982 resultados para Alt Empordà (Catalunya) -- Ressenyes de llibres
Alt a 1 is a protein found in Alternaria alternata spores related to virulence and pathogenicity and considered to be responsible for chronic asthma in children. We found that spores of Alternaria inoculated on the outer surface of kiwifruits did not develop hyphae. Nevertheless, the expression of Alt a 1 gene was upregulated, and the protein was detected in the pulp where it co-localized with kiwi PR5. Pull-down assays demonstrated experimentally that the two proteins interact in such a way that Alt a 1 inhibits the enzymatic activity of PR5. These results are relevant not only for plant defense, but also for human health as patients with chronic asthma could suffer from an allergic reaction when they eat fruit contaminated with Alternaria.
A temperature accelerated life test on concentrator lattice mismatched Ga0.37In0.63P/Ga0.83In0.17As/Ge triple-junction solar cells-on-carrier is being carried out. The solar cells have been tested at three different temperatures: 125, 145 and 165°C and the nominal photo-current condition (500X) is emulated by injecting current in darkness. The final objective of these tests is to evaluate the reliability, warranty period, and failure mechanism of these solar cells in a moderate period of time. Up to now only the test at 165°C has finished. Therefore, we cannot provide complete reliability information, but we have carried out preliminary data and failure analysis with the current results.
Rafael Tasis fou un escriptor català pioner de la novel·la policíaca o detectivesca. Va ser també un destacat crític literari, llibreter, periodista i activista polític. És autor d’una trilogia formada per les obres La bíblia valenciana, Es hora de plegar i Un crim al Paralelo. Les seves aportacions teòriques a la novel·la i, especialment, a la de gènere, van ser de molta envergadura, demostració de la seva enorme capacitat de treball. Tasis va teoritzar sobre el gènere policíac i s’adonà, abans que ningú a Catalunya, de la importància que agafaria la novel·la negra americana. També va apostar per un escriptor inèdit, Manuel de Pedrolo, de qui va considerar que seria el novel·lista català més considerable del segle XX. Com a novel·lista i crític literari va donar testimoni de la vida i els ambients barcelonins i de l’atractiu de la utilització del material urbà de Barcelona com a argument de novel·les. La figura de Tasis respon a la de l'intel·lectual preocupat pels afers públics i, de manera més concreta, a la de l'escriptor en acte de servei permanent.
Liver-on-chip systems are widely seen as having the potential to replace animal testing for long-term liver toxicity assessments. However, such systems necessitate solutions, such as electrochemical microsensors, to provide information about the cells exposed to chemical compounds in a confined space. This study describes the development of microsensors for the detection of alanine-aminotransferase (ALT), an intracellular enzyme found in hepatocytes, for monitoring the viability of in-vitro hepatic cell cultures. The electrochemical sensors were developed by using screen printed electrodes functionalized by drop-casting. These technologies are intended to produce disposable and low-cost sensors that can easily be exchanged once their performance is degraded. The sensors are capable of measuring ALT in a microfluidic environment through the detection of changes in glutamate concentration. The microsensors were found to be stable for more than 60 days and were successfully tested using hepatocellular lysates to assess their capability to quantify ALT activity in a hepatic cell culture. These results open the way to their integration in liver bioreactors to assess hepatocellular toxicity in-vitro.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
First line: Ich sah den Wald sich Färben, die Luft war grau und stumm.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
"Druckfehler:" 4 l. at end.