813 resultados para Administração hospitalar : Controle : Gestao : Custo : Sistema ABC : Custeio baseado em atividades : Avaliacao


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This paper presents a multi-agent architecture that was designed to develop processes supervision and control systems, with the main objective to automate tasks that are repetitive and stressful, and error prone when performed by humans. A set of agents were identified, based on the study of a number of applications found in the literature, that use the approach of multi-agent systems for data integration and process monitoring to faults detection and diagnosis, these agents are used as basis of the proposed multi-agent architecture. A prototype system for the analysis of abnormalities during oil wells drilling was developed.


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O processo de retificação é considerado um dos últimos na cadeia de produção de peças de precisão. Assim, é essencial ter um sistema de monitoramento confiável para este processo. Neste trabalho é proposto um sistema de medição de vibração, rápido e versátil, baseado na plataforma de prototipagem eletrônica de hardware livre Arduino, com objetivo de monitorar em tempo real o processo de retificação plana, especialmente no que diz respeito à condição da peça retificada. Para este trabalho ensaios experimentais foram realizados numa máquina retificadora plana, empregando um rebolo de óxido de alumínio e uma peça de aço ABNT 1020. Por meio de um sensor piezelétrico de PZT (Pb-Lead Zirconate Titanate) de baixo custo, instalado junto à peça e conectado a uma das portas analógicas do hardware, foi possível medir o sinal de vibração durante o processo de retificação. Verificou-se que, a medida com que o rebolo perdia sua capacidade de corte, em função das consecutivas passadas sobre a peça, ocorria também uma significativa diminuição dos valores médios do sinal de vibração. Tal diminuição do sinal de vibração pode indicar o momento que o rebolo deve ser dressado, permitindo monitorar a qualidade superficial da peça durante o processo de retificação, evitando danos como é o caso da queima superficial. O princípio de operação e as principais características dessa técnica foram investigados, bem como algumas de suas limitações práticas.


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Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB


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The Patient Classification System has become essential concerning to the practice in management and care from a nurse. This study analyzed the implementation of Assistance Sites in an intensive care unit for adults as a way of organization and classification of patients, as well as the impact of this process on the quality of care according to the Nursing Activities Score and the relation with the Hospital Infection. This is a quantitative, prospective, descriptive and transversal study. The data collection was realized from July until October 2010. The sample was consisted of 214 patients, mostly male, neurosurgical and with a mid age of 57 years. The NAS was on the average of 71.72%. Regarding the Hospital Infection before and after implantation, there was a reduction in the rates of pneumonia. However, the nursing workload remained the same. Moreover, It was evident the importance of using the Nursing Activities Score and the implementation of new ways for classification of patients to improve the organization of the care.


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The use of Information and Communication Technology has grown in most agricultural activities. As a consequence, it has changed the way of thinking and acting of the farmer who wants to establish a more and more competitive market. However, the high costs of acquisition and maintenance of those technologies may be a factor which can inhibit its spread and acceptance, mainly to a large number of small grain Brazilian farmers. In this context, there is a need for innovative solutions that are proper for this universe of farmers. Starting from this premise, this paper presents the development of a low cost prototype to the monitoring process of temperature and humidity values of grains stored in silos, using communication based on wireless technology by radio frequency. Therefore, the economic implications of cost/benefit ratio of innovative application of wireless transmission in the process of thermometry of grains were analysed. The prototype was made of two electronic units, one of acquisition and another one of data reception, as well as computational software, which offered the farmer more precise information for the control of aeration. By means of stability, integrity and reliability tests of data transmission via radio, using low cost electronic components, the development system can be considered as potentially viable. It presented the difference regarding the wireless communication via radio in the process of grains thermometry, providing mobility, reducing cabling costs and maintenance, and also offering an easy system expansion; it was also appropriate to temperature and humidity monitoring in grain silos; and revealed operational viability, besides the low cost development when compared to similar products available in the Brazilian market.


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Biodiesel is a reality in Brazil, due to the National Program of Biodiesel Production and Use (PNPB), which became mandatory in 2008 in adding 2% biodiesel in all diesel sold in a blend known as B2. The agribusiness sector responded to the federal program, facing many difficulties in biodiesel production, which highlights the supply of raw material. Problems related to biodiesel production were mainly the shortage of vegetable oil, because of demand from domestic and foreign markets, and rising prices of raw materials available for production, making this biofuel production economically feasible, even in Brazil, where agricultural production costs are among the most competitive in the world. The crambe is a specie that has aroused the interest of Brazilian producers due to oil content, hardiness, and mechanized cultivation, mainly for being a winter crop, it becomes one more option for farmers in this period. In addition, you can compose systems of crop rotation as well as being used as ground cover in winter. The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential for productive and cost of production of crambe, conducted in no-tillage system, to compare these parameters with other oil crops such as sunflower, canola and soybean. The trial was conducted in the agricultural year 2008 at the Experimental Farm Lageado belonging to the Faculty of Agronomic Sciences - UNESP, located in Botucatu - SP. The estimated yield was 1.507,05 kg ha-1, resulting in a production of 561,94 liters of oil per hectare. The cost of installation and conduct of crambe per hectare was R$ 875,87, resulting in a cost of R$ 1,56 per liter of oil, the lowest cost among the oilseed crops analyzed.


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The use of alternative energy systems in the current days is an urgent necessity due to the problems that the planet is facing as the heating and loss of ozone layer. The scarcity of conventional energy is another problem that must be solved for the future of humanity. It must be considered that the people are inhabiting places moved away not always with available energy. The application of technologies as automation and control can help us to solve this problem. Therefore, this work aimed at apply an equipment of industrial usage, the Programmable Logical Controller, PLC, in alternative energies systems, as eolic generation and fotovoltaic generation used for water pumping, aiming the automatic control and the efficiency in the places where it has simultaneous availability of these sources, based in criterion of priority that previously established itself between them. It was made a hydraulic and energetic evaluation of the energy system, eolic and fotovoltaic, used in the automatic control system of pumping, in the place of accomplishment of the experiment, according to previously established physical conditions. The results have shown that the control system using the PLC is practicable and has trustworthiness. The program developed can be adapted for the use with several power plants in a specific application place. The fotovoltaic system of pumping, using a polycrystalline of 70 Watts connected to a pump Shurflo 8000, showed to be efficient with significant flows in almost all the months. The eolic system of pumping, using an eolic generator of 400 Watts assembled in place of experiment, did not demonstrate energetic capacity for use in this specific type of application.


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The present work is about a comparative study of two methodologies (MIALHE and ASABE), used to calculate the cost per hectare in the tillage operation in the culture of corn. The methodology of ASABE presents a higher cost per hectare in relation to the MIALHE proposal, being that the methodologies presents similar costs related to the depreciation expenses, accommodation and insurance. The differences were that in the ASABE proposal, the biggest expenses involved the payment of interest, fuel, lube and handwork, while in the MIALHE methodology, only the expense regarding to maintenance was more. The methodology of ASABE most suitable for management costs per hectare.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Over the past two years, Brazil has been facing a major water crisis in its history and the state of Sao Paulo is the one that has been going through worst difficulties. In this scenario, all water users should do everything possible so that the consumption of water resources is carried out in a sustainable manner. In this context, the companies responsible for the public water supply must increase the efficiency of water resource management. It is indispensable combating losses in the public supply system. When there is a non-visible leak in a pipe, the wastewater volume can be high, but in this case, the water returns to nature and continues to participate in the hydrological cycle. The economic loss corresponds to the value added to the product water, which includes the intrinsic costs of exploration, processing and distribution. This damage results in a reduced availability of financial resources of sanitation companies to invest in environmentally friendly solutions. This study aimed to diagnose the water distribution system in the city of Guaratinguetá (SP), held by the Companhia de Serviços de Água, Esgoto e Resíduos de Guaratinguetá (SAEG), to propose measures to combat water loss. Among the proposed measures, there is the monitoring of losses, planning for replacement of old pipes and company awareness as a whole in relation to combat water losses


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Over the past two years, Brazil has been facing a major water crisis in its history and the state of Sao Paulo is the one that has been going through worst difficulties. In this scenario, all water users should do everything possible so that the consumption of water resources is carried out in a sustainable manner. In this context, the companies responsible for the public water supply must increase the efficiency of water resource management. It is indispensable combating losses in the public supply system. When there is a non-visible leak in a pipe, the wastewater volume can be high, but in this case, the water returns to nature and continues to participate in the hydrological cycle. The economic loss corresponds to the value added to the product water, which includes the intrinsic costs of exploration, processing and distribution. This damage results in a reduced availability of financial resources of sanitation companies to invest in environmentally friendly solutions. This study aimed to diagnose the water distribution system in the city of Guaratinguetá (SP), held by the Companhia de Serviços de Água, Esgoto e Resíduos de Guaratinguetá (SAEG), to propose measures to combat water loss. Among the proposed measures, there is the monitoring of losses, planning for replacement of old pipes and company awareness as a whole in relation to combat water losses


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O princípio da controlabilidade prevê que os gestores deveriam ser avaliados com base em fatores controláveis. Consequentemente, os incentivos gerenciais estariam relacionados a práticas de contabilidade gerencial capazes de evitar que os gestores sejam responsabilizados por resultados financeiros além do controle gerencial, tais como análise por centro de responsabilidade, custo padrão, preço de transferência, orçamento e avaliação de desempenho. Este artigo desenvolve um estudo de campo para investigar se há relação entre a presença de incentivos gerenciais e as práticas de contabilidade gerencial associadas ao princípio da controlabilidade. Entrevistas in loco foram realizadas para a coleta de dados em nível organizacional e testes estatísticos não paramétricos foram utilizados para a análise dos dados. Entre as práticas de contabilidade gerencial examinadas, os resultados sugerem que apenas orçamento anual, análise por centro de responsabilidade e avaliação de desempenho estão associados à presença de sistemas de incentivos nas empresas entrevistadas.


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A seleção e a otimização de sistemas mecanizados são os principais objetivos da mecanização racional. Não é suficiente uma compra adequada do maquinário agrícola se sua utilização não for controlada em aspectos operacionais e financeiros. Neste trabalho, é descrito o desenvolvimento de software para estimativa do custo operacional de máquinas agrícolas (MAQCONTROL), utilizando o ambiente de desenvolvimento Borland Delphi e o banco de dados Firebird. Os custos operacionais foram divididos em fixos e variáveis. Nos custos fixos, foram estimadas as despesas com depreciação, juros, alojamento e seguros. Nos custos variáveis, foi dada ênfase aos custos de manutenção como: óleos lubrificantes, filtros, pneus, graxa, combustível, pequenos reparos e troca de peças. Os resultados demonstraram a eficiência do software para os objetivos propostos. Assim, o MAQCONTROL pode ser uma importante ferramenta no processo de administração rural, pois reduz os custos da informação e agiliza a determinação precisa dos custos operacionais de máquinas agrícolas.


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OBJETIVOS: Comparar custos e benefícios clínicos de três terapias adicionais à metformina (MF) para pacientes com diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DMT2). MÉTODOS: Um modelo de simulação de eventos discretos foi construído para estimar a relação custo-utilidade (custo por QALY) da saxagliptina como uma terapia adicional à MF comparada à rosiglitazona ou pioglitazona. Um modelo de impacto orçamentário (BIM - Budget Impact Model) foi construído para simular o impacto econômico da adoção de saxagliptina no contexto do Sistema Suplementar de Saúde brasileiro. RESULTADOS: O custo de aquisição da medicação para o grupo de pacientes hipotéticos analisados, para o horizonte temporal de três anos, foi de R$ 10.850.185,00, R$ 14.836.265,00 e R$ 14.679.099,00 para saxagliptina, pioglitazona e rosiglitazona, respectivamente. Saxagliptina exibiu menores custos e maior efetividade em ambas as comparações, com economias projetadas para os três primeiros anos de -R$ 3.874,00 e -R$ 3.996,00, respectivamente. O BIM estimou uma economia cumulativa de R$ 417.958,00 com o reembolso da saxagliptina em três anos a partir da perspectiva de uma operadora de plano de saúde com 1 milhão de vidas cobertas. CONCLUSÃO: Da perspectiva da fonte pagadora privada, a projeção é de que o acréscimo de saxagliptina à MF poupe custos quando comparado ao acréscimo de rosiglitazona ou pioglitazona em pacientes com DMT2 que não atingiram a meta de hemoglobina glicada (HbA1c) com metformina em monoterapia. O BIM, para a inclusão de saxagliptina nas listas de reembolso das operadoras de planos de saúde, indicou uma economia significativa para o horizonte de 3 anos.