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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA
As fraturas de rádio e ulna em animais de companhia são ocorrências ortopédicas de grande incidência em Medicina Veterinária. Cães de pequeno porte parecem ter uma maior incidência de fraturas em terço distal do rádio e ulna. A consolidação de ossos fraturados baseia-se na redução anatômica ou na aproximação dos maiores fragmentos. Para haver uma correta cicatrização óssea, os implantes ortopédicos devem anular todas as forças atuantes no foco de fratura. O tratamento dessas fraturas é descrito como difícil, em porte do tipo toy e miniatura. A ocorrência da não consolidação óssea é alta chegando a 60% dos casos estudados. Alguns fatores identificados afetam a osteossíntese em cães de raças de pequeno porte, pois são inerentes à instabilidade biomecânica, como, o mínimo contato da superfície do osso após a redução, devido ao pequeno diâmetro existente, diminuição da cobertura de tecido mole, formação constante de cartilagem no foco da fratura, e diminuição da densidade vascular na junção diáfise-metafisária distal em comparação com cães de raças de grande porte. O objetivo da presente revisão sistemática foi avaliar o melhor método de tratamento para fraturas distais de rádio e/ou ulna em cães de raças de pequeno porte. Como metodologia foram utilizados 14 artigos científicos, sendo 11 internacionais e quatro nacionais. A aplicação de placas, nesse estudo sistemático, foi considerado o método mais eficaz para fixação de fraturas distais de rádio e ulna em cães de pequeno porte
This research aimed to investigate, to describe and to reflect on the initial and continuous training playful preschool teachers and their applicability in daily practice. Through a literature search on the official documents and playfulness in the formation of the pedagogue, we see the importance of the uses of games and toys in kindergarten. Therefore, a retrospective of early childhood education and teacher training were conducted by analyzing the knowledge necessary to professor of playing in kindergarten. In order to collect data in the field were used as instruments to direct observation of everyday practice of the teacher and a questionnaire to see if the teachers' planning the use of toys and games, times and spaces intended for recreational actions are recorded and are ensured. With these investigative actions, from the descriptive and interpretative analysis of the data can be verified as occurred playful teacher education early childhood education and its importance in recreational use in the classroom every day
Stryphnodendron obovatum Benth. known as barbatimão de folha miúda, is a typical tree of the Midwest and Southeast “Cerrado” regions of Brazil. Several secondary metabolites have been identified in its barks, including tannins, described on the literature as allelochemicals. Beholding to identify a possible allelopathic activity in S. obovatum leaves, we tested hydroethanolic EtOH:H2 O (70% and 50% v/v) extracts, in different concentrations, on the initial development of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). Among the results, we highlight the effect of the 50% hydroethanolic extract in inhibiting the formation of the main and the secondary roots and the stimulation of the hypocotyl growth in C. sativus by the 70% hydroethanolic extract, both in all concentrations tested. The cytotoxic activity, evaluated by bioassay toxicity on Artemia salina Leach., was negative for the tested extracts (LC50> 1000 mg.mL-1). Concomitantly, the molluscicidal activity, evaluated against snails of Biomphalaria glabrata Say, presented low acute toxicity of solutions of 70% hydroethanolic extract at concentrations of 128.9 mg.mL-1 and 172.8 mg.mL-1 and values above 250 mg.mL-1 to solutions of 50% hydroalcoholic extract, being therefore considered inactive for these. The results suggest the existence of allelochemicals in the extracts tested and they have low toxicity.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ
With the wide variety of content to be worked out what really is expected of students in curricular physical education component? And as teachers conduct and evaluate this learning? These processes occur in the same way in public and private institutions? What is the relationship of the assessment with the students, with content and with the school? These were questions that motivated this research, which aims to conduct a desk review involving different schools, and interview their teachers, in order to identify possible relationships between teachers, students and educational institutions when referring to the assessment of physical education, between schools in different school systems (private, state and municipal), specifically from 6th to 9th grade. The survey was conducted in three different schools in the city Bauru/SP, being a private school, a school hall and a state school, and their physical education teachers. As a methodological reference was used qualitative research, and documentary analysis and semi-structured interviews were the techniques used for data collection. The data collected were tabulated and analyzed separately, and after the first analysis were separated into four categories that related to the study of literature review, interviews of teachers and the political projects of schools teaching (the documents that were analyzed). After the analysis performed it was revealed that the ways teachers surveyed perform their assessments contradicts the main problems and difficulties found in the literature. And regardless of the demands made by the educational institution that really influences the evaluation in physical education classes is the commitment and professional commitment to his students and his principles
Internationally there are validated instruments that are used on a large scale to verify the information literacy of individuals in different contexts. Their results serve as a diagnostic for the planning and implementation of information literacy activities. In Brazil there is no validated assessment tools of information literacy. An analysis of contents of four international instruments attached to the upper level educational institutions duly recognized in the literature of the field and validated. The results will be presented related to information literacy addressed in these instruments. It was found that the instruments analyzed the skills focused on the identification of terms of the informational needs, the preparation and construction of search strategies available in parameter two of the Association of College and Research Libraries; differentiation of information sources (parameter one); evaluation and selection of informational sources and selection of the theme searched information (parameter three); and, finally, the abilities of the ethical issue related to use of the information (parameter five). The parameter four, which is facing the communication of information, was not addressed by the instruments. It was concluded that there is a concern of those responsible for preparing the instruments covered with more traditional technical aspects of training users and aspects of information literacy at the expense of ethical and aesthetic aspects.
Spills can ocurr during oil productive chain and contaminate various environments due to the toxicity of monoaromatics hidrocarbons. Toluene stands out for being agressive to the nervous sistem and teratogenic, with high mobility and solubility in water, which facilitates environmental impact. Studies show that fungi are potential aromatic compounds assimilators, encouraging new researches about its use on the recovery of contaminated sites. This study aimed to select and characterize fungus with potential for biorremediation of toluene. 50 fungi were selected of the Collection of Microorganisms of Interest for Oil Gas and Biofuels, of UNESP Rio Claro, all of which were isolated from sites contaminated with monoaromatic hydrocarbons. Two trials were realized to select the microorganism with greater potential. The first test evaluated fungal growth under toluene saturated atmosphere. 24 fungi were chosen because its greater biomass production to participate in the next trial, the degradation in plates test, where the blue redox agente, DCPIP, indicates the degradation reaction, turning colorless. From this teste was possible to select one isolate which showed higher growth and stronger medium discoloration as the microorganism with the greatest potential to assimilate toluene. The Trichoderma cf. koningii had its potential evaluated through gas cromatography. The experiment proved the efficiency of the methodology, with positives results from the method validation and the effectiveness demonstrated of the LA-PHA-PACK bottles to prevent the volatilization of toluene during the 21 days of experiment. Being reliable its use for monitoring toluene decay associating it with degradation. This results are important because there aren't many methodologies and vials efficient to the purpose of this work. In the present study the degradation rates demonstrated no significant decay of the concentration of hydrocarbon. That may be related to the...
The biocompatibility of two dentin adhesives (Scotchbond MultiPurpose- 3M and Optibond Multi-Use - Kerr) was evaluated in rats subcutaneous connective tissue implants. Polyethylene tubes filled with the adhesives were surgically implanted into the dorsal subcutaneous tissues of rats. The tubes were left implanted for periods of 14, 30, 60 and 84 days, following wich the animais were killed and the implants, together with the surrounding tissue, were excised. The specimens were then fixed in 10 per cent formalin, sectioned serially and stained with hematoxylin and eosin and then, examined by light microscopy. After 14 and 30 days the tubes were surrounded by a mild to moderate inflammatory infiltration. After 60 and 84 days microscopic examination revealed the formation of a connective tissue capsule around each tube. The microscopic examination of the biopsy specimens allowed to conclude that: a) both dentin adhesives are considered biologically acceptable when placed in contact with rats subcutaneous connective tissue; b) in the observation period of 30 days there were moderate tissue reaction to the Optibond Multi-Use -light cure- (Kerr); c) after 60 and 84 days the use of both dentine adhesives did not interfere in the healing of the surrounding connective tissue
Pós-graduação em Enfermagem - FMB
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)