986 resultados para Anderson, Jon
The present study evaluated the anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of Agave sisalana Perrine in classic models of inflammation and pain. The hexanic fraction of A. sisalana (HFAS) was obtained by acid hydrolysis followed by hexanic reflux. Anti-inflammatory properties were examined in three acute mouse models (xylene ear oedema, hind paw oedema and pleurisy) and a chronic mouse model (granuloma cotton pellet). The antinociceptive potential was evaluated in chemical (acetic-acid) and thermal (tail-flick and hot-plate test) models of pain. When given orally, HFAS (5, 10, 25 and 50 mg/kg) reduced ear oedema (p < 0.0001; 52%, 71%, 62% and 42%, respectively). HFAS also reduced hind paw oedema at doses of 10 mg/kg and 25 mg/kg (p < 0.05; 42% and 58%, respectively) and pleurisy at doses of 10 mg/kg and 25 mg/kg (41% and 50%, respectively). In a chronic model, HFAS reduced inflammation by 46% and 58% at doses of 10 mg/kg and 25 mg/kg, respectively. Moreover, this fraction showed analgesic properties against the abdominal writhing in an acetic acid model (at doses of 5-25 mg/kg) with inhibitory rates of 24%, 54% and 48%. The HFAS also showed an increased latency time in the hot-plate (23% and 28%) and tail-flick tests (61% and 66%) for the 25 mg/kg and 50 mg/kg doses, respectively. These results suggest that HFAS has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.
Group A rotavirus and norovirus display sharply distinct seasonal profiles in Belém, northern Brazil
Several viruses have been associated with acute gastroenteritis (AGE), and group A rotavirus (RVA) and nor-ovirus (NoV) are the most prevalent. This study aimed to assess their prevalence among children hospitalised for diarrhoea during a three-year surveillance study. From May 2008-April 2011, overall positivity rates of 21.6% (628/2904) and 35.4% (171/483) were observed for RVA and NoV, respectively. The seasonality observed indicated distinct patterns when both viruses were compared. This finding may explain why hospitalisation for AGE remains constant throughout the year. Continuous AGE monitoring is needed to better assess the patterns of infection.
Multiple Aspergillus fumigatus isolates from a patient with two aspergillomas complicating chronic pulmonary aspergillosis were pan-azole resistant. Microsatellite typing was identical for all isolates despite major phenotypic and some growth rate differences. Three different cyp51A mutations were found (G138C, Y431C, and G434C), of which the first two were demonstrated by heterologous expression in a hypersusceptible Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain to be at least partly responsible for elevated MICs. cyp51A and cyp51B gene duplication was excluded, but increased expression of cyp51A was demonstrated in three isolates selected for additional study (7-to 13-fold increases). In the isolate with the greatest cyp51A expression, an Aft1 transposon was found inserted 370 bp upstream of the start codon of the cyp51A gene, an integration location never previously demonstrated in Aspergillus. Two transcription start sites were identified at 49 and 136 bp upstream of the start codon. The role of the Aft1 transposon, if any, in modulating cyp51A expression remains to be established. Increased mRNA expression of the transporters AfuMDR1 and AfuMDR4 also was demonstrated in some isolates, which could contribute to azole resistance or simply represent a stress response. The diversity of confirmed and possible azole resistance mechanisms demonstrated in a single series of isogenic isolates is remarkable, indicating the ability of A. fumigatus to adapt in the clinical setting.
BACKGROUND Endocannabinoids and temperament traits have been linked to both physical activity and body mass index (BMI) however no study has explored how these factors interact in females. The aims of this cross-sectional study were to 1) examine differences among distinct BMI groups on daytime physical activity and time spent in moderate-vigorous physical activity (MVPA), temperament traits and plasma endocannabinoid concentrations; and 2) explore the association and interaction between MVPA, temperament, endocannabinoids and BMI. METHODS Physical activity was measured with the wrist-worn accelerometer Actiwatch AW7, in a sample of 189 female participants (43 morbid obese, 30 obese, and 116 healthy-weight controls). The Temperament and Character Inventory-Revised questionnaire was used to assess personality traits. BMI was calculated by bioelectrical impedance analysis via the TANITA digital scale. Blood analyses were conducted to measure levels of endocannabinoids and endocannabinoid-related compounds. Path-analysis was performed to examine the association between predictive variables and MVPA. RESULTS Obese groups showed lower MVPA and dysfunctional temperament traits compared to healthy-weight controls. Plasma concentrations of 2-arachidonoylglyceryl (2-AG) were greater in obese groups. Path-analysis identified a direct effect between greater MVPA and low BMI (b = -0.13, p = .039) and high MVPA levels were associated with elevated anandamide (AEA) levels (b = 0.16, p = .049) and N-oleylethanolamide (OEA) levels (b = 0.22, p = .004), as well as high Novelty seeking (b = 0.18, p<.001) and low Harm avoidance (b = -0.16, p<.001). CONCLUSIONS Obese individuals showed a distinct temperament profile and circulating endocannabinoids compared to controls. Temperament and endocannabinoids may act as moderators of the low MVPA in obesity.
Introduction: Les cancers du sein (CS) chez l'homme sont rares (1% des CS) et relativement mal connus. La répartition des types histologiques diffère dans ce groupe par rapport aux CS de la femme. Objectif: Nous rapportons quatre cas de carcinomes mammaires invasifs à différenciation neuroendocrine diagnostiqués chez des patients de sexe masculin de 1992 à 2012. Cas: Les patients étaient âgés de 80, 77, 59 et 56 ans. La tumeur s'est révélée par une masse palpable (2 cas) ou une douleur (2 cas). Le geste chirurgical a été une tumorectomie chez un patient, une mastectomie chez 3 patients (un an après le diagnostic pour l'un d'entre eux). Ces quatre CS correspondaient à des carcinomes invasifs de grade 1 ou 2 selon Elston et Ellis, avec composante de carcinome papillaire solide dans 2 cas, hormonosensibles, de statut HER2 négatif, avec expression de la chromogranine ou/et de la synaptophysine dans plus de 50% des cellules tumorales. Le statut ganglionnaire axillaire était positif dans 2 cas, non évalué dans 2 cas. Les dossiers cliniques (traitement adjuvant, survie) sont en cours d'analyse. Discussion: Les CS sont rares chez l'homme, en majorité hormonosensibles, de stade relativement avancé dans les grandes séries disponibles (1). Une différenciation neuroendocrine n'a été qu'exceptionnellement rapportée dans les CS de l'homme (2). Dans 2 des 4 cas rapportés ici elle est associée à une composante de carcinome papillaire solide. En l'absence de composante in situ, l'hypothèse d'une métastase est à considérer. Conclusion: L'incidence et les spécificités éventuelles de ce sous-groupe de CS, quant au pronostic et à la réponse aux traitements, restent à déterminer. Références : 1. Anderson WF et al. JCO 2010;28:232-9 ; 2. Potier B et al. Ann Chirur Plast 2010.
The purpose of this work is determine the extent of closure between measurements and models of UV irradiances at diverse sites using state of the art instruments, models, and the best available data as inputs to the models. These include information about aerosol optical depth (unfortunately not extending down as far into the UVB region as desirable because such information is not generally available), ozone column amounts, as well as vertical profiles of temperature. We concentrate on clear-sky irradiances, and report the results in terms of UV Index (UVI)
The study provides a systematic review that explores the current literature on olfactory capacity in abnormal eating behavior. The objective is to present a basis for discussion on whether research in olfaction in eating disorders may offer additional insight with regard to the complex etiopathology of eating disorders (ED) and abnormal eating behaviors. Electronic databases (Medline, PsycINFO, PubMed, Science Direct, and Web of Science) were searched using the components in relation to olfaction and combining them with the components related to abnormal eating behavior. Out of 1352 articles, titles were first excluded by title (n = 64) and then by abstract and fulltext resulting in a final selection of 14 articles (820 patients and 385 control participants) for this review. The highest number of existing literature on olfaction in ED were carried out with AN patients (78.6%) followed by BN patients (35.7%) and obese individuals (14.3%). Most studies were only conducted on females. The general findings support that olfaction is altered in AN and in obesity and indicates toward there being little to no difference in olfactory capacity between BN patients and the general population. Due to the limited number of studies and heterogeneity this review stresses on the importance of more research on olfaction and abnormal eating behavior.
The restoration of body composition (BC) parameters is considered to be one of the most important goals in the treatment of patients with anorexia nervosa (AN). However, little is known about differences between AN diagnostic subtypes [restricting (AN-R) and binge/purging (AN-BP)] and weekly changes in BC during refeeding treatment. Therefore, the main objectives of our study were twofold: 1) to assess the changes in BC throughout nutritional treatment in an AN sample and 2) to analyze predictors of BC changes during treatment, as well as predictors of treatment outcome. The whole sample comprised 261 participants [118 adult females with AN (70 AN-R vs. 48 AN-BP), and 143 healthy controls]. BC was measured weekly during 15 weeks of day-hospital treatment using bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). Assessment measures also included the Eating Disorders Inventory-2, as well as a number of other clinical indices. Overall, the results showed that AN-R and AN-BP patients statistically differed in all BC measures at admission. However, no significant time×group interaction was found for almost all BC parameters. Significant time×group interactions were only found for basal metabolic rate (p = .041) and body mass index (BMI) (p = .035). Multiple regression models showed that the best predictors of pre-post changes in BC parameters (namely fat-free mass, muscular mass, total body water and BMI) were the baseline values of BC parameters. Stepwise predictive logistic regressions showed that only BMI and age were significantly associated with outcome, but not with the percentage of body fat. In conclusion, these data suggest that although AN patients tended to restore all BC parameters during nutritional treatment, only AN-BP patients obtained the same fat mass values as healthy controls. Put succinctly, the best predictors of changes in BC were baseline BC values, which did not, however, seem to influence treatment outcome.
RESUMO No presente estudo, propõe-se um modelo estrutural que identifique os motivos para escolher determinada Organização Não Governamental (ONG) para prestar trabalho voluntário. O espaço empírico é a Pastoral da Criança - organismo de ação social da Conferência Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil (CNBB) - instituição de base comunitária que tem seu trabalho baseado na solidariedade e na partilha do saber. No referencial teórico apresenta-se o contexto no qual está o voluntariado, em níveis mundial e nacional. Em seguida, discutem-se os diversos conceitos de voluntariado e apresentam-se os modelos teóricos de motivação voluntária. Os estudos de Mostyn (1983) e Cavalcante, Souza, Nascimento e Cunha (2011a, 2011b, 2012) são as principais referências teóricas e empíricas para a construção do modelo testado. A coleta de dados foi feita por meio de questionário fechado com 21 indicadores, em duas visitas a cidades da Diocese de Pesqueira (Pernambuco/PE). Foram aplicados 720 questionários. A amostra foi dividida em duas partes. Na primeira foi feita a Análise Fatorial Exploratória e na segunda a Análise Fatorial Confirmatória, por meio da Modelagem das Equações Estruturais. O exame dos resultados alcançados pelo modelo dos motivos de entrada permite concluir pela validade e pela confiabilidade do instrumento. Assim, as razões para a entrada de voluntários na Pastoral da Criança podem ser explicadas por um conjunto de interações entre estes cinco construtos: Altruísmo, Afetivo, Amigável, Ajustado e Ajuizado.
Este estudo objetivou verificar a prevalência da incontinência urinária em pacientes hospitalizados e identificar as associações estatísticas existentes entre os índices obtidos e algumas variáveis demográficas e clínicas da clientela. Os dados foram colhidos no Hospital Universitário da USP, junto a 77 pacientes internados em três diferentes clínicas. Os resultados indicaram prevalências total de 35% e parciais de 48%, 37% e 22% nas Clínicas Cirúrgica, Obstétrica e Médica, respectivamente. Correlações estatisticamente significativas foram verificadas entre a prevalência e disúria (r=0,19 e p=0,046), infecções urinárias (r=0,24 e p=0,019), tempo de internação (r=-0,32 e p=0,002) e sexo masculino (r=-0,27 e p=0,008).
Esta pesquisa é um estudo de caso qualitativo, e integra o estudo Envelhecimento, saúde e trabalho. Esse recorte teve por objetivo conhecer o significado do envelhecimento na rua para um idoso em situação de rua. A narrativa foi trabalhada à luz dos eixos temáticos: história do envelhecimento e história de vida na rua. Depreendemos que a rua quase sempre é um ambiente hostil para o idoso. Não garante condições básicas de vida, interferindo na saúde mental das pessoas que nela são obrigadas a viver, particularmente o idoso. A rua, por não mostrar possibilidades de saída, aliada às condições de vida do idoso em situação de rua leva a um processo gradual da perda da autoestima, interferindo sobremaneira no autocuidado. Acrescido a essas questões, constatamos que o comprometimento da capacidade funcional coloca em risco a sobre/vida do idoso em situação de rua.
To study factors associated with anemia and its effect on survival in HIV-infected persons treated with modern combined antiretroviral therapy (cART), we characterized the prevalence of anemia in the Veterans Aging Cohort Study (VACS) and used a candidate gene approach to identify proinflammatory gene single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with anemia in HIV disease. The study comprised 1597 HIV(+) and 865 HIV(-) VACS subjects with DNA, blood, and annotated clinical data available for analysis. Anemia was defined according to World Health Organization criteria (hemoglobin < 13 g/dL and < 12 g/dL in men and women, respectively). The prevalence of anemia in HIV(+) and HIV(-) subjects was 23.1% and 12.9%, respectively. Independent of HIV status, anemia was present in 23.4% and 8% in blacks and whites, respectively. Analysis of our candidate genes revealed that the leptin -2548 G/A SNP was associated with anemia in HIV(+), but not HIV(-), patients, with the AA and AG genotypes significantly predicting anemia (P < .003 and P < .039, respectively, logistic regression). This association was replicated in an independent cohort of HIV(+) women. Our study provides novel insight into the association between genetic variability in the leptin gene and anemia in HIV(+) individuals.
Neuromotor functioning - i.e., timed performance and quality of movements - was examined in 66 left-handed children and adolescents between 5 and 18.5 years by means of the Zurich Neuromotor Assessment. Quality of movements was assessed by the degree and the frequency of associated movements. Results were compared to normative data from 593 right-handers. The overall scores for timed motor performance were similar for left-handers and right-handers, while left-handers had more associated movements than right-handers with both sides. In agreement with previous studies in adults, we found that left-handed children were less lateralized than right-handers. They performed faster with their non-dominant side and slower with their dominant side. This finding was roughly independent of age, which may indicate that handedness does not reflect long-term effects of previous motor experience, but may be primarily attributed to genetic factors.
Heu contractat alguna vegada un servei funerari? Encara que la resposta de molts de nosaltres és que no, és ben segur que algun cop en la nostra vida ho haurem de fer i potser és millor pensar quin tipus de servei estarem contractant abans que arribi el moment de fer-ho. “El precio de la muerte” és un treball on s’ha fet un anàlisi del mercat funerari a Barcelona i la seva utilitat rau en el fet de que aquest tipus de serveis, encara avui dia, segueix sent molt desconegut i és per això que aquí donarem respostes a les principals preguntes que pugui tenir el lector. Si voleu saber en qui recau la responsabilitat d’oferir aquest servei, com es fixen els preus o qui es queda els 10 milions d’euros que dona de benefici una empresa d’aquest tipus no dubteu en llegir aquest treball, i aquesta i moltes preguntes més trobaran resposta.Finalment, ens plau pensar que l’esforç de reunir aquesta informació serveixi als consumidors per afrontar un tràmit tan forçós des d’una posició d’igualtat davant l’empresa oferidora, i evitar així preus abusius i serveis innecessaris.