que el nivel medio del mar actual y en él se han colectado más de dos mil conchas que muestran que la fauna marina era semejante a la que vive actualmente en el litoral canario.
[ES] Más de mil fósiles marinos colectados en el antiguo cordón litoral en la localidad de Las Playitas muestran que una cuarta parte de las conchas pertenecen a caracolas que no viven en la actualidad en las Islas Canarias y sin embargo viven en las costas atlánticas de África ecuatorial, en el Golfo de Guinea. Ello es prueba de la existencia de un cambio climático durante el cual desapareció el invierno en las latitudes de Canarias y del Mediterráneo y se fundieron los hielos polares causando una elevación del nivel de la mar próxima a los cinco metros de altura. Todo ello a causa de la trayectoria astronómica de la Tierra.
[ES]¿Qué hay en las aguas profundas de El Hierro? La organización de conservación marina Oceana presenta los hallazgos efectuados en el Mar de las Calmas con un robot submarino (ROV) capaz de descender a 1.000 metros. Estas imágenes revelan desde fondos de anguilas jardineras a arrecifes vivos de corales blancos de profundidad, de la freza del tamboril oceánico a rocas cubiertas de ostras gigantes. Durante la presentación se mostrarán hallazgos de interés mundial, como el primer vídeo obtenido de un pez transparente de seis ojos. Se describirán las profundidades al sur de la isla, explicando sus necesidades de protección, y se enseñarán imágenes de tiburones de aguas profundas, peces trípode, crinoideos, esponjas carnívoras y erizos de cuero, entre otras.
Marine soft bottom systems show a high variability across multiple spatial and temporal scales. Both natural and anthropogenic sources of disturbance act together in affecting benthic sedimentary characteristics and species distribution. The description of such spatial variability is required to understand the ecological processes behind them. However, in order to have a better estimate of spatial patterns, methods that take into account the complexity of the sedimentary system are required. This PhD thesis aims to give a significant contribution both in improving the methodological approaches to the study of biological variability in soft bottom habitats and in increasing the knowledge of the effect that different process (both natural and anthropogenic) could have on the benthic communities of a large area in the North Adriatic Sea. Beta diversity is a measure of the variability in species composition, and Whittaker’s index has become the most widely used measure of beta-diversity. However, application of the Whittaker index to soft bottom assemblages of the Adriatic Sea highlighted its sensitivity to rare species (species recorded in a single sample). This over-weighting of rare species induces biased estimates of the heterogeneity, thus it becomes difficult to compare assemblages containing a high proportion of rare species. In benthic communities, the unusual large number of rare species is frequently attributed to a combination of sampling errors and insufficient sampling effort. In order to reduce the influence of rare species on the measure of beta diversity, I have developed an alternative index based on simple probabilistic considerations. It turns out that this probability index is an ordinary Michaelis-Menten transformation of Whittaker's index but behaves more favourably when species heterogeneity increases. The suggested index therefore seems appropriate when comparing patterns of complexity in marine benthic assemblages. Although the new index makes an important contribution to the study of biodiversity in sedimentary environment, it remains to be seen which processes, and at what scales, influence benthic patterns. The ability to predict the effects of ecological phenomena on benthic fauna highly depends on both spatial and temporal scales of variation. Once defined, implicitly or explicitly, these scales influence the questions asked, the methodological approaches and the interpretation of results. Problem often arise when representative samples are not taken and results are over-generalized, as can happen when results from small-scale experiments are used for resource planning and management. Such issues, although globally recognized, are far from been resolved in the North Adriatic Sea. This area is potentially affected by both natural (e.g. river inflow, eutrophication) and anthropogenic (e.g. gas extraction, fish-trawling) sources of disturbance. Although few studies in this area aimed at understanding which of these processes mainly affect macrobenthos, these have been conducted at a small spatial scale, as they were designated to examine local changes in benthic communities or particular species. However, in order to better describe all the putative processes occurring in the entire area, a high sampling effort performed at a large spatial scale is required. The sedimentary environment of the western part of the Adriatic Sea was extensively studied in this thesis. I have described, in detail, spatial patterns both in terms of sedimentary characteristics and macrobenthic organisms and have suggested putative processes (natural or of human origin) that might affect the benthic environment of the entire area. In particular I have examined the effect of off shore gas platforms on benthic diversity and tested their effect over a background of natural spatial variability. The results obtained suggest that natural processes in the North Adriatic such as river outflow and euthrophication show an inter-annual variability that might have important consequences on benthic assemblages, affecting for example their spatial pattern moving away from the coast and along a North to South gradient. Depth-related factors, such as food supply, light, temperature and salinity play an important role in explaining large scale benthic spatial variability (i.e., affecting both the abundance patterns and beta diversity). Nonetheless, more locally, effects probably related to an organic enrichment or pollution from Po river input has been observed. All these processes, together with few human-induced sources of variability (e.g. fishing disturbance), have a higher effect on macrofauna distribution than any effect related to the presence of gas platforms. The main effect of gas platforms is restricted mainly to small spatial scales and related to a change in habitat complexity due to a natural dislodgement or structure cleaning of mussels that colonize their legs. The accumulation of mussels on the sediment reasonably affects benthic infauna composition. All the components of the study presented in this thesis highlight the need to carefully consider methodological aspects related to the study of sedimentary habitats. With particular regards to the North Adriatic Sea, a multi-scale analysis along natural and anthopogenic gradients was useful for detecting the influence of all the processes affecting the sedimentary environment. In the future, applying a similar approach may lead to an unambiguous assessment of the state of the benthic community in the North Adriatic Sea. Such assessment may be useful in understanding if any anthropogenic source of disturbance has a negative effect on the marine environment, and if so, planning sustainable strategies for a proper management of the affected area.
È ormai noto che numerosi organismi marini, dalle alghe unicellulari ai pesci coabitino con diverse specie di spugne, con un rapporto che varia, secondo i casi, dal semplice inquilinismo facoltativo alle più complesse simbiosi obbligate. All’interno di molte spugne si trovano degli endobionti, alcuni organismi rappresentano degli ospiti puramente occasionali, altri manifestano una notevole costanza e l’esistenza in associazione alla spugna sembra rappresenti la norma. In Adriatico settentrionale, nell’area compresa tra Grado ed il delta del fiume Po, sono presenti degli affioramenti rocciosi organogeni carbonatici che prendono il nome di tegnùe. In questi affioramenti è stata riscontrata una grande varietà di specie macrobentoniche sia sessili che vagili. Tra queste specie, è presente con elevate abbondanze e grandi dimensioni, fuori dal comune, la spugna massiva Geodia cydonium, oggetto del nostro studio. Lo scopo del presente lavoro è di caratterizzare la diversità della fauna associata alla demospongia Geodia cydonium, cercando di mettere in evidenza l’importante ruolo ecologico legato proprio all’elevato numero di inquilini che ospita. Sono stati prelevati campioni di spugna, con la relativa fauna associata, da tre siti presenti all’interno della Zona di Tutela Biologica di Chioggia. Date le grandi dimensioni degli esemplari e per non danneggiare la popolazione naturale di questa rara specie protetta, sono stati prelevati in immersione delle porzioni di spugna, incidendo verticalmente gli esemplari. Nei campioni sono stati riscontrati 28 taxa, tra cui prevalgono per abbondanza i policheti come Ceratonereis costae e Sphaerosyllis bulbosa e piccoli crostacei come Apseudopsis acutifrons e Leptochelia savignyi. Per molte specie prevalgono individui giovanili rispetto agli adulti. L’abbondanza e la ricchezza dei popolamenti associati alla spugna non risultano variare ne tra i siti di campionamento ne in relazione alle dimensioni degli esemplari da cui provengono i campioni. Questo fa supporre che la spugna crei un ambiente ideale per alcune specie, almeno nelle fasi giovanili, creando così associazioni relativamente stabili, più di quanto non sia la naturale variabilità dei popolamenti circostanti. Queste relazioni meritano di essere approfondite, investigando i cicli vitali e i comportamenti delle singole specie.
Oggetto di indagine del lavoro è il movimento ambientalista e culturale delle Città in Transizione che rappresentano esperimenti di ri-localizzazione delle risorse volte a preparare le comunità (paesi, città, quartieri) ad affrontare la duplice sfida del cambiamento climatico e del picco del petrolio. A partire dal Regno Unito, la rete delle Transition Towns si è in pochi anni estesa significativamente e conta oggi più di mille iniziative. L’indagine di tale movimento ha richiesto in prima battuta di focalizzare l’attenzione sul campo disciplinare della sociologia dell’ambiente. L’attenzione si è concentrata sul percorso di riconoscimento che ha reso la sociologia dell’ambiente una branca autonoma e sul percorso teorico-concettuale che ha caratterizzato la profonda spaccatura paradigmatica proposta da Catton e Dunlap, che hanno introdotto nel dibattito sociologico il Nuovo Paradigma Ecologico, prendendo le distanze dalla tradizionale visione antropocentrica della sociologia classica. Vengono poi presentate due delle più influenti prospettive teoriche della disciplina, quella del Treadmill of Production e la più attuale teoria della modernizzazione ecologica. La visione che viene adottata nel lavoro di tesi è quella proposta da Spaargaren, fautore della teoria della modernizzazione ecologica, secondo il quale la sociologia dell’ambiente può essere collocata in uno spazio intermedio che sta tra le scienze ambientali e la sociologia generale, evidenziando una vocazione interdisciplinare richiamata anche dal dibattito odierno sulla sostenibilità. Ma le evidenze empiriche progressivamente scaturite dallo studio di questo movimento che si autodefinisce culturale ed ambientalista hanno richiesto una cornice teorica più ampia, quella della modernità riflessiva e della società del rischio, in grado di fornire categorie concettuali spendibili nella descrizione dei problemi ambientali e nell’indagine del mutamento socio-culturale e dei suoi attori. I riferimenti empirici dello studio sono tre specifiche realtà locali in Transizione: York in Transition per il Regno Unito, Monteveglio (Bo) e Scandiano (Re) in Transizione per l’Italia.
This thesis discusses the design of a system to use wave energy to pump oxygen-rich surface water towards the bottom of the sea. A simple device, called OXYFLUX, is proposed in a scale model and tested in a wave flume in order to validate its supposed theoretical functioning. Once its effectiveness has been demonstrated, a overset mesh, CFD model has been developed and validated by means of the physical model results. Both numerical and physical results show how wave height affects the behavior of the device. Wave heights lower than about 0.5 m overtop the floater and fall into it. As the wave height increases, phase shift between water surface and vertical displacement of the device also increases its influence on the functioning mechanism. In these situations, with wave heights between 0.5 and 0.9 m, the downward flux is due to the higher head established in the water column inside the device respect to the outside wave field. Furthermore, as the wave height grows over 0.9 m, water flux inverts the direction thanks to depression caused by the wave crest pass over the floater. In this situation the wave crest goes over the float but does not go into it and it draws water from the bottom to the surface through the device pipe. By virtue of these results a new shape of the floater has been designed and tested in CFD model. Such new geometry is based on the already known Lazzari’s profile and it aims to grab as much water as possible from the wave crest during the emergence of the floater from the wave field. Results coming from the new device are compared with the first ones in order to identify differences between the two shapes and their possible areas of application.