952 resultados para Alveolar Bone Resorption
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Objective: To study bony and soft tissue changes at implants installed in alveolar bony ridges of different widths.Material and methods: In 6 Labrador dogs, the mandibular premolars and first molars were extracted, and a buccal defect was created in the left side at the third and fourth premolars by removing the buccal bone and the inter-radicular and interdental septa. Three months after tooth extraction, full-thickness mucoperiosteal flaps were elevated, and implants were installed, two at the reduced (test) and two at the regular-sized ridges (control). Narrow or wide abutments were affixed to the implants. After 3 months, biopsies were harvested, and ground sections prepared for histological evaluation.Results: A higher vertical buccal bony crest resorption was found at the test (1.5 +/- 0.7 mm and 1.0 +/- 0.7 mm) compared to the control implants (1.0 +/- 0.5 mm and 0.7 +/- 0.4 mm), for both wide and narrow abutment sites. A higher horizontal alveolar resorption was identified at the control compared to the test implants. The difference was significant for narrow abutment sites. The peri-implant mucosa was more coronally positioned at the narrow abutment, in the test sites, while for the control sites, the mucosal adaptation was more coronal at the wide abutment sites. These differences, however, did not reach statistical significance.Conclusions: Implants installed in regular-sized alveolar ridges had a higher horizontal, but a lower vertical buccal bony crest resorption compared to implants installed in reduced alveolar ridges. Narrow abutments in reduced ridges as well as wide abutments in regular-sized ridges yielded less soft tissue recession compared to their counterparts.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The aim of this study was to measure changes in buccal alveolar crestal bone levels after immediate placement and loading of dental implants with Morse taper prosthetic abutments after tooth extraction. This study followed the STROBE guidelines regarding prospective cohort studies. The sample comprised 12 patients with a mean age of 45 years, in whom a central or upper lateral incisor was indicated for extraction. Prior to extraction, computed tomography (CT) analysis was carried out to assess the presence of the buccal bone crest. CT scans were performed at 24 h and at 6 months after immediate implant placement and immediate loading. The distance from the most apical point of the implant platform to the buccal bone crest was assessed at the two time points. The buccal bone crest height was evaluated at three points in the mesio-distal direction: (1) the centre point of the alveolus, (2) 1 mm mesial to the centre point, and (3) 1 mm distal to the centre point. The values obtained were subjected to statistical analysis, comparing the distances from the bone crest to the implant platform for the two time points. After 6 months there was a statistically significant, non-uniform reduction in height at the level of the crest of the buccal bone in the cervical direction. It is concluded that the buccal bone crest of the immediate implants that replaced the maxillary incisors underwent apical resorption when subjected to immediate loading.
Few studies has been done using guided bone regeneration in maxillary sinus defects. AIM: To assess the bone repair process in surgical defects on the alveolar wall of the monkey maxillary sinus, which communicates with the sinus cavity, by using collagen membranes: Gen-derm - Genius Baumer, Pro-tape - Proline and autologous temporal fascia. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this prospective and experimental study, orosinusal communications were performed in four tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) and histologic analysis was carried out 180 days after. RESULTS: In the defects without a cover (control), bone proliferation predominated in two animals and fibrous connective tissue predominated in the other two. In defects repaired with a temporal fascia flap, fibrous connective tissue predominated in three animals and bone proliferation predominated in one. In the defects repaired with Gen-derm or Pro-tape collagen membranes there was complete bone proliferation in three animals and fibrous connective tissue in one. CONCLUSIONS: Surgical defect can be repaired with both bone tissue and fibrous connective tissue in all study groups; collagen membranes was more beneficial in the bone repair process than temporal fascia or absence of a barrier.
Placement of implants in fresh sockets is an alternative to try to reduce physiological resorption of alveolar ridge after tooth extraction. This surgery can be used to preserve the bone architecture and also accelerate the restorative procedure. However, the diastasis observed between bone and implant may influence osseointegration. So, autogenous bone graft and/or biomaterials have been used to fill this gap. Considering the importance of bone repair for treatment with implants placed immediately after tooth extraction, this study aimed to present a literature review about biomaterials surrounding immediate dental implants. The search included 56 articles published from 1969 to 2012. The results were based on data analysis and discussion. It was observed that implant fixation immediately after extraction is a reliable alternative to reduce the treatment length of prosthetic restoration. In general, the biomaterial should be used to increase bone/implant contact and enhance osseointegration.
Zahnverlust zu Lebzeiten („antemortem tooth loss“, AMTL) kann als Folge von Zahnerkrankungen, Traumata, Zahnextraktionen oder extremer kontinuierlicher Eruption sowie als Begleiterscheinung fortgeschrittener Stadien von Skorbut oder Lepra auftreten. Nach dem Zahnverlust setzt die Wundheilung als Sekundärheilung ein, während der sich die Alveole mit Blut füllt und sich ein Koagulum bildet. Anschließend erfolgt dessen Umwandlung in Knochengewebe und schließlich verstreicht die Alveole derart, dass sie makroskopisch nicht mehr erkannt werden kann. Der Zeitrahmen der knöchernen Konsolidierung des Kieferkammes ist im Detail wenig erforscht. Aufgrund des gehäuften Auftretens von AMTL in menschlichen Populationen, ist die Erarbeitung eines Zeitfensters, mit dessen Hilfe durch makroskopische Beobachtung des Knochens die Zeitspanne seit dem Zahnverlust („time since tooth loss“, TSL) ermittelt werden kann, insbesondere im archäologischen Kontext äußerst wertvoll. Solch ein Zeitschema mit Angaben über die Variabilität der zeitlichen Abläufe bei den Heilungsvorgängen kann nicht nur in der Osteologie, sondern auch in der Forensik, der allgemeinen Zahnheilkunde und der Implantologie nutzbringend angewandt werden. rnrnNach dem Verlust eines Zahnes wird das Zahnfach in der Regel durch ein Koagulum aufgefüllt. Das sich bildende Gewebe wird rasch in noch unreifen Knochen umgewandelt, welcher den Kieferknochen und auch die angrenzenden Zähne stabilisiert. Nach seiner Ausreifung passt sich das Gewebe schließlich dem umgebenden Knochen an. Das Erscheinungsbild des Zahnfaches während dieses Vorgangs durchläuft verschiedene Stadien, welche in der vorliegenden Studie anhand von klinischen Röntgenaufnahmen rezenter Patienten sowie durch Untersuchungen an archäologischen Skelettserien identifiziert wurden. Die Heilungsvorgänge im Zahnfach können in eine prä-ossale Phase (innerhalb einer Woche nach Zahnverlust), eine Verknöcherungsphase (etwa 14 Wochen nach Zahnverlust) und eine ossifizierte bzw. komplett verheilte Phase (mindestens 29 Wochen nach Zahnverlust) eingeteilt werden. Etliche Faktoren – wie etwa die Resorption des Interdentalseptums, der Zustand des Alveolarknochens oder das Individualgeschlecht – können den normalen Heilungsprozess signifikant beschleunigen oder hemmen und so Unterschiede von bis zu 19 Wochen verursachen. Weitere Variablen wirkten sich nicht signifikant auf den zeitlichen Rahmen des Heilungsprozesse aus. Relevante Abhängigkeiten zwischen verschiedenen Variabeln wurden ungeachtet der Alveolenauffüllung ebenfalls getestet. Gruppen von unabhängigen Variabeln wurden im Hinblick auf Auffüllungsgrad und TSL in multivariablen Modellen untersucht. Mit Hilfe dieser Ergebnisse ist eine grobe Einschätzung der Zeitspanne nach einem Zahnverlust in Wochen möglich, wobei die Einbeziehung weiterer Parameter eine höhere Präzision ermöglicht. rnrnObwohl verschiedene dentale Pathologien in dieser Studie berücksichtigt wurden, sollten zukünftige Untersuchungen genauer auf deren potenzielle Einflussnahme auf den alveolaren Heilungsprozess eingehen. Der kausale Zusammenhang einiger Variablen (wie z. B. Anwesenheit von Nachbarzähnen oder zahnmedizinische Behandlungen), welche die Geschwindigkeit der Heilungsrate beeinflussen, wäre von Bedeutung für zukünftige Untersuchungen des oralen Knochengewebes. Klinische Vergleichsstudien an forensischen Serien mit bekannter TSL oder an einer sich am Anfang des Heilungsprozesses befindlichen klinischen Serie könnten eine Bekräftigung dieser Ergebnisse liefern.
Background: Microfluidics system are novel tools to study cell-cell interactions in vitro. This project focuses on the development of a new microfluidic device to co-culture alveolar epithelial cells and mesenchymal stem cells to study cellular interactions involved in healing the injured alveolar epithelium. Methods: Microfluidic systems in polydimethylsiloxane were fabricated by soft lithography. The alveolar A549 epithelial cells were seeded and injury tests were made on the cells by perfusion with media containing H2O2 or bleomycin during 6 or 18hrs. Rat Bone marrow derived stromal cells (BMSC) were then introduced into the system and cell-cell interaction was studied over 24 hrs. Results: A successful co-culture of A549 alveolar epithelial cells and BMS was achieved in the microfluidic system. The seeded alveolar epithelial cells and BMSC adhered to the bottom surface of the microfluidic device and proliferated under constant perfusion. Epithelial injury to mimic mechanisms seen in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis was induced in the microchannels by perfusing with H2O2 or bleomycin. Migration of BMSC towards the injured epithelium was observed as well as cell-cell interaction between the two cell types was also seen. Conclusion: We demonstrate a novel microfluidic device aimed at showing interactions between different cell types on the basis of a changing microenvironment. Also we were able to confirm interaction between injured alvolar epithelium and BMSC, and showed that BMSC try to heal the injured epitelium.
OBJECTIVE: The purpose was to qualitatively and quantitatively compare the bone formation and graft resorption of two different bone substitutes used in both orthopedic and oral surgery, with autogenous bone as a positive control. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Three standardized bone defects were prepared in both mandibular angles of 12 adult minipigs. The defects were grafted with either autograft, anorganic bovine bone (ABB), or synthetic beta-tricalcium phosphate (beta-TCP). Sacrifice was performed after 1, 2, 4, and 8 weeks for histologic and histomorphometric analysis. RESULTS: At 2 weeks, more new bone formation was seen in defects filled with autograft than with ABB (P approximately 0.0005) and beta-TCP (P approximately 0.002). After 4 weeks, there was no significant difference between beta-TCP and the two other materials. Defects grafted with ABB still exhibited less bone formation as compared with autograft (P approximately 0.004). At 8 weeks, more bone formation was observed in defects grafted with autograft (P approximately 0.003) and beta-TCP (P approximately 0.00004) than with ABB. No difference could be demonstrated between beta-TCP and autograft. beta-TCP resorbed almost completely over 8 weeks, whereas ABB remained stable. CONCLUSION: Both bone substitutes seemed to decelerate bone regeneration in the early healing phase as compared with autograft. All defects ultimately regenerated with newly formed bone and a developing bone marrow. The grafting materials showed complete osseous integration. Both bone substitutes may have a place in reconstructive surgery where different clinical indications require differences in biodegradability.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this prospective study on humans were to evaluate (a) the clinical outcome of alveolar distraction osteogenesis for the correction of vertically deficient edentulous mandibular ridges, (b) the clinical outcome of dental implants placed in the distracted areas, and (c) the quality and quantity of the bone that had formed in the distraction gap. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Seven patients presenting vertically deficient edentulous ridges were treated by means of distraction osteogenesis with an intraoral alveolar distractor. Approximately 3 months after consolidation of the distracted segments, 20 ITI solid screw SLA implants were placed in the distracted areas. Three to 4 months later, abutments were connected and prosthetic loading of the implants started. During implant site preparation, bone biopsies were taken at the implant sites with trephine burrs for histologic and histometric analyses. RESULTS: The mean follow-up after the initial prosthetic loading was 18 months (range 12-24 months). The mean bone gain obtained at the end of distraction was 7 mm (range 5-9 mm). The cumulative success rate of implants 2 years after the onset of prosthetic loading was 95%, whereas the survival rate of implants was 100%. The newly formed bone consisted of woven bone reinforced by parallel-fibered bone with bone marrow spaces between the bone trabeculae. The bone area fraction in the distraction region ranged from 21.6% to 57.8% (38.5+/-11.7%). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: Results from this study showed that (a) distraction osteogenesis is a reliable technique for the correction of vertically deficient edentulous ridges, (b) the regenerated bone withstood the functional demands of implant loading, (c) survival and success rates of implants placed in the distracted areas were consistent with those of implants placed in native bone, and (d) there is sufficient bone volume and maturity in the distracted region for primary stability of the implant.
INTRODUCTION: This investigation was designed to compare the histomorphometric results from sinus floor augmentation with anorganic bovine bone (ABB) and a new biphasic calcium phosphate, Straumann Bone Ceramic (BCP). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty-eight maxillary sinuses were treated in 37 patients. Residual bone width was > or =6 mm and height was > or =3 mm and <8 mm. Lateral sinus augmentation was used, with grafting using either ABB (control group; 23 sinuses) or BCP (test group; 25 sinuses); sites were randomly assigned to the control or test groups. After 180-240 days of healing, implant sites were created and biopsies taken for histological and histomorphometric analyses. The parameters assessed were (1) area fraction of new bone, soft tissue, and graft substitute material in the grafted region; (2) area fraction of bone and soft tissue components in the residual alveolar ridge compartment; and (3) the percentage of surface contact between the graft substitute material and new bone. RESULTS: Measurable biopsies were available from 56% of the test and 81.8% of the control sites. Histology showed close contact between new bone and graft particles for both groups, with no significant differences in the amount of mineralized bone (21.6+/-10.0% for BCP vs. 19.8+/-7.9% for ABB; P=0.53) in the biopsy treatment compartment of test and control site. The bone-to-graft contact was found to be significantly greater for ABB (48.2+/-12.9% vs. 34.0+/-14.0% for BCP). Significantly less remaining percentage of graft substitute material was found in the BCP group (26.6+/-5.2% vs. 37.7+/-8.5% for ABB; P=0.001), with more soft tissue components (46.4+/-7.7% vs. 40.4+/-7.3% for ABB; P=0.07). However, the amount of soft tissue components for both groups was found not to be greater than in the residual alveolar ridge. DISCUSSION: Both ABB and BCP produced similar amounts of newly formed bone, with similar histologic appearance, indicating that both materials are suitable for sinus augmentation for the placement of dental implants. The potential clinical relevance of more soft tissue components and different resorption characteristics of BCP requires further investigation.
BACKGROUND: Harvesting techniques can affect cellular parameters of autogenous bone grafts in vitro. Whether these differences translate to in vivo bone formation, however, remains unknown. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of different harvesting techniques on bone formation and graft resorption in vivo. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Four harvesting techniques were used: (i) corticocancellous blocks particulated by a bone mill; (ii) bone scraper; (iii) piezosurgery; and (iv) bone slurry collected from a filter device upon drilling. The grafts were placed into bone defects in the mandibles of 12 minipigs. The animals were sacrificed after 1, 2, 4 and 8 weeks of healing. Histology and histomorphometrical analyses were performed to assess bone formation and graft resorption. An explorative statistical analysis was performed. RESULTS: The amount of new bone increased, while the amount of residual bone decreased over time with all harvesting techniques. At all given time points, no significant advantage of any harvesting technique on bone formation was observed. The harvesting technique, however, affected bone formation and the amount of residual graft within the overall healing period. Friedman test revealed an impact of the harvesting technique on residual bone graft after 2 and 4 weeks. At the later time point, post hoc testing showed more newly formed bone in association with bone graft processed by bone mill than harvested by bone scraper and piezosurgery. CONCLUSIONS: Transplantation of autogenous bone particles harvested with four techniques in the present model resulted in moderate differences in terms of bone formation and graft resorption.