972 resultados para Alkaline earths
Compounds of Sr3Al2O6: Eu, Sr4Al14O25: Eu, and BaZnSiO4: Eu were synthesized by high-temperature solid state reactions. The doping Eu3+ ions were partially reduced to Eu2+ in Sr4Al14O25: Eu and BaZnSiO4: Eu prepared in an oxidizing atmosphere, N-2 + O-2. However, such an abnormal reduction process could not be performed in Sr3Al2O6: Eu, which was also prepared in an atmosphere of N-2 + O-2. Moreover, even though Sr3Al2O6: Eu was synthesized in a reducing condition CO, only part of the Eu3+ ions was reduced to Eu2+. The existence of trivalent and divalent europium ions was confirmed by photoluminescent spectra. The different valence-change behaviors of europium ions in the hosts were attributed to the difference in host crystal structures. The higher the crystal structure stiffness, the easier the reduction process from Eu3+ to Eu2+.
Novel Er3+-doped bismuth lead strontiam glass was fabricated and characterized, and the absorption spectrum and upconversion spectrum of the glass were studied. The Judd-Ofelt intensity parameters Omega(t)(t = 2, 4, 6) were found to be Omega(2) = 3.27 x 10(-20) cm(2), Omega(4) = 1.15 x 10(-20) cm(2), and Omega(6) = 0.38 x 10(-20) cm(2). The oscillator strength, the spontaneous transition probabilities, the fluorescence branching ratios, and excited state lifetimes were also measured and calculated. The upconversion emission intensity varies with the power of infrared excitation intensity. A plot of log I-up vs log I-IR yields a straight line with slope 1.86, 1.88 and 1.85, corresponding to 525, 546, and 657 nm emission bands, respectively, which indicates that a two-photon process for the red and green emission.
Lamprófiros e diabásios alcalinos afloram no litoral dos estados de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro e integram o Enxame de Diques da Serra do Mar (EDSM). Essas rochas ocorrem sob a forma de diques e intrudem o Orógeno Ribeira, de idade Neoproterozóica/Cambro-Ordoviciana, inserindo-se no contexto geodinâmico de abertura do Oceano Atlântico Sul durante o Cretáceo Superior. Essas intrusões são subverticais e orientam-se preferencialmente a NE-SW, seguindo a estruturação das rochas encaixantes. Os lamprófiros são classificados como monchiquitos e camptonitos e exibem, respectivamente, textura hipocristalina e holocristalina. Apresentam também textura panidiomórfica, fenocristais de clinopiroxênio e olivina, imersos em matriz formada essencialmente por esses mesmos minerais, além de biotita, kaersutita e minerais opacos. O camptonito apresenta ainda plagioclásio na matriz. Os diabásios alcalinos são hipocristalinos a holocristalinos, equigranulares a inequigranulares, com fenocristais de olivina e/ou clinopiroxênio e/ou plagioclásio, em uma matriz composta essencialmente por esses minerais. As rochas estudadas caracterizam séries alcalinas miaskíticas, com os lamprófiros sendo tanto sódicos, potássicos e ultrapotássicos e os diabásios alcalinos como predominantemente sódicos. Modelagens petrogenéticas envolvendo possíveis processos evolutivos mostram que é improvável que os lamprófiros sejam cogenéticos por processos evolutivos envolvendo tanto cristalização fracionada, com ou sem assimilação concomitante, quanto hibridização. O mesmo ocorre para os diabásios alcalinos. A discriminação de fontes mantélicas foi feita com base nos teores de elementos traços de amostras representativas de líquidos parentais e indica que esse magmatismo alcalino está relacionado a fontes lherzolíticas com fusão parcial na zona de estabilidade do espinélio, isto é, a poucas profundidades. Os dados litogeoquímicos e isotópicos do sistema Sr-Nd das rochas estudadas sugerem tanto o envolvimento de fontes férteis, associadas ao manto sublitosférico, quanto de fontes enriquecidas, relacionadas ao manto litosférico subcontinental. Modelagens de mistura binária revelam que a petrogênese dos lamprófiros e diabásios alcalinos envolveu uma grande participação de um componente fértil misturado com contribuições menores de um componente enriquecido. Idades TDM (760-557 Ma) obtidas sugerem remobilização do manto litosférico no Neoproterozóico, talvez relacionadas à subducção da Placa São Francisco preteritamente à colisão do Orógeno Ribeira. Altas razões CaO/Al2O3 para os líquidos lamprofíricos menos evoluídos, altos teores de Zr, correlações negativas Zr/Hf e Ti/Eu e associação com carbonatitos indicam condições metassomáticas de alto CO2/H2O. Em escala local, modelos geodinâmicos baseados na astenosfera não isotérmica parecem mais aplicáveis. No entanto, modelos geodinâmicos baseados na astenosfera isotérmica (com o envolvimento de plumas) parecem mais indicados num contexto regional, considerando-se outras províncias alcalinas contemporâneas e correlatas.
Near-infrared to visible upconversion luminescence was observed in a multicomponent silicate (BK7) glass containing Ce3+ ions under focused infrared femtosecond laser irradiation. The emission spectra show that the upconversion luminescence comes from the 4f-5d transition of the Ce3+ ions. The relationship between the intensity of the Ce3+ emission and the pump power reveals that a three-photon absorption predominates in the conversion process from the near-infrared into the blue luminescence. The analysis of the upconversion mechanism suggests that the upconversion luminescence may come from a three-photon simultaneous absorption that leads to a population of the 5d level in which the characteristic luminescence occurs.
We report femtosecond laser induced valence state and refractive index change in transparent Sin(3+)-doped fluoroaluminate glass. The effect of annealing on the induced changes was studied and the thermal stability of these changes was discussed. The results show that the femtosecond laser induced valence state change is more stable than the induced refractive index change. The observed phenomenon could be applied to design the thermally erasable or stable storage medium. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Electrochemically active Polypyrrole (PPy) nano-fiber array device was fabricated via electrochemical deposition method using aluminum anodic oxide (AAO) membrane as template. After alkaline treatment electrochemically active PPy nano-fiber lost electrochemical activity, and became electrochemically inactive PPy. The electronic properties of PPy nano-fiber array devices were measured by means of a simple method. It was found that for an indium-tin oxide/electrochemically inactive PPy nano-fiber device, the conductivity of nano-fiber increased with the increase of voltage applied on the two terminals of nano-fiber. The electrochemical inactive PPy nano-fiber might be used as a nano-fiber switching diode. Both Au/electrochemically active PPy and Au/electrochemically inactive PPy nano-fiber devices demonstrate rectifying behavior, and might have been used for further application as nano-rectifiers. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All tights reserved.
A new kind of Nd3+, -doped high silica glass (SiO2 > 96% (mass fraction)) was obtained by sintering porous glass impregnated with Nd3+, ions. The absorption and luminescence properties of high silica glass doped with different Nd3+, concentrations were studied. The intensity parameters Omega(t) (t = 2, 4, 6), spontaneous emission probability, fluorescence lifetime, radiative quantum efficiency, fluorescence branching ratio, and stimulated emission cross section were calculated using the Judd-Ofelt theory. The optimal Nd3+ concentration in high silica glass was 0.27% (mole fraction) because of its high quantum efficiency and emission intensity. By comparing the spectroscopic parameters with other Nd3+ doped oxide glasses and commercial silicate glasses, the Nd3+-doped high silica glasses are likely to be a promising material used for high power and high repetition rate lasers.
A new method was used to prepare erbium-doped high silica (SiO2% > 96%) glasses by sintering nanoporous glasses. The concentration of erbium ions in high silica glasses can be considerably more than that in silica glasses prepared by using conventional methods. The fluorescence of 1532 nm has an FWHM (Full Wave at Half Maximum) of 50 nm, wider than 35 nm of EDSFA (erbium-doped silica fiber amplifer), and hence the glass possesses potential application in broadband fiber amplifiers. The Judd-Ofelt theoretical analysis reflects that the quantum efficiency of this erbium-doped glass is about 0.78, although the erbium concentration in this glass (6 x 103) is about twenty times higher than that in silica glass. These excellent characteristics of Er-doped high silica glass will be conducive to its usage in optical amplifiers and microchip lasers.
Optically transparent alumina ceramics were fabricated by conventional process and sintered without pressure in H-2 atmosphere. The results indicate that relative densities of alumina specimens increase to theoretical densities (T. D.) with increasing content of La2O3. With increasing holding time during sintering, much less pores and larger grains were found in the sintered alumina samples. Higher transmittance was achieved in alumina codoped with MgO and La2O3 as compared with that doped with MgO only. The total-transmittance of alumina sample is up to 86% at a wavelength range of 300 - 800 nm.
No presente trabalho, pretendeu-se avaliar a alga marinha Sargassum filipendula na sua capacidade de remoção do metal cobre na presença do metal cálcio, de modo a verificar o efeito da presença do cálcio, proveniente do hidróxido de cálcio (cal hidratada), utilizado no tratamento primário de efluentes por precipitação química. Para tanto, foi realizado primeiramente o estudo da cinética de biossorção de cobre e cálcio em regime de batelada, nas concentrações de 50 e 200 g/mL, e em seguida foi estudado o equilíbrio da biossorção de cobre e cálcio, também em regime de batelada, utilizando soluções isoladas e combinadas de cobre e cálcio, em concentrações variadas, com biomassa lavada com água corrente e com HCl 0,1 mol/L, de modo a verificar se houve melhora na biossorção com a protonação da biomassa. Os resultados do estudo cinético da biossorção do cobre e do cálcio mostraram, em todos os casos, que o equilíbrio ocorreu até os 30 minutos iniciais e que os resultados do cobre se ajustaram melhor a um modelo cinético de segunda ordem, enquanto que os resultados do cálcio não se ajustaram a nenhum dos dois modelos propostos. Foi possível verificar ainda uma relação direta entre biossorção de cobre e liberação de elementos alcalinos e alcalino-terrosos, sugerindo o envolvimento de troca-iônica durante o processo. Já com os resultados de estudo do equilíbrio da biossorção dos metais cobre e cálcio, foi possível obter algumas conclusões, dentre as quais podemos destacar a predileção pelo modelo de isotermas de Langmuir e a interferência na biosorção do cobre causada pela presença do cálcio na solução. Nesta etapa, foi possível ainda estabelecer novamente a correlação de permuta entre os metais cobre e alcalinos/alcalino terrosos. Os modelos de pseudo-primeira ordem e segunda ordem foram utilizados para avaliar a cinética de adsorção dos íons metálicos pela biomassa, enquanto que os modelos das isotermas de Langmuir e de Freundlich, foram utilizados para a representação do equilíbrio da biossorção
By using an Ar+ ion laser, a tunable Rh 6G dye laser(Linewidth : 0.5 cm(-1)) and a Coherent 899-21 dye laser as light sources and using a monochromator and a phase-locking amplifier, the optical properties of Eu3+ : Y2SiO5 crystal were detected. Persistent spectral hole burning (PSHB) were also observed in (5)Do-(7)Fo transition in the crystal at the temperature of 16 K. For 15 mW dye laser (Wavelength : 579.62 nm) burning the crystal for 0.1 s a spectral hole with about 80 MHz hole width were detected and the hole can been keep for longer than 10 h.
In this work, microwave dielectric properties of A-site substitution by La3+ in (Pb0.45Ca0.55) (Fe0.5Nb0.5) 03 system were investigated. Microwave dielectric properties of A-site charge unbalance substitution of [(Pb0.45Ca0.55)(1-x) La-x] (Fe0.5Nb0.5)O-3(+) (P45CLFN) were improved because the solid solution of small amount of surplus La3+ with (Pb, Ca)(2+) could eliminate oxygen vacancies, and the formation of secondary phase (pyrochlore) was also caused by surplus La3+. The decreasing of dielectric constant with the increase of La3+ content is due to the formation of pyrochlore. The grain size is changed slightly and Q(f) values (7000 similar to 7300 GHz) are almost unchanged at x = 0.02 similar to 0.10, but the temperature coefficient of resonant frequency (TCF) are increased and changed from negative to positive. TCF is zero at x 0.075 with Q(f) = 7267 GHz and K = 89. TCF of all specimens are within +/- 5 x 10(-6)degrees C-1.
Spectroscopic properties of Ce-doped yttrium orthoaluminate (Ce:YAlO3 or Ce:YAP) crystals grown by temperature gradient technique (TGT) were investigated, and the effects of the growth conditions on the properties were analyzed.. Methods of optical absorption (OA), photoluminescence (PL), photoluminescence decay (PLD), X-ray excited luminescence (XL) and cathodeluminescence (CL) were used in these investigations. The results showed that the absorption band peak at 202, 394 and 532 nm originated from F and F+ color center induced by the weak reducing growth atmosphere, green emission band near 500 ran derived from Ce3+ -Ce3+ pairs and band at 650 similar to 850 run from some unintentional impurity in crystals.