954 resultados para Bending plates


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The occurrence of foliated rock masses is common in mining environment. Methods employing continuum approximation in describing the deformation of such rock masses possess a clear advantage over methods where each rock layer and each inter-layer interface (joint) is explicitly modelled. In devising such a continuum model it is imperative that moment (couple) stresses and internal rotations associated with the bending of the rock layers be properly incorporated in the model formulation. Such an approach will lead to a Cosserat-type theory. In the present model, the behaviour of the intact rock layer is assumed to be linearly elastic and the joints are assumed to be elastic-perfectly plastic. Condition of slip at the interfaces are determined by a Mohr-Coulomb criterion with tension cut off at zero normal stress. The theory is valid for large deformations. The model is incorporated into the finite element program AFENA and validated against an analytical solution of elementary buckling problems of a layered medium under gravity loading. A design chart suitable for assessing the stability of slopes in foliated rock masses against flexural buckling failure has been developed. The design chart is easy to use and provides a quick estimate of critical loading factors for slopes in foliated rock masses. It is shown that the model based on Euler's buckling theory as proposed by Cavers (Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 1981; 14:87-104) substantially overestimates the critical heights for a vertical slope and underestimates the same for sub-vertical slopes. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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To investigate whether there are gender differences in the bone geometry of the proximal femur during the adolescent years we used an interactive computer program ?Hip Strength Analysis? developed by Beck and associates (Beck et al., Invest Radiol. 1990,25:6-18.) to derive femoral neck geometry parameters from DXA bone scans (Hologic 2000, array mode). We analyzed a longitudinal data-set collected on 70 boys and 68 girls over a seven year period. Distance and velocity curves for height were fitted for each child utilizing a cubic spline procedure and the age of peak height velocity (PHV) was determined. To control for maturational differences between children of the same chronological age and between boys and girls, section modulus (Z) an index of bending strength, cross sectional area of bone (CSA), sub-periosteal width (SPW), and BMD values at the neck and shaft of the proximal femur were determined for points on each individual?s curve at the age of PHV and one and two years on either side of peak. To control for size differences, height and weight were introduced as co-variates in the two-way analyses of variance looking at gender over time measured at the maturational age points (-2, -1, age of PHV, +1, +2). The following figure presents the results of the analyses on two variables, BMD and Z at neck and shaft regions:After the age of peak linear growth (PHV), independent of body size, there was a gender difference in BMD at the shaft but not at the neck. Section modulus at both sites indicated that male bones became significantly stronger after PHV. Underlying these maturational changes, male bones became wider (SPW) after PHV in both the neck and shaft and enclosed more material (CSA) at all maturational age points at both regions. These results call into question the emphasis on using BMD as a measure of skeletal integrity in growing children


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A model for finely layered visco-elastic rock proposed by us in previous papers is revisited and generalized to include couple stresses. We begin with an outline of the governing equations for the standard continuum case and apply a computational simulation scheme suitable for problems involving very large deformations. We then consider buckling instabilities in a finite, rectangular domain. Embedded within this domain, parallel to the longer dimension we consider a stiff, layered beam under compression. We analyse folding up to 40% shortening. The standard continuum solution becomes unstable for extreme values of the shear/normal viscosity ratio. The instability is a consequence of the neglect of the bending stiffness/viscosity in the standard continuum model. We suggest considering these effects within the framework of a couple stress theory. Couple stress theories involve second order spatial derivatives of the velocities/displacements in the virtual work principle. To avoid C-1 continuity in the finite element formulation we introduce the spin of the cross sections of the individual layers as an independent variable and enforce equality to the spin of the unit normal vector to the layers (-the director of the layer system-) by means of a penalty method. We illustrate the convergence of the penalty method by means of numerical solutions of simple shears of an infinite layer for increasing values of the penalty parameter. For the shear problem we present solutions assuming that the internal layering is oriented orthogonal to the surfaces of the shear layer initially. For high values of the ratio of the normal-to the shear viscosity the deformation concentrates in thin bands around to the layer surfaces. The effect of couple stresses on the evolution of folds in layered structures is also investigated. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We analyze folding phenomena in finely layered viscoelastic rock. Fine is meant in the sense that the thickness of each layer is considerably smaller than characteristic structural dimensions. For this purpose we derive constitutive relations and apply a computational simulation scheme (a finite-element based particle advection scheme; see MORESI et al., 2001) suitable for problems involving very large deformations of layered viscous and viscoelastic rocks. An algorithm for the time integration of the governing equations as well as details of the finite-element implementation is also given. We then consider buckling instabilities in a finite, rectangular domain. Embedded within this domain, parallel to the longer dimension we consider a stiff, layered plate. The domain is compressed along the layer axis by prescribing velocities along the sides. First, for the viscous limit we consider the response to a series of harmonic perturbations of the director orientation. The Fourier spectra of the initial folding velocity are compared for different viscosity ratios. Turning to the nonlinear regime we analyze viscoelastic folding histories up to 40% shortening. The effect of layering manifests itself in that appreciable buckling instabilities are obtained at much lower viscosity ratios (1:10) as is required for the buckling of isotropic plates (1:500). The wavelength induced by the initial harmonic perturbation of the director orientation seems to be persistent. In the section of the parameter space considered here elasticity seems to delay or inhibit the occurrence of a second, larger wavelength. Finally, in a linear instability analysis we undertake a brief excursion into the potential role of couple stresses on the folding process. The linear instability analysis also provides insight into the expected modes of deformation at the onset of instability, and the different regimes of behavior one might expect to observe.


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The earth's tectonic plates are strong, viscoelastic shells which make up the outermost part of a thermally convecting, predominantly viscous layer. Brittle failure of the lithosphere occurs when stresses are high. In order to build a realistic simulation of the planet's evolution, the complete viscoelastic/brittle convection system needs to be considered. A particle-in-cell finite element method is demonstrated which can simulate very large deformation viscoelasticity with a strain-dependent yield stress. This is applied to a plate-deformation problem. Numerical accuracy is demonstrated relative to analytic benchmarks, and the characteristics of the method are discussed.


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We illustrate the flow behaviour of fluids with isotropic and anisotropic microstructure (internal length, layering with bending stiffness) by means of numerical simulations of silo discharge and flow alignment in simple shear. The Cosserat theory is used to provide an internal length in the constitutive model through bending stiffness to describe isotropic microstructure and this theory is coupled to a director theory to add specific orientation of grains to describe anisotropic microstructure. The numerical solution is based on an implicit form of the Material Point Method developed by Moresi et al. [1].


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Direct and simultaneous observation of root growth and plant water uptake is difficult because soils are opaque. X-ray imaging techniques such as projection radiography or Computer Tomography (CT) offer a partial alternative to such limitations. Nevertheless, there is a trade-off between resolution, large field-of-view and 3-dimensionality: With the current state of the technology, it is possible to have any two. In this study, we used X-ray transmission through thin-slab systems to monitor transient saturation fields that develop around roots as plants grow. Although restricted to 2-dimensions, this approach offers a large field-of-view together with high spatial and dynamic resolutions. To illustrate the potential of this technology, we grew peas in 1 cm thick containers filled with soil and imaged them at regular intervals. The dynamics of both the root growth and the water content field that developed around the roots could be conveniently monitored. Compared to other techniques such as X-ray CT, our system is relatively inexpensive and easy to implement. It can potentially be applied to study many agronomic problems, such as issues related to the impact of soil constraints (physical, chemical or biological) on root development.


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The electrochemical oxidation of ethanol at Sn((1-x))Ir (x) O(2) electrodes (with x = 0.01, 0.05, 0.1 and 0.3) was studied in 0.1 mol L(-1) HClO(4) solution. Electrolysis experiments were carried out and the reaction products were analyzed by Liquid Chromatography. It was found that the amounts of the reaction products depended on the composition of the electrode. In situ infrared reflectance spectroscopy measurements were performed to identify the adsorbed intermediates and to postulate a reaction mechanism for ethanol electrooxidation on these electrode materials. As evidence, acetaldehyde and acetic acid were formed through a successive reaction process. Carbon dioxide was also identified as the end product, showing that the cleavage of the carbon-carbon bond occurred. These results indicate that the synthesized catalysts are able to lead to the total combustion of organic compounds. Analysis of the water bending band at different potentials illustrated its role at the electrode interface.


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Background: Xylanases (EC hydrolyze xylan, one of the most abundant plant polysaccharides found in nature, and have many potential applications in biotechnology. Methods: Molecular dynamics simulations were used to investigate the effects of temperature between 298 to 338 K and xylobiose binding on residues located in the substrate-binding cleft of the family 11 xylanase from Bacillus circulans (BcX). Results: In the absence of xylobiose the BcX exhibits temperature dependent movement of the thumb region which adopts an open conformation exposing the active site at the optimum catalytic temperature (328 K). In the presence of substrate, the thumb region restricts access to the active site at all temperatures, and this conformation is maintained by substrate/protein hydrogen bonds involving active site residues, including hydrogen bonds between Tyr69 and the 2` hydroxyl group of the substrate. Substrate access to the active site is regulated by temperature dependent motions that are restricted to the thumb region, and the BcX/substrate complex is stabilized by extensive intermolecular hydrogen bonding with residues in the active site. General significance: These results call for a revision of both the ""hinge-bending"" model for the activity of group 11 xylanases, and the role of Tyr69 in the catalytic mechanism. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Recent investigations in the upper Rio Huallaga in Peru revealed the presence of an intriguing species of the Loricariinae. To characterize and place this species within the evolutionary tree of the subfamily, a molecular phylogeny of this group was inferred based on the 12S and 16S mitochondrial genes and the nuclear gene F-reticulon4. The phylogeny indicated that this distinctive species was a member of the subtribe Loricariina. Given its phylogenetic placement, and its unusual morphology, this species is described as a new genus and new species of Loricariinae: Fonchiiloricaria nanodon. This new taxon is diagnosed by usually possessing one to three premaxillary teeth that are greatly reduced; lips with globular papillae on the surface; the distal margin of lower lip bearing short, triangular filaments; the premaxilla greatly reduced; the abdomen completely covered by plates, with the plates between lateral abdominal plates small and rhombic; a caudal fin with 14 rays; the orbital notch absent; five lateral series of plates; dorsal-fin spinelet absent; preanal plate present, large and solid, and of irregular, polygonal shape, the caudal peduncle becoming more compressed posteriorly for the last seven to 10 plates. (C) 2011 The Authors Journal of Fish Biology (C) 2011 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles


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This study aimed to investigate bone responses to a novel bioactive fully crystallized glass-ceramic of the quaternary system P(2)O(5)-Na(2)O-CaO-SiO(2) (Biosilicates (R)). Although a previous study demonstrated positive effects of Biosilicate (R) on in vitro bone-like matrix formation, its in vivo effect was not studied yet. Male Wistar rats (n = 40) with tibial defects were used. Four experimental groups were designed to compare this novel biomaterial with a gold standard bioactive material (Bioglass (R) 45S5), unfilled defects and intact controls. A three-point bending test was performed 20 days after the surgical procedure, as well as the histomorphometric analysis in two regions of interest: cortical bone and medullary canal where the particulate biomaterial was implanted. The biomechanical test revealed a significant increase in the maximum load at failure and stiffness in the Biosilicate group (R) (vs. control defects), whose values were similar to uninjured bones. There were no differences in the cortical bone parameters in groups with bone defects, but a great deal of woven bone was present surrounding Biosilicate (R) and Bioglass (R) 45S5 particulate. Although both bioactive materials supported significant higher bone formation; Biosilicate (R) was superior to Bioglass (R) 45S5 in some histomorphometric parameters (bone volume and number of osteoblasts). Regarding bone resorption, Biosilicate (R) group showed significant higher number of osteoclasts per unit of tissue area than defect and intact controls, despite of the non-significant difference in the osteoclastic surface as percentage of bone surface. This study reveals that the fully crystallized Biosilicate (R) has good bone-forming and bone-bonding properties. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater 978: 139-147, 2011.


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The dynamic response of dry masonry columns can be approximated with finite-difference equations. Continuum models follow by replacing the difference quotients of the discrete model by corresponding differential expressions. The mathematically simplest of these models is a one-dimensional Cosserat theory. Within the presented homogenization context, the Cosserat theory is obtained by making ad hoc assumptions regarding the relative importance of certain terms in the differential expansions. The quality of approximation of the various theories is tested by comparison of the dispersion relations for bending waves with the dispersion relation of the discrete theory. All theories coincide with differences of less than 1% for wave-length-block-height (L/h) ratios bigger than 2 pi. The theory based on systematic differential approximation remains accurate up to L/h = 3 and then diverges rapidly. The Cosserat model becomes increasingly inaccurate for L/h < 2 pi. However, in contrast to the systematic approximation, the wave speed remains finite. In conclusion, considering its relative simplicity, the Cosserat model appears to be the natural starting point for the development of continuum models for blocky structures.


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Ag-3 was produced by pulsed-nozzle laser vaporisation and jet-cooled in a Ne supersonic expansion. One-color resonant two-photon ionisation (R2PI) spectra of the (B) over tilde(2) E '' <-- (X) over tilde(2) E' transition of Ag-3 were separately measured for all four isotopic combinations. Long vibrational progressions are observed, involving clearly resolved bands at low energy, merging into a dense but resolvable spectrum up to 1000 cm(-1) above the origin. Both the ground (X) over tilde(2) E' and excited (B) over tilde(2) E '' states of Ag-3 are susceptible to Jahn-Teller distortion along the degenerate e' bending coordinate. The Jahn-Teller analysis includes both linear and quadratic terms, simultaneously with the spin-orbit coupling. Following extensive parameter fitting, the absorption spectrum is calculated, and bands assigned. The spin-orbit splitting is quenched below the localization energy, but becomes observable approximate to 300 cm(-1) above the origin.


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The Edinburgh-Cape Blue Object Survey is a major survey to discover blue stellar objects brighter than B similar to 18 in the southern sky. It is planned to cover an area of sky of 10 000 deg(2) with \b\ > 30 degrees and delta < 0 degrees. The blue stellar objects are selected by automatic techniques from U and B pairs of UK Schmidt Telescope plates scanned with the COSMOS measuring machine. Follow-up photometry and spectroscopy are being obtained with the SAAO telescopes to classify objects brighter than B = 16.5. This paper describes the survey, the techniques used to extract the blue stellar objects, the photometric methods and accuracy, the spectroscopic classification, and the limits and completeness of the survey.


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In previous studies, we determined that beta 1 integrins from human colon tumors have elevated levels of alpha 2-6 sialylation, a modification added by beta-galactosamide alpha-2,6-sialyltranferase I (ST6Gal-I). Intriguingly, the beta 1 integrin is thought to be a ligand for galectin-3 (gal-3), a tumor-associated lectin. The effects of gal-3 are complex; intracellular forms typically protect cells against apoptosis through carbohydrate-independent mechanisms, whereas secreted forms bind to cell surface oligosaccharides and induce apoptosis. In the current study, we tested whether alpha 2-6 sialylation of the beta 1 integrin modulates binding to extracellular gal-3. Herein we report that SW48 colonocytes lacking alpha 2-6 sialylation exhibit beta 1 integrin-dependent binding to gal-3-coated tissue culture plates; however, binding is attenuated upon forced expression of ST6Gal-I. Removal of alpha 2-6 sialic acids from ST6Gal-I expressors by neuraminidase treatment restores gal-3 binding. Additionally, using a blot overlay approach, we determined that gal-3 binds directly and preferentially to unsialylated, as compared with alpha 2-6-sialylated, beta 1 integrins. To understand the physiologic consequences of gal-3 binding, cells were treated with gal-3 and monitored for apoptosis. Galectin-3 was found to induce apoptosis in parental SW48 colonocytes ( unsialylated), whereas ST6Gal-I expressors were protected. Importantly, gal-3-induced apoptosis was inhibited by function blocking antibodies against the beta 1 subunit, suggesting that beta 1 integrins are critical transducers of gal-3-mediated effects on cell survival. Collectively, our results suggest that the coordinate up-regulation of gal-3 and ST6Gal-I, a feature that is characteristic of colon carcinoma, may confer tumor cells with a selective advantage by providing a mechanism for blockade of the pro-apoptotic effects of secreted gal-3.