1000 resultados para Aeronàutica
Due to the high dependence of photovoltaic energy efficiency on environmental conditions (temperature, irradiation...), it is quite important to perform some analysis focusing on the characteristics of photovoltaic devices in order to optimize energy production, even for small-scale users. The use of equivalent circuits is the preferred option to analyze solar cells/panels performance. However, the aforementioned small-scale users rarely have the equipment or expertise to perform large testing/calculation campaigns, the only information available for them being the manufacturer datasheet. The solution to this problem is the development of new and simple methods to define equivalent circuits able to reproduce the behavior of the panel for any working condition, from a very small amount of information. In the present work a direct and completely explicit method to extract solar cell parameters from the manufacturer datasheet is presented and tested. This method is based on analytical formulation which includes the use of the Lambert W-function to turn the series resistor equation explicit. The presented method is used to analyze commercial solar panel performance (i.e., the current-voltage–I-V–curve) at different levels of irradiation and temperature. The analysis performed is based only on the information included in the manufacturer’s datasheet.
The calibration coefficients of two commercial anemometers equipped with different rotors were studied. The rotor cups had the same conical shape, while the size and distance to the rotation axis varied.The analysis was based on the 2-cup positions analytical model, derived using perturbation methods to include second-order effects such as pressure distribution along the rotating cups and friction.Thecomparison with the experimental data indicates a nonuniformdistribution of aerodynamic forces on the rotating cups, with higher forces closer to the rotating axis. The 2-cup analytical model is proven to be accurate enough to study the effect of complex forces on cup anemometer performance.
En muchas áreas de la ingeniería, la integridad y confiabilidad de las estructuras son aspectos de extrema importancia. Estos son controlados mediante el adecuado conocimiento de danos existentes. Típicamente, alcanzar el nivel de conocimiento necesario que permita caracterizar la integridad estructural implica el uso de técnicas de ensayos no destructivos. Estas técnicas son a menudo costosas y consumen mucho tiempo. En la actualidad, muchas industrias buscan incrementar la confiabilidad de las estructuras que emplean. Mediante el uso de técnicas de última tecnología es posible monitorizar las estructuras y en algunos casos, es factible detectar daños incipientes que pueden desencadenar en fallos catastróficos. Desafortunadamente, a medida que la complejidad de las estructuras, los componentes y sistemas incrementa, el riesgo de la aparición de daños y fallas también incrementa. Al mismo tiempo, la detección de dichas fallas y defectos se torna más compleja. En años recientes, la industria aeroespacial ha realizado grandes esfuerzos para integrar los sensores dentro de las estructuras, además de desarrollar algoritmos que permitan determinar la integridad estructural en tiempo real. Esta filosofía ha sido llamada “Structural Health Monitoring” (o “Monitorización de Salud Estructural” en español) y este tipo de estructuras han recibido el nombre de “Smart Structures” (o “Estructuras Inteligentes” en español). Este nuevo tipo de estructuras integran materiales, sensores, actuadores y algoritmos para detectar, cuantificar y localizar daños dentro de ellas mismas. Una novedosa metodología para detección de daños en estructuras se propone en este trabajo. La metodología está basada en mediciones de deformación y consiste en desarrollar técnicas de reconocimiento de patrones en el campo de deformaciones. Estas últimas, basadas en PCA (Análisis de Componentes Principales) y otras técnicas de reducción dimensional. Se propone el uso de Redes de difracción de Bragg y medidas distribuidas como sensores de deformación. La metodología se validó mediante pruebas a escala de laboratorio y pruebas a escala real con estructuras complejas. Los efectos de las condiciones de carga variables fueron estudiados y diversos experimentos fueron realizados para condiciones de carga estáticas y dinámicas, demostrando que la metodología es robusta ante condiciones de carga desconocidas. ABSTRACT In many engineering fields, the integrity and reliability of the structures are extremely important aspects. They are controlled by the adequate knowledge of existing damages. Typically, achieving the level of knowledge necessary to characterize the structural integrity involves the usage of nondestructive testing techniques. These are often expensive and time consuming. Nowadays, many industries look to increase the reliability of the structures used. By using leading edge techniques it is possible to monitoring these structures and in some cases, detect incipient damage that could trigger catastrophic failures. Unfortunately, as the complexity of the structures, components and systems increases, the risk of damages and failures also increases. At the same time, the detection of such failures and defects becomes more difficult. In recent years, the aerospace industry has done great efforts to integrate the sensors within the structures and, to develop algorithms for determining the structural integrity in real time. The ‘philosophy’ has being called “Structural Health Monitoring” and these structures have been called “smart structures”. These new types of structures integrate materials, sensors, actuators and algorithms to detect, quantify and locate damage within itself. A novel methodology for damage detection in structures is proposed. The methodology is based on strain measurements and consists in the development of strain field pattern recognition techniques. The aforementioned are based on PCA (Principal Component Analysis) and other dimensional reduction techniques. The use of fiber Bragg gratings and distributed sensing as strain sensors is proposed. The methodology have been validated by using laboratory scale tests and real scale tests with complex structures. The effects of the variable load conditions were studied and several experiments were performed for static and dynamic load conditions, demonstrating that the methodology is robust under unknown load conditions.
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El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar la influencia que tiene sobre el comportamiento aerodinámico del perfil el hecho de que este presente un borde de salida más grueso que el perfil original del que se partía. Este estudio se ha centrado fundamentalmente en la influencia sobre su sustentación aerodinámica, resistencia aerodinámica y, especialmente, sobre la eficiencia aerodinámica del perfil, es decir sobre la relación entre la sustentación y la resistencia aerodinámica. También se ha analizado su influencia en otros aspectos aerodinámicos de los perfiles, como la entrada en pérdida, el ángulo de ataque de sustentación máxima, el ángulo de ataque de eficiencia máxima, el coeficiente de momento aerodinámico y la posición del centro aerodinámico. Estas imperfecciones en el borde de salida pueden aparecer en algunos procesos de fabricación de determinados elementos aerodinámicos, como alas de aviones no tripulados o palas de aeroturbina. Este fenómeno no ha sido analizado en profundidad en la literatura científica, aunque si que se ha analizado por varios autores la influencia sobre el perfil con el borde de salida truncado, o perfiles con la parte final regruesada, utilizados en otras aplicaciones. Para la realización de este estudio se han analizado perfiles de distinto tipo, laminares y no laminares, perfiles simétricos y con curvatura, así como perfiles con distinto espesor, a fin de comparar el grado de influencia del fenómeno estudiado sobre cada tipo de perfil para comparar su grado de sensibilidad a dicha anomalía geométrica. El estudio se ha realizado experimentalmente utilizando una cámara de ensayos diseñada específicamente a tal efecto, así como una balanza electrónica para medir las fuerzas y los momentos sobre el perfil, y un escáner de presiones para medir la distribución de presiones en determinados casos. También se ha abordado el estudio del comportamiento de perfiles con borde de salida más grueso que el nominal pero redondeado en vez de romo, con el objeto de analizar la eficacia de redondear el borde de salida, que es uno de los métodos que se puede utilizar para mitigar este efecto. Por otro lado, como el comportamiento de los perfiles aerodinámicos tiene una fuerte dependencia del número de Reynolds, el estudio se ha centrado en el análisis del comportamiento a bajos números de Reynolds debido a su uso reciente en una amplia gama de aplicaciones, desde vehículos aéreos no tripulados (UAV) hasta palas de aeroturbinas de baja potencia, e incluso debido a su uso potencial en aeronaves diseñadas para volar en atmósferas de baja densidad como la que existe en Marte. El interés de este estudio está orientado al establecimiento de criterios para cuantificar la influencia que tiene el hecho de que el borde de salida sea más grueso que el nominal en la degradación de su eficiencia aerodinámica máxima, con el objeto de poder establecer los límites de aceptación o rechazo de estas piezas una vez fabricadas, según el tipo de perfil aerodinámico utilizado. Del resultado del análisis de los casos estudiados se puede concluir que según aumenta el espesor del borde de salida, dentro del intervalo de estudio, la sustentación aerodinámica aumenta, así como la sustentación máxima, pero aumenta en mayor proporción la resistencia aerodinámica, por lo que se produce una reducción de la eficiencia aerodinámica, en particular de su valor máximo. Por otro lado, el hecho de redondear el borde de salida del perfil ayuda ligeramente a reducir este efecto. ABSTRACT The aim of this thesis is to analyze the effects of airfoil trailing edges thickness when this is thicker than the airfoil nominal. Several factors may lead to an airfoil trailing edge being thicker than the nominal airfoil, and this may affect various aerodynamic parameters. This study has focus on its influence on the airfoil’s aerodynamic lift, drag and, particularly on the aerodynamic efficiency of the airfoil, that is, the relationship between the aerodynamic lift and drag. It has also been studied how this fact may alter some other aerodynamic aspects of airfoils, such as stall, angle of attack of maximum lift, angle of maximum efficiency, aerodynamic moment coefficient and aerodynamic center position. These imperfections in the trailing edge may appear in some manufacturing processes of certain aerodynamic elements, such as unmanned aircraft wings or wind turbine blades. This phenomenon has not been deeply analyzed in the literature, although several authors have discussed its influence on airfoil with truncated trailing edge, or airfoils with thickened end, used in other applications. Various types of airfoils have been analyzed, laminar and non-laminar, symmetric and curved airfoils, and airfoils with different thickness, in order to compare the degree of influence of the phenomenon studied on each airfoil type and thus, to estimate the degree of sensitivity to the anomaly geometry. The study was carried out experimentally using a test chamber designed specifically for this purpose, as well as an electronic balance to measure the forces and moments on the airfoil, and a pressure scanner to measure distribution of pressures in certain cases. It has also been investigated the behavior of airfoils with trailing edge thicker than the nominal, but rounded instead of blunt, in order to analyze the effectiveness of the trailing edge rounding, which is one of the methods that can be used to mitigate this phenomenon. Moreover, as the behavior of the airfoil is highly dependent on the Reynolds number, the study has been focused on the analysis of the behavior at low Reynolds numbers due to recent use of low Reynolds numbers airfoils in a wide range of applications, from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) to low power wind turbine blades, or even due to their potential use in aircraft designed to fly in low density atmospheres as the one existing in Mars. The main purpose of this research is to establish a set of criteria for quantifying the influence that a thicker-than–nominal-trailing edge has in the degradation of maximum aerodynamic efficiency, aiming at establishing the acceptance limits for these pieces when they are manufactured, according to the type of airfoil used. Based on the results obtained from the analysis of the cases under study it can be concluded that increasing the thickness of the trailing edge, within the range of study, increases aerodynamic lift, as well as maximum lift, but the aerodynamic drag increases in a higher proportion, and consequently there is a reduction of aerodynamic efficiency, particularly, of its maximum value. On the other hand, rounding the trailing edge of the airfoil slightly helps to reduce this effect.
A spaceflight validation of bare electro dynamic tape tether technology was conducted. A S520-25 sounding rocket was launched successfully at 05:00am on 31 August 2010 and successfully deployed 132.6m of tape tether over 120 seconds in a ballistic flight. The electrodynamic performance of the bare tape tether employed as an atmospheric probe was measured. Flight results are introduced through the present progressive report of the demonstration and the results of flight experiment are examined as the premier report of the international cooperation between Japan, Europe, USA and Australia. Future plans for maturing space tether technology, which will play an important role for future space activities, are also discussed.
The SESAR (Single European Sky ATM Research) program is an ambitious re-search and development initiative to design the future European air traffic man-agement (ATM) system. The study of the behavior of ATM systems using agent-based modeling and simulation tools can help the development of new methods to improve their performance. This paper presents an overview of existing agent-based approaches in air transportation (paying special attention to the challenges that exist for the design of future ATM systems) and, subsequently, describes a new agent-based approach that we proposed in the CASSIOPEIA project, which was developed according to the goals of the SESAR program. In our approach, we use agent models for different ATM stakeholders, and, in contrast to previous work, our solution models new collaborative decision processes for flow traffic management, it uses an intermediate level of abstraction (useful for simulations at larger scales), and was designed to be a practical tool (open and reusable) for the development of different ATM studies. It was successfully applied in three stud-ies related to the design of future ATM systems in Europe.
This paper describes an agent-based approach for the simulation of air traffic management (ATM) in Europe that was designed to help analyze proposals for future ATM systems. This approach is able to represent new collaborative deci-sion processes for flow traffic management, it uses an intermediate level of ab-straction (useful for simulations at larger scales), and was designed to be a practi-cal tool (open and reusable) for the development of different ATM studies. It was successfully applied in three studies related to the design of future ATM systems in Europe.
The calibration coefficients of several models of cup and propeller anemometers were analysed. The analysis was based on a series of laboratory calibrations between January 2003 and August 2007. Mean and standard deviation values of calibration coefficients from the anemometers studied were included. Two calibration procedures were used and compared. In the first, recommended by the Measuring network of Wind Energy Institutes (MEASNET), 13 measurement points were taken over a wind speed range of 4 to 16 m s−1. In the second procedure, 9 measurement points were taken over a wider speed range of 4 to 23 m s−1. Results indicated no significant differences between the two calibration procedures applied to the same anemometer in terms of measured wind speed and wind turbines' Annual Energy Production (AEP). The influence of the cup anemometers' design on the calibration coefficients was also analysed. The results revealed that the slope of the calibration curve, if based on the rotation frequency and not the anemometer's output frequency, seemed to depend on the cup center rotation radius.
Here, Vortex-Induced Vibrations (VIVs) of a circular cylinder are analyzed as a potential source for energy harvesting. To this end, VIV is described by a one-degree-of-freedom model where fluid forces are introduced from experimental data from forced vibration tests. The influence of some influencing parameters, like the mass ratio m∗ or the mechanical damping ζ in the energy conversion factor is investigated. The analysis reveals that: (i) the maximum efficiency ηM is principally influenced by the mass-damping parameter m∗ζ and there is an optimum value of m∗ζ where ηM presents a maximum; (ii) the range of reduced velocities with significant efficiency is mainly governed by m∗, and (iii) it seems that encouraging high efficiency values can be achieved for high Reynolds numbers.
The calibration results (the transfer function) of an anemometer equipped with several cup rotors were analyzed and correlated with the aerodynamic forces measured on the isolated cups in a wind tunnel. The correlation was based on a Fourier analysis of the normal-to-the-cup aerodynamic force. Three different cup shapes were studied: typical conical cups, elliptical cups and porous cups (conical-truncated shape). Results indicated a good correlation between the anemometer factor, K, and the ratio between the first two coefficients in the Fourier series decomposition of the normal-to-the-cup aerodynamic force
In the present study the geometry of cups is experimentally studied through anemometer performance. This performance is analyzed in two different ways. On the one hand the anemometer transfer function between cases is compared. On the other hand the stationary rotation speed is decomposed into constant and harmonic terms, the comparison being established between the last ones. Results indicate that some cup shapes can improve the uniformity of anemometer rotation, this fact being important to reduce degradation due to ageing.
The 1-diode/2-resistors electric circuit equivalent to a photovoltaic system is analyzed. The equations at particular points of the I–V curve are studied considering the maximum number of terms. The maximum power point as a boundary condition is given special attention. A new analytical method is developed based on a reduced amount of information, consisting in the normal manufacturer data. Results indicate that this new method is faster than numerical methods and has similar (or better) accuracy than other existing methods, numerical or analytical.
The cup anemometer has been used widely by the wind energy industry since its early beginning, covering two fundamental aspects: wind mill performance control and wind energy production forecast. Furthermore, despite modern technological advances such as LIDAR and SODAR, the cup anemometer remains clearly the most used instrument by the wind energy industry. Together with the major advantages of this instrument (precision, robustness), some issues must be taken into account by scientists and researchers when using it. Overspeeding, interaction with stream wakes due to allocation on masts and wind- mills, loss of performance due to wear and tear, change of performance due to different climatic conditions, checking of the maintenance status and recalibration, etc. In the present work a review of the research campaigns carried out at the IDR/UPM Institute to analyze cup anemometer performance is included. Several aspects of this instrument are examined: the calibration process, the loss of performances due to aging and wear and tear, the effect of changes of air density, the rotor aerodynamics, and the harmonic terms contained in the anemometer output signal and their possible relation to the anemometer performances.
Due to the high dependence of photovoltaic energy efficiency on environmental conditions (temperature, irradiation...), it is quite important to perform some analysis focusing on the characteristics of photovoltaic devices in order to optimize energy production, even for small-scale users. The use of equivalent circuits is the preferred option to analyze solar cells/panels performance. However, the aforementioned small-scale users rarely have the equipment or expertise to perform large testing/calculation campaigns, the only information available for them being the manufacturer datasheet. The solution to this problem is the development of new and simple methods to define equivalent circuits able to reproduce the behavior of the panel for any working condition, from a very small amount of information. In the present work a direct and completely explicit method to extract solar cell parameters from the manufacturer datasheet is presented and tested. This method is based on analytical formulation which includes the use of the Lambert W-function to turn the series resistor equation explicit. The presented method is used to analyze the performance (i.e., the I - V curve) of a commercial solar panel at different levels of irradiation and temperature. The analysis performed is based only on the information included in the manufacturer's datasheet.