995 resultados para Antineoplastic agents Testing


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Cardiac dysfunction in heart failure is widely recognized as a progressive process, regardless of the clinical signs and symptoms. An increase in cardiac sympathetic drive is one of the earliest neurohormonal responses occurring in patients with heart failure and may be one of the major causes of the progressive remodeling leading to the decline in myocardial function, and responsible for the poor prognosis of patients with heart failure. Therefore, recent data provided by several appropriately designed clinical trials clearly indicate the benefits of beta-adrenoceptor blocking agents, combined with diuretics, ACE inhibitors, and digoxin in chronic heart failure class II to IV due to systolic ventricular dysfunction. The benefits are related to symptoms, functional capacity, remodeling, and improvement in left ventricular function, reduction in cardiovascular hospitalization, a decrease in the overall and sudden cardiac death rate, and are similar in patients with ischemic or nonischemic cardiomyopathy, independent of age, gender, or functional class. In this review we describe the cardiovascular effects of the increase in sympathetic drive, the pharmacological properties of the beta-blockers most evaluated in heart failure therapy (metoprolol, bisoprolol, and carvedilol), the major clinical trials related to these agents in heart failure, the recommendations for their appropriate use in clinical practice, the precautions to be adopted, and how to handle the more common adverse reactions.


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OBJETIVE: The evaluation, by exercise stress testing, of the cardiorespiratory effects of pyridostigmine (PYR), a reversible acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. METHODS: A double-blind, randomized, cross-over, placebo-controlled comparison of hemodynamic and ventilation variables of 10 healthy subjects who underwent three exercise stress tests (the first for adaptation and determination of tolerance to exercise, the other two after administration of placebo or 45mg of PYR). RESULTS: Heart rate at rest was: 68±3 vs 68±3bpm before and after placebo, respectively (P=0.38); 70±2 vs 59±2bpm, before and after pyridostigmine, respectively (P<0.01). During exercise, relative to placebo: a significantly lower heart rate after PYR at, respectively, 20% (P=0.02), 40% (P=0.03), 80% (P=0.05) and 100% (P=0.02) of peak effort was observed. No significant differences were observed in arterial blood pressure, oxygen consumption at submaximal and maximal effort, exercise duration, respiratory ratio, CO2 production, ventilation threshold, minute ventilation, and oxygen pulse. CONCLUSION: Pyridostigmine, at a dose of 45mg, decreases heart rate at rest and during exercise, with minimal side effects and without interfering with exercise tolerance and ventilation variables.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the influences of circadian variations on tilt-table testing (TTT) results by comparing the positivity rate of the test performed during the morning with that of the test performed in the afternoon and to evaluate the reproducibility of the results in different periods of the day. METHODS: One hundred twenty-three patients with recurrent unexplained syncope or near-syncope referred for TTT were randomized into 2 groups. In group I, 68 patients, TTT was performed first in the afternoon and then in the morning. In group II, 55 patients, the test was performed first in the morning and then in the afternoon. RESULTS: The TTT protocol was the prolonged passive test, without drug sensitization. Twenty-nine (23.5%) patients had a positive result in at least one of the periods. The positivity rate for each period was similar: 20 (16.2%) patients in the afternoon and 19 (15.4%) in the morning (p=1.000). Total reproducibility (positive/positive and negative/negative) was observed in 49 (89%) patients in group I and in 55 (81%) in group II. Reproducibility of the results was obtained in 94 (90.4%) patients with first negative tests but in 10 (34%) patients with first positive tests. CONCLUSION: TTT could be performed during any period of the day, and even in the 2 periods to enhance positivity. Considering the low reproducibility rate of the positive tests, serial TTT to evaluate therapeutic efficacy should be performed during the same period of the day.


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The job of health professionals, including nurses, is considered inherently stressful (Lee & Wang, 2002; Rutledge et al., 2009), and thus it is important to improve and develop specific measures that are sensitive to the demands that health professionals face. This study analysed the psychometric properties of three instruments that focus on the professional experiences of nurses in aspects related to occupational stress, cognitive appraisal, and mental health issues. The evaluation protocol included the Stress Questionnaire for Health Professionals (SQHP; Gomes, 2014), the Cognitive Appraisal Scale (CAS; Gomes, Faria, & Gonçalves, 2013), and the General Health Questionnaire-12 (GHQ-12; Goldberg, 1972). Validity and reliability issues were considered with statistical analysis (i.e. confirmatory factor analysis, convergent validity, and composite reliability) that revealed adequate values for all of the instruments, namely, a six-factor structure for the SQHP, a five-factor structure for the CAS, and a two-factor structure for the GHQ-12. In conclusion, this study proposes three consistent instruments that may be useful for analysing nurses’ adaptation to work contexts.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare blood pressure response to dynamic exercise in hypertensive patients taking trandolapril or captopril. METHODS: We carried out a prospective, randomized, blinded study with 40 patients with primary hypertension and no other associated disease. The patients were divided into 2 groups (n=20), paired by age, sex, race, and body mass index, and underwent 2 symptom-limited exercise tests on a treadmill before and after 30 days of treatment with captopril (75 to 150 mg/day) or trandolapril (2 to 4 mg/day). RESULTS: The groups were similar prior to treatment (p<0.05), and both drugs reduced blood pressure at rest (p<0.001). During treatment, trandolapril caused a greater increase in functional capacity (+31%) than captopril (+17%; p=0.01) did, and provided better blood pressure control during exercise, observed as a reduction in the variation of systolic blood pressure/MET (trandolapril: 10.7±1.9 mmHg/U vs 7.4±1.2 mmHg/U, p=0.02; captopril: 9.1±1.4 mmHg/U vs 11.4±2.5 mmHg/U, p=0.35), a reduction in peak diastolic blood pressure (trandolapril: 116.8±3.1 mmHg vs 108.1±2.5 mmHg, p=0.003; captopril: 118.2±3.1 mmHg vs 115.8±3.3 mmHg, p=0.35), and a reduction in the interruption of the tests due to excessive elevation in blood pressure (trandolapril: 50% vs 15%, p=0.009; captopril: 50% vs 45%, p=0.32). CONCLUSION: Monotherapy with trandolapril is more effective than that with captopril to control blood pressure during exercise in hypertensive patients.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess safety, feasibility, and the results of early exercise testing in patients with chest pain admitted to the emergency room of the chest pain unit, in whom acute myocardial infarction and high-risk unstable angina had been ruled out. METHODS: A study including 1060 consecutive patients with chest pain admitted to the emergency room of the chest pain unit was carried out. Of them, 677 (64%) patients were eligible for exercise testing, but only 268 (40%) underwent the test. RESULTS: The mean age of the patients studied was 51.7±12.1 years, and 188 (70%) were males. Twenty-eight (10%) patients had a previous history of coronary artery disease, 244 (91%) had a normal or unspecific electrocardiogram, and 150 (56%) underwent exercise testing within a 12-hour interval. The results of the exercise test in the latter group were as follows: 34 (13%) were positive, 191 (71%) were negative, and 43 (16%) were inconclusive. In the group of patients with a positive exercise test, 21 (62%) underwent coronary angiography, 11 underwent angioplasty, and 2 underwent myocardial revascularization. In a univariate analysis, type A/B chest pain (definitely/probably anginal) (p<0.0001), previous coronary artery disease (p<0.0001), and route 2 (patients at higher risk) correlated with a positive or inconclusive test (p<0.0001). CONCLUSION: In patients with chest pain and in whom acute myocardial infarction and high-risk unstable angina had been ruled out, the exercise test proved to be feasible, safe, and well tolerated.


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Trypanosoma cruzi, agente causal del Chagas, atraviesa la barrera placentaria y produce la enfermedad congénita. Objetivo general: Analizar si el T. cruzi, agente causal del Chagas, produce alteraciones trofoblásticas de las vellosidades coriónicas mediadas por óxido nítrico (principal agente deletéreo contra T. cruzi) y estrés oxidativo con variaciones que pudieran depender de la disponibiidad de L-arginine, sobre placentas en modelos in vitro de co-cultivos de explantos de vellosidades coriónicas, de sinciciotrofoblasto aislado y de células derivadas del trofoblasto de placentas humanas en interacción con distintas cepas del Trypanosoma cruzi, que pudieran dar alguna luz en la explicación de mecanismos involucrados en la infección placentaria y en algunos síndromes clínicos de la transmisión congénita del Chagas. Objetivos Específicos: a) Describir alteraciones estructurales y presencia de T. cruzi en vellosidades coriónicas de placentas humanas procedentes de co-cultivos con Trypanosoma cruzi in vitro (y sus respectivos controles), mediante técnicas histológicas y PCR analizando secuencias de ADN específicas del parásito.b) Establecer la localización y expresión proteica y la expresión transcripcional de las isoformas II y III de la Öxido Nítrico Sintasa sobre la misma población muestral de (a) mediante técnicas inmunohistoquímica, RT-PCR y semicuantificación con software adecuado. c) Analizar la susceptibilidad a la infección por el T. cruzi del citotrofoblasto (CTB) y sinciciotrofoblasto (STB) placentario aislado in vitro. d) Determinar concentraciones de óxido nítrico y estrés oxidativo del sinciciotrofoblasto (STB) aislado ante la infección por T. cruzi. e) Relacionar concentraciones de L-arginina con infección del trofoblasto aislado. f) Relacionar inhibiciones de la eNOS y de la arginasa con infección trofoblástica y óxido nítrico producido.Se emplearán métodos y técnicas de Biología celular y molecular, mediciones hormonales, enzimáticas, proteicas, parasitarias y bioquímicas en medios sobrenadantes de cultivo, de inmuno-detección de epitopes proteicos en tejidos, expresión de ARN por RT-PCR, Western blot, detección de DNA en tejidos por PCR, Cuantificaciones morfométricas. En general, el presente proyecto podría redundar en beneficios para un sector de la población de las áreas endémicas para esta enfermedad de bajos recursos económicos, sociales y culturales, mediante la obtención de datos que pudieran explicar algunos mecanismos de síndromes clínicos descriptos en esta patología y que pudieran participar en la transmisión congénita de la enfermedad de Chagas.


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Muchos esfuerzos se están realizando en el diseño de nuevos métodos para la eliminación de las células tumorales y así inhibir el crecimiento neoplásico. Entre los métodos no convencionales se encuentran la Terapia Fotodinámica.La Terapia Fotodinámica (TFD) es un tratamiento experimental de algunos tipos de cáncer, basado en el efecto citotóxico inducido en el tejido tumoral, por la acción combinada de una droga (fotosensibilizador) y la luz visible. El fotosensibilizador posee la propiedad de absorber la luz y reaccionar con el oxígeno molecular, produciendo una forma activa del oxígeno: el oxígeno singlete (1O2) que oxida diversas moléculas biológicas, induciendo un efecto citotóxico que se traduce en la regresión tumoral. Los nuevos avances en la dosimetría de la luz, así como la búsqueda de una segunda generación de nuevos fotosensibilizadores más eficaces que los actualmente utilizados, han permitido incluir protocolos de Terapia Fotodinámica en numerosos centros hospitalarios principalmente para el tratamiento de cánceres de pulmón, vejiga, esófago y piel. Plantas fototóxicas, sus metabolitos fotosensibilizantes y sus posibles usos; En general, dentro de las especies vegetales tóxicas existen aquellas denominadas plantas alergénicas, que son las que pueden producir sus efectos indeseables por vía dérmica. También existen aquellas que pueden producir efectos tóxicos por vía sistémica. Sin embargo, coexiste en la naturaleza otro grupo de plantas tóxicas que desencadenan sus efectos nocivos bajo la acción de la luz, por lo que son llamadas plantas fototóxicas, cuyos principios activos son comúnmente denominados agentes fotosensibilizantes La apoptosis como blanco terapéutico contra el cáncer: Los conocimientos moleculares sobre la apoptosis adquiridos en los últimos años están siendo aplicados al desarrollo de nuevos fármacos que puedan modular selectivamente las señales involucradas en la muerte de las células. Una de las razones que justifica el interés en el estudio de este tipo de moléculas, es que una de las características más tempranas en la transformación de la células neoplásicas esta relacionada con la incapacidad de responder a los estímulos de muerte. Esto lleva a una desregulación del proceso de apoptosis desencadenando una proliferación descontrolada. Los otros eventos que desencadenan el cáncer son, la invasión vascular y la metástasis a distanciaLa adquisición de resistencia a los efectos citotóxicos de los tratamientos anticancerígenos ha emergido como un significante impedimento para el efectivo tratamiento de la enfermedad. Por ello, en el presente proyecto se investigará si la adquisición de resistencia a TFD inducida en la línea celular estudiada es conferida por el aumento de la proteína MDRP1 a través de la vía de señalización PI3K/Akt. Además, se estudiará la correlación entre la posible resistencia a drogas y la inducción de apoptosis, analizando los mecanismos involucrados. Los resultados obtenidos contribuirán a dilucidar y entender los mecanismos moleculares implicados en la resistencia y sensibilidad tumoral a la TFD, y de esta manera mejorar la eficacia de dicha terapia antitumoral para sensibilizar a las células a la apoptosis. OBJETIVOS Estudiar el efecto de agentes fotosensibilizadores de origen sintético (ftalocianinas), comercialmente ya aprobadas por la FDA (Me-ALA), de origen natural (antraquinonas), y obtenidas en procesos nanotecnologicos (nanofibras) respecto a su capacidad de inducir la muerte celular en sistemas experimentales in vivo, para el desarrollo de nuevas drogas de aplicación en Terapia Fotodinámica (PDT). Estudiar las señales de apoptosis que se desencadenan, combinando la PDT con iRNA (antisurvivina) con la finalidad de aumentar la eficiencia de la muerte tumoral. Estudiar los mecanismos de resistencia a la Terapia Fotodinámica en carcinoma de células escamosas con fotosensibilizadores permitidos (Me-ALA).


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As digital imaging processing techniques become increasingly used in a broad range of consumer applications, the critical need to evaluate algorithm performance has become recognised by developers as an area of vital importance. With digital image processing algorithms now playing a greater role in security and protection applications, it is of crucial importance that we are able to empirically study their performance. Apart from the field of biometrics little emphasis has been put on algorithm performance evaluation until now and where evaluation has taken place, it has been carried out in a somewhat cumbersome and unsystematic fashion, without any standardised approach. This paper presents a comprehensive testing methodology and framework aimed towards automating the evaluation of image processing algorithms. Ultimately, the test framework aims to shorten the algorithm development life cycle by helping to identify algorithm performance problems quickly and more efficiently.


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The research described in this thesis was developed as part o f the Information Management for Green Design (IMA GREE) Project. The 1MAGREE Project was founded by Enterprise Ireland under a Strategic Research Grant Scheme as a partnership project between Galway Mayo Institute o f Technology and C1MRU University College Galway. The project aimed to develop a CAD integrated software tool to support environmental information management for design, particularly for the electronics-manufacturing sector in Ireland.


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This is a study of a state of the art implementation of a new computer integrated testing (CIT) facility within a company that designs and manufactures transport refrigeration systems. The aim was to use state of the art hardware, software and planning procedures in the design and implementation of three CIT systems. Typical CIT system components include data acquisition (DAQ) equipment, application and analysis software, communication devices, computer-based instrumentation and computer technology. It is shown that the introduction of computer technology into the area of testing can have a major effect on such issues as efficiency, flexibility, data accuracy, test quality, data integrity and much more. Findings reaffirm how the overall area of computer integration continues to benefit any organisation, but with more recent advances in computer technology, communication methods and software capabilities, less expensive more sophisticated test solutions are now possible. This allows more organisations to benefit from the many advantages associated with CIT. Examples of computer integration test set-ups and the benefits associated with computer integration have been discussed.


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Abstract ST2 is a member of the interleukin-1 receptor family biomarker and circulating soluble ST2 concentrations are believed to reflect cardiovascular stress and fibrosis. Recent studies have demonstrated soluble ST2 to be a strong predictor of cardiovascular outcomes in both chronic and acute heart failure. It is a new biomarker that meets all required criteria for a useful biomarker. Of note, it adds information to natriuretic peptides (NPs) and some studies have shown it is even superior in terms of risk stratification. Since the introduction of NPs, this has been the most promising biomarker in the field of heart failure and might be particularly useful as therapy guide.


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This work describes a test tool that allows to make performance tests of different end-to-end available bandwidth estimation algorithms along with their different implementations. The goal of such tests is to find the best-performing algorithm and its implementation and use it in congestion control mechanism for high-performance reliable transport protocols. The main idea of this paper is to describe the options which provide available bandwidth estimation mechanism for highspeed data transport protocols and to develop basic functionality of such test tool with which it will be possible to manage entities of test application on all involved testing hosts, aided by some middleware.


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Today, usability testing in the development of software and systems is essential. A stationary usability lab offers many different possibilities in the evaluation of usability, but it reaches its limits in terms of flexibility and the experimental conditions. Mobile usability studies consider consciously outside influences, and these studies require a specially adapted approach to preparation, implementation and evaluation. Using the example of a mobile eye tracking study the difficulties and the opportunities of mobile testing are considered.