999 resultados para Archiv der Brüder-Unität
On a Swiss grower-finisher farm blood-tinged-diarrhoea in pigs weighing 40 to 60 kg was observed during several months, resulting in reduced feed efficiency and a prolonged fattening period. As part of a research project, in February 2007 faecal samples were analysed and one diseased pig was euthanised and sent for necropsy where typical gut lesions indicative for a Brachyspira (B.) hyodysenteriae infection were found. B. hyodysenteriae was demonstrated by PCR in 4 out of 5 faecal samples. The pig farm thereafter underwent an eradication process with timed depopulation of the consecutive pigpens. During February to June 2008 the farm was regularly inspected and tested for B. hyodysenterieae. Testing continued for another year after the eradication process and all faecal samples proved negative. Until January 2010 neither diarrhoea with blood nor B. hyodysenterieae reoccurred.