962 resultados para Anatomy of plants
Programmed cell death (PCD) is executed by proteases, which cleave diverse proteins thus modulating their biochemical and cellular functions. Proteases of the caspase family and hundreds of caspase substrates constitute a major part of the PCD degradome in animals(1,2). Plants lack close homologues of caspases, but instead possess an ancestral family of cysteine proteases, metacaspases(3,4). Although metacaspases are essential for PCD(5-7), their natural substrates remain unknown(4,8). Here we show that metacaspase mcII-Pa cleaves a phylogenetically conserved protein, TSN (Tudor staphylococcal nuclease), during both developmental and stress-induced PCD. TSN knockdown leads to activation of ectopic cell death during reproduction, impairing plant fertility. Surprisingly, human TSN (also known as p100 or SND1), a multifunctional regulator of gene expression(9-15), is cleaved by caspase-3 during apoptosis. This cleavage impairs the ability of TSN to activate mRNA splicing, inhibits its ribonuclease activity and is important for the execution of apoptosis. Our results establish TSN as the first biological substrate of metacaspase and demonstrate that despite the divergence of plants and animals from a common ancestor about one billion years ago and their use of distinct PCD pathways, both have retained a common mechanism to compromise cell viability through the cleavage of the same substrate, TSN.
Elucidation of the transcriptome and proteome of the normal retina will be difficult since it is comprised of at least 55 different cell types. However the characteristic layered cellular anatomy of the retina makes it amenable to planar sectioning, enabling the generation of enriched retinal cell populations. The aim of this study was to validate a reproducible method for preparing enriched retinal layers from porcine retina.
The vegetation of Europe has undergone substantial changes during the course of the Holocene epoch, resulting from range expansion of plants following climate amelioration, competition between taxa and disturbance through anthropogenic activities. Much of the detail of this pattern is understood from
decades of pollen analytical work across Europe, and this understanding has been used to address questions relating to vegetation-climate feedback, biogeography and human impact. Recent advances in modelling the relationship between pollen and vegetation now make it possible to transform pollen
proportions into estimates of vegetation cover at both regional and local spatial scales, using the Landscape Reconstruction Algorithm (LRA), i.e. the REVEALS (Regional Estimates of VEgetation Abundance from Large Sites) and the LOVE (LOcal VEgetation) models. This paper presents the compilation and analysis of 73 pollen stratigraphies from the British Isles, to assess the application of the LRA and describe the pattern of landscape/woodland openness (i.e. the cover of low herb and bushy vegetation) through the Holocene. The results show that multiple small sites can be used as an effective replacement for a single large site for the reconstruction of regional vegetation cover. The REVEALS vegetation estimates imply that the British Isles had a greater degree of landscape/woodland openness at the regional scale than areas on the European mainland. There is considerable spatial bias in the British Isles dataset towards wetland areas and uplands, which may explain higher estimates of landscape openness compared with Europe. Where multiple estimates of regional vegetation are available from within the same region inter-regional differences are greater than intra-regional differences, supporting the use of the REVEALS model to the estimation of regional vegetation from pollen data.
Uses of plants extracts are found to be more advantageous over chemical, physical and microbial (bacterial, fungal, algal) methods for silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) synthesis. In phytonanosynthesis, biochemical diversity of plant extract, non-pathogenicity, low cost and flexibility in reaction parameters are accounted for high rate of AgNPs production with different shape, size and applications. At the same time, care has to be taken to select suitable phytofactory for AgNPs synthesis based on certain parameters such as easy availability, large-scale nanosynthesis potential and non-toxic nature of plant extract. This review focuses on synthesis of AgNPs with particular emphasis on biological synthesis using plant extracts. Some points have been given on selection of plant extract for AgNPs synthesis and case studies on AgNPs synthesis using different plant extracts. Reaction parameters contributing to higher yield of nanoparticles are presented here. Synthesis mechanisms and overview of present and future applications of plant-extract-synthesized AgNPs are also discussed here. Limitations associated with use of AgNPs are summarised in the present review.
Background: This study was designed to evaluate the structures, muscles, and fasciae of which the modiolus is composed. It can aid in the understanding and, therefore, the utilization of plastic surgery for the aesthetic or reconstructive treatment of that region, especially the angle of the mouth. Methods: Dissections of the midface were done on five different cadavers. They were of different races (3 males, 2 females). The anatomy of the modiolus was studied in detail. New anatomical observations were classified as type I through type VI. Results: The perifacial artery fascia contributed to the modiolus in four (80%) specimens and was not part of it in 1 (20%) specimen. The facial artery was anterior to it in one (20%) specimen, lateral in four (80%) specimens, and never medial to it. No significant relationship was observed between the perifacial artery fascia contribution to the modiolus and gender or race. Also, the location of the facial artery lateral or anterior to the modiolus was not significantly related to gender or race. In addition, the deep and superficial fasciae of the face converged not anterior to the masseter muscle but actually at the modiolus, which was different from observations made by others. Conclusion: The modiolus is of critical importance in aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery of the face. © 2008 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC and International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
Objectives: A detailed investigation of the gross and microscopic anatomy of ligamentum flavum. Methods: Material included 14 lumbar vertebral columns obtained from the Anatomy Department, King Faisal University, Dammam during the period between January 2005 and January 2006. Height, width, and thickness of ligamenta flava were measured. A microscopic study was also performed. Computed tomography scan was carried out on the lumbar vertebrae of 30 patients for measuring the ligamentum flavum. Results: The anatomical results showed that the right and left ligamenta flava join in the midline forming an acute angle with a ventral opening. The ligamentum flavum is rectangular and has 4 borders and 2 surfaces. It is attached inferiorly to the superior edge and the postero-superior surface of the lamina below. It is attached superiorly to the inferior edge and the antero-inferior surface of the lamina above. Its height ranges from 14-22 mm. The width of its lower part ranges from 11-23 mm, and the thickness ranges from 3.5-6 mm. The histological results revealed that it is comprised chiefly of elastic fibres and some collagen fibres. Conclusion: The information reported in this study is of clinical value in the practice of lumbar epidural anesthesia or analgesia. Epidural puncture will be best performed through the lower and medial portion of the ligamentum flavum slightly lateral to the midline.
Previous investigators have not described some of the new anatomic variations or provided quantitative and analytical data of the arterial anatomy of the lips in as much depth as in this study. Dissections of 14 different facial sides of cadavers were done. Through investigating the arterial supply of the upper and lower lips, measurements were performed and statistically analyzed. The main arterial supply of the upper lip was from the superior labial artery (SLA, mean external diameter, 1.8 mm [SD, 0.74 mm]); in addition, the subalar and septal branches contributed to its vascularization. The origin of the SLA was above the labial commissure in 78.6%. The subalar branch was not found but replaced by the alar artery that arose from the infraorbital artery in 1 specimen. The main arterial supply of the lower lip was derived from 3 branches of the facial artery, the inferior labial artery (mean external diameters, 1.4 mm [SD, 0.31 mm]) and the horizontal and vertical labiomental arteries. The inferior labial artery originated mostly below the labial commissure in 42.9% and formed a common trunk with the SLA in 28.6%. The horizontal labiomental artery was present in all, but vertical labiomental artery was absent in 21.4% of specimens. Overall, observed anatomic variations were classified into types I to VIII. Significant relations between the demographic variables and measured parameters were reported including the correlation coefficient among evaluated parameters. In conclusion, this study provides various information that aids in creating new flaps and supports the vascular base for clinical procedures in reconstructive surgery of the lip.
How did the counter-cultural aims of Radical Psychiatry coincide with those of documentary filmmaking in the 1960s? Where the forms and structures of new approaches to the documentary necessarily complicit in promoting the clinical and anti-clinical practices, and wider political agenda, of Radical Psychiatry? How did the documentary deal with the ethical, aesthetic, and audience-related issues associated with filming personalities and environments associated with Radical Psychiatry? How did Radical Psychiatry and the documentary shape postwar discourses on trauma, especially within conflict and post-conflict (PTSD) contexts? What is the legacy of Radical Pschiatry today, and how has it been explored by contemporary documentray film?
This article addresses these question by examining a range of documentaries dealing with the radical and 'anti-psychiatric' ideas and methods of figures such as R.D.Laing, David Cooper, Jan Bastiaans, Timothy Leary, and Franco Basaglia. Films analysed include Peter Robinson's Asylum (1972) and Psychiatry and Violence (1973); Ah, Sunflower (Klinkert and Sinclair, 1967); Anatomy of Violence (Davis, 1967); Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out (Robin Clarke, 1967), W. R. - Mysteries of the Organism (Makavejev, 1971); Raymond Depardon's San Clemente (1980) and Urgences (1988); and Louis van Gasteren's trilogy Now Do You Get it Why I am Crying (1969), The Price of Survival (2003), and There is No Plane to Zagreb (2012).
The article concludes with a discussion of Nicolas Philibert's Every Little Thing (1997) within the context of the French documentary tradition and the film's more immediate subject - the famous clinic at La Borde established by Jean Oury, and associated with the methods and theories of figures such as Jacques
Lacan, Francesc Tosquelles, Franz Fanon, and Félix Guattari.
Manganese (Mn) is an essential nutrient required for plant growth, in particular in the process of photosynthesis. Plant performance is influenced by various environmental stresses including contrasting temperatures, light or nutrient deficiencies. The molecular responses of plants exposed to such stress factors in combination are largely unknown.
Screening of 108 Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis) accessions for reduced photosynthetic performance at chilling temperatures was performed and one accession (Hog) was isolated. Using genetic and molecular approaches, the molecular basis of this particular response to temperature (GxE interaction) was identified.
Hog showed an induction of a severe leaf chlorosis and impaired growth after transfer to lower temperatures. We demonstrated that this response was dependent on the nutrient content of the soil. Genetic mapping and complementation identified NRAMP1 as the causal gene. Chlorotic phenotype was associated with a histidine to tyrosine (H239Y) substitution in the allele of Hog NRAMP1. This led to lethality when Hog seedlings were directly grown at 4 degrees C.
Chemical complementation and hydroponic culture experiments showed that Mn deficiency was the major cause of this GxE interaction. For the first time, the NRAMP-specific highly conserved histidine was shown to be crucial for plant performance.
Heritable variation in plant secondary compounds in dominant species has been hypothesised to effect ecosystem function and the structure of associated assemblages of plants, microbes and animals. The functioning of this extended phenotype in relation to the understorey vegetation composition was tested within a boreal forest system dominated by Pinus sylvestris which contains a range of monoterpenes, the composition of which is largely under genetic control. A variance partitioning approach was adopted to identify the relative importance of tree chemistry, environment, spatial location and tree architecture in controlling the distribution of species in the ground flora under individual trees. The monoterpene composition of the pine needles appeared to contribute significantly to controlling understorey vegetation composition, but was less important than environmental factors, though similar to spatial factors. Thus there appears to be a link between variation in the chemical composition of the single, dominant tree species within this system and the pattern of occurrence and abundance in other species at the same trophic level.
A toxicidade dos metais é uma problemática que envolve a saúde humana e o ambiente, sendo necessária uma vigilância constante e uma avaliação dos danos precisa e robusta. As plantas, como principal fonte alimentar e de produtos, são de vital importância à sociedade humana. Devido a serem seres sesseis, este grupo é um dos mais afectados por poluentes, tornandoos objectos de estudo extremamente interessantes. O objectivo desta tese foi avaliar os efeitos genotóxicos e citotóxicos do Cr(VI) e Pb2+ na espécie modelo Pisum sativum L. No capitulo I é introduzida a problemática da toxicidade de ambos os metais, com especial relevo nas plantas, bem como as abordagens mais actuais no estudo da geno e citotoxicidade. No capitulo II são apresentados os resultados dos estudos da genotoxicidade do Pb2+ (II-1) e Cr(VI) (II-2 e II-3), tendo sido realizados analises de dano ao DNA a vários níveis e alterações do ciclo celular (II-1 e II-2), bem como a detecção de instabilidade de microssatelites (II-1 e II-3), que é um indicador do estado funcional do mecanismo de reparação do DNA. O capítulo III aborda o efeito de stresses abióticos na capacidade fotossintética da espécie modelo. No capítulo III-1, realizou-se um estudo pioneiro de avaliação da aplicabilidade da citometria de fluxo no estudo da fotossíntese, mais concretamente no estado funcional e estrutural dos cloroplastos, quando expostos a um inibidor da fotossíntese (Paraquat). Os dados obtidos neste estudo encorajaram a aplicação da técnica nos capítulos III-2 e III-3, nos quais se analisaram os efeitos dos metais Pb2+ (III- 2) e Cr(VI) (III-3) na capacidade fotossintética de plantas expostas a este metal; em estudos que envolveram vários marcadores clássicos, para alem dos da citometria de fluxo. Finalmente, no capítulo IV são apresentadas as conclusões finais do trabalho, uma comparativa entre os efeitos e níveis de toxicidade dos dois metais em estudo e são apontadas algumas perspectivas para futuros estudos, levantadas pelos dados obtidos.
Tem havido uma preocupação crescente com a qualidade do ar interior (QAI) nas escolas em muitos países. Muitos estudos epidemiológicos têm encontrado diferenças regionais entre ambientes interiores. Apesar da elevada incidência de asma e rinite na população infantil, praticamente nada se sabia sobre a QAI em escolas portuguesas. A percepção dos problemas de QAI é crucial para avaliar os riscos para a saúde e rendimento dos estudantes, e para sugerir meios de reduzir a exposição a poluentes indesejáveis. Neste estudo procurou-se obter as concentrações de poluentes de interesse em estabelecimentos de ensino do 1º ciclo de Lisboa e Aveiro, estimar o estado atual de casos de asma e rinite em escolas primárias da capital, avaliar a influência de diferentes materiais das salas de aula/construção e hábitos escolares na QAI, identificar potenciais fontes de poluentes nos interiores e exteriores das salas de aula e propor medidas mitigadoras. Catorze escolas de Lisboa foram visitadas para obter a caracterização física das construções em termos de estrutura, ventilação, materiais de acabamento, produtos de limpeza, densidade de ocupação e potenciais fontes interiores de poluição. Os estudantes foram questionados sobre os seus hábitos e sintomas respiratórios através de inquéritos do modelo ISAAC (International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood). Durante a primavera, outono e inverno (2008-2010), nas salas de aula e pátios, foram monitorizados, por amostragem passiva, compostos orgânicos voláteis (COVs), carbonilos e dióxido de azoto (NO2). Foram também medidos parâmetros de conforto e níveis de microrganismos. Duas escolas localizadas, uma no centro da cidade e outra na região suburbana, em Aveiro foram estudadas em 2010. Parâmetros de conforto, microrganismos, COVs, NO2, material particulado (PM10) foram medidos no interior e no exterior de ambas escolas. Os iões solúveis, carbono orgânico e elementar (OC e EC), e compostos orgânicos presentes no material particulado foram subsequentemente analisados em laboratório. Uma medida mitigadora - fitoremediação - foi avaliada na escola do centro da cidade de Aveiro em 2011. Os resultados do estudo mostraram que a QAI é pior do que a do ar exterior. Em geral, os níveis de CO2 e dos bioaerosóis excederam os níveis máximos aceitáveis para o conforto dos ocupantes estipulado pelas regulamentações portuguesas. Quase todos os COVs e carbonilos identificados mostraram razões interior/exterior (I/E) maiores que uma unidade, o que demonstra a importante contribuição de fontes interiores em todas as escolas. As razões I/E das concentrações de NO2 nunca excederam a unidade. Os níveis interiores diários de PM10 foram sempre maiores que os exteriores, exceto nos fins de semana. Após a colocação de plantas numa das salas de aula, observou-se uma redução estatisticamente significativa nos níveis de CO2, COVs, carbonilos, PM10, OC, e dos iões nitrato, sulfato, amónia, cálcio e carbonato. A possível redução dos níveis de poluentes no interior após a colocação de plantas pode representar uma solução de baixo custo para reduzir a exposição a muitos compostos, melhorar o rendimento e aumentar o bem estar dos alunos e professores em sala de aula.
Os compostos polifenólicos constituem uma classe de metabolitos secundários de plantas, mas existe também uma enorme quantidade de derivados sintéticos ou semi-sintéticos contendo múltiplas unidades fenólicas. Estes compostos apresentam importantes características biológicas, que dependem das suas estruturas básicas. Certos derivados desta família de compostos, tais como flavonoides, cromonas e cumarinas contribuem para os benefícios da dieta humana, e partilham o núcleo de benzopiran-(2 e 4)-ona ou benzofuran-3-ona. A presente dissertação inclui uma introdução geral e três capítulos que descrevem as novas rotas sintéticas estabelecidas para a preparação de novos híbridos de diversos compostos polifenólicos, assim como a sua elucidação estrutural e termina com a presentação dos resultados da avaliação biológica desses mesmos compostos. No segundo capítulo discute-se a preparação de híbridos de pirimidina- e imidazolidina-polifenóis, especialmente a síntese diastereoseletiva de novos híbridos benzofuran-3-ona-hidantoína e derivados de uracilo. A rota sintética envolve a ação de carbodiimidas sobre os ácidos cromona-(2- e 3)-carboxílicos num só passo ou em dois passos sequenciais, catalisada por uma base orgânica ou inorgânica. O terceiro capítulo descreve reações do tipo adições conjugadas 1,4 - hetero-ciclisações em cascata de compostos 1,3-dicarbonílicos em ácido cromona-3-carboxílico catalisadas por uma base orgânica, que originaram novas cromonas, cromanonas e flavonas polissubstituídas. As bispiranonas [bispiran-2 e 4)-onas] foram elaboradas numa reacção de acoplamento da 4-hidroxicumarina ou da lactona do ácido triacético com o ácido cromona-3-carboxílico ou precursores formil-funcionalizados (ω-formil-2’-hydroxy acetofenonas e cromona-3-carbaldeídos) utilizando organocatálise básica. Finalmente, alargou-se o estudo das adições conjugadas 1,4 para uma variedade de 4-hidroxipiran-2-onas e cetonas α,β-insaturadas para originar novos análogos de warfarina. Obteve-se uma variedade de estruturas complexas por hibridação das unidades de 4-hidroxicumarina ou da lactona do ácido triacético com os novos derivados de cromonas polissubstituídas. Todos as reações foram executadas em condições suaves e ambientalmente favoráveis, utilizando a 4-pirrolidinopiridina como organocatalisador básico. As estruturas dos novos híbridos polifenólicos foram caracterizados por técnicas espectroscópicas de alta resolução, incluindo espectroscopia de ressonância magnética nuclear (1D e 2D) e por difractometria de raios-X, que nos permitiram resolver o complexidade estrutural dos compostos sintetizados. O quarto capítulo apresenta os resultados da avaliação biológica obtidos com os híbridos polifenólicos sintetizados neste trabalho, mostrando a possibilidade de seu envolvimento na terapia do cancro. A maioria dos compostos foram avaliados quanto ao seu efeito sobre a citotoxicidade e proliferação de células leucémicas e ao seu envolvimento na regulação de via pró-inflamatória NF-kB, na qual, os híbridos de biscumarinas exibiram actividades elevadas (IC50 = 6-19 μM para inibição de NF-kB depois de 8 horas de incubação e IC50 = 15-39 μM para efeitos citotóxicos em células cancerosas, após 24 horas de incubação). Uma inibição moderada das enzimas HDAC e Cdc25 foi induzida pelos derivados de benzofuran-3-ona-hidantoína. Catorze dos novos derivados polifenólicos polissubstituídos, tendo como estrutura básica a benzopiran-4-ona, foram avaliados pela sua actividade quimiopreventiva do cancro mediada pela indução de sinalização citoprotectora Nrf2 (fator 2 relacionado com o fator nuclear da proteína E2) e capacidade para inibir a proliferação das células de cancro da mama. Os derivados da classe das cromanonas foram identificados como os indutores mais potentes da actividade Nrf2. As concentrações necessárias para aumentar a actividade de luciferase em 10 vezes (C10) foram de 2,8-21,3 μM. Todos os novos híbridos polifenólicos que apresentam atividade citotóxica e anti-proliferativa não afectam o crescimento de células saudáveis periféricas do sangue (PBMC) (IC50 > 50 μM), indicando a sua seletividade para as células cancerosas e sugerindo que alguns deles são estruturalmente interessantes para posteriores análises. A avaliação da atividade antioxidante utilizando os testes do radical livre DPPH e o poder redutor do ião férrico FRAP foram realizados em algumas estruturas híbridas polifenólicas.
The use of plants with medicinal purposes is an ancient practice still very common in developing regions, and is rapidly spreading in industrialized countries. This fact is evidenced by the large number of ethnobotanical studies found in the literature referring that these plants are often used as decoctions and infusions. In most studies the reported biological activities are attributed to the presence of phenolic compounds, due to their antioxidant properties, and to polysaccharides, with its anti-tumoral properties. In “Trás-os-Montes” region, some of the most popular infusions used by the popular medicine are prepared with the dried leaves of Fraxinus angustifolia, the dried shoots of Mentha suaveolens, and the dried inflorescences of Pterospartum tridentatum. However, there are no studies about the polysaccharides present in these infusions. Thus, through the structural characterization of the polysaccharides present in the infusions of F. angustifolia, M. suaveolens, and P. tridentatum, the present PhD thesis intends to evaluate the possible relation between polysaccharides and the immunostimulatory activity that these infusions might present. In a preliminary phase, infusions of F. angustifolia were prepared according to the popular tradition, and it was observed that the obtained water soluble material contained approximately 85% of material non-retained in C18 cartridges, with hydrophilic characteristics, with the remaining 15% comprising retained-material with hydrophobic characteristics. It was also shown that the infusions only contained between 2 and 4% of high molecular weight material (HMWM), which comprised approximately 30% of carbohydrate material. Sugar and methylation analysis of the HMWM suggested the presence of pectic polysaccharides, together with type II arabinogalactans, mannans, and xyloglucans. However, the amount of material obtained is to low for the fractionation, and structural analysis of the polysaccharides present. The 4 h decoction, divided in two periods of 2 h, with water renewal, allowed to increase the HMWM yield, relatively to the infusions traditional infusions. It was also observed that the decoction also allowed to increase the HMWM proportion of carbohydrate material, due to an increase in the proportion of uronic acid present, although the neutral sugar residues seemed to be detected in similar proportions. Therefore, in all the experiments subsequently performed, the HMWM used was obtained through the decoction of F. angustifolia dried leaves, M. suaveolens dried shoots, and P. tridentatum dried inflorescences. x After the fractionation, through ethanol precipitation, and anion exchange chromatography, of the polysaccharides from the HMWM obtained by the decoction of the vegetable material of the distinct studied plants, it was observed the presence of high proportions of pectic polysaccharides, containing type I arabinogalactans, together with minor proportions of type II arabinogalactans, mannans, and xyloglucans. The presence of pectic polysaccharides in the extracts from F. angustifolia was also evidenced through endo-polygalacturonase treatment, and ESI-MS and ESI-MS/MS experiments. The detection of linked pentose and uronic acid residues, also seemed to suggest the presence of xylogalacturonan domains in the pectic polysaccharides from F. angustifolia. The extracts from F. angustifolia dried leaves also contained type II arabinogalactans that exhibited a higher structural diversity than those detected in the M. suaveolens, and P. tridentatum extracts, particularly in the substitution degree of the galactan backbone, and in the extension of the (1→5)-Araf side chains. Moreover, for all the plants studied, it was also observed that the type II arabinogalactans, extracted during the 2nd 2h of the extraction process, exhibited a substitution degree of the galactan backbone higher than those extracted during the 1st 2h. The extracts from P. tridentatum dried inflorescences contained higher proportions of mannans, and also of xyloglucans, both presenting a substitution degree higher than those, which were detected in lower proportion in the extracts of F. angustifolia and M. suaveolens. Through ESI-MS and ESI-MS/MS it was possible to evidence that the mannans present in the extracts of P. tridentatum presented acetyl groups on the O-2 of the mannosyl residues. It was also evidenced that the P. tridentatum mannans were more extensively acetylated than the mannans detected in the coffee infusion, LBG, and other non-conventional mannan sources. Moreover, it was detected the presence of oligosaccharides comprising hexose residues linked to non acetylated pentose residues, suggesting the possible presence of arabinose residues in the mannans from P. tridentatum extracts. The immunostimulatory activity of three fractions isolated from the extracts of F. angustifolia, M. suaveolens, and P. tridentatum, was tested and an increase in the NO production by macrophages, without compromising their cellular viability, was observed. The type I, and type II arabinogalactans detected in the extracts from F. angustifolia, and M. suaveolens seem to have contributed for the observed immunostimulatory activity. For the fraction from P. tridentatum, the mannans acetylation, and the presence of type I, and type II arabinogalactans seemed to contribute for the macrophage immunostimulatory activity observed. The possible presence of storage xyloglucans from the inflorescences seeds, also seems to have contributed for the immunostimulatory activity registered when the macrophages were stimulated with higher extract concentrations. The results obtained allow to conclude that the extracts of F. angustifolia dried leaves, M. suaveolens dried shoots, and P. tridentatum dried inflorescences contained high proportions of pectic polysaccharides, exhibiting type I arabinogalactans, together with other polysaccharides, such as type II arabinogalactans, mannans, and xyloglucans. This polysaccharide mixture seems to have contributed to the immunostimulatory activity of fractions isolated from the extracts of the studied plants. Therefore, as the same type of polysaccharides seem to be present in the decoctions and in the infusions, it seems possible that the polysaccharides might contribute for the therapeutic properties frequently associated by the popular tradition to the infusions of these plants.