959 resultados para Ammonium sulphonitrate
This work reports the preparation, characterization and study of the ion exchange behavior of hydrous niobium oxide prepared by a homogeneous precipitation method. The precipitating agent was obtained in aqueous solution by thermal decomposition of urea or ammonium carbonate. The compounds were chemically and physically characterized by X-ray diffractometry, thermal analysis (TG/DTG), surface area measurements and ion exchange behavior with sodium. The materials prepared with ammonium carbonate presented a higher degree of crystallinity and better ion exchange capacity with sodium than materials prepared with urea. In the homogeneous precipitation method, materials were obtained with specific surface area of 123 - 224 m² g-1. A variation of the preparation process produced hydrous niobium oxide with a different degree of hydration and specific surface area. This provided materials with different physico-chemical properties.
We present studies involving metallic ions and the herbicide glyphosate. The metallic complexes of Cu(II), Zn(II), Mn(II), Ni(II), Cd(II), Pb(II), Cr(III), Fe(III), Co(III), ammonium, sodium, Ag(I), alkaline earth metals and of some lanthanides ions are described. The complexes are discussed in terms of their synthesis, identification, stability and structural properties, based on data from the current literature.
Several extraction procedures are described for the determination of exchangeable and fixed ammonium, nitrate + nitrite, total exchangeable nitrogen and total nitrogen in certified reference soils and petroleum reservoir rock samples by steam distillation and indophenol method. After improvement of the original distillation system, an increase in worker safety, a reduction in time consumption, a decrease of 73% in blank value and an analysis without ammonia loss, which could possibly occur, were achieved. The precision (RSD < 8%, n = 3) and the detection limit (9 mg kg-1 NH4+-N) are better than those of published procedures.
The amphiphilic nature of metal extractants causes the formation of micelles and other microscopic aggregates when in contact with water and an organic diluent. These phenomena and their effects on metal extraction were studied using carboxylic acid (Versatic 10) and organophosphorus acid (Cyanex 272) based extractants. Special emphasis was laid on the study of phase behaviour in a pre neutralisation stage when the extractant is transformed to a sodium or ammonium salt form. The pre neutralised extractants were used to extract nickel and to separate cobalt and nickel. Phase diagrams corresponding to the pre neutralisation stage in a metal extraction process were determined. The maximal solubilisation of the components in the system water(NH3)/extractant/isooctane takes place when the molar ratio between the ammonia salt form and the free form of the extractant is 0.5 for the carboxylic acid and 1 for the organophosphorus acid extractant. These values correspond to the complex stoichiometry of NH4A•HA and NIi4A, respectively. When such a solution is contacted with water a microemulsion is formed. If the aqueous phase contains also metal ions (e.g. Ni²+), complexation will take place on the microscopic interface of the micellar aggregates. Experimental evidence showing that the initial stage of nickel extraction with pre neutralised Versatic 10 is a fast pseudohomogeneous reaction was obtained. About 90% of the metal were extracted in the first 15 s after the initial contact. For nickel extraction with pre neutralised Versatic 10 it was found that the highest metal loading and the lowest residual ammonia and water contents in the organic phase are achieved when the feeds are balanced so that the stoichiometry is 2NH4+(org) = Nit2+(aq). In the case of Co/Ni separation using pre neutralised Cyanex 272 the highest separation is achieved when the Co/extractant molar ratio in the feeds is 1 : 4 and at the same time the optimal degree of neutralisation of the Cyanex 272 is about 50%. The adsorption of the extractants on solid surfaces may cause accumulation of solid fine particles at the interface between the aqueous and organic phases in metal extraction processes. Copper extraction processes are known to suffer of this problem. Experiments were carried out using model silica and mica particles. It was found that high copper loading, aromacity of the diluent, modification agents and the presence of aqueous phase decrease the adsorption of the hydroxyoxime on silica surfaces.
In this work, aqueous suspensions of aluminas with different particle sizes were evaluated. The effect of pH on the electrosteric stabilization using PMAA-NH4 (ammonium polymethacrylate) as deflocculant was studied. The amount of deflocculant was optimized and rheologic properties were determined at four different pH values. Sedimentation was also evaluated. For suspensions with pH 4, an electrostatic mechanism of stabilization was observed, probably due to a flat adsorption of PMMA- on the alumina surface, leading to a small efficiency in relation to steric stabilization. For a suspension with pH 12, the steric mechanism of stabilization prevails. Suspensions with pH 7 and 9 present a higher flocculation degree. In relation to particle size, A-1000 samples present a smaller particle size, leading to a smaller interparticle distance (IPS), making stabilization more difficult.
A study on optimization of bath parameters for electrodeposition of Fe-W-B alloys from plating baths containing ammonia and citrate is reported. A 2³ full factorial design was successfully employed for experimental design analysis of the results. The corrosion resistance and amorphous character were evaluated. The bath conditions obtained for depositing the alloy with good corrosion resistance were: 0.01 M iron sulfate, 0.10 M sodium tungstate and 0.60 M ammonium citrate. The alloy was deposited at 12% current efficiency. The alloy obtained had Ecorr -0.841 V and Rp 1.463 x 10(4) Ohm cm². The deposit obtained under these conditions had an amorphous character and no microcracks were observed on its surface. Besides this, the bath conditions obtained for depositing the alloy with the highest deposition efficiency were: 0.09 M iron sulfate, 0.30 M sodium tungstate and 0.50 M ammonium citrate. The alloy was deposited at 50% current efficiency, with an average composition of 34 wt% W, 66 wt% Fe and traces of boron. The alloy obtained had Ecorr -0.800 V and Rp 1.895 x 10³ Ohm cm². Electrochemical corrosion tests verified that the Fe-W-B alloy deposited under both conditions had better corrosion resistance than Fe-Mo-B.
Cleaning solutions containing EDTA are widely employed to remove incrustation despite of the costs involved. The free content of EDTA in commercial solutions may be determined by mixing an aliquot to ammonium oxalate and using a standard calcium solution as titrant. The end-point is detected by the formation of insoluble calcium oxalate after all EDTA is complexed. A system for turbidimetric detection of the end-point was envisaged to substitute the visual detection, which impaired the analyses of dark samples. The proposed method was tested with real samples and good accuracy and precision was obtained.
The supply of drinking water in the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo City has been a great and serious challenge in the latest years. This work demonstrates the viability of the evaluation of the degree of contamination of the water reservoirs using analytical procedures, which allow the analysis of several compounds at relatively low cost: stripping square wave voltammetry (SSWV) and capillary zone electrophoresis with contactless conductivity detection (CZE-CCD). The results of ionic composition indicated significant contamination of the Guarapiranga water system by human activities on the reservoir banks. In fact, the Guavirutuba and Itupu streams presented high concentrations of phosphate and ammonium ions. This can be directly related to misuse and unruled occupation of the soil and precarious sanitary infrastructure.
The solubility of Mn in different fertilizers (MnSO4.H2O-p.a., MnO2-p.a.+MnO-Ind., MnO2-Ind.+MnO-Ind., MnO2-p.a., MnO2-Ind. and MnO-Ind.) was determined using different methodologies: total content and soluble contents in water, 10% H2SO4, citric acid at 20 g L-1, diluted neutral ammonium citrate, (1+9) and DTPA at 0.005 mol L-1. The Mn solubilities in the latter three extractors were assessed after agitation of the sample for one hour and after boiling for 5 minutes. The extraction procedure using neutral ammonium citrate (1+9), at 1:100, with agitation for one hour, was shown to be the most adequate to assess the availability of Mn in fertilizers.
This paper evaluates the occurrence of nitrate and ammonium in the Barreiras aquifer in the metropolitan area of Belém, Pará State, Brazil. The results show that some wells display ammonium and nitrate concentrations above or close to the limits of water potability regulations. The main cause of the pollution of these waters is related the local disposal of domestic effluents and/or leakage from pipes of old sewage systems.
A Berner impactor was used to collect size-differentiated aerosol samples from March to August 2003 in the city of Aveiro, on the Portuguese west coast. The samples were analysed for the main water-soluble ion species. The average concentration of sulphate, nitrate, chloride and ammonium was 6.38, 3.09, 1.67 and 1.27 µg m-3, respectively. The results show that SO4(2-) and NH4+ were consistently present in the fine fraction < 1 µm, which represents, on average, 72 and 89% of their total atmospheric concentrations, respectively. The NO3-particles were concentrated in the coarse size. Chloride presented the characteristic coarse mode for marine aerosols. During some spring/summer events, an ammonium surplus was observed (NH4+/SO4(2-) molar ratios > 2), possibly due to greater availability of ammonia coming from agricultural activities or from the neighbouring chemical industrial complex. During the remaining periods, the aerosol was found to be somewhat acidic and predominantly in the form of ammonium bisulphate (NH4+/SO4(2-) molar ratios = 0.5-1.25). Samples collected under a major or exclusive influence of maritime air masses were essentially constituted by coarse particles with enrichment in sea salt, while for air masses of continental origin the contribution of water-soluble ionic species in the fine mode was more pronounced.
A rapid, sensitive and reliable thin-layer chromatography/spectrophotometry screening procedure was developed for quantitative determination of diuretics associated in pharmaceutical dosage forms. The chromatographic method employed microcrystalline cellulose and butanol : acetic acid : water (4:1:1) or amilic alcohol : ammonium hydroxide 25% (9:1) as mobile phases and detection by U.V. light. The drugs were extracted using a simple procedure and were quantified by U.V. spectrophotometry. Results varied from 97.5 to 102.5% and are similar to those obtained by conventional methods. This method of quantification of diuretics is promising for quality control of drugs.
Actualment a Catalunya existeixen zones amb importants limitacions per l’aplicació de purins al sòl, pel que és imprescindible trobar alternatives de gestió i tractament que permetin l’aprofitament adequat dels recursos continguts a les dejeccions ramaderes sense afectar el medi. La digestió anaeròbia és una de les tècniques utilitzades en el tractament de les dejeccions ramaderes. L’efluent líquid que s’obté d’aquest tractament no modifica el contingut de nitrogen i fòsfor i per tant ha de ser gestionat correctament. L’objectiu general d’aquest projecte és avaluar la precipitació d’estruvita (sal de magnesi, amoni i fosfat) com una alternativa de gestió de l’efluent líquid d’una planta de digestió anaeròbia i compostatge que tracta dejeccions ramaderes conjuntament amb altres residus orgànics. S’han avaluat els efectes dels diferents paràmetres operacionals en la formació d’estruvita (pH, temperatura, velocitat d’agitació, alcalinitat), mitjançant assaigs en discontinu amb solució sintètica. A continuació s’ha procedit a obtenir estruvita a partir de la fracció líquida digerida de purí (FLD), en assaigs en discontinu per estudiar l’efecte del contingut de matèria orgànica i sòlids Totals (ST), així com el contingut en fosfats i el pH de reacció. Finalment, s’han optimitzat els paràmetres de procés en continu, mitjançant la posada en marxa d’un reactor a escala de laboratori i estudi de l’efecte de la velocitat d’agitació i de la introducció del stripping de CO2, tant amb solució sintètica com amb la fracció líquida digerida del purí. Dels resultats obtinguts es pot concloure que els factors que tenen una major influència en el procés d’obtenció d’estruvita són el pH (el pH òptim es situa al voltant de 9), i la presència de matèria orgànica i sòlids ens suspensió, que interfereix de forma quantitativa i qualitativa en la formació de l’estruvita. En el procés en continu s’ha aconseguit reduccions d’un 84% i 98% d’amoni i fòsfor respectivament, obtenintse estruvita que pot ser utilitzada com a fertilitzant d’alliberació lenta. Es pot concloure que la precipitació d’estruvita és una bona alternativa per millorar la gestió de les dejeccions ramaderes alhora que permet recuperar nutrients i tancar cicles. La combinació amb un tractament previ que elimini la matèria orgànica, com podria ser la digestió anaeròbia, i una separació de fases, per eliminar els sòlids en suspensió, es presenta com una configuració amb molts avantatges.
The Brazilian legislation requires analysis of certain parameters to classify a wine and allow its commercialization. Some physico-chemical and some color parameters were determined in this work in samples of different red wines sold in the metropolitan area of Recife. Multivariate analysis comprising principal component analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis was employed to distinguish the analyzed wines. The results for pH, chloride concentration, color parameters and ammonium content were the most important variables for sample classification. It was also possible to classify the wines as soft or dry wines and amongst the soft wines we could determine two out of four winegrowing producers.
The thermal decomposition of hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene (HTPB)/ammonium nitrate (AN) based propellants, so called smokeless formulations, and raw materials were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetry (TG). The thermoanalytical profile of different components and of propellant were evaluated and the Arrhenius parameters for the thermal decomposition of the propellant sample were determined by the Ozawa method. The kinetic parameters of the thermal decomposition of propellant samples were determined by DSC measurements. The values obtained for activation energy (Ea) and pre-exponential factor were 163 kJ mol-1 and 1.94x10(6) min-1.