995 resultados para Beckford, William, 1760-1844
Indenture of bargain and sale between Joseph Jackson of Buffalo, New York and William Woodruff of St. Davids regarding Lot no. 90 in St. Davids. This was registered in the County of Lincoln on April 30, 1842 in book B, folio 300. The instrument no. is 733. It was written 17 march 1842.
Indenture of mortgage with dower between William and Ann Waters of Niagara to William B. Winterbottom of Niagara regarding the easterly half of Lot no. 265 in Niagara. This was recorded in the Register of Forms of Niagara on April 13, 1850, Book A, folios 207-208 - instrument no. 2093, April 1, 1850.
Indenture regarding a bond from William Woodruff of St. Davids that he is bound to John Moir of the Township of London for six hundred pounds to be paid to Mr. Moir for a lot of land in the Township of Nissouri in the township of Middlesex, Lot no. 34, Concession no. 2, July 6, 1853.
Indenture of bargain and sale between George William Allen of Toronto and Samuel Zimmerman of Niagara Falls for 200 acres more or less in Lot no. 13 in the South Concession in the Township of Warwick, May 8, 1856.
Indenture of bargain and sale between William Binkley and Eleanor Binkley of the Township of Crowland to Charles Pierson of the Town of Clifton regarding Lot no. 10 in Block E on Clifton Avenue in the Town of Clifton - instrument no. 7687. July 11, 1859.
Indenture of statutory mortgage between William and Margaret Wilson of the Village of Grimsby to Stephen M. Jarvis of Toronto regarding part of Lot no. 10 in the 1st Concession in Grimsby - instrument no. 502, February 26, 1869.
Indenture of mortgage deed between Owen Clifford and Margaret Clifford of the Township of Grantham to John Charles Rykert and William B. Gilleland of St. Catharines regarding parts of Lots no. 10 and 11 in the 9th Concession of the Township of Grantham. Registered in the Township of Grantham Register on September 15, 1870 - instrument no. 804 and registered in the Township of Grantham Register of February 8, 1872 - instrument no. 1104, September 15, 1870.
Appointment of William Woodruff to be Ensign in the 1st Regiment of Lincoln Militia in the Niagara District. This is signed by Francis Gore, Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Upper Canada. The document is quite stained and watermarked. The text is not affected, Nov. 5, 1815.
Notice to appear for jury duty in the dispute between Stephen Jackson and Caleb Garion (plaintiffs) and William Woodruff (defendant) regarding the mill of the late John Jackson and the title deeds of the said property and the family bible of the late John Jackson containing the registry and births of his family. This is a 1 page printed document, Sept. 6, 1848.
Insurance Policy issued by the Columbus Insurance Company of Columbus, Ohio to William Woodruff of St. Davids, Ontario on a detached brick building situated on Lot no. 6 on St. Paul Street, St. Catharines. This is fire policy no. 113, book 1, folio 112, April 11, 1884.
Receipt to W. Woodruff from William Evans for silver watch, Feb. 2, 1845.
Receipt for a list of items bought by William Woodruff at the sheriff’s sale. The list includes a number of household items such as: tables, chairs and beds. The receipt is signed by J.J. Kirby, April 21, 1858.
Indenture between Abraham Fuller Atkinson of St. Catharines, rector of St. George’s Church, Henry Riggs Goodman and William Hamilton Merritt, wardens of St. George’s Church, to Thomas Lees Helliwell for pew no. 15 in St. George’s Church, Mar. 21, 1857.
Letter (printed) from the private secretary of the Government House at York to William Woodruff, inviting him to attend a private meeting of the provincial legislature to dispatch public business, Dec. 10, 1828.
Letter to James D. Woodruff at the Welland Canal, St. Catharines. The letter is postmarked Philadelphia [date illegible] and Queenston, Feb. 7, 1847. In this letter William Young of Philadelphia describes some of the prices and features of his wares including compasses and levels, Feb. 3, 1847.