939 resultados para Active joint count of zero


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Certain situations and pathological processes that arise with temporomandibular joint destruction can only be resolved with surgical reconstructive procedures in order to attempt a functional and anatomical rehabilitation of this joint. Many of these situations can be surgically treated with the patient's own autologous tissues. However, in some patients reconstruction is complex and the use of autologous tissues is unadvisable whereas reconstruction utilizing alloplastic materials may be an appropriate alternative. The following report describes 4 clinical cases in which autologous grafts or Christensen joint prosthesis are employed in temporomandibular joint reconstruction


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Data are urgently needed to better understand processes of care in Swiss primary care (PC). A total of 2027 PC physicians, stratified by canton, were invited to participate in the Swiss Primary care Active Monitoring network, of whom 200 accepted to join. There were no significant differences between participants and a random sample drawn from the same physician databases based on sex, year of obtaining medical school diploma, or location. The Swiss Primary care Active Monitoring network represents the first large-scale, nationally representative practice-based research network in Switzerland and will provide a unique opportunity to better understand the functioning of Swiss PC.


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INTRODUCTION: The performance of ultrasound (US) in the diagnosis of acute gouty (MSU) arthritis and calcium pyrophosphate (CPP) arthritis is not yet well defined. Most studies evaluated US as the basis for diagnosing crystal arthritis in already diagnosed cases of gout and few prospective studies have been performed. METHODS: One hundred nine consecutive patients who presented an acute arthritis of suspected microcrystalline arthritis were prospectively included. All underwent an US of the symptomatic joints(s) and of knees, ankles and 1(st) metatarsopalangeal (MTP) joints by a rheumatologist "blinded" to the clinical history. 92 also had standard X-rays. Crystal identification was the gold standard. RESULTS: Fifty-one patients had MSU, 28 CPP and 9 had both crystals by microscopic analysis. No crystals were detected in 21. One had septic arthritis. Based on US signs in the symptomatic joint, the sensitivity of US for both gout and CPP was low (60 % for both). In gout, the presence of US signs in the symptomatic joint was highly predictive of the diagnosis (PPV = 92 %). When US diagnosis was based on an examination of multiple joints, the sensitivity for both gout and CPP rose significantly but the specificity and the PPV decreased. In the absence of US signs in all the joints studied, CPP arthritis was unlikely (NPV = 87 %) particularly in patients with no previous crisis (NPV = 94 %). X-ray of the symptomatic joints was confirmed to be not useful in diagnosing gout and was equally sensitive or specific as US in CPP arthritis. CONCLUSIONS: Arthrocenthesis remains the key investigation for the diagnosis of microcrystalline acute arthritis. Although US can help in the diagnostic process, its diagnostic performance is only moderate. US should not be limited to the symptomatic joint. Examination of multiple joints gives a better diagnostic sensitivity but lower specificity.


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This paper presents a preliminary study on the degradation of spray paint samples, illustrated by Optical, FTIR and Raman measurements. As opposed to automotive paints which are specifically designed for improved outdoor exposure and protected using hindered amine light absorbers (HALS) and ultra-violet absorbers (UVA), the spray paints on their side are much simpler in composition and very likely to suffer more from joint effects of solar radiation, temperature and humidity. Six different spray paint were exposed to outdoor UV-radiation for a total period of three months and both FTIR and Raman measurements were taken systematically during this time. These results were later compared to an artificial degradation using a climate chamber. For infrared spectroscopy, degradation curves were plotted using the photo-oxidation index (POI), and could be successfully approximated with a logarithmic fitting (R2 > 0.8). The degradation can appear after the first few days of exposure and be important until 2 months, where it stabilizes and follow a more linear trend afterwards. One advantage is that the degradation products appeared almost exclusively at the far end (∼3000 cm−1) of mid-infrared spectra, and that the fingerprint region of the spectra remained stable over the studied period of time. Raman results suggest that the pigments on the other side, are much more stable and have not shown any sign of degradation over the time of this study. Considering the forensic implications of this environmental degradation, care should be taken when comparing samples if weathering is an option (e.g. an exposed graffiti compared to the paint from a fresh spray paint can). Degradation issues should be kept in mind as they may induce significant differences between paint samples of common origin.


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The effective notch stress approach for the fatigue strength assessment of welded structures as included in the Fatigue Design Recommendation of the IIW requires the numerical analysis of the elastic notch stress in the weld toe and weld root which is fictitiously rounded with a radius of 1mm. The goal of this thesis work was to consider alternate meshing strategies when using the effective notch stress approach to assess the fatigue strength of load carrying partial penetration fillet-welded cruciform joints. In order to establish guidelines for modeling the joint and evaluating the results, various two-dimensional (2D) finite element analyses were carried out by systematically varying the thickness of the plates, the weld throat thickness, the degree of bending, and the shape and location of the modeled effective notch. To extend the scope of this work, studies were also carried out on the influence of


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Temporary streams are those water courses that undergo the recurrent cessation of flow or the complete drying of their channel. The structure and composition of biological communities in temporary stream reaches are strongly dependent on the temporal changes of the aquatic habitats determined by the hydrological conditions. Therefore, the structural and functional characteristics of aquatic fauna to assess the ecological quality of a temporary stream reach cannot be used without taking into account the controls imposed by the hydrological regime. This paper develops methods for analysing temporary streams' aquatic regimes, based on the definition of six aquatic states that summarize the transient sets of mesohabitats occurring on a given reach at a particular moment, depending on the hydrological conditions: Hyperrheic, Eurheic, Oligorheic, Arheic, Hyporheic and Edaphic. When the hydrological conditions lead to a change in the aquatic state, the structure and composition of the aquatic community changes according to the new set of available habitats. We used the water discharge records from gauging stations or simulations with rainfall-runoff models to infer the temporal patterns of occurrence of these states in the Aquatic States Frequency Graph we developed. The visual analysis of this graph is complemented by the development of two metrics which describe the permanence of flow and the seasonal predictability of zero flow periods. Finally, a classification of temporary streams in four aquatic regimes in terms of their influence over the development of aquatic life is updated from the existing classifications, with stream aquatic regimes defined as Permanent, Temporary-pools, Temporary-dry and Episodic. While aquatic regimes describe the long-term overall variability of the hydrological conditions of the river section and have been used for many years by hydrologists and ecologists, aquatic states describe the availability of mesohabitats in given periods that determine the presence of different biotic assemblages. This novel concept links hydrological and ecological conditions in a unique way. All these methods were implemented with data from eight temporary streams around the Mediterranean within the MIRAGE project. Their application was a precondition to assessing the ecological quality of these streams.


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We present a retrospective study on 22 operations of exostosis of the external auditory canal in 20 patients. 8 patients were passionated by water sports. The most frequent indication for surgery (13 operations) was recurrent external otitis or ceruminal obstruction. In 7 cases the need for a wider access to the middle ear indicated surgery. Surgery was usually performed as an outpatient procedure, maximum hospitalization was 3 days. The mean healing period was 6 (3-10) weeks. Mean follow up was 43 (3-110) months. There were no severe intraoperative complications such as facial paresis, lesions of the ossicles or of the inner ear. As intraoperative complications we found 2 perforations of the tympanic membrane, 2 expositions of the capsule of the mandibular joint, one of which was followed by chronic pain. As postoperative complications we found an early soft tissue stenosis of the external auditory canal and one late soft tissue stenosis which recurred after revision surgery. No recurrence of exostosis was seen. We describe an up to now unknown complication: the appearance of bilateral petrositis caused by staphylococcus epidermidis after bilateral surgery in an otherwise healthy patient. This study confirms that severe complications are rare, minor ones however relatively common. And that also minor complications may have a troublesome follow. Therefore and because of the potential of severe complications indication for surgery must be made cautiously and risks of the operation must not be underestimated.


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Abstract Objective: To analyze the prevalence of anatomical variations of celiac arterial trunk (CAT) branches and hepatic arterial system (HAS), as well as the CAT diameter, length and distance to the superior mesenteric artery. Materials and Methods: Retrospective, cross-sectional and predominantly descriptive study based on the analysis of multidetector computed tomography images of 60 patients. Results: The celiac trunk anatomy was normal in 90% of cases. Hepatosplenic trunk was found in 8.3% of patients, and hepatogastric trunk in 1.7%. Variation of the HAS was observed in 21.7% of cases, including anomalous location of the right hepatic artery in 8.3% of cases, and of the left hepatic artery, in 5%. Also, cases of joint relocation of right and left hepatic arteries, and trifurcation of the proper hepatic artery were observed, respectively, in 3 (5%) and 2 (3.3%) patients. Mean length and caliber of the CAT were 2.3 cm and 0.8 cm, respectively. Mean distance between CAT and superior mesenteric artery was 1.2 cm (standard deviation = 4.08). A significant correlation was observed between CAT diameter and length, and CAT diameter and distance to superior mesenteric artery. Conclusion: The pattern of CAT variations and diameter corroborate the majority of the literature data. However, this does not happen in relation to the HAS.


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Borrelia burgdorferi infektoitujen hiirten antibioottihoidon jälkeinen oireilu Lymen borrelioosi on puutiaisten välittämä monimuotoinen infektiotauti, jonka tunnetuin oire on ns. vaeltava ihottuma eli erythema migrans. Muita tavallisia ilmentymiä ovat erityisesti nivel- ja hermosto-oireet sekä harvemmin sydän- ja silmäoireet. Suurin osa potilaista paranee täysin terveeksi antibioottihoidon avulla, mutta jopa 10 % borrelioosiin sairastuneista oireilee suositusten mukaisesta hoidosta huolimatta. Pitkittyneen oireilun on ajateltu johtuvan mm. infektion laukaisemasta autoimmuunitaudista tai kroonisesta infektiosta, mutta teorioiden tueksi ei ole kyetty esittämään kiistattomia todisteita. Onkin todennäköistä, että antibioottihoidon jälkeisen oireilun takana on useampia mekanismeja eikä yksi teoria selitä kaikkien potilaiden oireilua. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä on tutkittu hoidonjälkeistä borrelioosia hiirimallin avulla. Varhaisvaiheessa (2 viikkoa infektoinnin jälkeen) annettu antibiootti vähensi hiirten nivelturvotusta ja esti B. burgdorferi – bakteerin kasvun kudoksista otetuista näytteissä. Hoidettu¬jen hiirten B. burgdorferi -spesifiset IgG-luokan vasta-aineet pysyivät kuitenkin koholla ja osasta kudosnäytteistä löytyi B. burgdorferi:n DNA:ta PCR-tutkimuksen avulla. Mikäli hiiret hoidettiin myöhäisessä vaiheessa (yli 18 viikkoa infektoinnista) tulokset olivat muuten samanlaiset, mutta keftriaksoni ei vaikuttanut nivelturvotukseen. Näin hiirissä oli aikaansaatu tilanne, joka on hyvin samankaltainen ihmisen hoitoresistentin borrelia-artriitin kanssa: oireet jatkuvat, mutta taudinaiheuttajaa ei saada esiin. Inflammaatiota vaimentavaa anti-TNF-alphaa on käytetty nivelreuman hoidossa menestyksekkäästi huonosti muuhun hoitoon reagoivilla potilailla ja siitä syystä sen ajateltiin voivan vaikuttaa suotuisasti myös B. burgdorferi -infektoitujen hiirten hoidonjälkeiseen nivelturvotukseen. Sillä ei kuitenkaan ollut vaikutusta nivelturvotukseen, mutta yllättäen hoidon jälkeen osa hiirten kudosnäytteistä osoittautui viljelypositiivisiksi. On siis ilmeistä, että hiirimallissamme osa B. burgdorferi spirokeetoista pystyy välttämään keftriaksonihoidon vaikutuksen joko hakeutumalla elimistössä kudokseen, jossa antibiootin pitoisuus ei nouse riittävän korkeaksi, tai ne kykenevät muuntautumaan metabolisesti inaktiiviin tilaan eikä mikrobilääke yhdessä immuunipuolustuksen kanssa onnistu tappamaan niitä. Jatkotutkimuksissa selvitimme B. burgdorferi - spirokeetan mahdollista piilopaikkaa tutkimalla antibioottihoidon jälkeen useita eri kudoksia PCR-menetelmällä. Tulosten perusteella spirokeetta näyttää suosivan nivelkudosta tai soluja, joita esiintyy nivelessä runsaasti. On kuitenkin edelleen epäselvää, missä muodossa B. burgdorferi –spirokeetat säilyvät kudoksessa antibioottihoidon jälkeen.


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The stochastic convergence amongst Mexican Federal entities is analyzed in panel data framework. The joint consideration of cross-section dependence and multiple structural breaks is required to ensure that the statistical inference is based on statistics with good statistical properties. Once these features are accounted for, evidence in favour of stochastic convergence is found. Since stochastic convergence is a necessary, yet insufficient condition for convergence as predicted by economic growth models, the paper also investigates whether-convergence process has taken place. We found that the Mexican states have followed either heterogeneous convergence patterns or divergence process throughout the analyzed period.


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Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the main particle accelerator at CERN. LHC is created with main goal to search elementary particles and help science investigate our universe. Radiation in LHC is caused by charged particles circular acceleration, therefore detectors tracing particles in existed severe conditions during the experiments must be radiation tolerant. Moreover, further upgrade of luminosity (up to 1035 cm-2s-1) requires development of particle detector’s structure. This work is dedicated to show the new type 3D stripixel detector with serious structural improvement. The new type of radiation-hard detector has a three-dimensional (3D) array of the p+ and n+ electrodes that penetrate into the detector bulk. The electrons and holes are then collected at oppositely biased electrodes. Proposed 3D stripixel detector demonstrates that full depletion voltage is lower that that for planar detectors. Low depletion voltage is one of the main advantages because only depleted part of the device is active are. Because of small spacing between electrodes, charge collection distances are smaller which results in high speed of the detector’s response. In this work is also briefly discussed dual-column type detectors, meaning consisting both n+ and p+ type columnar electrodes in its structure, and was declared that dual-column detectors show better electric filed distribution then single sided radiation detectors. The dead space or in other words low electric field region in significantly suppressed. Simulations were carried out by using Atlas device simulation software. As a simulation results in this work are represented the electric field distribution under different bias voltages.


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This paper analyses the impact of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) on Middle East and North African Countries (MENA) trade for the period 1994-2010. The analysis distinguishes between industrial and agricultural trade to take into account the different liberalisation schedules. An augmented gravity model is estimated using up-to-date panel data techniques to control for all time-invariant bilateral factors that influence bilateral trade as well as for the so-called multilateral resistance factors. We also control for the endogeneity of the agreements and test for self-selection bias due to the presence of zero trade in our sample. The main findings indicate that North-South-FTAs and South-South- FTAs have a differential impact in terms of increasing trade in MENA countries, with the former being more beneficial in terms of exports for MENA countries, but both showing greater global market integration. We also find that FTAs that include agricultural products, in which MENA countries have a clear comparative advantage, have more favourable effects for these countries than those only including industrial products. JEL code: F10, F15


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Based on a specially created mass spectral database utilizing 23 tetradecenyl and 22 hexadecenyl acetate standards along with Kóvats retention indices obtained on a very polar stationary phase [poly (biscyanopropyl siloxane)] (SP 2340), (Z)-9-hexadecenyl acetate, (Z)-11-hexadecenyl acetate and (E)-8-hexadecenyl acetate were identified in active pheromone extracts of Elasmopalpus lignosellus. This identification was more efficient than our previous study using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with a dimethyl disulfide derivative where we could only identify the first two acetates. The acetate composition of the pheromone gland differed from region to region in Brazil and from that from the Tifton (GA, USA) population, suggesting polymorphism or a different sub-species.


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The function of lipids in human nutrition has been intensively debated in the last decade.This context reinforces the concern about controlling the trans fat ingestion, due to its negative implications on health. Interesterification provides an important alternative to modify the consistency of oils and fats without causing formation of trans isomers. This article reports research done towards production of zero trans fats by chemical interesterification, for different industrial purposes. Aspects related to the effect of trans fats on diet, their impact on health and modifications in Brazilian legislation are also covered.


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Chromium toxicity affects redox reactions within plant cells, generating detrimental reactive oxygen species. Glutathione is an antioxidant peptide and also a substrate for the production of phytochelatins, which are chelating peptides reported to mitigate Cr3+ toxicity in plants. In this study, Brachiaria brizantha (B. brizantha) and Brachiaria ruziziensis (B. ruziziensis) seedlings were evaluated for physiological responses and glutathione production following the addition of zero or 5 mg L-1 Cr3+ to the nutrient solution. Glutathione levels were determined by colorimetric analysis at 412 nm using 5,5'-dithio-bis(2-nitrobenzoic acid) as a chromophore reagent and recovery with glutathione reductase (with evaluations at days 10 and 20 of continuous growth). The assessments were carried out in a completely randomized design with 2 authentic replications, and arranged in a 23 factorial. Cr3+ caused an average increase of 0.76 mg g-1 in the initial glutathione content. However, by day 20 there was an average reduction of 3.63 mg g-1. Chromium-affected physiological detrimental responses, albeit detected in both species, were less-pronounced in B. ruziziensis, along with a much higher level of glutathione. This study indicates that B. ruziziensis has a greater tolerance for chromium toxicity than B. brizantha, and that glutathione is likely to be involved in the mitigation of chromium stress in B. ruziziensis.