843 resultados para Bankey, Dennis


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In fragmented landscapes, agroforest woodlots can potentially act as stepping stones facilitating movement between forest fragments. We assessed the influence of agroforest woodlots on bird distribution and diversity in the Atlantic forest region (SE Brazil), and also tested which categories of species can use different types of connection elements, and whether this use is influenced by the distance to large forest patches. We studied two fragmented landscapes, with and without stepping stones linking large fragments, and one forested landscape. Using a point count, a bird survey was undertaken in the fragmented landscapes in five different elements: large remnants (> 400 ha), agroforest woodlots (0.4-1.1 ha), small patches (0.5-7 ha), riparian corridor, and pasture areas (the main matrix). Generalist and open-area species were commonly observed in the agroforest system or other connection elements, whereas only a few forest species were present in these connections. For the latter species, the distance of woodlots to large patches was essential to determine their richness and abundance. Based on our results and data from literature, we suggest that there is an optimal relationship between the permeability of the matrix and the efficiency of stepping stones, which occurs at intermediate degrees of matrix resistance, and is species-dependent. Because the presence of agroforest system favors a higher richness of generalist species, they appeared to be more advantageous for conservation than the monoculture system; for this reason, they should be considered as a management alternative, particularly when the matrix permeability requirement is met.


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The present paper reports on 22 species collected by the Brazilian Program of Living Resources in the Exclusive Economic Zone (REVIZEE). A new genus and species of Cribrilinidae, Corbuliporina crepida n. gen. et sp., is described, along with seventeen other new species: Chaperia brasiliensis n. sp., Amastigia aviculifera n. sp., Isosecuriflustra pinniformis n. sp., Cellaria subtropicalis n. sp., Melicerita brasiliensis n. sp., Arachnopusia haywardi n. sp., Smittina migottoi n. sp., Hippomenella amaralae n. sp., Rogicka joannae n. sp., Malakosaria atlantica n. sp., Turbicellepora winstonae n. sp., Rhynchozoon coalitum n. sp., Stephanollona angusta n. sp., Stephanollona arborescens n. sp., Aulopocella americana n. sp., Conescharellina cookae n. sp. and Conescharellina bocki n. sp. Chorizopora brongniartii (Audouin, 1826) is recorded for the first time in Brazilian waters and a new combination for Rhynchozoon arborescens Canu & Bassler, 1928 is established. New illustrations and taxonomic remarks are included for two little-known species from Brazil, Rogicka scopae (Canu & Bassler, 1928) and Fenestrulina ampla Canu & Bassler, 1928. A compilation of species recorded from deeper waters of the Brazilian coast is included.


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Here we present a status report of the first spherical antenna project equipped with a set of parametric transducers for gravitational detection. The Mario Schenberg, as it is called, started its commissioning phase at the Physics Institute of the University of Sao Paulo, in September 2006, under the full support of FAPESP. We have been testing the three preliminary parametric transducer systems in order to prepare the detector for the next cryogenic run, when it will be calibrated. We are also developing sapphire oscillators that will replace the current ones thereby providing better performance. We also plan to install eight transducers in the near future, six of which are of the two-mode type and arranged according to the truncated icosahedron configuration. The other two, which will be placed close to the sphere equator, will be mechanically non-resonant. In doing so, we want to verify that if the Schenberg antenna can become a wideband gravitational wave detector through the use of an ultra-high sensitivity non-resonant transducer constructed using the recent achievements of nanotechnology.


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Tuberculosis (TB) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality throughout the world, and it is estimated that one-third of the world`s population is infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Among a series of tested compounds, we have recently identified five synthetic chalcones which inhibit the activity of M. tuberculosis protein tyrosine phosphatase A (PtpA), an enzyme associated with M. tuberculosis infectivity. Kinetic studies demonstrated that these compounds are reversible competitive inhibitors. In this work we also carried out the analysis of the molecular recognition of these inhibitors on their macromolecular target, PtpA, through molecular modeling. We observed that the predominant determinants responsible for the inhibitory activity of the chalcones are the positions of the two methoxyl groups at the A-ring, that establish hydrogen bonds with the amino acid residues Arg17, His49, and Thr12 in the active site of PtpA, and the substitution of the phenyl ring for a 2-naphthyl group as B-ring, that undergoes p stacking hydrophobic interaction with the Trp48 residue from PtpA. Interestingly, reduction of mycobacterial survival in human macrophages upon inhibitor treatment suggests their potential use as novel therapeutics. The biological activity, synthetic versatility, and low cost are clear advantages of this new class of potential tuberculostatic agents. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Herein we describe a procedure for measuring the total light emission of the naturally bioluminescent tropical fungus Gerronema viridilucens and the optimization of culture conditions using multivariate factorial ANOVA. Cultures growing on an agar surface in 35 mm Petri dishes at 90% humidity show optimal bioluminescence emission at 25 degrees C in the presence of 1.0% sugar cane molasses, 0.10% yeast extract and pH 6.0 (nonbuffered). Temperature and pH are the most important factors for both mycelial growth and bioluminescence.


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A student in the Closed-circuit TV Dept. at the New York Trade School is shown working. Black and white photograph.


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Syftet med uppsatsen är att visa vilken effekt befolkningsförändringarna inom landsbygdsregionerna har på den regionalpolitik som förs idag. Samt vilka de samhälleliga konsekvenserna blir. För att detta syfte ska uppfyllas krävdes det tre stycken frågor. Dessa frågor är: Vilka effekter får befolkningsförändringarna på glesbygdsregioners socioekonomiska förutsättningar? Vad säger forskningen om den landsbygdspolitik som förs idag? Vilka är det stora dragen inom landsbygdspolitiken efter inträdet i EU?The aim of this thesis is to show what effects population changes in rural areas may have on the regional policy which is used today and what are the consequences. In order to fulfil these aim three questions were posed: Which effects population changes have on the socio-economic conditions in sparsely populated areas? What does the research say about today rural politic? What are the main features within rural policy after Sweden joined the EU?


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This thesis presents an adaptive tuning system that can be described as a dynamic Just Intonation tuning system, being compatible with equally tempered instruments. The tuning system is called Hermode Tuning (HMT) and the tuning used as comparison for evaluation is the standardized western tuning, the equal tempered tuning. This study investigates preferences for these two musical tuning systems, depending on whether the tunings are presented on a piano or with woodwind instruments. A listening test was done with students at the Falun Conservatory of Music, including both a vertical listening (intervalls) and a horizontal listening (cadenses and musical compositions) of Hermode tuned musical material. Overall the results showed no significant preferences for either tuning system irrespectively of what instrument it was presented with. The clearest results was that of a misjudged just intonated perfect third on the piano and a preference for an adaptively tuned piano presented in a simple harmonic structure, with a parameter setting of HMT 70%. Materials for comparison was partly taken from Hermode´s own website, but overall the attitude towards these sequenses (using a likert scale of one to five) showed a low expected value. This shows the complexity of the topic and no general conclusions regarding the choice of intonation or tuning system could be done for the presented material.


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Styrande organisationer i olika typer av regioner, däribland kommunledningar, arbetar idag med marknadsföring för att stärka sin konkurrenskraft. Konkurrensen mellan regioner gäller; invånare, turister och näringsliv. I Sverige är bakgrunden till arbetet den lokala näringspolitiken och företagiseringen inom den offentliga sektorn. Marknadsföringen har ofta som mål att skapa en attraktiv varumärkesimage. Inom forskningen finns idag en bild av att en regions varumärkesimage är nyckeln till attraktion av bland annat näringslivet, då exempelvis etablering av företag. Forskningen kan dock inte visa vilka specifika delar av en kommuns varumärkesimage som påverkar företag i deras etableringsbeslut. I studien antas, med bakgrund i kommuners företagisering, att företagens etableringsbeslut kan betraktas som en typ av köpbeslut jämförbart med ett köpbeslut på en kommersiell marknad. I och med det antagandet får en kommuns varumärkesimage i teorin en betydande roll vid ett etableringsbeslut. För att kunna undersöka vilka delar av en kommuns varumärkesimage som påverkar etableringsbeslutet lånar studien en modell, som beskriver varumärkesimagens uppbyggnad, från den kommersiella sektorn. Modellen lyfts, genom justeringar, in den i den offentliga sektorn där den appliceras på en kommuns varumärkesimage. En kommuns varumärkesimage kan därmed anses bestå av fyra olika kategorier; kunder, erbjudande, organisation & identitet. Den här studien har således syftat till att öka förståelsen för hur kommunledningar kan utforma sin marknadsföring, då de har som mål att skapa en varumärkesimage som attraherar näringslivet. För att undersöka detta genomfördes en serie om 8 intervjuer med representanter från några av Sveriges största handelsföretag. Företagen tillfrågades vilka kategorier av en kommuns varumärkesimage som påverkade deras etableringsbeslut. På så vis kunde studien skapa en ökad förståelse inom problemområdet genom att synliggöra vad en viss del av näringslivet ansåg vara en attraktiv varumärkesimage för en kommun. Studien visar att den kategori som stora handelsföretag uppfattar som mest attraktiv, den kategori som primärt påverkar deras etableringsbeslut, är kategorin kunder. Denna kategori visar sig ha en direkt påverkan på merparten av företagens etableringsbeslut. Kategorierna erbjudande och organisation hade en sekundär påverkan på etableringsbeslutet. Vilket innebär att de påverkade den kategori med direkt påverkan eller påverkade viktiga aktörer i företagens omgivning. Det 5 framkom också genom studien att kategorin identitet nästan helt saknade påverkan på etableringsbeslutet hos dessa handelsföretag. Vad resultatet därmed indikerar är att marknadsföring med mål att skapa en attraktiv varumärkesimage för kommuner gentemot näringslivet, i fallet handeln, skulle kunna byggas kring kategorin kunder. Resultatet signalerar samtidigt att en kommuns identitet är mindre central att involvera i marknadsföringen. Däremot finns det viss potential i att marknadsföra de sekundärt påverkande kategorierna, organisation och erbjudande, då de skulle kunna verka differentierande gentemot konkurrerande kommuner.


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The plot consists of the progression which the characters undergo. For the old man, the plot is his movement away from the earthly existence of the farm and into the physical process of the seasons. For the older grandson, it is the movement away from the past, symbolized by the farm, and into the present symbolized by his marriage and coupling with society. For the younger grandson, the movement is from childhood to the maturity which being alone demands in order for him to survive.