999 resultados para Astrophysics
We construct a phenomenological theory of gravitation based on a second order gauge formulation for the Lorentz group. The model presents a long-range modification for the gravitational field leading to a cosmological model provided with an accelerated expansion at recent times. We estimate the model parameters using observational data and verify that our estimative for the age of the Universe is of the same magnitude than the one predicted by the standard model. The transition from the decelerated expansion regime to the accelerated one occurs recently (at similar to 9.3 Gyr).
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
We performed computer simulations of interstellar cloud-cloud collisions using the three-dimensional smoothed particle magnetohydrodynamics method. In order to study the role of the magnetic field on the process of collision-triggered fragmentation, we focused our attention on head-on supersonic collisions between two identical spherical molecular-clouds. Two extreme configurations of the magnetic field were adopted: parallel and perpendicular to the initial clouds motion. The initial magnetic field strength was approximately 12.0 muG. In the parallel case, much more of the collision debris were retained in the shocking region than in the non-magnetic case where gas escaped freely throughout the symmetry plane. Differently from the non-magnetic case, eddy-like vortices were formed. The regions of highest vorticity and the the regions of highest density are offset. We found clumps formation only in the parallel case, however, they were larger, hotter and less dense than in the analogous non-magnetic case. In the perpendicular case, the compressed field works as a magnetic wall, preventing a stronger compression of the colliding clouds. This last effect inhibits direct contact of the two clouds. In both cases, we found that the field lines show a chaotic aspect in large scales. Also, the field magnitude is considerably amplified in the shock layer. However, the field distribution is almost coherent in the higher density regions.
A probable capture of Phobos into an interesting resonance was presented in our previous work. With a simple model, considering Mars in a Keplerian and circular orbit, it was shown that once captured in the resonance, the inclination of the satellite reaches very high values. Here, the integrations are extended to much longer times and escape situations are analyzed. These escapes are due to the interaction of new additional resonances, which appear as the inclination starts to increase reaching some specific values. Compared to classical capture in mean motion resonances, we see some interesting differences in this problem. We also include the effect of Mars' eccentricity in the process of the capture. The role played by this eccentricity becomes important, particularly when Phobos encounters a double resonance at a approximate to 2.619R(M). Planetary perturbations acting on Mars and variation of its equator are also included. In general, some possible scenarios of the future of Phobos are presented.
We study the effects of Jupiter mass growth in order to permanently capture prograde satellites. Adopting the restricted three-body problem, Sun-Jupiter-Particle, we performed numerical simulations backward in time while considering the decrease in Jupiter's mass. We considered the particle's initial conditions to be prograde, at pericenter, in the region 100R(4) <= a <= 400R(4) and 0 <= e <= 0.5. The results give Jupiter's mass at the moment when the particle escapes from the planet. Such values give an indication of the conditions that are necessary for capture. An analysis of these results shows that prograde satellite capture is more complex than a retrograde one. It occurs in a two-step process. First, when the particles get inside about 0.85R(Hill) (Hills' radius), they become weakly bound to Jupiter. Then, they keep migrating toward the planet with a strong decrease in eccentricity, while the planet is growing. The radial oscillation of the particles reduces significantly when they reach a radial distance that is less than about 0.45R(Hill) from the planet. Three-dimensional simulations for the known prograde satellites of Jupiter were performed. The results indicate that Leda, Himalia, Lysithea, and Elara could have been permanently captured when Jupiter had between 50% and 60% of its present mass.
Context. The V-type asteroids are associated with basaltic composition. Apart from ( 1459) Magnya, an asteroid that is clearly dynamically and mineralogically unconnected to the Vesta family, all currently known V-type asteroids are either members of the Vesta family, or are hypothesized to be former members of the dynamical family that migrated to their current orbital positions. The recent identification of ( 21238) 1995 WV7 as a V-type asteroid introduces the possibility that a second basaltic asteroid not connected with the Vesta family exists. This asteroid is on the opposite side of the 3: 1 mean motion resonance with respect to Vesta, and it would be very unlikely that a member of the Vesta family of its size (D > 5km) migrating via either the Yarkovsky effect or repeated close encounters with Vesta survived the passage through such a resonance.Aims. In this work we investigate the possibility that ( 21238) 1995 WV7 originated as a fragment of the parent body of the Eunomia family and then migrated via the interplay of the Yarkovsky effect and some powerful nonlinear secular resonances, such as the (s - s(6)) - ( g(5) - g(6)). If (15) Eunomia is, as claimed, a differentiated object whose originally pyroxene-enriched crust layer was lost in a collision that either created the Eunomia family or preceded its formation, can (21238) be a fragment of its long-lost basaltic crust that migrated to the current position?Methods. We mapped the phase space around (21238) and determined which of the nonlinear secular resonances that we identified are stronger and more capable of having caused the current difference in proper i between (21238) and members of the Eunomia family. We simulated the Yarkovsky effect by using the SWIFT-RMVSY integrator.Results. Our results suggest that it is possible to migrate from the Eunomia dynamical family to the current orbital location of ( 21238) via the interplay of the Yarkovsky effect and the (s - s6) - (g5 - g6) nonlinear secular resonance, on time-scales of at least 2.6 Gyr.Conclusions. (15) Eunomia might be the third currently known parent body for V-type asteroids.
In this work we study the basic aspects concerning the stability of the outer satellites of Jupiter. Including the effects of the four giant planets and the Sun we study a large grid of initial conditions. Some important regions where satellites cannot survive are found. Basically these regions are due to Kozai and other resonances. We give an analytical explanation for the libration of the pericenters (ω) over bar - (ω) over bar (J). Another different center is also found. The period and amplitude of these librations are quite sensitive to initial conditions, so that precise observational data are needed for Pasiphae and Sinope. The effect of Jupiter's mass variation is briefly presented. This effect can be responsible for satellite capture and also for locking (ω) over bar - (ω) over bar (J) in temporary libration.
Gravitational capture can be used to explain the existence of the irregular satellites of giants planets. However, it is only the first step since the gravitational capture is temporary. Therefore, some kind of non-conservative effect is necessary to to turn the temporary capture into a permanent one. In the present work we study the effects of Jupiter mass growth for the permanent capture of retrograde satellites. An analysis of the zero velocity curves at the Lagrangian point L-1 indicates that mass accretion provides an increase of the confinement region ( delimited by the zero velocity curve, where particles cannot escape from the planet) favoring permanent captures. Adopting the restricted three-body problem, Sun-Jupiter-Particle, we performed numerical simulations backward in time considering the decrease of M-4. We considered initial conditions of the particles to be retrograde, at pericenter, in the region 100 R-4 less than or equal to a less than or equal to 400 R-4 and 0 less than or equal to e < 0.5. The results give Jupiter's mass at the moment when the particle escapes from the planet. Such values are an indication of the necessary conditions that could provide capture. An analysis of these results shows that retrograde satellites would be captured as soon as they get inside the Hills' radius and after that they keep migrating toward the planet while it is growing. For the region where the orbits of the four old retrograde satellites of Jupiter ( Ananke, Carme, Pasiphae and Sinope) are located we found that such satellites could have been permanently captured when Jupiter had between 62% and 93% of its present mass.
Computer experiments of interstellar cloud collisions were performed with a new smoothed-particle-hydrodynamics (SPH) code. The SPH quantities were calculated by using spatially adaptive smoothing lengths and the SPH fluid equations of motion were solved by means of a hierarchical multiple time-scale leapfrog. Such a combination of methods allows the code to deal with a large range of hydrodynamic quantities. A careful treatment of gas cooling by H, H(2), CO and H II, as well as a heating mechanism by cosmic rays and by H(2) production on grains surface, were also included in the code. The gas model reproduces approximately the typical environment of dark molecular clouds. The experiments were performed by impinging two dynamically identical spherical clouds onto each other with a relative velocity of 10 km s(-1) but with a different impact parameter for each case. Each object has an initial density profile obeying an r(-1)-law with a cutoff radius of 10 pc and with an initial temperature of 20 K. As a main result, cloud-cloud collision triggers fragmentation but in expense of a large amount of energy dissipated, which occurred in the head-on case only. Off-center collision did not allow remnants to fragment along the considered time (similar to 6 Myr). However, it dissipated a considerable amount of orbital energy. Structures as small as 0.1 pc, with densities of similar to 10(4) cm(-3), were observed in the more energetic collision.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In the present work we explore regions of distant direct stable orbits around the Moon. First, the location and size of apparently stable regions are searched for numerically, adopting the approach of temporary capture time presented in Vieira Neto & Winter (2001). The study is made in the framework of the planar, circular, restricted three-body problem, Earth-Moon-particle. Regions of the initial condition space whose trajectories are apparently stable are determined. The criterion adopted was that the trajectories do not escape from the Moon during an integration period of 10(4) days. Using Poincare surface of sections the reason for the existence of the two stable regions found is studied. The stability of such regions proved to be due to two families of simple periodic orbits, h1 and h2, and the associated quasi-periodic orbits that oscillate around them. The robustness of the stability of the larger region, h2, is tested with the inclusion of the solar perturbation. The size of the region decreases, but it is still significant in size and can be useful in spacecraft missions.
In a previous work, Vieira Neto & Winter (2001) numerically explored the capture times of particles as temporary satellites of Uranus. The study was made in the framework of the spatial, circular, restricted three-body problem. Regions of the initial condition space whose trajectories are apparently stable were determined. The criterion adopted was that the trajectories do not escape from the planet during an integration of 10(5) years. These regions occur for a wide range of orbital initial inclinations (i). In the present work it is studied the reason for the existence of such stable regions. The stability of the planar retrograde trajectories is due to a family of simple periodic orbits and the associated quasi-periodic orbits that oscillate around them. These planar stable orbits had already been studied (Henon 1970; Huang & Innanen 1983). Their results are reviewed using Poincare surface of sections. The stable non-planar retrograde trajectories, 110 degrees less than or equal to i < 180
In the present work we numerically simulated the motion of particles coorbital to a small satellite under the Poynting-Robertson light drag effect in order to verify the symmetry suggested by Dermott et al. (1979, 1980) on their ring confinement model. The results reveal a more complex scenario, especially for very small particles (micrometer sizes), which present chaotic motion. Despite the complexity of the trajectories the particles remain confined inside the coorbital region. However, the dissipative force caused by the solar radiation also includes the radiation pressure component which can change this configuration. Our results show that the inclusion of the radiation pressure, which is not present in the original confinement model, can destroy the configuration in a time much shorter than the survival time predicted for a dust particle in a horseshoe orbit with a satellite.