802 resultados para Andersson, Torbjörn: Rättsskyddsprincipen


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Automaticity (in this essay defined as short response time) and fluency in language use are closely connected to each other and some research has been conducted regarding some of the aspects involved. In fact, the notion of automaticity is still debated and many definitions and opinions on what automaticity is have been suggested (Andersson,1987, 1992, 1993, Logan, 1988, Segalowitz, 2010). One aspect that still needs more research is the correlation between vocabulary proficiency (a person’s knowledge about words and ability to use them correctly) and response time in word recognition. Therefore, the aim of this study has been to investigate this correlation using two different tests; one vocabulary size test (Paul Nation) and one lexical decision task (SuperLab) that measures both response time and accuracy. 23 Swedish students partaking in the English 7 course in upper secondary Swedish school were tested. The data were analyzed using a quantitative method where the average values and correlations from the test were used to compare the results. The correlations were calculated using Pearson’s Coefficient Correlations Calculator. The empirical study indicates that vocabulary proficiency is not strongly correlated with shorter response times in word recognition. Rather, the data indicate that L2 learners instead are sensitive to the frequency levels of the vocabulary. The accuracy (number of correct recognized words) and response times correlate with the frequency level of the tested words. This indicates that factors other than vocabulary proficiency are important for the ability to recognize words quickly.


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I denna studie har det framkommit ett genomgående mönster som visar att de personer som framhäver sin musiklyssning på Spotify gör det för att de vill att någon skall se att de har lyssnat på en specifik musik. Dessutom anser dessa personer att musik är jätteviktigt och döljer aktivt sina musiklistor och gör dem privata på Spotify. Däremot finns det personer som inte aktivt gör sina spellistor osynliga och dessa är sådana som inte anser att bilden av en person ändras om de ser att denne lyssnar på oväntad musik. Det framkom även att personer som aktivt döljer vad de lyssnar på gör det då de anser att musiken de ibland lyssnar på är pinsam. Dessa personer anser att musik säger mycket om en person, varför de aktivt döljer sina lyssningar på Spotify. De personer som även döljer sina spellistor gör det på grund av att de följs av andra Spotify-användare. Någonting som var relativt överraskande i denna studie var att Justin Bieber fortfarande ses som någonting pinsamt att lyssna på, vilket även bevittnas i inledningen till denna studie. Vi hade ändå trott att han hade blivit mer socialt accepterad. Dessutom kom vi fram till att de som nyttjar musikanvändningen i syfte att skapa ett personligt varumärke gör det då de anser att musik säger mycket om en person, vilka även ändrar bilden av en person när man får se vad den personen egentligen lyssnar på. Dessutom anser även de som har ändrat sin bild av en annan person på grund av musikval att det finns musik som är pinsam, vilket även är de personer som värderar musik allra högst. De skapar sig ett personligt varumärke genom att dölja och framhäva vad de lyssnar på på Spotify. Sammanfattningsvis har vi kunnat konstatera att det finns en viss skillnad mellan olika typer av människor; de som värdesätter musik högre bryr sig mer om sitt personliga varumärke och sin digitala identitet utåt när det gäller musik, varför de manipulerar sin Spotify-användning mer än den grupp personer som inte värdesätter musik lika mycket. Med dessa resultat kan vi konstatera att de musikintresserade svenska Spotify-användarna (15-35) döljer och framhäver vad de lyssnar på och på så vis använder musikstreamingtjänsten för att lyfta fram sin image och därmed det personliga varumärket. 


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The flow stress in tensile and compressive deformation has been determined in cast Mg, for a wide range of grain sizes between 36 mum and 1.5 mm. The grain size was varied by alloying Mg with small amounts of Zr. It was found that the 0.2% offset flow stress, sigma(y) (MPa), varies with the grain size, d (m), as sigma(y) = 17.7 + 0.25 d(-1/2) in tension, while sigma(y) = -2.3 + 0.39 d(-1/2) in compression. Possible reasons for the difference between tension and compression are discussed.


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Secretion of mucins and exudation of plasma are distinct processes of importance to innate immunity and inflammatory disease. Yet, little is known about their relation in human airways. The objective of the present study was to use the human nasal airway to determine mucinous secretion and plasma exudation in response to common challenge agents and mediators. Ten healthy volunteers were subjected to nasal challenge-lavage procedures. Thus, the nasal mucosa was exposed to increasing doses of histamine (40 and 400 mu g ml(-1)), methacholine (12.5 and 25 mg) and capsaicin (30 and 300 ng ml(-1)). Fucose was selected as a global marker of mucinous secretion and alpha(2)-macroglobulin as an index of exudation of bulk plasma. All challenge agents increased the mucosal output of fucose to about the same level (P < 0.01-0.05). Once significant secretion had been induced the subsequently increased dose of the challenge agent, in the case of histamine and methacholine, failed to further increase the response. Only histamine increased the mucosal output of alpha(2)-macroglobulin (P < 0.01). We conclude that prompt but potentially rapidly depleted mucinous secretion is common to different kinds of airway challenges, whereas inflammatory histamine-type mediators are required to produce plasma exudation. Along with the acknowledged secretion of mucins, a practically non-depletable, pluripotent mucosal output of plasma emerges as an important component of the innate immunity of human airways.


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Background: The neuropeptide secretoneurin, with potential relevance to leukocyte trafficking, is present in nerves of the nasal mucosa in allergic rhinitis and may be released in response to allergen and histamine exposure. There is no information on the occurrence and mechanisms of release of secretoneurin in healthy human airways. Methods: The presence of secretoneurin in nasal biopsies and its release in response to nasal capsaicin and histamine challenges were examined. Symptoms and lavage fluid levels of fucose were recorded as markers of effects in part produced by neural activity. Bronchial histamine challenges followed by sputum induction and analysis of secretoneurin were also carried out. Results: Nerves displaying secretoneurin immunoreactivity abounded in the nasal mucosa. Nasal capsaicin challenge produced local pain (P < 0.05) and increased the levels of fucose (P < 0.05), but failed to affect the levels of secretoneurin. Nasal histamine challenge produced symptoms (P < 0.05) and increased the mucosal output of secretoneurin (P < 0.05) and fucose (P < 0.05). Bronchial histamine challenge increased the sputum levels of secretoneurin (P < 0.05). Conclusions: We conclude that secretoneurin is present in healthy human airways and that histamine evokes its release in both nasal and bronchial mucosae. The present observations support the possibility that secretoneurin is involved in histamine-dependent responses of the human airway mucosa.


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The existence of undesirable electricity price spikes in a competitive electricity market requires an efficient auction mechanism. However, many of the existing auction mechanism have difficulties in suppressing such unreasonable price spikes effectively. A new auction mechanism is proposed to suppress effectively unreasonable price spikes in a competitive electricity market. It optimally combines system marginal price auction and pay as bid auction mechanisms. A threshold value is determined to activate the switching between the marginal price auction and the proposed composite auction. Basically when the system marginal price is higher than the threshold value, the composite auction for high price electricity market is activated. The winning electricity sellers will sell their electricity at the system marginal price or their own bid prices, depending on their rights of being paid at the system marginal price and their offers' impact on suppressing undesirable price spikes. Such economic stimuli discourage sellers from practising economic and physical withholdings. Multiple price caps are proposed to regulate strong market power. We also compare other auction mechanisms to highlight the characteristics of the proposed one. Numerical simulation using the proposed auction mechanism is given to illustrate the procedure of this new auction mechanism.


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The worldwide trend for the deregulation of the electricity generation and transmission industries has led to dramatic changes in system operation and planning procedures. The optimum approach to transmission-expansion planning in a deregulated environment is an open problem especially when the responsibilities of the organisations carrying out the planning work need to be addressed. To date there is a consensus that the system operator and network manager perform the expansion planning work in a centralised way. However, with an increasing input from the electricity market, the objectives, constraints and approaches toward transmission planning should be carefully designed to ensure system reliability as well as meeting the market requirements. A market-oriented approach for transmission planning in a deregulated environment is proposed. Case studies using the IEEE 14-bus system and the Australian national electricity market grid are performed. In addition, the proposed method is compared with a traditional planning method to further verify its effectiveness.


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E-Business Information Systems (eBIS) are Information Systems (IS) that support organizations to realize their e-Business strategy resulting in various benefits. Therefore those systems strongly focus on fulfilment of the e-business requirements. In order to realise the expected benefits, organizations need to turn to their eBIS and measure the maturity of those systems. In doing so, they need to identify the status of those systems with regards to their suitability to support the e-Business strategy, while also identifying required IS improvements. In our research we aim to develop a maturity model, particularly dedicated to the area of e-Business Information Systems, which can be used easily and objectively to measure of the current maturity of any Information System that supports e-Business. This research-in-progress paper presents initial results of our research.


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As process management projects have increased in size due to globalised and company-wide initiatives, a corresponding growth in the size of process modeling projects can be observed. Despite advances in languages, tools and methodologies, several aspects of these projects have been largely ignored by the academic community. This paper makes a first contribution to a potential research agenda in this field by defining the characteristics of large-scale process modeling projects and proposing a framework of related issues. These issues are derived from a semi -structured interview and six focus groups conducted in Australia, Germany and the USA with enterprise and modeling software vendors and customers. The focus groups confirm the existence of unresolved problems in business process modeling projects. The outcomes provide a research agenda which directs researchers into further studies in global process management, process model decomposition and the overall governance of process modeling projects. It is expected that this research agenda will provide guidance to researchers and practitioners by focusing on areas of high theoretical and practical relevance.


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In this paper we consider the co-evolutionary dynamics of IS engagement where episodic change of implementation increasingly occurs within the context of linkages and interdependencies between systems and processes within and across organisations. Although there are many theories that interpret the various motors of change be it lifecycle, teleological, dialectic or evolutionary, our paper attempts to move towards a unifying view of change by studying co-evolutionary dynamics from a complex systems perspective. To understand how systems and organisations co-evolve in practice and how order emerges, or fails to emerge, we adopt complex adaptive systems theory to incorporate evolutionary and teleological motors, and actor-network theory to incorporate dialectic motors. We illustrate this through the analysis of the implementation of a novel academic scheduling system at a large research-intensive Australian university.


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Den som säger sig tillhöra en viss religion kan i praktiken vara mer eller mindre troende, eller inte troende alls. Det kan handla om att man firar vissa högtider men utan att särskilt bry sig om deras religiösa innebörd, eller att man ibland deltar i gudstjänster och ber någon gång i månaden, eller ett liv iständig hågkomst av Guds närvaro. Spektrat av religiositet för en person kan vara allt från att religionen endast har kulturell betydelse till att man lever sitt liv helt enligt dess påbud, såväl som att man anser att religion är en privatsak till att man arbetar för att samhället skall formas enligt religionen. Vad gäller islam i Sverige har de muslimska samfundens organisation och aktiviteter beskrivits i ganska stor detalj. Däremot finns inte mycket kunskap om de värderingar de står för. Och vad gäller värderingar och övertygelser hos muslimer i allmänhet finns nästan ingenting skrivet. Denna uppsatstar fasta på den kunskapsbristen. Genom en enkätbaserad attitydundersökning av explorativ karaktär med muslimska SFI-elever somrespondenter har följande frågor undersökts: - Är fundamentalism ett utbrett fenomen inom denna grupp? - I hur stor utsträckning anser man att shari’a bör gälla för muslimer i Sverige och vad är attityden tilldemokrati? - Hur ser relationen mellan religion och moral ut och hur uppfattas det svenska samhället i dettasammanhang? Undersökningens resultat är överlag i samstämmighet med tidigare undersökningar med liknande teman. Respondenterna har en överväldigande positiv attityd till demokrati och en stor del anser också att yttrandefrihet är bra. Samtidigt tycks många mena att islam är undantaget yttrandefriheten ochatt islamiska regler är viktigare än svensk lag. Stödet för shari’a är också påtagligt. En stor majoritet menar att gudstro är nödvändig för att vara en moralisk person och anser samtidigt att Sverige är ett moraliskt land. På grund av urvalsmetoden och den stora andel som avstått från att delta i undersökningen kan resultatet inte generaliseras utanför gruppen av respondenter.