992 resultados para Automotive market


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As the designers of modern automotive turbochargers strive to increase map width and lower the mass flow rate at which compressor surge occurs, the recirculating flows at the impeller inlet are becoming a much more relevant aerodynamic feature. Compressors with relatively large map widths tend to have very large recirculating regions at the inlet when operating close to surge; these regions greatly affect the expected performance of the compressor.

This study analyses the inlet recirculation region numerically using several modern automotive turbocharger centrifugal compressors. Using 3D Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and a single passage model, the point at which the recirculating flow begins to develop and the rate at which it grows are investigated. All numerical modelling has been validated using measurements taken from hot gas stand tests for all compressor stages. The paper improves upon an existing correlation between the rate of development of the recirculating region and the compressor stage, which is supported by results from the numerical analysis.


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Automotive manufacturers require improved part load engine performance to further improve fuel economy. For a swing vane VGS (Variable Geometry Stator) turbine this means a more closed stator vane, to deal with the low MFRs (Mass Flow Rates), high PRs (Pressure Ratios) and low rotor rotational speeds. During these conditions the turbine is operating at low velocity ratios. As more energy is available at high pressure ratios and during lower turbocharger rotational speeds, a turbine which is efficient at these conditions is desirable. Another key aspect for automotive manufacturers is engine responsiveness. High inertia designs result in “turbo lag” which means an increased time before the target boost pressure is reached. Therefore, designs with improved performance at low velocity ratios, reduced inertia or an increased swallowing capacity are the current targets for turbocharger manufacturers.

To try to meet these design targets a CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) study was performed on a turbine wheel using splitter blades. A number of parameters were investigated. These included splitter blade merdional length, blade number and blade angle distribution.

The numerical study was performed on a scaled automotive VGS. Three different stator vane positions have been analysed. A single passage CFD model was developed and used to provide information on the flow features affecting performance in both the stator vanes and turbine.

Following the CFD investigation the design with the best compromise in terms of performance, inertia and increased MFP (Mass Flow Parameter) was selected for manufacture and testing. Tests were performed on a scaled, low temperature turbine test rig. The aerodynamic flow path of the gas stand was the same as that investigated during the CFD. The test results revealed a design which had similar performance at the closed stator vane positions when compared to the baseline wheel. At the maximum MFR stator vane condition a drop of −0.6% pts in efficiency was seen. However, 5.5% increase in MFP was obtained with the additional benefit of a drop in rotor inertia of 3.7%, compared to the baseline wheel.


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Single-Zone modelling is used to assess three 1D impeller loss model collections. An automotive turbocharger centrifugal compressor is used for evaluation. The individual 1D losses are presented relative to each other at three tip speeds to provide a visual description of each author’s perception of the relative importance of each loss. The losses are compared with their resulting prediction of pressure ratio and efficiency, which is further compared with test data; upon comparison, a combination of the 1D loss collections is identified as providing the best performance prediction. 3D CFD simulations have also been carried out for the same geometry using a single passage model. A method of extracting 1D losses from CFD is described and utilised to draw further comparisons with the 1D losses. A 1D scroll volute model has been added to the single passage CFD results; good agreement with the test data is achieved. Short-comings in the existing 1D loss models are identified as a result of the comparisons with 3D CFD losses. Further comparisons are drawn between the predicted 1D data, 3D CFD simulation results, and the test data using a nondimensional method to highlight where the current errors exist in the 1D prediction.


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Abstract. Single-zone modelling is used to assess different collections of impeller 1D loss models. Three collections of loss models have been identified in literature, and the background to each of these collections is discussed. Each collection is evaluated using three modern automotive turbocharger style centrifugal compressors; comparisons of performance for each of the collections are made. An empirical data set taken from standard hot gas stand tests for each turbocharger is used as a baseline for comparison. Compressor range is predicted in this study; impeller diffusion ratio is shown to be a useful method of predicting compressor surge in 1D, and choke is predicted using basic compressible flow theory. The compressor designer can use this as a guide to identify the most compatible collection of losses for turbocharger compressor design applications. The analysis indicates the most appropriate collection for the design of automotive turbocharger centrifugal compressors.


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Mixed flow turbines represent a potential solution to the increasing requirement for high pressure, low velocity ratio operation in turbocharger applications. While literature exists for the use of these turbines at such operating conditions, there is a lack of detailed design guidance for defining the basic geometry of the turbine, in particular, the cone angle – the angle at which the inlet of the mixed flow turbine is inclined to the axis. This investigates the effect and interaction of such mixed flow turbine design parameters.
Computational Fluids Dynamics was initially used to investigate the performance of a modern radial turbine to create a baseline for subsequent mixed flow designs. Existing experimental data was used to validate this model.
Using the CFD model, a number of mixed flow turbine designs were investigated. These included studies varying the cone angle and the associated inlet blade angle.
The results of this analysis provide insight into the performance of a mixed flow turbine with respect to cone and inlet blade angle.


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Several one-dimensional design methods have been used to predict the off-design performance of three modern centrifugal compressors for automotive turbocharging. The three methods used are single-zone, two-zone, and a more recent statistical method. The predicted results from each method are compared against empirical data taken from standard hot gas stand tests for each turbocharger. Each of the automotive turbochargers considered in this study have notably different geometries and are of varying application. Due to the non-adiabatic test conditions, the empirical data has been corrected for the effect of heat transfer to ensure comparability with the 1D models. Each method is evaluated for usability and accuracy in both pressure ratio and efficiency prediction. The paper presents an insight into the limitations of each of these models when applied to one-dimensional automotive turbocharger design, and proposes that a corrected single-zone modelling approach has the greatest potential for further development, whilst the statistical method could be immediately introduced to a design process where design variations are limited.


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After the development of a new single-zone meanline modelling technique, benchmarking of the technique and the modelling methods used during its development are presented. The new meanline model had been developed using the results of three automotive turbocharger centrifugal compressors, and single passage CFD models based on their geometry.

The target of the current study was to test the new meanline modelling method on two new centrifugal compressor stages, again from the automotive turbocharger variety. Furthermore the single passage CFD modelling method used in the previous study would be again employed here and also benchmarked.

The benchmarking was twofold; firstly test the overall performance prediction accuracy of the single-zone meanline model. Secondly, test the detailed performance estimation of the CFD model using detailed interstage static pressure tappings.

The final component of this study exposed the weaknesses in the current modelling methods used (explicitly during this study). The non-axisymmetric flow field at the leading and trailing edges for the two compressors was measured and is presented here for the complete compressor map, highlighting the distortion relative to the tongue.


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Throughout the European Union there is an increasing amount of wind generation being dispatched-down due to the binding of power system operating constraints from high levels of wind generation. This paper examines the impact a system non-synchronous penetration limit has on the dispatch-down of wind and quantifies the significance of interconnector counter-trading to the priority dispatching of wind power. A fully coupled economic dispatch and security constrained unit commitment model of the Single Electricity Market of the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland and the British Electricity Trading and Transmission Arrangement was used in this study. The key finding was interconnector counter-trading reduces the impact the system non-synchronous penetration limit has on the dispatch-down of wind. The capability to counter-trade on the interconnectors and an increase in system non-synchronous penetration limit from 50% to 55% reduces the dispatch-down of wind by 311 GW h and decreases total electricity payments to the consumer by €1.72/MW h. In terms of the European Union electricity market integration, the results show the importance of developing individual electricity markets that allow system operators to counter-trade on interconnectors to ensure the priority dispatch of the increasing levels of wind generation.


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EU Social and Labour Rights have developed incrementally, originally through a set of legislative initiatives creating selective employment rights, followed by a non-binding Charter of Social Rights. Only in 2009, social and labour rights became legally binding through the Charter of Fundamental Rights for the European Union (CFREU). By contrast, the EU Internal Market - an area without frontiers where goods, persons, services and capital can circulate freely – has been enshrined in legally enforceable Treaty provisions from 1958. These comprise the economic freedoms guaranteeing said free circulation and a system ensuring that competition is not distorted within the Internal Market (Protocol 27 to the Treaty of Lisbon). Tensions between Internal Market law and social and labour rights have been observed in analyses of EU case law and legislation. This study explores responses by socio-economic and political actors at national and EU levels to such tensions, focusing on collective labour rights, rights to fair working conditions and rights to social security and social assistance (Articles 12, 28, 31, 34 Charter of Fundamental Rights for the European Union). On the basis of the current Treaties and the CFREU, the constitutionally conditioned Internal Market emerges as a way to overcome the perception that social and labour rights limit Internal Market law, or vice versa. On this basis, alternative responses to perceived tensions are proposed, focused on posting of workers, furthering fair employment conditions through public procurement and enabling effective collective bargaining and industrial action in the Internal Market.


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This paper implements momentum among a host of market anomalies. Our investment universe consists of the 15 top (long-leg) and 15 bottom (short-leg) anomaly portfolios. The proposed active strategy buys (sells short) a subset of the top (bottom) anomaly portfolios based on past one-month return. The evidence shows statistically strong and economically meaningful persistence in anomaly payoffs. Our strategy consistently outperforms a naive benchmark that equal weights anomalies and yields an abnormal monthly return ranging between 1.27% and 1.47%. The persistence is robust to the post-2000 period, and various other considerations, and is stronger following episodes of high investor sentiment.