986 resultados para Anglo-Israelism.


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Lord Peter Stein, eminent historian of Roman law, described the interaction of law and theology in the writings of one twelfth-century writer as a kind of 'universal jurisprudence' , The twelfth-century figure to whom he referred was Master Vacarius (c. 1115/2O-c. 1200), well-known English Roman lawyer and Anglo-Norman canonist. While Stein drew this conclusion largely on the basis of an analysis of Vacatius' strictly 'legal' work, the Liber pauperum, I have shown elsewhere, following a systematic study ofVacarius' other works, dealing with maniage, christology and heresy, that, when seen together, they demonstrate a use of law as a universal heuristic device to resolve conflict in law and theology.


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This article reports an investigation of the rhetorical framework of research papers written by Polish scholars in English and Polish. It specifically targets the structure of introductions to articles in the field of psychology. Notions of linearity and digressiveness, as well as related issues of form and content and reader-writer reciprocity are discussed. The results of the analysis indicate that discoursal organization employed by Polish authors differs from that utilized by Anglo-American scholars. It is argued that styles of academic prose are interconnected with underlying cultural values.


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This paper reports the investigation of the organisational structure of introductory sections of research papers written by Polish authors in English and Polish. The aim of the study was to test whether in view of cultural differences, reflected in the Anglo-American and Polish intellectual styles, the rhetorical pattern of research papers would vary between the two cultures. The selected texts were analysed in terms of Swales' Creating a Research Space (CARS) model (Swales 1990). On application of the model in the analysis of articles from the English corpus, it was found that it could only be employed in very generic terms. The analysis of the Polish corpus revealed that the Variation between Anglo-American and Polish schematic patterns was too significant to justify the implementation of the same investigative tool.


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lmpro Exchange brought together practicing artists primarily from NSW but also from other states in Australia to articulate questions and as physically expressed and evoked through improvisation. It was curated by two of Australia's most senior and respected performing artists in the contemporary dance/performance scene- Tess De Quincey and Martin Del Amo. Dialogue across the different backgrounds was both challenging and stimulating. For example, dancers came from Japanese, Pacific Islander, Aboriginal, German and Anglo-Saxon Australian cultural backgrounds. These dancers also spoke/danced from their respective cultural understandings about dance and from the ways of moving these cultures embody. The dancers also ranged across different generations thus requiring negotiation as to what dance means at different ages and how dialogue can be achieved with such different physical capacities. Made possible by the flexibility of improvisation as a medium, the dialogue was important in a sector where dancing careers usually end when dancers reach their early thirties. Equally important, and with such a large group of dancers, was the 'working through' of performance problems about how improvisation can be improvised and composed with such a multiplicity of voices, backgrounds, styles and practices. These negotiations were presented in a one-hour public performance.


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’Nothing is less reliable, nothing is less clear today than the word “archive”,’ observed Jacques Derrida in his book Archive Fever: a Freudian Impression (1996). This paper reflects on the unsettling process of establishing (or commencing) an archive for the Melbourne Workers Theatre, to form part of the AusStage digital archive which records information on live performance in Australia. Glenn D'Cruz's paper juxtaposes two disparate but connected registers of writing: an open letter to a deceased Australian playwright, Vicki Reynolds, and a critical reflection on the politics of the archive with reference to Derrida's account of archive fever, which he characterizes as an ‘irrepressible desire to return to the origin, a homesickness, a nostalgia for the return to the most archaic place of absolute commencement’. Using Derrida's commentary on questions of memory, authority, inscription, hauntology, and heritage to identify some of the philosophical and ethical aporias he encountered while working on the project, D’Cruz pays particular attention to what Derrida calls the spectral structure of the archive, and stages a conversation with the ghosts that haunt the digitized Melbourne Workers Theatre documents. He also unpacks the logic of Derrida's so-called messianic account of the archive, which ‘opens out of the future’, thereby affirming the future-to-come, and unsettling the normative notion of the archive as a repository for what has passed. Glenn D’Cruz teaches at Deakin University, Australia. He is the author of Midnight's Orphans: Anglo-Indians in Post/Colonial Literature (Peter Lang, 2006) and editor of Class Act: Melbourne Workers Theatre 1987–2007 (Vulgar Press, 2007).


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In the contemporary world of increasing internationalisation of scholarship the ability to communicate in the “lingua franca” of global research communities and familiarity with relevant academic genres is crucial to attaining research visibility in the academy. Native English language competency does not guarantee the possession of knowledge and skills about how to manipulate the language structure of academic genres to produce the kind of scholarly prose acceptable in the community of readers. This task is even more challenging to Non-NESB academic writers, mainly because the purpose of academic writing is both informative and rhetorical, and the information packaging strategies are likely to be discipline and culture bound.
Communication in professional academic culture is carried out and codified by selected genre categories which function as the media for scholarly discussions. This presentation focuses on the structure of a research paper, the most widely established form of presenting academic research. With an increasing internationalisation of scholarship, the schema of a research paper faces two potentially conflicting sets of forces. At one end are the forces of established conventions of the rhetorical pattern of research papers which are modelled on the structure of an “Anglo” research paper. On the other are the forces of norms for text construction of the author’s culture of socialization.

I discuss analytical approaches to the examination of the relational organisation of this genre exploring both intercultural and interdisciplinary dimensions. I examine paratactic and hypotactic configurations of the structure of research paper, providing examples of relational strategies utilised by native and no-native English speaker writers representing Anglo and non-Anglo discourse communities.


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This article examines Stanley Melbourne Bruce's role as Australian high commissioner in London during the approach to the Second World War and the European War from 1939 to 1941. It argues that Bruce in this period was an influential high commissioner who strongly influenced Australian foreign policy and exercised some influence, albeit with limitations, on the British government. After 1933, Bruce had transformed the office of Australian high commissioner in London from a largely commercial position into one with real diplomatic influence. In the approach to war, Bruce tended to bolster the policy of appeasement on which the Chamberlain government was already decided and in the Phoney War his cautious arguments contributed to the delay of the Allied intervention in Norway. With the accession of Winston Churchill to the prime ministership in May 1940, Bruce lost some of the influence he had had with Neville Chamberlain and he was on the losing side of the argument inside the British Cabinet about the possibility of a negotiated peace in May–June 1940. Despite the limitations of his personal relationship with Churchill, he was nonetheless an influential voice with other British ministers and senior officials and with the US ambassador in London and key members of the Roosevelt administration. This equipped him to play an effective part in the emerging Anglo-American alliance and issues of post-war international reconstruction.


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In the wake of an Australian government embargo on Chinese peanuts, a group of Sydney Chinese merchants launched a pro-Chinese publicity campaign in late 1927. To do so, they hired a newspaper editor previously employed by the anti-Chinese Labor Daily and Beckett’s Budget. The campaign was an act of minority resistance to the White Australia Policy, a shrewd business strategy, and a sophisticated example of cross-cultural public relations. By tracing two historical actors in this ‘drama of spin’, the peanut and the publicist, this article reveals unexpected links between the Chinese-Australian and Anglo-Australian communities. In seeking ‘the Chinese side of the story’, we find an alternative history of race, representation and citizenship in interwar Sydney.


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This article focuses on how respectful learning relationships based on reciprocity between a Anglo-western raised educator and South Sudanese Australian students and graduates in social work and welfare courses in a regional location have (re)shaped the development of a research process. A reflective critique is intertwined with a description of my search (as an experienced practitioner but new researcher) for an appropriate ethical cross cultural framework for researching and advocating with a small ethnic population in a regional location. This includes a description of the process of exploring the need for, and positioning of, changing and re-creating relationships between the ‘researcher(s)’ and the ‘researched’ as co-authors; co-researchers; collaborators and participants to address issues of selfdetermination and power in the context of cross cultural research, education and human rights. The motivation to research seems a pivotal part of ethics in cross cultural research. As an educator I became concerned that the courses I taught in, and my own teaching practices, were (unintentionally) discriminatory. There appeared to be a lack of acknowledgement and/or action regarding the ingrained Western whiteness permeated and privileged knowledge and approaches in the construction and delivery of courses. I did not think I was adequately responding to, recognising or incorporating the different knowledge’s, strengths and needs of South Sudanese Australian students and graduates. There was a lack of fit between the academic rhetoric of human rights and diversity and my/our educator practice. This article explores the ‘corralling’ effect of mainstream research culture with attention to its potential for seduction and corruption that tends to separate the passion from the researcher, the researcher from the researched, and the actual issue(s) of concern ….from everyone.


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The article examines the development of the legalism of Personal Law and provisions of community rights for disparate communities in modern India, and the role of religion and communal politics in their perpetuation. The case study undertaken here is specifically the Muslim community’s Constitutionally-sanctioned Personal law (MPL). MPL has not been without criticisms both from outside and within the community, particularly in respect of gendered disadvantages that arise within the provisions safeguarding the practices, which cover marriage, divorce, alimony, inheritance, custody, succession, and so forth.


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This thesis examined the influences on physical activity, sedentary behaviour and overweight and obesity among a sample of Chinese-Australian and Anglo-Australian adolescents. The results found no significant difference in rates of overweight and obesity; however, lower engagement in daily light-intensity physical activity and greater sedentary participation was revealed among Chinese-Australian adolescents.


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Public relations (PR) in Australia has strong governmental roots from the 19th century, and it expanded along this route until the end of World War II when influences from the  US and then globalization led to expansion in practice, PR organizations and education. The vast distances in Australia between colonies and later, States of the federation, reinforced state and national governments’ roles in applying public information-style communication to reach the widespread population. This development was not in imitation of British models but of the need to inform convince and persuade the widely spread population.' Some scholars trace the development of New Zealand's public relations industry to the wartime and post-war efforts of military personnel. However, the use of strategies and tactics that are now recognized as part of a PR 'toolkit' occurred much earlier. They can be traced back to indigenous Maori culture and to the promotional techniques used in the mid-19th century to attract settlers to the new colony. Post-war. Public relations has developed along Anglo- merican lines with an emphasis on media relations and corporate communications.