946 resultados para BLOOD CELLS
The full blood cell (FBC) count is the most common indicator of diseases. At present hematology analyzers are used for the blood cell characterization, but, recently, there has been interest in using techniques that take advantage of microscale devices and intrinsic properties of cells for increased automation and decreased cost. Microfluidic technologies offer solutions to handling and processing small volumes of blood (2-50 uL taken by finger prick) for point-of-care(PoC) applications. Several PoC blood analyzers are in use and may have applications in the fields of telemedicine, out patient monitoring and medical care in resource limited settings. They have the advantage to be easy to move and much cheaper than traditional analyzers, which require bulky instruments and consume large amount of reagents. The development of miniaturized point-of-care diagnostic tests may be enabled by chip-based technologies for cell separation and sorting. Many current diagnostic tests depend on fractionated blood components: plasma, red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), and platelets. Specifically, white blood cell differentiation and counting provide valuable information for diagnostic purposes. For example, a low number of WBCs, called leukopenia, may be an indicator of bone marrow deficiency or failure, collagen- vascular diseases, disease of the liver or spleen. The leukocytosis, a high number of WBCs, may be due to anemia, infectious diseases, leukemia or tissue damage. In the laboratory of hybrid biodevices, at the University of Southampton,it was developed a functioning micro impedance cytometer technology for WBC differentiation and counting. It is capable to classify cells and particles on the base of their dielectric properties, in addition to their size, without the need of labeling, in a flow format similar to that of a traditional flow cytometer. It was demonstrated that the micro impedance cytometer system can detect and differentiate monocytes, neutrophils and lymphocytes, which are the three major human leukocyte populations. The simplicity and portability of the microfluidic impedance chip offer a range of potential applications in cell analysis including point-of-care diagnostic systems. The microfluidic device has been integrated into a sample preparation cartridge that semi-automatically performs erythrocyte lysis before leukocyte analysis. Generally erythrocytes are manually lysed according to a specific chemical lysis protocol, but this process has been automated in the cartridge. In this research work the chemical lysis protocol, defined in the patent US 5155044 A, was optimized in order to improve white blood cell differentiation and count performed by the integrated cartridge.
This case-control study involved a total of 29 autistic children (Au) aged 6 to 12 years, and 28 gender and age-matched typically developing children (TD). We evaluated a high number of peripheral oxidative stress parameters, erythrocyte and lymphocyte membrane functional features and membrane lipid composition of erythrocyte. Erythrocyte TBARS, Peroxiredoxin II, Protein Carbonyl Groups and urinary HEL and isoprostane levels were elevated in AU (confirming an imbalance of the redox status of Au); other oxidative stress markers or associated parameters (urinary 8-oxo-dG, plasma Total antioxidant capacity and plasma carbonyl groups, erythrocyte SOD and catalase activities) were unchanged, whilst peroxiredoxin I showed a trend of elevated levels in red blood cells of Au children. A very significant reduction of both erythrocyte and lymphocyte Na+, K+-ATPase activity (NKA), a reduction of erythrocyte membrane fluidity, a reduction of phospatydyl serine exposition on erythrocyte membranes, an alteration in erythrocyte fatty acid membrane profile (increase in MUFA and in ω6/ω3 ratio due to decrease in EPA and DHA) and a reduction of cholesterol content of erythrocyte membrane were found in Au compared to TD, without change in erythrocyte membrane sialic acid content and in lymphocyte membrane fluidity. Some Au clinical features appear to be correlated with these findings; in particular, hyperactivity score appears to be related with some parameters of the lipidomic profile and membrane fluidity, and ADOS and CARS score are inversely related to peroxiredoxin II levels. Oxidative stress and erythrocyte structural and functional alterations may play a role in the pathogenesis of Autism Spectrum Disorders and could be potentially utilized as peripheral biomarkers.
In der Form von Nanokapseln (AmB-HST), Nanoemulsion beziehungsweise multilamellaren Vesikeln (MLV) wurden drei Amphotericin-B-Formulierungen für die orale Applikation entwickelt, charakterisiert und verglichen. Die neuartige homogene Nanokapsel-Formulierung des hydrophoben Polyen-Antimykotikums Amphotericin B wurde in Analogie zu einem für Simvastatin und andere Arzneistoffe etablierten Prozess aus der Reinsubstanz, Lezithin und Gelatine mit Hilfe des HST-Verfahrens hergestellt. Photometrische Untersuchungen zeigten, dass das Endprodukt aus Monomeren aufgebaut ist. Mittels Mikroskopie ließen sich die Aggregate vor der Umhüllung mit Lezithin und Gelatine im Ausgangsmaterial als individuelle kugelförmige Arzneistoffpartikel darstellen. Strukturuntersuchungen mit dynamischer licht streuung (DLS) zeigten eine enge Größenverteilung der verkapselten Partikel von ca. 1 µm. Die Struktur der Hülle der HST-Partikel wurde erstmalig mit Neutronenstreuung unter Verwendung der Deuterium-basierten Lösungsmittel kontrastmethode aufgeklärt. Durch die teilweise Kontrastmaskierung des Partikelkerns bei der Neutronenstreuung konnte die Lezithin-Gelatine-Hülle als eine dünne, 5,64 ± 0.18 nm dicke Schicht aufgelöst werden, welche der biologischen Lipidmembran ähnlich, im Vergleich aber geringfügig größer ist. Dieses Resultat eröffnet Wege für die Optimierung der Formulierung von pharmazeutischen Nanopartikeln, z.B. durch Oberflächenmodifizierungen. Weitere Untersuchungen mittels Kleinwinkelneutronenstreuung unter Verwendung der D-Kontrastvariation deuten darauf hin, dass die Komponenten der Nanokapseln nicht den gleichen Masseschwerpunkt haben, sondern asymmetrisch aufgebaut sind und dass die stärker streuenden Domänen weiter außen liegen. Die Partikel sind im Vergleich zu Liposomen dichter. In-Vitro Freisetzungsstudien belegen das Solubilisierungsvermögen des HST-Systems, wonach die Freisetzung des Arzneistoffes aus der Formulierung zu allen gemessenen Zeitpunkten höher als diejenige der Reinsubstanz war. rnDie Nanoemulsion-Formulierung von Amphotericin B wurde mit einem Öl und Tensid system, jedoch mit unterschiedlichen Co-Solvenzien, erfolgreich entwickelt. Gemäß der Bestimmung der Löslichkeit in verschiedenen Hilfsstoffen erwies sich der Arzneistoff Amphotericin B als nicht-lipophil, gleichzeitig aber auch als nicht-hydrophil. Die zur Ermittlung der für die Emulsionsbildung notwendigen Hilfstoffkonzentrationen erstellten ternären Diagramme veranschaulichten, dass hohe Öl- und Tensidgehalte zu keiner Emulsionsbildung führten. Dementsprechend betrug der höchste Ölgehalt 10%. Die Tröpfchengröße wuchs mit zunehmender Tensidkonzentration, wobei die Co-Solventmenge der Propylenglykol-haltigen Nanoemulsion indirekt verringert wurde. Für die Transcutol®P-haltige Nanoemulsion hingegen wurde das Gegenteil beobachtet, nämlich eine Abnahme der Tröpfchengröße bei steigenden Tensidkonzentrationen. Durch den Einschluss des Arzneistoffes wurde nicht die Viskosität der Formulierung, sondern die Tröpfchengröße beeinflusst. Der Wirkstoffeinschluss führte zu höheren Tröpfchengrößen. Mit zunehmender Propylenglykolkonzentration wurde der Wirkstoffgehalt erhöht, mit zunehmender Transcutol®P-Konzentration dagegen vermindert. UV/VIS-spektroskopische Analysen deuten darauf hin, dass in beiden Formulierungen Amphotericin B als Monomer vorliegt. Allerdings erwiesen sich die Formulierungen Caco-2-Zellen und humanen roten Blutkörperchen gegenüber als toxisch. Da die Kontrollproben eine höhere Toxizität als die wirkstoffhaltigen Formulierungen zeigten, ist die Toxizität nicht nur auf Amphotericin, sondern auch auf die Hilfsstoffe zurückzuführen. Die solubilisierte Wirkstoffmenge ist in beiden Formulierungen nicht ausreichend im Hinblick auf die eingesetzte Menge an Hilfsstoff nach WHO-Kriterien. Gemäß diesen Untersuchungen erscheinen die Emulsions-Formulierungen für die orale Gabe nicht geeignet. Dennoch sind Tierstudien notwendig, um den Effekt bei Tieren sowie die systemisch verfügbare Wirkstoffmenge zu ermitteln. Dies wird bestandskräftige Schlussfolgerungen bezüglich der Formulierung und Aussagen über mögliche Perspektiven erlauben. Nichtsdestotrotz sind die Präkonzentrate sehr stabil und können bei Raumtemperatur gelagert werden.rnDie multilamellar-vesikulären Formulierungen von Amphotericin B mit ungesättigten und gesättigten neutralen Phospholipiden und Cholesterin wurden erfolgreich entwickelt und enthielten nicht nur Vesikel, sondern auch zusätzliche Strukturen bei zunehmender Cholesterinkonzentration. Mittels Partikelgrößenanalyse wurden bei den Formulierungen mit gesättigten Lipiden Mikropartikel detektiert, was abhängig von der Alkylkettenlänge war. Mit dem ungesättigten Lipid (DOPC) konnten hingegen Nanopartikel mit hinreichender Verkapselung und Partikelgrößenverteilung gebildet werden. Die Ergebnisse der thermischen und FTIR-spektroskopischen Analyse, welche den Einfluss des Arzneistoffes ausschließen ließen, liefern den Nachweis für die mögliche, bereits in der Literatur beschriebene Einlagerung des Wirkstoffs in lipid- und/oder cholesterinreiche Membranen. Mit Hilfe eines linearen Saccharosedichtegradienten konnte die Formulierung in Vesikel und Wirkstoff-Lipid-Komplexe nach bimodaler Verteilung aufgetrennt werden, wobei der Arzneistoff stärker mit den Komplexen als mit den Vesikeln assoziiert ist. Bei den Kleinwinkelneutronenstreu-Experimenten wurde die Methode der Kontrastvariation mit Erfolg angewendet. Dabei konnte gezeigt werden, dass Cholesterol in situ einen Komplex mit Amphotericin B bildet. Diesen Sachverhalt legt unter anderem die beobachtete Differenz in der äquivalenten Streulängendichte der Wirkstoff-Lipid- und Wirkstoff-Lipid-Cholesterin-haltigen kleinen unilamellaren Vesikeln nahe. Das Vorkommen von Bragg-Peaks im Streuprofil weist auf Domänen hin und systematische Untersuchungen zeigten, dass die Anzahl der Domänen mit steigendem Cholesteringehalt zunimmt, ab einem bestimmten Grenzwert jedoch wieder abnimmt. Die Domänen treten vor allem nahe der Außenfläche der Modellmembran auf und bestätigen, dass der Wirkstoff in den Cholesterinreichen Membranen vertikal eingelagert ist. Die Formulierung war sowohl Caco-2-Zellen als auch humanen roten Blutkörperchen gegenüber nicht toxisch und erwies sich unter Berücksichtigung der Aufnahme in Caco-2-Zellen als vielversprechend für die orale Applikation. Die Formulierung zeigt sich somit aussichtsreich und könnte in Tabletten weiterverarbeitet werden. Ein Filmüberzug würde den Wirkstoff gegen die saure Umgebung im Magen schützen. Für die Bestimmung der systemischen Verfügbarkeit der Formulierung sind Tierstudien notwendig. Die entwickelten multilamellaren Formulierungen einschließlich der Wirkstoff-Cholesterin-Komplexe bieten somit gute Aussichten auf die mögliche medizinische Anwendung. rnrn
To prevent iatrogenic damage, transfusions of red blood cells should be avoided. For this, specific and reliable transfusion triggers must be defined. To date, the optimal hematocrit during the initial operating room (OR) phase is still unclear in patients with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). We hypothesized that hematocrit values exceeding 28%, the local hematocrit target reached by the end of the initial OR phase, resulted in more complications, increased mortality, and impaired recovery compared to patients in whom hematocrit levels did not exceed 28%.
A role of nociceptin and its receptor (NOP) in pain and immune function has been suggested. The hypothesis was that mRNA expression of NOP and the nociceptin precursor pre-pronociceptin (pN/OFQ) in peripheral blood cells differs in end-stage cancer patients suffering from chronic pain and septic intensive care unit (ICU) patients compared with healthy controls.
The urea cycle defect argininosuccinate lyase (ASL) deficiency has a large spectrum of presentations from highly severe to asymptomatic. Enzyme activity assays in red blood cells or fibroblasts, although diagnostic of the deficiency, fail to discriminate between severe, mild or asymptomatic cases. Mutation/phenotype correlation studies are needed to characterize the effects of individual mutations on the activity of the enzyme.
SUMMARY: BACKGROUND: Recruitment of platelets (PLT) during donor PLT apheresis may facilitate the harvest of multiple units within a single donation. METHODS: We compared two PLT apheresis procedures (Amicus and Trima Accel) in a prospective, randomized, paired cross-over study in 60 donors. The 120 donations were compared for depletion of circulating PLT in the donors, PLT yields and PLT recruitment. A recruitment was defined as ratio of total PLT yield and donor PLT depletion > 1. RESULTS: Despite comparable differences of pre- and post-apheresis PLT counts (87 × 10(9)/l in Trima Accel vs. 92 × 10(9)/l in Amicus, p = 0.383), PLT yields were higher with Trima Accel (7.48 × 10(11) vs. 6.06 × 10(11), p < 0.001), corresponding to a higher PLT recruitment (1.90 vs. 1.42, p < 0.001). We observed a different increase of WBC counts after aphereses, which was more pronounced with Trima Accel than with Amicus (1.30 × 10(9)/l vs. 0.46 × 10(9)/l, p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Both procedures induced PLT recruitment. This was higher in Trima Accel, contributing to a higher yield in spite of a comparable depletion of circulating PLT in the donors. This recruitment facilitates the harvest of multiple units within a single donation and seems to be influenced by the procedure utilized. The different increases of circulating donor white blood cells after donation need further investigation.
Knowledge of the dynamic features of the processes driven by malaria parasites in the spleen is lacking. To gain insight into the function and structure of the spleen in malaria, we have implemented intravital microscopy and magnetic resonance imaging of the mouse spleen in experimental infections with non-lethal (17X) and lethal (17XL) Plasmodium yoelii strains. Noticeably, there was higher parasite accumulation, reduced motility, loss of directionality, increased residence time and altered magnetic resonance only in the spleens of mice infected with 17X. Moreover, these differences were associated with the formation of a strain-specific induced spleen tissue barrier of fibroblastic origin, with red pulp macrophage-clearance evasion and with adherence of infected red blood cells to this barrier. Our data suggest that in this reticulocyte-prone non-lethal rodent malaria model, passage through the spleen is different from what is known in other Plasmodium species and open new avenues for functional/structural studies of this lymphoid organ in malaria.
Merozoites of malaria parasites invade red blood cells (RBCs), where they multiply by schizogony, undergoing development through ring, trophozoite and schizont stages that are responsible for malaria pathogenesis. Here, we report that a protein kinase-mediated signalling pathway involving host RBC PAK1 and MEK1, which do not have orthologues in the Plasmodium kinome, is selectively stimulated in Plasmodium falciparum-infected (versus uninfected) RBCs, as determined by the use of phospho-specific antibodies directed against the activated forms of these enzymes. Pharmacological interference with host MEK and PAK function using highly specific allosteric inhibitors in their known cellular IC50 ranges results in parasite death. Furthermore, MEK inhibitors have parasiticidal effects in vitro on hepatocyte and erythrocyte stages of the rodent malaria parasite Plasmodium berghei, indicating conservation of this subversive strategy in malaria parasites. These findings have profound implications for the development of novel strategies for antimalarial chemotherapy.
Indications for a protective function of beta2-glycoprotein I in thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
It has been shown that β(2) -glycoprotein I (β(2) GPI) interacts with von Willebrand factor (VWF) in a glycoprotein (GP)Ib binding state. Given the presence of active VWF multimers in thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP), we speculated that β(2) GPI might play a role in TTP. We found that β(2) GPI plasma levels were significantly lower in acute and remission TTP patients than in normal controls, showing a direct correlation with ADAMTS 13 levels and an inverse correlation with the extent of VWF activation. In vitro flow experiments demonstrated that β(2) GPI can block platelet adhesion to endothelial cell-derived VWF strings. We confirmed the direct binding of β(2) GPI to VWF by surface plasmon resonance, and determined that domain I of β(2) GPI is the binding site of VWF A1 domain. Adhesion of β(2) GPI to erythrocytes and platelets was increased in the presence of active VWF, indicating that β(2) GPI may be cleared from the circulation during TTP episodes together with blood cells. Our findings suggest that β(2) GPI may protect from the effects of hyper-functional VWF by inhibiting its interaction with platelets.
The KIT receptor protein-tyrosine kinase plays an important role during embryonic development. Activation of KIT is crucial for the development of various cell lineages such as melanoblasts, stem cells of the haematopoietic system, spermatogonia and intestinal cells of Cajal. In mice, many mutations in the Kit gene cause pigmentation disorders accompanied by pleiotropic effects on blood cells and male fertility. Previous work has demonstrated that dominant white Franches-Montagnes horses carry one copy of the KIT gene with the p.Y717X mutation. The targeted breeding of white horses would be ethically questionable if white horses were known to suffer from anaemia or leukopenia. The present study demonstrates that no statistically significant differences in peripheral blood parameters are detectable between dominant white and solid-coloured Franches-Montagnes horses. The data indicate that KIT mutations may have different effects in mice, pigs, and horses. The KIT p.Y717X mutation does not have a major negative effect on the haematopoietic system of dominant white horses.
Eosinophils are blood cells that are often found in high numbers in the tissues of allergic conditions and helminthic parasite infections. The pathophysiologic roles that eosinophils may serve in other human "eosinophil-associated" diseases remain obscure.
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP), characterized by thrombocytopenia and microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia, was almost universally fatal until the introduction of plasma exchange (PE) therapy in the 1970s. Based on clinical studies, daily PE has become the first-choice therapy since 1991. Recent findings may explain its effectiveness, which may include, in particular, the removal of anti-ADAMTS13 autoantibodies and unusually large von Willebrand factor multimers and/or supply of ADAMTS13 in acquired idiopathic or congenital TTP. Based on currently available data, the favoured PE regimen is daily PE [involving replacement of 1-1.5 times the patient's plasma volume with fresh-frozen plasma (FFP)] until remission. Adverse events of treatment are mainly related to central venous catheters. The potential reduction of plasma related side-effects, such as transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) or febrile transfusion reactions by use of solvent-detergent treated (S/D) plasma instead of FFP is not established by controlled clinical studies. Uncontrolled clinical observations and the hypothesis of an autoimmune process in a significant part of the patients with acquired idiopathic TTP suggest a beneficial effect of adjunctive therapy with corticosteroids. Other immunosuppressive treatments are not tested in controlled trials and should be reserved for refractory or relapsing disease. There is no convincing evidence for the use of antiplatelet agents. Supportive treatment with transfusion of red blood cells or platelets has to be evaluated on a clinical basis, but the transfusion trigger for platelets should be very restrictive. Further controlled, prospective studies should consider the different pathophysiological features of thrombotic microangiopathies, address the prognostic significance of ADAMTS13 and explore alternative exchange fluids to FFP, the role of immunosuppressive therapies and of new plasma saving approaches as recombinant ADAMTS13 and protein A immunoadsorption.
The examination of urine in children can be very complex, due to the difficulty to obtain clean urine specimens in infants and toddlers. Clean catch is an easy system to obtain urine but patience is needed. Transurethral catheterization or suprapubic aspiration is useful in infants and toddlers with sign of pyelonephritis. Urine bag specimens are not useful in the diagnosis of urinary tract infection because of the high rate of false positive cultures. The 24 hours urine collection is frequently replaced by a spot urine and the ratio of the measured substances with the urine creatinine are calculated. Urine microscopy is needed for the evaluation of pathological results in the dipstick testing: confirm that red urine is due to haematuria by demonstration of red blood cells on urine microscopy, dysmorphic cells and red-cell casts are pathognomonic of glomerular bleeding, white-cell casts signify glomerular inflammation and bacteria are easily seen in unstained urine. A urine culture is pathologic if the colony count exceeds 10(4) in the transurethral catheterization or clean void. In the suprapubic aspiration is any number of colony pathologic. Urate crystals in the urine of infants may cause a pink discoloration to nappies. Urine screenings are not very useful and should be performed only at the age of 5 years or by sexual-active adolescents.
Telomeres have emerged as crucial cellular elements in aging and various diseases including cancer. To measure the average length of telomere repeats in cells, we describe our protocols that use fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) with labeled peptide nucleic acid (PNA) probes specific for telomere repeats in combination with fluorescence measurements by flow cytometry (flow FISH). Flow FISH analysis can be performed using commercially available flow cytometers, and has the unique advantage over other methods for measuring telomere length of providing multi-parameter information on the length of telomere repeats in thousands of individual cells. The accuracy and reproducibility of the measurements is augmented by the automation of most pipetting (aspiration and dispensing) steps, and by including an internal standard (control cells) with a known telomere length in every tube. The basic protocol for the analysis of nucleated blood cells from 22 different individuals takes about 12 h spread over 2-3 days.