796 resultados para Academies and Institutions
A partir do conceito de ‘acção cultural’ proposto por Freire (1982), de actividade dialógica, consciencializada, educativa e libertadora, este estudo procurou perceber em que medida as Bibliotecas Públicas Provinciais moçambicanas desenvolvem acção cultural e que impacto estes sistemas apresentam no desenvolvimento humano da sociedade moçambicana. Procurou-se identificar, especificamente, os aspectos normativos destes sistemas, descrever os respectivos processos de acção cultural; explicar o envolvimento dos utilizadores nas diferentes actividades; e, por último, verificar qual o impacto das Bibliotecas Públicas Provinciais no desenvolvimento humano. Com recurso a técnicas de inquérito por questionário e a entrevistas, foram inquiridos os dirigentes das Bibliotecas Públicas Provinciais e algumas personalidades ligadas ao Livro, Leitura e Bibliotecas, sobre o contexto das políticas culturais existentes em Moçambique e sobre o funcionamento destes sistemas a fim de responderem às necessidades informacionais da população moçambicana. Os dados analisados permitem concluir que apesar de se poderem observar algumas dinâmicas inovadoras, as actividades das entidades supra mencionadas se centram mais na animação e menos na acção cultural. Pode constatar-se, também, que tais actividades são levadas a cabo de forma isolada, sem periodicidade regular e sem qualquer plano político-estratégico para a sua realização. Verifica-se, por outro lado, a carência de quadros com competências e formação em áreas de gestão administrativa, programas informáticos e projectos culturais que possam constituir a base de uma estrutura funcional. A ausência de funcionamento em rede destes sistemas é outra das omissões constatadas face às recomendações internacionais. Paralelamente, foi possível concluir que, as Bibliotecas Públicas Provinciais têm funcionando como peça fundamental de todo processo de ensino e aprendizagem, contribuindo, assim, para o desenvolvimento humano desta população.
The Action Plan on visas adopted during the recent EU-Ukraine summit is a success for Ukraine. It is the first time that Kyiv has succeeded in obtaining a definition of the conditions and criteria whose fulfilment will enable Ukraine to apply for the lifting of EU visas for its citizens. Ukraine's strong point has been its political will; the lifting of this visa regime has been a priority for all Ukrainian governments since 2005. Since Viktor Yanukovych became president, Ukraine has adopted or prepared key legal acts that brought it nearer to European standards in the area of border and migration management. One of Kyiv's strengths is also its relatively well reformed and efficiently managed border service. Moreover, illegal transit migration via Ukraine is decreasing, and fewer Ukrainians are trying to enter or stay in the EU illegally. Also, Kyiv has efficiently implemented the EU-Ukraine readmission agreement. The hardest task for Ukraine will be to meet the EU’s expectations concerning values, the condition of Ukrainian democracy, and the rule of law. Corruption remains the main barrier to Ukraine's development and modernisation; the courts are weak and the judicial system inefficient. The main undertaking of the new migration service that is being formed at the moment will be to create a civil system of registration, monitoring and regulating the stays of foreign nationals. This may prove difficult, as the supervisory authority (the Ministry of the Interior) remains an unreformed, police-type bureaucratic institution. Ukraine is lagging behind countries such as Russia, Belarus and Moldova when it comes to the introduction of biometric documents. Another problem is the lack of an electronic information system on foreign nationals, visas and border crossings which would be accessible to all the relevant services and institutions. For these reasons, the complete abolition of visas seems to be a longterm perspective, especially considering that many EU countries, which themselves are faced with the problem of migrants’ integration, are rather sceptical about the further liberalisation of movement of people with their eastern neighbours. In the immediate future, if Ukraine meets some of the requirements set by the EU, it will be able to seek the extension of the visa facilitations that have been in operation since 2008.
In 2011 Croatia entered the final stage of its accession negotiations with the EU. The completion of these negotiations will probably coincide with the parliamentary elections which should be held in November or December this year. The elections are likely to bring about a change of government, as public support for Jadranka Kosor's cabinet and her party, the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) has been declining; the left-wing opposition is likely to take power. Therefore, the government’s main goal is to complete the accession negotiations in the first half of the year, in order to sign the accession treaty and hold the EU membership referendum before the parliamentary elections. The HDZ believes that only the successful completion of the accession negotiations could increase its chances of a good result in the upcoming elections. At the same time, fearing a further fall in support, the government will avoid any decisions and reforms that would be controversial for the public, especially in the sphere of the economy; such decisions could also increase Euroscepticism among the Croatian public, and result in the rejection of EU accession in the referendum. The government in Zagreb hopes that the currently implemented anti-corruption strategy and reform of the judiciary, as well as the advanced process of adaptation to EU conditions, will be enough to complete the negotiations. This strategy has a serious chance of success, considering that there is considerable support for Croatia's membership among the EU countries and institutions. Another reason is that further prolongation of the negotiations could aggravate hostility towards the EU among the Croatian public, and would be a bad sign for other Balkan states with membership aspirations. However, subordinating Croatian policies to the completion of negotiations in the first half of the year could prove to be adverse for Croatia itself in the longer term, as it would put off the necessary structural reforms.
One objective of Computable general equilibrium (CGE) models is the analysis of economy-wide effects of policy measures. The focus of the Factor Markets project is to analyse the functioning of factor markets for agriculture in the EU-27, including the Candidate Countries. While agricultural and food markets are fully integrated in a European single market, subject to an EU-wide common policy, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), this is not the case for the agricultural factor markets capital, labour and land. There are partly serious differences with regard to member state regulations and institutions affecting land, labour and capital markets. The presentation of this heterogeneity of factor markets amongst EU Member States have been implemented in the CGE models to improve model-based analyses of the CAP and other policy measures affecting agricultural production. This final report comprises the outcome of a systematic extension and improvement of the Modular Applied GeNeral Equilibrium Tool (MAGNET) model starting from an overview of the current state of the art to represent factor markets in CGE models to a description of work on labour, land and capital in MAGNET.
Despite all the evidence presented by a range of respected figures and institutions, and the paucity of the arguments on the Brexit side, which failed to set out the alternative to EU membership, the emotional appeal for ‘independence’ has won. This is a bad day for Europe. The Bremain campaign has not connected with enough voters, with the perceived need to limit migration, the wish to make decisions independent of the EU and a vote against ‘the establishment’ all seemingly playing a role.
No reports issued: 1946/1947-1971/1973
Description based on: T. 1, vyp. 1 (1972)
State printer varies.
Printed for distribution amongst those persons and institutions only, to whom the original work was presented.
Vol.3 was destroyed by fire while in press, but the material for the volume was re-edited and published in 1895
Report year ends in May.
Includes in appendix II a copy of the Community Mental Health Services Act, Division 5 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, which "is comprised of two acts : the Lanterman-Petris-Short Act and a revised version of the Short-Doyle Act of 1957."
La importancia del marxismo en el pensamiento latinoamericano ha sido señalada en reiteradas oportunidades. Su capacidad para generar diversos proyectos políticos y culturales fue una característica central de dicha tradición, desplegada a través de distintos agentes e instituciones desde la llegada de los escritos de Marx y Engels a América Latina a fines del siglo XIX. Sin embargo, buena parte de esa historia todavía es parcial, anclada en perspectivas nacionales y poco atenta al estudio de sus formas materiales, esto es, a aquellos aspectos a través de los cuales el discurso marxista logró conformar una materialidad específica, tanto para la elaboración teórica como la acción de militantes, obreros, estudiantes e intelectuales. El trabajo tiene como objetivo proponer una exploración del marxismo latinoamericano desde la perspectiva de la reconstrucción de su mundo impreso, a partir de delinear una serie de problemas, temas y reflexiones solventados en el estudio de la editorial Coyoacán de Jorge Abelardo Ramos a principios de los años sesentas en la Argentina
To promote the range of interventions for building family/general practice (family medicine) research capacity, we describe successful international examples. Such examples of interventions that build research capacity focus on diseases and illness research, as well as process research; monitor the output of research in family/general practice (family medicine); increase the number of family medicine research journals; encourage and enable research skills acquisition (including making it part of professional training); strengthen the academic base; and promote research networks and collaborations. The responsibility for these interventions lies with the government, colleges and academies, and universities. There are exciting and varied methods of building research capacity in family medicine.
Although the current level of organic production in industrialised countries amounts to little more than 1-2 percent, it is recognised that one of the major issues shaping agricultural output over the next several decades will be the demand for organic produce (Dixon et al. 2001). In Australia, the issues of healthy food and environmental concern contribute to increasing demand and market volumes for organic produce. However, in Indonesia, using more economical inputs for organic production is a supply-side factor driving organic production. For individual growers and processors, conversion from conventional to organic agriculture is often a challenging step, entailing a thorough revision of established practices and heightened market insecurity. This paper examines the potential for a systems approach to the analysis of the conversion process, to yield insights for household and community decisions. A framework for applying farming systems research to investigate the benefits of organic production in both Australia and Indonesia is discussed. The framework incorporates scope for farmer participation, crucial to the understanding of farming systems; analysis of production; and relationships to resources, technologies, markets, services, policies and institutions in their local cultural context. A systems approach offers the potential to internalise the external effects that may be constraining decisions to convert to organic production, and for the design of decision-making tools to assist households and the community. Systems models can guide policy design and serve as a mechanism for predicting the impact of changes to the policy and market environments. The increasing emphasis of farming systems research on community and environment in recent years is in keeping with the proposed application to organic production, processing and marketing issues. The approach will also facilitate the analysis of critical aspects of the Australian production, marketing and policy environment, and the investigation of these same features in an Indonesian context.