990 resultados para Alpha-l-fucosidase


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Proliferation of dispersed plant cells in culture is strictly dependent on cell density, and cells in a low-density culture can only grow in the presence of conditioned medium (CM). No known plant hormones have been able to substitute for CM. To quantify the mitogenic activity of CM, we examined conditions for the assay system using mechanically dispersed mesophyll cells of Asparagus officinalis L. and established a highly sensitive bioassay method. By use of this method, the mitogenic activity of CM prepared from asparagus cells was characterized: it was heat-stable, susceptible to pronase digestion, and resistant to glycosidase treatment. On the basis of these results, the mitogenic activity in CM was purified 10(7)-fold by column chromatography, and two factors named phytosulfokine-alpha and -beta (PSK-alpha and PSK-beta) were obtained. By amino acid sequence analysis and mass spectrometry, the structures of these two factors were determined to be sulfated pentapeptide (H-Tyr(SO3H)-Ile-Tyr(SO3H)-Thr-Gln-OH) and sulfated tetrapeptide (H-Tyr(SO3H)-Ile-Tyr(SO3H)-Thr-OH). PSK-alpha and PSK-beta were prepared by chemical synthesis and enzymatic sulfation. The synthetic peptides exhibited the same activity as the natural factors, confirming the structure for PSK-alpha and PSK-beta mentioned above. This is the first elucidation of the structure of a conditioned medium factor required for the growth of low-density plant cell cultures.


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Expression of glucokinase in hepatocytes and pancreatic 6-cells is of major physiologic importance to mammalian glucose homeostasis. Liver glucokinase catalyzes the first committed step in the disposal of glucose, and beta-cell glucokinase catalyzes a rate-limiting step required for glucose-regulated insulin release. The present study reports the expression of glucokinase in rat glucagon-producing alpha-cells, which are negatively regulated by glucose. Purified rat alpha-cells express glucokinase mRNA and protein with the same transcript length, nucleotide sequence, and immunoreactivity as the beta-cell isoform. Glucokinase activity accounts for more than 50% of glucose phosphorylation in extracts of alpha-cells and for more than 90% of glucose utilization in intact cells. The glucagon-producing tumor MSL-G-AN also contained glucokinase mRNA, protein, and enzymatic activity. These data indicate that glucokinase may serve as a metabolic glucose sensor in pancreatic alpha-cells and, hence, mediate a mechanism for direct regulation of glucagon release by extracellular glucose. Since these cells do not express Glut2, we suggest that glucose sensing does not necessarily require the coexpression of Glut2 and glucokinase.


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Cryptococcus neoformans is a major opportunistic fungal pathogen in AIDS and other immunosuppressed patients. We have shown that wild-type haploid C. neoformans can develop an extensive hyphal phase under appropriate conditions. Hyphae produced under these conditions are monokaryotic, possess unfused clamp connections, and develop basidia with viable basidiospores. The ability to undergo this transition is determined by the presence of the alpha-mating type locus and is independent of serotype. The association of the hyphal phase with the alpha-mating type may explain the preponderance of this mating type in the environment and the nature of the infectious propagule of C. neoformans.


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Overactivation of calcium-activated neutral protease (calpain) has been implicated in the pathophysiology of several degenerative conditions, including stroke, myocardial ischemia, neuromuscular degeneration, and cataract formation. Alpha-mercaptoacrylate derivatives (exemplified by PD150606), with potent and selective inhibitory actions against calpain, have been identified. PD150606 exhibits the following characteristics: (i) Ki values for mu- and m-calpains of 0.21 microM and 0.37 microM, respectively, (ii) high specificity for calpains relative to other proteases, (iii) uncompetitive inhibition with respect to substrate, and (iv) it does not shield calpain against inactivation by the active-site inhibitor trans-(epoxysuccinyl)-L-leucyl-amido-3-methylbutane, suggesting a nonactive site action for PD150606. The recombinant calcium-binding domain from each of the large or small subunits of mu-calpain was found to interact with PD150606. In low micromolar range, PD15O6O6 inhibited calpain activity in two intact cell systems. The neuroprotective effects of this class of compound were also demonstrated by the ability of PD150606 to attenuate hypoxic/hypoglycemic injury to cerebrocortical neurons in culture and excitotoxic injury to Purkinje cells in cerebellar slices.


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Transgenic mice carrying a bovine alpha-lactalbumin (alpha-lac) specific ribozyme gene under the transcriptional control of the mouse mammary tumor virus long terminal repeat were generated and cross-bred with animals that highly express a bovine alpha-lac transgene (0.4 mg of alpha-lac/ml(-1) of milk). The ribozyme contains the hammerhead catalytic domain, flanked by 12-nt sequences complementary to the 3' untranslated region of bovine alpha-lac transcript. High-level expression of the ribozyme gene was detected by Northern blot analysis in the mammary gland of 7-8 day lactating transgenic mice, from 3 of 12 lines analyzed. Heterozygous expression of the ribozyme resulted in a reduction in the levels of the target mRNA to 78, 58, and 50% of that observed in the nonribozyme transgenic littermate controls for three independent lines. The ribozyme-mediated reduction in the levels of the bovine protein paralleled that observed for the mRNA, and was positively correlated with the level of expression of the ribozyme. In nonribozyme expressing transgenic mice, the level of bovine alpha-lac mRNA and protein was not affected. The specificity of this activity is demonstrated by the absence of a reduction in the levels of the endogenous murine alpha-lac mRNA or protein. These results demonstrate the feasibility of ribozyme-mediated down-regulation of highly-expressed transcripts in transgenic animals.


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Group B streptococci (GBS) are the most common cause of neonatal sepsis, pneumonia, and meningitis. The alpha C protein is a surface-associated antigen; the gene (bca) for this protein contains a series of tandem repeats (each encoding 82 aa) that are identical at the nucleotide level and express a protective epitope. We previously reported that GBS isolates from two of 14 human maternal and neonatal pairs differed in the number of repeats contained in their alpha C protein; in both pairs, the alpha C protein of the neonatal isolate was smaller in molecular size. We now demonstrate by PCR that the neonatal isolates contain fewer tandem repeats. Maternal isolates were susceptible to opsonophagocytic killing in the presence of alpha C protein-specific antiserum, whereas the discrepant neonatal isolates proliferated. An animal model was developed to further study this phenomenon. Adult mice passively immunized with antiserum to the alpha C protein were challenged with an alpha C protein-expressing strain of GBS. Splenic isolates of GBS from these mice showed a high frequency of mutation in bca--most commonly a decrease in repeat number. Isolates from non-immune mice were not altered. Spontaneous deletions in the repeat region were observed at a much lower frequency (6 x 10(-4)); thus, deletions in that region are selected for under specific antibody pressure and appear to lower the organism's susceptibility to killing by antibody specific to the alpha C protein. This mechanism of antigenic variation may provide a means whereby GBS evade host immunity.


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Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disease in which T cells specific to epitopes of the autoantigen, the human acetylcholine receptor, play a role. We identified two peptides, p195-212 and p259-271, from the alpha subunit of the receptor, which bound to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules on antigen-presenting cells (APCs) from peripheral blood lymphocytes of myasthenia gravis patients and stimulated lymphocytes of >80% of the patients. We have prepared analogs of these myasthenogenic peptides and tested their ability to bind to MHC class II determinants and to interfere specifically with T-cell stimulation. We first determined relative binding efficiency of the myasthenogenic peptides and their analogs to APCs of patients. We found that single substituted analogs of p195-212 (Ala-207) and p259-271 (Lys-262) could bind to human MHC molecules on APCs as efficiently as the original peptides. Moreover, dual analogs containing the two single substituted analogs in one stretch (either sequentially, Ala-207/Lys-262, or reciprocally, Lys-262/Ala-207) could also bind to APCs of patients, including those that failed to bind one of the single substituted analogs. The single substituted analogs significantly inhibited T-cell stimulation induced by their respective myasthenogenic peptides in >95% of the patients. The dual analogs were capable of inhibiting stimulation induced by either of the peptides: They inhibited the response to p195-212 and p259-271 in >95% and >90% of the patients, respectively. Thus, the dual analogs are good candidates for inhibition of T-cell responses of myasthenia gravis patients and might have therapeutic potential.


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The inhibition of alpha i2-/- mouse cardiac isoproterenol-stimulated adenylyl cyclase (AC; EC activity by carbachol and that of alpha i2-/- adipocyte AC by phenylisopropyladenosine (PIA), prostaglandin E2, and nicotinic acid were partially, but not completely, inhibited. While the inhibition of cardiac AC was affected in all alpha i2-/- animals tested, only 50% of the alpha i2-/- animals showed an impaired inhibition of adipocyte AC, indicative of a partial penetrance of this phenotype. In agreement with previous results, the data show that Gi2 mediates hormonal inhibition of AC and that Gi3 and/or Gi1 is capable of doing the same but with a lower efficacy. Disruption of the alpha i2 gene affected about equally the actions of all the receptors studied, indicating that none of them exhibits a striking specificity for one type of Gi over another and that receptors are likely to he selective rather than specific in their interaction with functionally homologous G proteins (e.g., Gi1, Gi2, Gi3). Western analysis of G protein subunit levels in simian virus 40-transformed primary embryonic fibroblasts from alpha i2+/+ and alpha i2-/- animals showed that alpha i2 accounts for about 50% of the immunopositive G protein alpha subunits and that loss of the alpha i2 is accompanied by a parallel reduction in G beta 35 and G beta 36 subunits and by a 30-50% increase in alpha i3. This suggests that G beta-gamma levels may be regulated passively through differential rates of turnover in their free vs. trimeric states. The existence of compensatory increase(s) in alpha i subunit expression raises the possibility that the lack of effect of a missing alpha i2 on AC inhibition in adipocytes of some alpha i2-/- animals may be the reflection of a more pronounced compensatory expression of alpha i3 and/or alpha i1.


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Ca2+ influx controls multiple neuronal functions including neurotransmitter release, protein phosphorylation, gene expression, and synaptic plasticity. Brain L-type Ca2+ channels, which contain either alpha 1C or alpha 1D as their pore-forming subunits, are an important source of calcium entry into neurons. Alpha 1C exists in long and short forms, which are differentially phosphorylated, and C-terminal truncation of alpha 1C increases its activity approximately 4-fold in heterologous expression systems. Although most L-type calcium channels in brain are localized in the cell body and proximal dendrites, alpha 1C subunits in the hippocampus are also present in clusters along the dendrites of neurons. Examination by electron microscopy shows that these clusters of alpha 1C are localized in the postsynaptic membrane of excitatory synapses, which are known to contain glutamate receptors. Activation of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-specific glutamate receptors induced the conversion of the long form of alpha 1C into the short form by proteolytic removal of the C terminus. Other classes of Ca2+ channel alpha1 subunits were unaffected. This proteolytic processing reaction required extracellular calcium and was blocked by inhibitors of the calcium-activated protease calpain, indicating that calcium entry through NMDA receptors activated proteolysis of alpha1C by calpain. Purified calpain catalyzed conversion of the long form of immunopurified alpha 1C to the short form in vitro, consistent with the hypothesis that calpain is responsible for processing of alpha 1C in hippocampal neurons. Our results suggest that NMDA receptor-induced processing of the postsynaptic class C L-type Ca2+ channel may persistently increase Ca2+ influx following intense synaptic activity and may influence Ca2+-dependent processes such as protein phosphorylation, synaptic plasticity, and gene expression.


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A bacteriophage library displaying random decapeptides was used to characterize the binding preference of C-34, a monoclonal antibody originally raised against platelet-type von Willebrand disease platelets heterozygous for the mutation 23OWKQ (G --> V)233V234 in the alpha chain of glycoprotein Ib (GPIb alpha). Three rounds of biopanning C-34 against the library resulted in striking convergence upon the sequence WNWRYREYV. Since no portion of this sequence corresponds to a recognizable peptide sequence within human platelet GPIb alpha, it may be considered a "mimotope" of the naturally occurring C-34 epitope, presumably bearing similarity to it in three-dimensional structure. Synthetic AWNWRYREYV peptide preincubated with C-34 fully neutralized the ability of C-34 to inhibit platelet aggregation, with an IC50 of approximately 6 microg/ml. When biotinylated AWNWRYREYV was subsequently bioparmed against the original decapeptide library, the sole clone demonstrating inhibitory activity above background level in a functional platelet assay displayed the sequence RHVAWWRQGV, and chemically synthesized peptide fully inhibited ristocetin-induced aggregation, with an IC50 of 200-400 microg/ml. Synthesized RHVAWWKQGV peptide exerted only slight inhibition, whereas RHVAWWKQVV peptide showed potent inhibitory activity. Moreover, whereas synthesized wild-type 228YVWKQGVDVK237 GPIb alpha peptide was virtually without inhibitory activity, the 228YVWKQ(G -->V) 233VDVK237 peptide fully inhibited ristocetin-induced aggregation, with an IC50 of approximately 400 microg/ml. These studies raise the possibility of an intramolecular association of peptide regions within GPIb alpha that may play a role in the regulation of von Willebrand factor-dependent platelet aggregation.


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Stimulatory guanine nucleotide binding protein (Gs)-coupled receptors activated by luteinizing hormone, vasopressin, and the catecholamine isoproterenol (luteinizing hormone receptor, type 2 vasopressin receptor, and types 1 and 2 beta-adrenergic receptors) and the Gi-coupled M2 muscarinic receptor (M2R) were expressed transiently in COS cells, alone and in combination with Gbeta gamma dimers, their corresponding Galphas (Galpha(s), or Galpha(i3)) and either Galpha(q) or Galpha(16). Phospholipase C (PLC) activity, assessed by inositol phosphate production from preincorporated myo[3H]inositol, was then determined to gain insight into differential coupling preferences among receptors and G proteins. The following were observed: (i) All receptors tested were able to stimulate PLC activity in response to agonist occupation. The effect of the M2R was pertussis toxin sensitive. (ii) While, as expected, expression of Galpha(q) facilitated an agonist-induced activation of PLC that varied widely from receptor to receptor (400% with type 2 vasopressin receptor and only 30% with M2R), expression of Galpha(16) facilitated about equally well the activation of PLC by any of the tested receptors and thus showed little if any discrimination for one receptor over another. (iii) Gbeta gamma elevated basal (agonist independent) PLC activity between 2- and 4-fold, confirming the proven ability of Gbeta gamma to stimulate PLCbeta. (iv) Activation of expressed receptors by their respective ligands in cells coexpressing excess Gbeta gamma elicited agonist stimulated PLC activities, which, in the case of the M2R, was not blocked by pertussis toxin (PTX), suggesting mediation by a PTX-insensitive PLC-stimulating Galpha subunit, presumably, but not necessarily, of the Gq family. (v) The effects of Gbeta gamma and the PTX-insensitive Galpha elicited by M2R were synergistic, suggesting the possibility that one or more forms of PLC are under conditional or dual regulation of G protein subunits such that stimulation by one sensitizes to the stimulation by the other.


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Testicular germ cell tumors are the most common form of cancer in young adult males. They result from a derangement of primordial germ cells, and they grow out from a noninvasive carcinoma-in-situ precursor. Since carcinoma in situ can readily be cured by low-dose irradiation, there is a great incentive for non- or minimally invasive methods for detection of carcinoma in situ. We have recently shown that human Tera-2 embryonal carcinoma cells, obtained from a nonseminomatous testicular germ cell tumor, show alternative splicing and alternative promoter use of the platelet-derived growth factor alpha-receptor gene, giving rise to a unique 1.5-kb transcript. In this study we have set up a reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction strategy for characterization of the various transcripts for this receptor. Using this technique, we show that a panel of 18 seminomas and II nonseminomatous testicular germ cell tumors all express the 1.5-kb transcript. In addition, a panel of 27 samples of testis parenchyma with established carcinoma in situ were all found to be positive for the 1.5-kb transcript, while parenchyma lacking carcinoma in situ, placenta, and control semen were all negative. These data show that the 1.5-kb platelet-derived growth factor alpha-receptor transcript can be used as a highly selective marker for detection of early stages of human testicular germ cell tumors.


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The pre-T-cell receptor, composed of the T-cell receptor (TCR) beta chain (TCRbeta), pre-Talpha (pTalpha) chain, and CD3 molecules, has been postulated to be a transducer of signals during the early stages of T-cell development. To examine the function of the transmembrane pTalpha chain during tbymocyte development, we generated pTalpha-/- embryonic stem cells and assayed their ability to differentiate into lymphoid cells in vivo after injection into recombination-activating gene (RAG)-2-deficient blastocysts. Thymocytes representing all stages of T-cell differentiation were detected in the thymus of pTalpha-/- chimeric mice, indicating that thymocyte development can occur without pTalpha. However, greatly reduced thymocyte numbers and substantially increased percentages of both CD4-CD8- thymocytes and TCRgammadelta+ thymocytes suggest that pTalpha plays a critical role in thymocyte expansion. To investigate the role of the pTalpha chain in allelic exclusion at the TCRbeta locus, a functionally rearranged TCRbeta minigene was introduced into pTalpha-/- and pTalpha+/- embryonic stem cells, which were subsequently assayed by RAG-2-deficient blastocyst complementation. In the absence of pTalpha, expression of the transgenic TCRbeta inhibited rearrangement of the endogenous TCRbeta locus to an extent similar to that seen in normal TCRbeta transgenic mice, suggesting that pTalpha may not be required for signaling allelic exclusion at the TCRbeta locus.


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Low pH enhances tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF)-induced cytolysis of cancer cells and TNF-membrane interactions that include binding, insertion, and ion-channel formation. We have also found that TNF increases Na+ influx in cells. Here, we examined the structural features of the TNF-membrane interaction pathway that lead to channel formation. Fluorometric studies link TNF's acid-enhanced membrane interactions to rapid but reversible acquisition of hydrophobic surface properties. Intramembranous photolabeling shows that (i) protonation of TNF promotes membrane insertion, (ii) the physical state of the target bilayer affects the kinetics and efficiency of TNF insertion, and (iii) binding and insertion of TNF are two distinct events. Acidification relaxes the trimeric structure of soluble TNF so that the cryptic carboxyl termini, centrally located at the base of the trimer cone, become susceptible to carboxypeptidase Y. After membrane insertion, TNF exhibits a trimeric configuration in which the carboxyl termini are no longer exposed; however, the proximal salt-bridged Lys-11 residues as well as regional surface amino acids (Glu-23, Arg-32, and Arg-44) are notably more accessible to proteases. The sequenced cleavage products bear the membrane-restricted photoreactive probe, proof that surface-cleaved TNF has an intramembranous disposition. In summary, the trimer's structural plasticity is a major determinant of its channel-forming ability. Channel formation occurs when cracked or partially splayed trimers bind and penetrate the bilayer. Reannealing leads to a slightly relaxed trimeric structure. The directionality of bilayer penetration conforms with x-ray data showing that receptor binding to the monomer interfaces of TNF poises the tip of the trimeric cone directly above the target cell membrane.


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Infantile Pompe disease is a fatal genetic muscle disorder caused by a deficiency of acid alpha-glucosidase, a glycogen-degrading lysosomal enzyme. We constructed a plasmid containing a 5'-shortened human acid alpha-glucosidase cDNA driven by the cytomegalovirus promoter, as well as the aminoglycoside phosphotransferase and dihydrofolate reductase genes. Following transfection in dihydrofolate reductase-deficient Chinese hamster ovary cells, selection with Geneticin, and amplification with methotrexate, a cell line producing high levels of the alpha-glucosidase was established. In 48 hr, the cells cultured in Iscove's medium with 5 mM butyrate secreted 110-kDa precursor enzyme that accumulated to 91 micrograms.ml-1 in the medium (activity, > 22.6 mumol.hr-1.ml-1). This enzyme has a pH optimum similar to that of the mature form, but a lower Vmax and Km for 4-methylumbelliferyl-alpha-D-glucoside. It is efficiently taken up by fibroblasts from Pompe patients, restoring normal levels of acid alpha-glucosidase and glycogen. The uptake is blocked by mannose 6-phosphate. Following intravenous injection, high enzyme levels are seen in heart and liver. An efficient production system now exists for recombinant human acid alpha-glucosidase targeted to heart and capable of correcting fibroblasts from patients with Pompe disease.