1000 resultados para Abordagem individual
Monitoring of internal exposure for nuclear medicine workers requires frequent measurements due to the short physical half-lives of most radionuclides used in this field. The aim of this study was to develop screening measurements performed at the workplace by local staff using standard laboratory instrumentation, to detect whether potential intake has occurred. Such measurements do not enable to determine the committed effective dose, but are adequate to verify that a given threshold is not exceeded. For radioiodine, i.e. (123)I, (124)I, (125)I and (131)I, a calibrated surface contamination monitor is placed in front of the thyroid to detect whether the activity threshold has been exceeded. For radionuclides with very short physical half-lives (≤6 h), such as (99m)Tc and those used in positron emission tomography imaging, i.e. (11)C, (15)O, (18)F and (68)Ga, screening procedures consist in performing daily measurements of the ambient dose rate in front of the abdomen. Other gamma emitters used for imaging, i.e. (67)Ga, (111)In and (201)Tl, are measured with a scintillation detector located in front of the thorax. For pure beta emitters, i.e. (90)Y and (169)Er, as well as beta emitters with low-intensity gamma rays, i.e. (153)Sm, (177)Lu, (186)Re and (188)Re, the procedure consists in measuring hand contamination immediately after use. In Switzerland, screening procedures have been adopted by most nuclear medicine services since such measurements enable an acceptable monitoring while taking into account practical and economic considerations.
Mitochondria in intact cells maintain low Na(+) levels despite the large electrochemical gradient favoring cation influx into the matrix. In addition, they display individual spontaneous transient depolarizations. The authors report here that individual mitochondria in living astrocytes exhibit spontaneous increases in their Na(+) concentration (Na(mit)(+) spiking), as measured using the mitochondrial probe CoroNa Red. In a field of view with approximately 30 astrocytes, up to 1,400 transients per minute were typically detected under resting conditions. Na(mit)(+) spiking was also observed in neurons, but was scarce in two nonneural cell types tested. Astrocytic Na(mit)(+) spikes averaged 12.2 +/- 0.8 s in duration and 35.5 +/- 3.2 mM in amplitude and coincided with brief mitochondrial depolarizations; they were impaired by mitochondrial depolarization and ruthenium red pointing to the involvement of a cation uniporter. Na(mit)(+) spiking activity was significantly inhibited by mitochondrial Na(+)/H(+) exchanger inhibition and sensitive to cellular pH and Na(+) concentration. Ca(2+) played a permissive role on Na(mit)(+) spiking activity. Finally, the authors present evidence suggesting that Na(mit)(+) spiking frequency was correlated with cellular ATP levels. This study shows that, under physiological conditions, individual mitochondria in living astrocytes exhibit fast Na(+) exchange across their inner membrane, which reveals a new form of highly dynamic and localized functional regulation.
A person's physical and social environment is considered as an influencing factor in terms of rates of engagement in physical activity. This study analyses the influence of socio-demographic, physical and social environmental factors on physical activity reported in the adult population in Andalusia. This is a cross-sectional study using data collected in the Andalusia Health Survey in 1999 and 2003. In addition to the influence of the individual's characteristics, if there are no green spaces in the neighbourhood it is less likely that men and women will take exercise (OR = 1.26; 95% CI = 1.13, 1.41). Likewise, a higher local illiteracy rate also has a negative influence on exercise habits in men (OR = 1.39; 95% CI = 1.21, 1.59) and in women (OR = 1.22; 95% CI = 1.07, 1.40). Physical activity is influenced by individuals' characteristics as well as by their social and physical environment, the most disadvantaged groups are less likely to engage in physical activity.
We use panel data from the U. S. Health and Retirement Study, 1992-2002, to estimate the effect of self-assessed health limitations on the active labor market participation of older men. Self-assessments of health are likely to be endogenous to labor supply due to justification bias and individual-specific heterogeneity in subjective evaluations. We address both concerns. We propose a semiparametric binary choice procedure that incorporates nonadditive correlated individual-specific effects. Our estimation strategy identifies and estimates the average partial effects of health and functioning on labor market participation. The results indicate that poor health plays a major role in labor market exit decisions.
Objective: Mephedrone has been recently made illegal in Europe, but little empirical evidence is available on its impact on human cognitive functions. We investigated acute and chronic effects of mephedrone consumption on drug-sensitive cognitive measures, while also accounting for the influence of associated additional drug use and personality features. Method: Twenty-six volunteers from the general population performed tasks measuring verbal learning, verbal fluency and cognitive flexibility before and after a potential drug-taking situation (pre- and post-clubbing at dance clubs, respectively). Participants also provided information on chronic and recent drug use, schizotypal (O-LIFE) and depressive symptoms (Beck depression inventory), sleep pattern and premorbid IQ. Results: We found that i) mephedrone users performed worse than non-users pre-clubbing, and deteriorated from the pre-clubbing to the post-clubbing assessment, ii) pre-clubbing cannabis and amphetamine (not mephedrone) use predicted relative cognitive attenuations, iii) post-clubbing, depression scores predicted relative cognitive attenuations, and iv) schizotypy was largely unrelated to cognitive functioning, apart from a negative relationship between cognitive disorganisation and verbal fluency. Conclusion: Results suggest that polydrug use and depressive symptoms in the general population negatively affect cognition. For schizotypy, only elevated cognitive disorganisation showed potential links to a pathological cognitive profile previously reported along the psychosis dimension.
Neste trabalho, pretendeu-se verificar os fatores que influenciaram as mudanças individuais e organizacionais percebidas pelos funcionários de uma organização pública que sofreu intervenções durante quatro anos. O estudo foi desenvolvido em três etapas: mensuração das características organizacionais anteriores às intervenções, por meio de questionários; investigação dos objetivos de uma intervenção específica e das demandas de mudanças levantadas pelos funcionários da organização, para construir um instrumento de avaliação da percepção de mudança; e investigação dos fatores que influenciam a percepção de mudança individual e organizacional. Os fatores preditores da percepção de mudanças na organização foram: características da organização, entendidas como variáveis culturais - valores organizacionais e configurações de poder (mensurados antes e depois da intervenção); características organizacionais facilitadoras de mudança; e variáveis individuais como atitudes diante da mudança organizacional (mensuradas após a intervenção). A variável-critério, ou dependente, para a pesquisa foi a percepção de mudanças organizacional e individual. Foram usadas regressões hierárquicas para analisar as relações postuladas pela pesquisa. Os resultados indicaram os valores organizacionais de autonomia e igualitarismo, além das atitudes de aceitação e temor, como os preditores mais frequentes das mudanças percebidas.
BACKGROUND Some controversy remains about the potential applicability of cognitive potentials for evaluating the cerebral activity associated with cognitive capacity. A fundamental requirement is that these neurophysiological parameters show a high level of stability over time. Previous studies have shown that the reliability of diverse parameters of the P3 component (latency and amplitude) ranges between moderate and high. However, few studies have paid attention to the retest reliability of the P3 topography in groups or individuals. Considering that changes in P3 topography have been related to different pathologies and healthy aging, the main objective of this article was to evaluate in a longitudinal study (two sessions) the reliability of P3 topography in a group and at the individual level. RESULTS The correlation between sessions for P3 topography in the grand average of groups was high (r = 0.977, p<0.001). The within-subject correlation values ranged from 0.626 to 0.981 (mean: 0.888). In the between-subjects topography comparisons, the correlation was always lower for comparisons between different subjects than for within-subjects correlations in the first session but not in the second session. CONCLUSIONS The present study shows that P3 topography is highly reliable for group analysis (comprising the same subjects) in different sessions. The results also confirmed that retest reliability for individual P3 maps is suitable for follow-up studies for a particular subject. Moreover, P3 topography appears to be a specific marker considering that the between-subjects correlations were lower than the within-subject correlations. However, P3 topography appears more similar between subjects in the second session, demonstrating that is modulated by experience. Possible clinical applications of all these results are discussed.
As pesquisas tradicionais sobre liderança fazem uso de uma abordagem atomizada, que desconsidera os efeitos de diferentes padrões (gestalts) do construto e prioriza a lógica de uma variável por vez. A partir dessa crítica, o objetivo no presente trabalho é analisar a relação de distintas gestalts (configurações) de liderança transformacional com o comprometimento organizacional. Para a consecução desse objetivo, foram analisados 331 questionários de funcionários de oito organizações do setor de serviços. O método de pesquisa é classificado como levantamento (survey), com amostragem não probabilística por conveniência. Para o tratamento dos dados, fez-se uso da técnica de modelagem de equações estruturais no processo de análise da validade e confiabilidade das escalas. Na sequência, a análise de cluster evidenciou três configurações de liderança, denominadas: desorientação, subliderança e conversão. Para a verificação da influência dessas gestalts sobre o comprometimento organizacional, foi testado um modelo linear generalizado - MANCOVA fatorial. Os resultados indicaram a relação entre as configurações de liderança transformacional e as dimensões afetiva, instrumental e normativa do comprometimento; entretanto, para o comprometimento instrumental, a relação é mediada pelo grau de instrução dos liderados. Por fim, são discutidas as implicações dos achados empíricos.
This review on intra-individual factors affecting drug metabolism completes our series on the biochemistry of drug metabolism. The article presents the molecular mechanisms causing intra-individual differences in enzyme expression and activity. They include enzyme induction by transcriptional activation and enzyme inhibition on the protein level. The influencing factors are of physiological, pathological, or external origin. Tissue characteristics and developmental age strongly influence enzyme-expression patterns. Further influencing factors are pregnancy, disease, or biological rhythms. Xenobiotics, drugs, constituents of herbal remedies, food constituents, ethanol, and tobacco can all influence enzyme expression or activity and, hence, affect drug metabolism.
RESUMOA escolha da carreira é uma decisão importante e em geral é feita em um ambiente repleto de incertezas por pessoas relativamente jovens e inexperientes. Neste estudo, buscou-se analisar a decisão de escolha entre uma carreira em uma empresa privada e outra em um órgão público, considerando que existe flexibilidade para migrar do setor privado para o público por meio de concurso. Para tanto, utilizou-se a metodologia das opções reais para modelar essa opção de troca, assumindo-se que os ganhos futuros no setor privado são incertos. Os resultados sugerem que a opção de ingressar na carreira pública pode ter valor significativo em relação à privada.
Este artigo refere-se ao problema específico do planejamento de programas de Promoção de Saúde e Educação, o qual envolve três níveis: o nível institucional, o nível programático e o nível dos usuários. Onde quer que tenha início o compromisso técnico, o ideal é organizar os três níveis, pois se assim não for o planejamento do programa será provavelmente acidental, fragmentado e ineficiente. Faz-se alguns comentários sobre a teoria de implementação, discutindo-se barreiras à implementação de programas em saúde e educação.
Background: Excessive exposure to solar Ultra-Violet (UV) light is the main cause of most skin cancers in humans. Factors such as the increase of solar irradiation at ground level (anthropic pollution), the rise in standard of living (vacation in sunny areas), and (mostly) the development of outdoor activities have contributed to increase exposure. Thus, unsurprisingly, incidence of skin cancers has increased over the last decades more than that of any other cancer. Melanoma is the most lethal cutaneous cancer, while cutaneous carcinomas are the most common cancer type worldwide. UV exposure depends on environmental as well as individual factors related to activity. The influence of individual factors on exposure among building workers was investigated in a previous study. Posture and orientation were found to account for at least 38% of the total variance of relative individual exposure. A high variance of short-term exposure was observed between different body locations, indicating the occurrence of intense, subacute exposures. It was also found that effective short-term exposure ranged between 0 and 200% of ambient irradiation, suggesting that ambient irradiation is a poor predictor of effective exposure. Various dosimetric techniques enable to assess individual effective exposure, but dosimetric measurements remain tedious and tend to be situation-specific. As a matter of facts, individual factors (exposure time, body posture and orientation in the sun) often limit the extrapolation of exposure results to similar activities conducted in other conditions. Objective: The research presented in this paper aims at developing and validating a predictive tool of effective individual exposure to solar UV. Methods: Existing computer graphic techniques (3D rendering) were adapted to reflect solar exposure conditions and calculate short-term anatomical doses. A numerical model, represented as a 3D triangular mesh, is used to represent the exposed body. The amount of solar energy received by each "triangle is calculated, taking into account irradiation intensity, incidence angle and possible shadowing from other body parts. The model take into account the three components of the solar irradiation (direct, diffuse and albedo) as well as the orientation and posture of the body. Field measurements were carried out using a forensic mannequin at the Payerne MeteoSwiss station. Short-term dosimetric measurements were performed in 7 anatomical locations for 5 body postures. Field results were compared to the model prediction obtained from the numerical model. Results: The best match between prediction and measurements was obtained for upper body parts such as shoulders (Ratio Modelled/Measured; Mean = 1.21, SD = 0.34) and neck (Mean = 0.81, SD = 0.32). Small curved body parts such as forehead (Mean = 6.48, SD = 9.61) exhibited a lower matching. The prediction is less accurate for complex postures such as kneeling (Mean = 4.13, SD = 8.38) compared to standing up (Mean = 0.85, SD = 0.48). The values obtained from the dosimeters and the ones computed from the model are globally consistent. Conclusion: Although further development and validation are required, these results suggest that effective exposure could be predicted for a given activity (work or leisure) in various ambient irradiation conditions. Using a generic modelling approach is of high interest in terms of implementation costs as well as predictive and retrospective capabilities.
Este artigo aborda aspectos do atendimento das necessidades psico-sociais do paciente hospitalizado ressaltando que a compreensão das suas funções mentais auxilia a enfermeira na identificação das disfunções que traduzem necessidades psico-sociais presentes. E um desafio para a enfermeira o atendimento desses aspectos na atual estrutura de saúde, que não valoriza o homem de maneira holística. Por serem fenômenos mais sutis que os fisiológicos, a abordagem do aspecto psico-social exige maior tempo de presença física da enfermeira, ouvir criticamente o paciente, fazendo uso de questões abertas e validando o que o paciente lhe diz e o seu não verbal. Estar atenta aos aspectos psico-sociais do paciente traduz uma postura ética e de humanização no atendimento de Enfermagem.
Neste estudo nossa trajetória dirigiu-se para a compreensão da experiência vivida pelos alunos do Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem, da EEUSP, na assistência à mulher em uma comunidade de baixa renda da cidade de São Paulo. Obtivemos descrições dos alunos e os dados foram analisados seguindo os passos da fenomenologia. Identificamos cinco temas: experiência gratificante, estimulante e valiosa; experiência de vida, de crescimento pessoal e de quebra de preconceito; atividade que permite conhecer o outro lado da assistência; atividade prática que possibilita sedimentação do conhecimento adquirido teoricamente; experiência importante e necessária. A experiência vivenciada pelos alunos mostrou-se satisfatória favorecendo o processo de ensino-aprendizagem.